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  • File :1237390159.jpg-(310 KB, 1550x716, 2GUFZMI3QPP2TTJ5AB4LOSYM5AJLM6WN.jpg)
    310 KB Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)11:29 No.28716128  
    Hi GUYS!

    Just gonna spread the love!

    PS3 Has good gaems now, and is the most powerful console
    XBOX is a solid console that sometimes has hardware issues, but has the best game roster
    Wii has outdated graphical capacity but really fun games and an great control scheme when done right
    PC is really good for gaming, but is a tad inaccessible for some folks.


    I hope you have a nice day of gaming, /v/!
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)11:30 No.28716175
    >PS3 Has good gaems now, and is the most powerful console
    >most powerful console

    Power of Cell.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)11:32 No.28716223
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    There will be no hate in this thread. Only love.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)11:34 No.28716260
    >>most powerful console

    With a GeForce 7900 as its video chip? GTFO!
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)11:35 No.28716307
    He said most powerful CONSOLE

    Geez chill out. you're not gonna argue that the wii or the console that came out a year before the ps3 is the most powerful, are you?
    >> Inferior !hMUcizjEUE 03/18/09(Wed)11:36 No.28716326

    You're about to fight a losing battle.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)11:36 No.28716337
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    oh boi, why did i LOL?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)11:36 No.28716338
    Madworld is fun
    So is RE5
    I respect that sometimes you will enjoy games that I find shitty.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)11:37 No.28716359

    Nah, if it gets to trollan in the thread, i'll just delete and start anew.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)11:38 No.28716370
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    >> The Furry that is killing /v/ !!YMAzfwAFWCl 03/18/09(Wed)11:38 No.28716385
    Squadala! We're off!
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)11:39 No.28716408
    I give this thread a 10/10. It's just that awesome.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)11:40 No.28716436
    I love you.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)11:41 No.28716457
    turn 360 degrees and walk away
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)11:41 No.28716459
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    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)11:41 No.28716460
    Highfive OP
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)11:41 No.28716462
    Sometimes its fun to play video games with friends in the same room
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)11:42 No.28716490
         File :1237390937.jpg-(9 KB, 325x242, Roger Klotz in a suit.jpg)
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    >best game roster
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)11:42 No.28716502
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    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)11:45 No.28716567
    Pleasant thread? In MY /v/?
    I approve. :D
    >> !OSakaQCVow 03/18/09(Wed)11:46 No.28716615
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    Worthwhile threads? In /v/?

    Thank you op
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)11:47 No.28716631

    aww, he's trying so hard.

    heres a hug for you too, troll. You can come out from under the bridge and play with us.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)11:48 No.28716658
    While I favour the PC for gaming purposes, I can completely understand the appeal of consoles, and enjoy playing on them with my friends.
    >> sage sage 03/18/09(Wed)11:49 No.28716702
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    sage goes in all fields
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)11:49 No.28716705
    I'm too poor to afford any of them ;_;
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)11:50 No.28716742


    I'm a nintendo fanboy at heart. I recognize that it has less power and an inferior online component. I have played some xbox and ps3 games that I have truly enjoyed.
    If I had the money and knowledge I would build a gaming PC and play that too!
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)11:50 No.28716744
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    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)11:53 No.28716820
    Even though I ridicule RTS and RPG players in public, i'm secretly jealous of you guys because you have patience and skills that I don't.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)11:56 No.28716895
    Eh, as an RPG player I can tell you that twinking is time consuming and not always very rewarding. Still fun as hell though.

    I almost wish I could get into DnD, and go back to the roots of it all.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)11:57 No.28716910
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    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)11:57 No.28716912
    This thread is wonderful, thank you op.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)11:59 No.28716984
    While the wii isn't my main source of vidya, I always go to it when I get sick of all the faggotry in online matches and I just want to have some fun.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)11:59 No.28716988

    What's stopping you?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)12:00 No.28717023
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    I lol'ed
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)12:01 No.28717061
    PS3 has a good game.
    Xbox 360 has better graphics, so better hardware.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)12:01 No.28717067
    why are so determined?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)12:02 No.28717091

    You would have fun with the wii if you had some IRL friends.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)12:03 No.28717106
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    >Xbox 360 has better graphics
    good one.
    >> Holland Boy !GaZtwAtvk. 03/18/09(Wed)12:04 No.28717131
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