>> |
01/22/09(Thu)14:50:46 No.2866871  >>2866556
I don't really enjoy college too much, I guess that means I can't enjoy life. :(
here, another thing: There are parties out there. My first year I lived
in a dorm hall that had tons of parties, so I was invited to several of
them, and even if I wasn't invited, I'd just walk upstairs and some
people would be like,"Hey dude, party, c'mon!" Only problem is that I
didn't drink, so I didn't really look like I was ever having a fun
time, so they stopped inviting me. Now as a sophomore, I haven't been
to a single party. Nothing has really happened this year at all.
agree with everyone saying that college doesn't hold your hand at all.
You got to do all the shit yourself. There isn't anyone there to tell
you when to go to class, when to get up, etc.; for the most part, you
decide your schedule (sometimes some classes you need to take have
crappy times). If you like to wake up late: Do it. But if you're better
waking up early: Do that. Most classes aren't mandatory, also,
especially lecture. However, a lot of Freshman classes are, so watch
out for those. |