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  • File :1236781565.jpg-(39 KB, 477x296, polizeiwinnenden.jpg)
    39 KB Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)10:26 No.28380330  

    Germany will ban the vidya. Heard it here first.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)10:32 No.28380473
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)10:43 No.28380762
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)10:45 No.28380825
    If they ban the vidya I'm gonna go and shoot people and leave a note saying "I couldn't shoot people on the internetz - I needed this"

    Fucking fags.

    TF2 is censored instead of blood and flying limps we have cheeseburgers and shit. Clocks and gears and such.

    L4D is censored we don't have blood. zombies disappear a second after they die. (Sometimes they don't even hit the ground)

    Fuck this shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)10:47 No.28380865
    Use Linkification, faget
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)10:47 No.28380877

    Oh God this happens ALL THE FUCKING TIME.
    >> Megane of Ceremony !!Acix1go1OeZ 03/11/09(Wed)10:48 No.28380892
    Germanfag here .I've been watching the news all morning about this.

    Best channel is Phoenix. Thrown over their whole schedule to show reruns about scientific documentations about the topic.

    I'm still waiting for the first politician to blame it all on KILLER GAMES
    >> !OSakaQCVow 03/11/09(Wed)10:49 No.28380923
    ITT we learn to use Firefox
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)10:49 No.28380929
    I heard Angela Merkel will give a press conference at 16:00, wonder if she'll say anything about vidya?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)10:50 No.28380976

    If they found vidya on his computer or any consoles, maybe.
    >> Megane of Ceremony !!Acix1go1OeZ 03/11/09(Wed)10:51 No.28380987
    I don't think and don't hope so. There is still not much known about the case, all they know is that he apparently got the gun from his father, who is in the... let's say Marksmen club. He owns 16 legal weapons...
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)10:54 No.28381090
    in b4 marksmen club gets banned.
    >> Megane of Ceremony !!Acix1go1OeZ 03/11/09(Wed)10:57 No.28381200
    Other than that... the usual.

    "quiet guy"..."we'd never thought that he"...

    17, years old, graduated from High School last year.

    This wasn't a "usual" rampage though. He didn't stay at school while doing it, but tried to get away, doing even more collateral damage... That's so unsettling about this.

    Oh, Merkel's conference is specifically about the rampage.... Well, let's see.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)11:01 No.28381318
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    >Realschule = High School
    >> Megane of Ceremony !!Acix1go1OeZ 03/11/09(Wed)11:05 No.28381441
    How bout "secondary modern school" then?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)11:08 No.28381564
    germanfag here, "Realschule" is from year 5 to year 10
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)11:11 No.28381633
    >TF2 is censored instead of blood and flying limps we have cheeseburgers and shit. Clocks and gears and such.

    That actually sounds pretty awesome.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)11:14 No.28381728
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)11:14 No.28381733

    It's all fun and games until terrorists turn into bombs with wheels.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)11:20 No.28381892
    yes another school shooting i was hoping wed have them more regularly after Cho and Pekka were so close together.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)11:20 No.28381906
    it's basically permanent party mode without the silly hats

    but it's not like this for me even though I should have the german version...neither is L4D censored for me
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)11:21 No.28381913
    >Clocks and gears and such.
    okay i do want to see this
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)11:21 No.28381929
    School shootings are being used as an excuse to ban guns. These kids are stupid and some day I'll have to give up all my guns because of these morons.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)11:23 No.28381963
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)11:23 No.28381976
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    >He fled in a stolen car, but was later killed in a shoot-out with police.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)11:25 No.28382039
    he was pretty badass. Most of them just shoot themselves.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)11:26 No.28382048
    germany makes some videogames too. so banning them would be like shutting down their own industry.

    in THIS economy?
    >> Megane of Ceremony !!Acix1go1OeZ 03/11/09(Wed)11:27 No.28382081
    CryTek already said they have no problem moving the company abroad.

    And Video Games aren't THAT big an economy in Germany.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)11:27 No.28382083
    The police said he fled there in a car he had hijacked after the school shooting - killing a passer-by as he made his escape.

    the shoot-out took place at a car showroom, where two bystanders were killed and two police officers were injured.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)11:28 No.28382117
    JEsus fucking christ this is turning into quite the stand alone complex.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)11:28 No.28382129
    yeah, totally badass, shooting a bunch of unarmed students.

    call me when one of these faggots assaults a military base.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)11:29 No.28382138

    no, because this is not vidya, vidya about markman clubs will get banned though
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)11:30 No.28382153
    hm maybe i should start watching news again
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)11:31 No.28382170
    He DID have a 1 on 15 gunfight with the police.

    Managed to tag two of them before he was shot.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)11:33 No.28382228
    Something is getting banned.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)11:34 No.28382257

    he killed 16 germans

    how is this not awesome
    >> Megane of Ceremony !!Acix1go1OeZ 03/11/09(Wed)11:34 No.28382259
    And what's so badass about that? They were on him because he killed unarmed innocents.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)11:34 No.28382261
    /v/ - School Shootings
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)11:34 No.28382268
    >call me when one of these faggots assaults a military base.

    That would be fucking awesome.

    Hilarious and pathetic, but awesome for a -little- while.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)11:35 No.28382275
    You mean, we can't BUY violent games anymore? D'ohoho
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)11:37 No.28382333
    It's true. I actually like it, I've never been /b/ad dude enough for gory stuff. Blood is no problem, but flying limbs and intestines, ugh...
    >> sage 03/11/09(Wed)11:38 No.28382352

    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)11:39 No.28382386

    These fags are too pussy to assault armed people. They only go after unarmed prey because they're weak.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)11:39 No.28382410
    Killing unarmed students is badass, I'm gonna do it myself next week.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)11:41 No.28382446
    I love how you talk down on them like you're the absolute shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)11:41 No.28382455
    what if he was Jewish?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)11:41 No.28382459
    Speakers on ZDF already did.
    They interviewed von der Leyen and she said she doesn't blame video games - I'm really suprised, isn't she always like OMG THE VIDYA, THINK OF THE CHILDREN
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)11:41 No.28382463
    Raising gun ownership age to 21 didn't help out I see.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)11:42 No.28382482
    What then?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)11:43 No.28382536

    Raising the gun ownership age would never work because people have families. Kids live with parents who own guns. The only permanent solution is to shut down guns entirely and take them away from everybody who's not in the military.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)11:44 No.28382542
    Are you suggesting that this was a form of obtaining reparations? Because that would be terrible.
    >> Megane of Ceremony !!Acix1go1OeZ 03/11/09(Wed)11:44 No.28382555
    She didn't? I'm positively surprised.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)11:46 No.28382613
    christ Germany, fuck off Europe already
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)11:46 No.28382617

    People would still get guns. People would still kill each other. Only difference now is now people can't protect themselves.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)11:46 No.28382632

    Guns. No one with persons under the age of 21 living with them may have a gun.
    >> Eledorian !!LLOZw5W/L6p 03/11/09(Wed)11:47 No.28382640
    Or, you could simply make it the law that guns can't be stored at home. Hell, over here in Dutchfagland if you own a gun it has to be stored in a locker at the gun club and the ammo has to be stored in another locker.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)11:47 No.28382644
    This only happens because children these days have lost their faith and aren't afraid of going to hell anymore.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)11:47 No.28382663

    Protecting themselves sure worked out for those kids at the school today, didn't it?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)11:48 No.28382667
    Germany's like the one kid in class who can't be trusted with scissors and ruins it for everyone else.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)11:48 No.28382687
    People shouldn't need to protect themselves. In more functional countries, they don't have to. Arming everyone isn't any kind of solution at all.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)11:48 No.28382697
    Where the hell did he get his guns?

    I'll laugh my ass off if they mention Counterstrike on the news. I've been watching all day, I know it's going to happen, Counterstrike is the only video game the German media have ever heard of. "If you play video games, you play CS"
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)11:48 No.28382701

    Because one incident is reason enough to take away an entire country's home defense?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)11:49 No.28382729

    One incident? This kind of thing happens routinely. It's commonplace.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)11:50 No.28382760
    let's hope there aren't any Americans in that class...
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)11:50 No.28382769
    In more functional countries the ground is made of gumdrops and crime never happens.
    >> Moo !XBOXgikTFw 03/11/09(Wed)11:51 No.28382787
    I hope this ends in a FPS trash ban. They are not real video games anyway.
    >> Megane of Ceremony !!Acix1go1OeZ 03/11/09(Wed)11:51 No.28382793

    Can a time span of several months be called "routinely"? his is the first time in years it was such a big thing in some time.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)11:52 No.28382833
    Clearly these children are shooting the wrong people. We must have better school systems to put these great minds to better use, not hampering their potential with restrictions of firearms or vidya.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)11:52 No.28382844
    any sources for this?
    a ZDF-stream is fine too
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)11:52 No.28382860
    lets just give everyone guns and see what happens
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)11:53 No.28382891
    German censorship effects the rest of europe, right? As in a game censored in germany will be censored in Britain, France, etc?
    So if Germany bans games, will the rest of europe start getting games unmolested?

    Not that I want german gamers to suffer, but eh, bright side.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)11:54 No.28382900
    >Lets hope there weren't any Jews in that class
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)11:54 No.28382932
    tv sources said that his parents (or only the father?) legally owned 16 wepaons, of which one is missing now
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)11:55 No.28382933
    Hurr durr. The chances are minimal.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)11:55 No.28382938
    It's the fucking school system. Go change something about it, getting rid of that nest of antisocial retards that was once Hauptschule was a very good start.
    FFFFFFFFFFF if they blame it on video games again instead of the horribly frustrating school system that constantly fucks people up.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)11:55 No.28382944
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)11:55 No.28382960
    >>28382891 German censorship effects the rest of europe, right?
    Eh, what? No.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)11:55 No.28382963
    >People would still get guns. People would still kill each other. Only difference now is now people can't protect themselves.
    >Only difference now is now people can't protect themselves.

    lol, this is what Americans believe
    >> Megane of Ceremony !!Acix1go1OeZ 03/11/09(Wed)11:56 No.28382984
    And where to with them? Leaving them like that... it would push them into hands of extremists...
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)11:57 No.28383011
    Dunno, it keeps popping up on ZDF, at least it did two hours ago...
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)11:57 No.28383024
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)11:58 No.28383042
    Hell no! Each country decides if they censor their games or not.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)11:58 No.28383052
    Ah, guess I heard wrong then.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)11:58 No.28383053
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)11:58 No.28383058
    Enjoy taking on an armed attacker with your butter knife
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)11:59 No.28383089

    No, it's because kids these days have mental problems out the ass and no way of dealing with it.

    Everyone puts their kids on drugs for ADD or the newest discovered attention disease for years on end, and expect shit like this not to happen.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:00 No.28383107
    >People would still get guns.
    Yeah, because weapons are a commodity that can be created out of thin air at will, amirite? There's a reason why the US has a homicide rate an order of magnitude larger than Europe

    >people can't protect themselves.
    Yeah, because that gun you carry will deflect incoming bullets, amirite? Because almost all shooting spree victims die unaware of their killer. Also, didn't help those faggots in de facto shall-issue Alabama...
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:00 No.28383112
    I haven't bought a video game in over ten years, who cares if they ban some more. I reeeeally don't think people would care, unless some 13-year-olds who don't know how torrents work.
    Nah, what the hell, it's not like anyone actually said they want to ban more games
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:00 No.28383127
    Oddly enough, it's never come up. But then I guess that's probable when all the guncrime is confined to small sections of inner cities.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:01 No.28383139
    >Enjoy taking on an armed attacker with your butter knife

    You know, in functional countries, we don't HAVE armed attackers. Well, of course there's one psycho from time to time, and then there's the family shit (husband killing wife) and things like that, but not the American way where people storm peoples houses with guns.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:02 No.28383169
    so i guess whn someone breaks into your house you will just defend yourself with your samurai sword
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:02 No.28383183
    >Only difference now is now people can't protect themselves.

    From who? Aliens?
    >> Megane of Ceremony !!Acix1go1OeZ 03/11/09(Wed)12:03 No.28383201
    Right-winged idiots mostly. Every nazi skinhead I know is either:

    1. A meek, quiet guy who doesn't say anything at all, keeps his opinions to himself and only get's aggressive when in groups.


    2. Muscles but no brain.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:03 No.28383203
    >>28383139 but not the American way where people storm peoples houses with guns

    Oh no this'll be a shitty Europe vs US thread soon.
    I'm not from the US but I really don't think stuff like this happens there. Right?

    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:03 No.28383209
    Because when you're suddenly attacked by a mad armed bastard you'll take that sucker out movie style, no panic or hesitation, right? Wicked cool.
    >> 3480 !!j5b6RtxMDxo 03/11/09(Wed)12:03 No.28383213
    I see no immediate connection from gunman to the vidya

    oh wait, there always is, even if the shooter is allready a dickhead on prescription medication and knows people who likes guns
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:04 No.28383246
    People don't storm in your house with guns? What kind of pussy ass country do you live in?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:04 No.28383250

    pro-tip: we read it on news websites, not here. congrats on your copy and paste skills.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:05 No.28383279
    I'm from Sweden and I have NEVER heard of a "armed robbery" like that. There HAS been some very few armed robberies at BANKS, but no one has gotten hurt at those. The guys get away with the money, and later the police have found them.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:05 No.28383291
    Only faggots can't do exactly what you just described.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:06 No.28383297
    German anon here, my neighbor once routed a burglar from his home with a katana. True fucking story.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:07 No.28383351
    Meh sometimes, depends on whether you have something someone else wants or something
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:07 No.28383361
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:08 No.28383387
    Your neighbour is awesome.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:09 No.28383391
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:09 No.28383410
    They got rid of it?
    In which Bundesland? We even have the Sonderschule over here.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:09 No.28383415

    I think the attacker knows that also.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:10 No.28383433
    That German's kill count is now 17
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:10 No.28383437
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    That's how Dad did it, that's how America does it... and it's worked out pretty well so far.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:11 No.28383485

    I lol'd

    about 34,712 before you catch up to america

    step it the fuck up germany
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:11 No.28383491
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    >has a well working society
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:12 No.28383525
    There were some other school shootings in Germany before. We're just closing on to you.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:13 No.28383552

    The trouble is that America is not the Wild West any more, so that doesn't really work.

    If some people have guns, giving everyone guns does not make things equal. It just makes them a clusterfuck of bullets.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:14 No.28383579
    Alright /v/, America vs Germany, lets see how can get the highest score
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:14 No.28383594
    No, America, you don't have a high body count. Bring Pol Pot back to life and give him an American passport, then we'll talk.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:15 No.28383635
    Do jew kids shot in the back of the head count?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:15 No.28383636
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    I thought it was illegal to defend against criminal in america!
    >> Epic Skull Guy !fIzqd4C8.o 03/11/09(Wed)12:16 No.28383637

    I counter your hitler with native american genocide
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:16 No.28383645
    ITT: 12 year olds from the US and European nations gear up for an epic MAH COUNTRY IS BETTA THAN YOURS!

    Also, funtimes are had by the very same 12 year olds debating whether or not people should own weapons. A millennia old question, ANSWERED IN THIS THREAD!
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:16 No.28383654
    lawl americca shud nook germany lawl
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:16 No.28383670
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    >America is not the Wild West any more
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:18 No.28383710

    just because the couch is in your front yard doesn't mean it's in ours as well
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:18 No.28383713
    Doesn't happen often, unless you live in the deep in the fucking ghetto or own a 24h convenience store in a bad neighborhood.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:18 No.28383724

    The Crusades.

    More Europe in general than Germany, but if you're allowed a whole continent so are we.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:18 No.28383746

    I hate it when they rob a store and get away with $50

    and then they get caught

    fucking $50
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:19 No.28383767
    America wins that one, there are like what, 1 million or so Native Americans left total right?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:19 No.28383771

    America is an offshoot of europe

    so technically we earn your kills

    Also, Iraq War
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:20 No.28383793
    Hey thats not fair, we don't get a continent, Canada and Mexico have their own parts of America. Plus our country hasn't existed that long.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:21 No.28383819
    Iraq War is a fucking pittance man, there are less than 1 million dead total, no point even bringing it up.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:21 No.28383826
    The fact that you don't have a history means you can't ever catch up. How is that unfair? it's fact
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:22 No.28383859
    If native americans count we spaniards win.

    Wars + slaving + diseases their inmune systems were not prepared for = Millions and millions of deaths.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:22 No.28383869
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:22 No.28383877

    don't forget slavery
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:23 No.28383893

    We're talking solely about the one continent. I bet you steal people's kills in MMOs.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:23 No.28383912
    So are we counting Russia as part of Europe?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:23 No.28383926
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:24 No.28383940
    Slavery was like what, 13 million over 300 years?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:26 No.28384005
    Slavery shouldn't really count seeing as how the people involved were slaves before ever being sold to those in europe or america.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:27 No.28384038
    What? I seriously doubt that. Some may have been slaves originally in Africa but there are tons of accounts villages being raided, people being abducted while out hunting, etc.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:27 No.28384057

    No Russia.

    Rest of Europe only.

    Final Destination.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:28 No.28384070
    You didnt win shit. Theyre still here and because of their casinos and legal untaxed cigarette sales they have more money than the state they live in. Good job spanish douchebags.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:28 No.28384084
    Russia is part of Europe... that shit on the other side of the urals is siberia
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:28 No.28384101

    Yeah, by rival villages and african slave traders.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:29 No.28384123
    Thanks the british for that.
    We ignored anything above mexico.
    >> Sgt.Dick 03/11/09(Wed)12:32 No.28384215
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:34 No.28384262
    That's not the point, it's well known that rival warchiefs took slaves from the people they conquered and sold them to European slave traders. I don't see how that discounts them from being slaves. I mean they ended up in America/Europe/The Caribbean in the end. European slave traders also raided villages as well.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:35 No.28384308
    The Germans are at it again. I mean, just look at their pornography. I'm not in the lease bit surprised.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:37 No.28384391
    Why are these "massacres" always so low on the body count? You'd think if you went to your local high school or mall or something you'd kill more like 50, not 10.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:39 No.28384454
    You've been playing too much vidya.
    Oh, wait.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:39 No.28384455
    That´s because while you try to kill everyone in one classroom the rest of the school has already fled through windows/gates/whatever
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:40 No.28384490
    Also, usual lack of automatic weapons.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:41 No.28384539
    >usual piss-poor aim and lack of realisation that you're not as cold and hardcore as you think
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:41 No.28384541
    the dude was a nub
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:42 No.28384552
    The faggots don't know how to do it right.

    Wait for a pep rally/assembly, chain up all exits except 1 from the outside, use a silenced pistol for anyone not inside.
    Walk in, start shooting, when most are down on the ground walk through the bodies, shooting anyone who is still alive in the head.

    Make a wave bubble jammer and keep it on you during this time to prevent cell phone calls.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:44 No.28384633
    That´s why I said automatic weapons.
    Anyone using semi-auto and not having good aim won´t hit shit most of the time.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:45 No.28384683

    Have fun getting a hold of a fully automatic weapon.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:46 No.28384699

    My post was more of an addon to yours.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:47 No.28384723
    holy shit anon
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)12:47 No.28384736

    Just walk into the middle of the assembly with a huge fucking bomb in your backpack/coat.

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