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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • I'm going to publish that news post I wrote back in December soon.
    EDIT: Note my liberal definition of "soon."

    File :1235360960.jpg-(68 KB, 771x645, Counter-Strike Source.jpg)
    68 KB Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)22:49 No.27615045  
    Does anyone on /v/ play counter-strike? I never see it discussed. I never even see it referenced. No one praises it. No one makes fun of it. Yet it is one of the most popular online games.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)22:50 No.27615094
    /v/ is full of consolefags
    cs is only good on pc
    it's too hard for them as well
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)22:50 No.27615112
    Because it's been around for so long, and is a mundane thing to talk about. There's nothing interesting to talk about in counter-strike unless you play competitively.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)22:50 No.27615119
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)22:51 No.27615152
    CS is for people with skill. /v/ doesn't have that so they play other games.
    >> Pulsar !!jHt2BQk6jxE 02/22/09(Sun)22:52 No.27615177

    This. We've all played it so much that there isn't much that hasn't been said about it.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)22:52 No.27615200
    The game is too hard for me because I'm a casual.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)22:52 No.27615203
    I like to hack in Counter-Strike. Feels good.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)22:52 No.27615204
    Theres nothing interesting to talk about in TF2 yet you guys still manage to start threads about it.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)22:54 No.27615253
    I still play CS, only gun game though.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)22:54 No.27615278
    Because it is the vanilla ice cream of multiplayer fps.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)22:54 No.27615285

    I'm not talking about talking about it. There is not even the slightest mention of it. No one talks about Deus Ex or Morrowind anymore yet they still get referenced.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)22:55 No.27615303
    tf2 is casual
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)22:55 No.27615307
    TF2 is disgusting, I mean seriously how can people enjoy that casual shit? The graphics look gay, it can't make it as a competitive game because it is so easy to learn how to play. No depth. List goes on.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)22:55 No.27615312
    so i was like, the guy with the bomb in this round on d2.
    and guess what? i dropped it into the car on tspawn, so nobody could get it.

    i was liek "roflz guise u got pwned xD" but noone rly cared and then the round was over.
    am i cool yet?
    >> Anon-Nexis 02/22/09(Sun)22:55 No.27615314
    I play casually, but every goddamn server is surf, zombie mod or tourneyfag recruitment. The 4ChanPartyVan server was great, but it only has active players 2-3 times a week.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)22:56 No.27615336
    yes they do. someone makes a morrowind mods thread once a week and someone asks for builds in deus ex every once in a while
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)22:59 No.27615449
    ITT: proof that once a game is out long enough, it is no longer casual.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)22:59 No.27615458
    There are tons of 24/7 dust2 and office servers.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)22:59 No.27615462
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    i play both CSS and TF2. Both games are comprised of 12 yr olds. Both require no skill.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)23:00 No.27615487
    CS has no depth the faggots in CS only use awp/de combo anyway, one hit kill combo ruined the fucking game,
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)23:00 No.27615490
    cs is casual as fuck and for 13 year olds. peace.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)23:01 No.27615547
    What games do you consider to be really skillful then?
    Let me guess /v/'s gay ass RPGs or dwarf fortress.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)23:02 No.27615570
    Christ, /v/ must play on the shittiest servers.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)23:02 No.27615575
    Too bad that isn't why its not casual.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)23:02 No.27615576


    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)23:04 No.27615622
    lol noob
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)23:04 No.27615636
    So many fucking bads in 1 thread.
    >> /u/'s Revenge !RvgJREpd6E 02/22/09(Sun)23:04 No.27615651
    I actually love to see 12-year-olds in TF2.

    "Did you know, kid, that if your parents loved you, they'd show a little discretion regarding what game their kid was playing?"

    Always fun. ^^
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)23:05 No.27615672
    actually in 1.5 and before thats what made it fun
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)23:05 No.27615673
    JMC #1 09 BITCHES
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)23:05 No.27615675
    I use to play 1.6, I was addicted to it when I was younger.

    Haven't played for a while, I just remember my friends and I would make fun of the gun sounds.

    I remember one of them saying "It's like they just took paper and crumpled it up to make the sound effects for the AK".
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)23:06 No.27615696
    They both have tons of 12 year olds but the ones in CSS will kick your ass. If you play on a good server, you will die before you get to react every round.

    DF requires no skill because there is no goal
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)23:06 No.27615703

    ur a faget
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)23:07 No.27615729
    ak 1 shots
    deagle 1 shots
    knife 1 shots

    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)23:07 No.27615754

    yeah!!! fuck aiming and reaction time, I prefer a game of spraying weapons with random spread.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)23:09 No.27615830
    I feel sorry for CSfags. They will never realize how fun a teamplay-based FPS is.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)23:11 No.27615874
    I played Day of Defeat

    a few things about it made the BOOM HEADSHOT guys not want to play it, so it was playable longer

    now there are so many shit tossing monkeys on the internet I can't even get a good game of that anymore
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)23:11 No.27615887
    CS is a teamplay game fucking idiot.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)23:11 No.27615896
    If you have to aim with the awp you're doing to wrong. You just sit in long hall (because, lets face it, you'll be playing on Office.) and wait for somebody to turn the corner and fire. Instant win!
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)23:12 No.27615914
    you've never played competitively have you?

    tourneyfag here. you can't halo the game. teamplay is the only thing that sets cs apart from other fps's
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)23:12 No.27615935
    First of all, lol Source.
    Second, I haven't played for a while. My skill's gone down and I'm having fun with TF2 and L4D, among others.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)23:13 No.27615949
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    >Actual teamplay
    >> Dawgas !P6pMZ.8ybs 02/22/09(Sun)23:13 No.27615964
    that's because counterstrike is fucking boring as fuck, and takes no skill, as well as there is no strategy at all, so every round plays the fucking same fuck
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)23:15 No.27616041
    The funny thing is that the AWP requires the least aiming out of any of the guns. You just need to hit anywhere on the upper body with one shot. All the other guns that are even capable of one shots require a headshot (except for knife) and if you want to spray you need to be pretty fucking close. The fact that you think people just spray with other guns shows you are a colossal noob who doesn't know how to work a gun that isn't auto kill.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)23:16 No.27616080
    >the complete opposite of what it is
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)23:17 No.27616135
    I'm one of the few people that enjoy CS on /v/ but even I have to admit how retarded you are. It's entirely possible for someone to solo an entire round if they are good enough (though not likely in competition).
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)23:18 No.27616147
    Whatever makes you feel better.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)23:18 No.27616158
    You run faster with the scout out than you do with the knife
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)23:18 No.27616169
    Just because you're fucking terribles doesn't mean that the game doesn't require skill or team work. In clan matches you have to have someone covers you, flashes properly, know how to position and adapt. It is the deepest FPS I've ever played, once screw up from anyone of your teammates can cost you a game in a competitive match.

    If your playing Pubs where no one works together all you see is just a zerg to a bomb point and that's what decides the game. In a competitive match, there is far more strategy involved. Way more than TF2 or any other game valve made recently.

    Sorry fucking scrubs, you are all bad.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)23:19 No.27616186
    I play CS source quite often, it's one of the most played games I play.
    I used to play CS as well.
    That being said, both are shit. And have shitty hit registration/netcode.

    But I play CS deathmatch these days because the normal game is just too boring and slow paced for me to bother with anymore.

    Oh, and for people whining about awps. AK/Deag is better. Since it's more versatile and accurate.
    The deag is too inaccurate and unreliable for need to hit shots and is only good for backup, up close and personal an awp will get fucked up by multiple rushers.
    The AK is only weak at very far distances. Anything from far to close range AK wins.
    The speed, accuracy and damage makes it overall better than any other gun.
    You can kill four people in ~2 seconds with. You'll be lucky to live after your first shot with the awp if you get rushed.
    The time it takes to switch or reload that second shot is more than enough to get domed by AK, and it will happen.

    The M4 is almost as suitable as the AK, but not as good.
    It's slightly weaker damage weakens it's range. The less recoil is useless as anyone good doesn't rely on recoil and will just shoot you in the head on the first two shots and continue.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)23:19 No.27616193
    Whatever makes you feel better.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)23:19 No.27616213
    Everything is casual.

    learn to games, retards.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)23:20 No.27616220
    CS was great... back in 1999. Haven't really played it since then.
    I've never understood people who can stick with an online game for more than a few months. It's like their drones who like repetitive shit with no variation.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)23:20 No.27616222
    We're all playing Zombie Panic: Source.

    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)23:20 No.27616244

    This guy knows what he's talking about. This is the most intelligent post I've seen in this thread.

    Everyone else is an idiot.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)23:21 No.27616257
    >deepest FPS
    Figured Id try and beat the trolls to it.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)23:22 No.27616303
    CS sucked in 1999 as well. It was one of the precursors to casual gaming before halo came to town.

    zombie panic is pure shit. GTFO.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)23:22 No.27616319
    actually it's like they don't have add and enjoy being good at something.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)23:23 No.27616327
    back in the day yeah it was great i played CS for over 4 years straight from beta 1 til 1.4 i stopped playing to join military.

    i come back from 4 years, the community is pure shit, everyone talking "scrub pro nub bla bla bla" all newfag terminology and shit, everyone using the same gun (awp/de combo) and half the time it turns into AWP wars.

    The community that was in original CS has long been gone, all teenager pissants with no idea what is fun now play it.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)23:23 No.27616338
    That mod fucking sucks. Man up and play some PVK2.


    When this game gets its 6 classes per team then its going to be the most awesome game ever.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)23:24 No.27616363
    Or you could just not suck and clutch every round.
    I've played against CAL-IM and CAL-M players who used teamwork with flashes and smokes and still took their shit down hard.
    Not sucking + thinking = being better.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)23:24 No.27616364
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)23:24 No.27616367
    >It's like they are people with friends who enjoy doing something together.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)23:24 No.27616374
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)23:26 No.27616418
    Source sucks

    CS 1.6 is what standerize as the good CS. 1.5 is better though.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)23:26 No.27616427
    Name a deeper fps then? I'll only accept your opinion if its quake btw, since quake vs CS is just a matter of preference. So get naming fag.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)23:26 No.27616433
    Actually most of the supposed 'pros' that people comment on typically rely on luck spray more than anything else.
    >> 3480 !!j5b6RtxMDxo 02/22/09(Sun)23:26 No.27616447

    >The graphics look gay,


    >it can't make it as a competitive game because it is so easy to learn how to play. No depth. List goes on.

    Just because it's easy to play doesn't mean it's easy to win, but you know what, I'm glad you're not playing it, we don't need dicks like you breathing down our throat with your TEAM LEADER bullshit, we'll be here having fun which is what it's supposed to be doing
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)23:27 No.27616452

    Do you dumbasses really think we don't see these things? Stop pointing them out. No one is impressed at your shitty deduction abilities.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)23:27 No.27616476

    fucking newfags, anything past 1.1 was SHIT, hell, anything past beta 0.9 was SHIT.

    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)23:28 No.27616518
    I just played 1.6 yesterday, after a really long pause playing mainly tf2.

    was fun for an hour.

    cs really is only good if you play competetive in a clan
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)23:28 No.27616522
    Yea, that is why they get famous because they get lucky. Shut the fuck up. You obviously have never played that game. I'm more of a mid-tier player and even I don't rely on sprays.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)23:29 No.27616552
    Are you retarded? You think being good at CS amounts to anything? It's like pissing away time so you can be good at nothing, like guitar hero, wow or ddr.

    If you're going to spend several hours a day over many years doing repetitive shit, you might as well pick up a useful, productive hobby. I also find your ADD comment ironic, considering they're the stereotypical CS players.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)23:30 No.27616584
    Maybe the challenging aspect of games is what I like the most. Sorry it must be my fault that I don't like bad games.

    Also the classic team fortress > TF2. Can't believe people have such poor taste in games here.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)23:31 No.27616601
    Failed for fallacy.
    No comparison needs to be made to make the argument that the game isn't deep.
    In fact, you need to provide the argument that it is deep on your own. Else, he's correct. Otherwise it is not deep.

    So start making your points on how it's deep, and he can rebuttal. Next time don't use moron tactics to win an argument.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)23:31 No.27616609
    um hi
    learn to read
    i'm agreeing with you. you cannot solo the entire game
    >> 3480 !!j5b6RtxMDxo 02/22/09(Sun)23:33 No.27616675

    oh wait, are we having a "This new game didn't meet my expectations because it wasn't a carbon copy of the old one"?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)23:33 No.27616677
    >I love grenades!
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)23:33 No.27616680
    >Are you retarded? You think PLAYING ANY GAME amounts to anything? It's like pissing away time so you can be good at nothing, like guitar hero, wow or ddr.
    Why are you even on this board? Methinks you are just butthurt that you suck at every game you play.

    Also, cool story bro
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)23:33 No.27616703
    agreed, but 1.6 sucks when you compare it to 1.5
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)23:34 No.27616704
    The cs community was pretty hilarious a few years ago. It was the perfect mix of mature veterans and loud teenage calfags, it was an interesting dynamic. Now it's degraded into Halo level run n gun with mic screeching.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)23:35 No.27616753
    Actually it is. Have you watched the majority of their kills. It's 90% spray.
    Having never played the game it's funny that I only do 1-3 shot bursts and have an average of 92% headshot ratio with a mode average of ~.5 second kill rate per encounter per person.
    So, fuck off.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)23:35 No.27616756
    Then get off the forums. Underage B&
    >> Pub Hero 02/22/09(Sun)23:38 No.27616869
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    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)23:39 No.27616924
    No, I'm just not a retard with no life. I enjoy games, but I don't dedicate months or years to playing the shit online. Seriously, who wants to actually work at becoming a professional loser?
    Anyway, enjoy being a braindead consumer. I'll stick to being a producer.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)23:39 No.27616934
    hey pub fag stop pulling numbers out your ass
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)23:39 No.27616937

    for fun, idiot. it's fun to get good at a game and compete against others. enjoy your consoles and autoaim.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/09(Sun)23:40 No.27616945
    There are a few things wrong with your comment.

    1) You aren't them
    2) You pulled a random statistic out of your ass
    3) You obviously haven't played the game
    4) You pulled falser statistics out of your ass. You had a better chance with the first one.

    This is how it works:
    Short range- spray
    Medium range- small bursts of bullets
    long range- single shots

    If the person is 5 feet in front of you then you don't try single shots at his head.

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