I really loved FFVIII. It was beautiful and heart warming. It has its funny moments and its sad moments. Its loving moments. The characters were awesome, system was awesome, and the story was awesome.
Is it as good as Xenogears?
and you know what, at the start, I really hated Rinoa, but now I get it. She gets mad fast and cools off faster. She really doesn't think things over, however Squall over thinks everything. This is why...Thats why they're perfect...they balance eachother out so well.
>>26641479depends on you...
The characters WERENT awesome, half of the cast sucked, I can stand Squall but Zell and Rinoa were so rage inducing.I love how broken and exploitable is the battle system, and I like the setting.The plot went to hell after disc 3 but whatever.I love Selphie.
>system was awesometroll detected
The only Playstation Final Fantasy I haven't played yet.
>>26641644No anon, you are the troll
Zell is broken tier.
>>26641624I liked Zell. He was a typical highschooler."Pu-lease!""Who does he think he is?!""My name is not Chickenwuss!"He's awesome at keeping things light hearted. What is it called when things get serious in a story, and it calls upon a character to make it funny or just simply not always serious.
>>26641733I think comic relief.
Every single person I have ever met who has openly admitted to enjoying Final Fantasy 8 started the series with either it or 7. The former are simply too underage to have known how good, classic RPGs were supposed to play, and the latter were just jumping on the bandwagon of lashing out against 7's huge fanbase in their attempt to be different.To people who were used to good RPGs, FF8 was a travesty.
>>26641813YES! Thank you! Zell was a great comic relief. I remember the first time you go to Galbadia Garden and you see Zell doing push ups. But even he has his serious moments. He took it really hard when he mentioned Garden in the TV station. President Caroway threatened to destroy all Gardens because of it.
Fucking HATED the draw system, that's the only reason the battle system sucked. Liked the story.Zell is god tier
>>26641896The drawing system was the perfect troll for those who haven't learned to refine.>>26641819I'm playing FFI, don't ruin it for me with your bullshit...
>>26641878Oh yeah, I remember that. I raged, hard.
>>26641819Not generic enough ? Kinda ironic how you are talking about underaged when Squaresoft is know for trying new stuff with each FF release.FF VIII is not even close to be my favorite FF, but it is not a bad game, It tried a lot of new stuff(And obviously failed in some areas.), I appreciate when a developer doesnt rehash the same game again and again and again, but people like you seem to enjoy it. If you take your time to know the mechanics is a very fun and exploitable game.
>>26641986even then, it was a retarded system.
>>26641819LOL, way to overrate the old Final Fantasy games.
>>26642032Yea, shit was forgiven though, they put all the blame on Seifer for the attack on Deling. Which reminds me...>>26641878>President Vinzer Deling>General CarowayWhich was Seifer's fault, the later attack was on conspiracy of Garden's mission to kill Sorceress, which is also true.
>>26641986It would appear that you are of the underage variety of FF8 lovers.Going back to play FF1 on your GBA is not going to help. The first three Final Fantasy games were not really that good, and they won't help you get in touch with anything other than how miserably painful an experience the old NES RPGs were.If you want to touch base, I recommend Earthbound, Chrono Trigger, Tales of Phantasia, or Seiken Densetsu 3. All good, classic SNES RPGs.Would it be too optimistic of me to expect you to know where to find the roms?
>>26641733and his limitbreak was overpowered.
>>26642094finally someone who gets it. Do not ask for the same shit over and over again, then we complain on how games rehash themselves or others. Not a good idea. If you don't like, simply don't play it, but understand, it maybe one more step to better games.
I really enjoyed it too. This is my favourite Final Fantasy, because the characters are so human, just like in FF6.And the story of time paradoxes is great.
Everyone already knows you love FFVIII, you post in every damn thread about it.
The only thing I didn't like about VIII was how the monsters would get stronger as you leveled up.Seriously, why bother having levels at all then?
I liked Final Fantasy 8.It could have done without the 'Draw' system and I missed being able to equip Armor and Accessories - but the Junction system made up for the latter.It's not the best in the series but far from the worst - and still one of the better RPGs out there.
>>26642212It was fun grindan to 100 in the Training Area and then making the rest of the game really hard.That's 8 hardcore mode.
>>26642160>dur, my favorite games are the only best games and truely show what an RPG is like.Fuck off, I didn't get into RPGs until I saw poeple play FF.
>>26642245That's the thing, with that shitty system, the monsters will always be the same level as you. So there's actually no point in grinding at all.Also, it's not any harder if you get to 100 at the start...
>>26642160Earthbound is a terrible game, the gameplay mechanics are as bad as NES games.Yeah, very unique, but the gameplay is bad, dont try to deny it.The other games in your list are fuckwin though.
>>26642094It tried a lot of new stuff? All the hype about FF8 when it was new kept screaming LOOK GUISE NO MP ANYMORE MAGIC IS TOTALLY REVAMPED CHECK IT OUT LOLOLWhat replaced spellbooks and mana pools was an inventory system that you couldn't stock up on at shops. It was a second item bag, whose items you couldn't use if you wanted to keep your stats up.FF8 was INNOVASHUN before the industry really started clinging to the whole braindead idea.
Zell is my favorite of the FF character bunch
>>26641819If you are talking about people who played RPGs like Wizardry and Ultima, every Final Fantasy after 5 was a travesty.
>>26642160The original FF games on the NES were good FOR THEIR TIME.This is the problem with you underageb&s, you rate old 8-bit games by today's standards. The NES severely limited what developers were able to do.
I kinda liked ff8, haven't finished it yet. It tried new things like the junction sytem (that I'm trying to make better atm), the story is centered in the characters and the salary thing. the card game is God Tier.I enjoyed Zell a lot. It's just a fun predictable cliche'd character with a heart of gold. People underestimate Squall. The scene where they are told that seifer is going to be executed and Squall freaks out because everybody is talking like he's already dead was pretty good and showed us another side of the character.I still think Rinoa is annoying.Also, I want to bang Quistis.
no idea what's going on but FUCK YEAR DELICIOUS RIESZ
FF8 was ok, I found it a little hard to feel a part of, there were too many Flashback things and strange plot lines that made it hard to feel like you were a part of the game.It did have its good moments though.
>>26642492spoony and his inaccurate and unfunny review sucks ass.
>>26642337Zell should be a second in Dissidia along with Seifer! Just take his duel system and make a move list out of that.
>>26642362>>26642362>>26642362>>26642362HAIDEE HO Neighbor!
>>26642487I never understod the obssesion of Japan with Riesz.Yeah, she was hot and god tier party member, but I dont remember her being a memorable character or something.
>>26641819I started the series with 1.I enjoyed FF8. It had its flaws, but it was a fun play.
Hey boys. I'm pretty damn high. And I wanna play some /v/idya. I'm tied between CS 1.6 and Perfect World. Which one?
>>26642431She stops getting annoying, kinda...its called a (left blank), you'll find out. I for one am beginning to see why Squall loved her.
I'm just going to come out and say it, screw the wall of text: Final Fantasy stopped being a true role-playing game once they decided to gut out majority of the actual Role-Playing elements to fit in more melodramatic anime inspired bullshit. Where are the customizable options? Where are the choices? Where is the fucking gameplay half the time?
>>26642559>I never understod the obssesion of Japan with Riesz.>Yeah, she was hot and god tier party member,>she was hot and a god tier party memberYeah, that'd about do it. Also, I don't know about "obsession" since there isn't that much fanart of her compared to a lot of others, and a lot of what's out there is crap.But ultimately SD3 was a funass game, Riesz was a character a lot of people used, and there wasn't so much competition back then, and well that's enough isn't it?
>>26642559She wasn't even all that great, mid tier at best. There were better group members you can use.I agree, why is there so much shit on her? She wasn't unique at all, and there have been females in the vidya well before her.
one of the few trip fags that isn't a troll, and that logs off to post in his own thread, sometimes to himself.
Christ Logic. I enjoy FF as much as the next guy, but get Square's cock out of your mouth.
>>26642251Yes, I know that. That is why I am trying to be helpful. Don't be butthurt about it.
>>26641819I started with 7 (as it was the first FF officially released in Yurop), and even I think 8 is a pretty damn shitty game,
The only character from FFVIII I liked was Quistis. Fuck yeah, teacher with a whip!Everyone else was shit tier.
love was all over the place...Squall and RinoaZell and Miss PigtailsSelphie and IrvineFujin and RaijinQuistis......and Seifer? More likely than you think.Cid and EdeaLaguna and....Julia....and then Raine? You pimp, you!
>>26642769Spoiler:both 7 and 8 sucked.
>>26642559>>26642693probably somewhat luck. particularly back before the Internet and boards were all so big it'd be relatively small, tight-nit groups that'd get into something and do art and shit. someone starts getting on about a game they really like and does art, lots of others do too and it builds on itself? I dunno.also, haven't played that game in AGES, might fire it up again now.
The idea of a game centered on the love story was interesting (and better than "look at my boobs cloud" "can't, still thinking about the dead chick"), but fell a bit flat in the middle of all the epic "let's save the world" thing.Still, the best love story in an rpg is in Xenogears. And they acually fucked because the last battle was coming. FUCK YEAH!
i like how half these posts are just logic talking to himself
>>26642721lol, okay...so what games would you rather me play?>>26642745I hear your explaination everytime...thanks for being helpful. Everyone is so helpful with thier opinions, I just wanted to have a good thread about my favorite RPG among other people who feel its thier favorite too. I don't go into threads where I dislike the game to say how shitty they are. I go in and be friendly and learn. Don't worry about me not getting exposed to other games, thats why I come to /v/.
>>26642829The love story in FF8 was destined to fail in the first place because the game was centered around high schoolers. "Epic love story" and "high school drama" don't mix.
You're never going to be able to say FFVIII was good on 4chan. Everyone just has to accept this.I can give complete and factual statements about what the game was. It was a game that focused on the characters over story. Tried a whole host of new ideas to deviate from the EXP grinding and endless cycle of go to town, set of story trigger and get task, go into field, fight boss to set of next game trigger, go back to town and repeat. And as much as I may say the game and its characters had a progression that didn't rely on an external 'end boss' or a convoluted Freudian syndrome.But as much as I or some others may say these things, these views will be the minority here on /v/. But I will state one thing. FFVIII was done on the same vein of FFVI. And everything I just said above is what makes FFVI good.
>>26642515Exactly which parts of Spoony's review were, as you say, inaccurate?I would really like to know.
>>26642847yea, me too, would you like to point me out on which anons are me? Are you me too?
>>26642847Why when an Anon defends/agrees with a tripfag people are like "Sup Tripfag ololololol".Fucking stupid.Samefag from >>26642559>>26642309>>26642094>>26641624 here BTW.
>>26642943trying too hardcan smell the tripfag odor from a mile away
>>26642926For starters, saying that drawing was the only reliable way to get magic just so he can justify spending a great deal of his review hating on the drawing/junctioning system.
There were no awesome characters in FFVIII. Except Gilgamesh and he's an optional summon. When he squashes Siefer, its epic.Other than that, its a good game that gets shit on for doing something different. It followed FFVII and was not FFVII thus it was hated. The same can be said for Chrono Cross.The draw system wasn't a problem if you used your head and made it work for you.
I liked the game.
>>26643001Notice how both>>26642930>>26642943posted at the same time>22:38how do you explain that dear idiot ?
>>26641819>To people who were used to good RPGs, FF8 was a travesty.YES
>>26643053def takes a full minute to post
>>26643043>It followed FFVII and was not FFVII thus it was hated. This. The new fanbase that Sony brought in with their cg cutscene only commercials was expecting FF7-2; 8 could have been the best final fantasy game ever and they would have hated it no matter what>The same can be said for Chrono Cross.No, Chrono Cross was nothing but one big convoluted turd that shat over everything that made Trigger great
>>26642978He did point out that there were other ways to stockpile spells than the draw system, but followed that correction up with the highly accurate statement that it [item refining] was just another form of busywork to achieve the same shitty end.Seeing as how the Draw system was the primary, most advertised feature of the game, it would be expected that players would try to use it before looking for loopholes and ways to work around it.Not that it says good things about a game mechanic when players have to work around it to enjoy the game. Lashing the Draw system is perfectly reasonable.
>>26643056Oh boy. Here comes another 'I think my view of a good RPG is better than yours' debate!
ITT Self important people that think that their opinion = fact.Hey Logic, remember what I told you about FFVIII around these parts? /v/ hates it. I don't know or care why. However, there are those retarded enough to assume that differing opinion = troll.
Who else thought about doing this?
>>26643127no one thinks you're a troll.you just have the taste of a five year old. no one likes seeing shit being touted as good; the industry has enough reviewers doing that daily.
>>26642515Spoony is one of the most legitimately hardass reviewers around without resorting to gimmicks. Fuck you.
>>26643127Yea, I know Nergal. This is why when you come around, I do shit like this to show my appreciation. You're a BRO!
FF8 is my favorite FF game and I liked Chrono Cross better than Chrono Trigger.I liked Chrono Trigger. I liked FF4-7, and FF9.Just because I prefer one game over another does not mean (I'm a troll/I hate every other game in that series)
>>26643126Seconded, why is /v/ so stupid ?>>To people who were used to good RPGs, FF8 was a travesty.>good RPGs>What I like is a good RPG, what other person likes is shitWhat are you twelve or something ?
>>26643181Case in point.
>>26643181See >>26643234And guess what. The guy you quoted pretty much got your number 100%
FFVI and VIII are my favorite FF games. VIII being my favorite.You'll just have to accept that /v/. Not that you guys can ever agree on a game being good anyway, just every game being bad.
>>26643238the worst kind of moron is one that believes an opinion has no basis in intelligence. no man watches stupidity without laughing or raging.
lol if you guys are going to post at least stop logging off. or at least wait a few minutes so it seems like someone else is posting.
I for one loved the Train Mission!pic not related, but same game.
I try to avoid bashing games or any entertainment in general without being prepared to support my stance, but I have to admit it is more than a little frustrating when the fanboys respond by banding together in a circlejerk, cover their ears, and scream LALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU TROLLS.I'll never understand how people can hold opinions so weak that they can't even withstand a little flak now and then.
FF7 is actually better than 8, only fags who bitch about it never played them and just bash 7 to sound cool, or they just got tired of the shitty fanbase.Let's mosey > Whatever
>>26643428along with the rock, paper, sissor like fight over the jetpack... rock=fist=win!
>>26643476>FF7 is actually better than 8It's irrelevant because>>26642798
>>26643375Again, what part of his review is, as you say, inaccurate?I've already covered your complaint about his focus on the Draw system and you thoroughly ignored me. I assume you wanted to drop that point, but since you seem to want to continue holding your stance, did you have another point to bring up?
>>26643455The sad part is that you arent trolling.Your only valid point so far was the old "lets bash draw system", but I know how are nostalgiafriends, you even mentioned Earthbound as a good game.Nobody said that FF VIII was a masterpiece or a perfect game, but it does not deserve that hate that it gets because it wasnt a rehash of other FF games.I dont even like FF VIII a lot, but I do dislike idiots like you.
>>26643455Are you claiming the people who were saying they like FFVIII are the ones making the weakest claim in this thread?Because wow....
>>26643381Keep it going. You're hilarious.I'll also leave with a sage since I have nothing to contribute to the thread.
>>26643536Let me guess, you grew up on the Snes FF games? I like how 2d FF fans are so arrogant.
>>26643455because thats what they are...opinions...I love FFVIII, you don't, and thats fine. I didn't ask why the game sucks, so I don't care about those opinions. For some reason, you found the need to come in here with those exact opinions...whatever. When you make a thread about a game you love, I hope you don't get opinionated people.
>>26643614ah the lowest form of argument, laughing and pretending to be amused as to deviate from the original argument. because when you're amused that automatically means the other guy is stupid amirite.
>>26643688How does it feels not even begin good at trolling people online ?Just wondering.
>>26643127>/v/ hates it/v/ also hates tripfags.Get the fuck out, attention whore.
Final Fantasy VIII was the first RPG I ever playedand I loved it
>>26643620Actually I grew up to the PSX Final Fantasy games. I did however grew up to True RPGs like Ultima, and mostly stuck with PC role-playing games since I found them more fun to play.
>>26643599Are you disappointed that I've only brought up the Draw system?Because I can go on. There is no shortage of reasons to hate Final Fantasy 8.You'd probably just concede on everything, ignore and dismiss as many points as I bring up, and resort to insulting me in response, or simply using the "that's your opinion" escape.
>Protomanoh lawd
>>26643742/v/ is not legion/v/ never had forced anon because this is /v/ not /b/.If you want this kind of shit, go back to /b/
>>26643620>>I like how 2d FF fans are so arrogant.FF fans overall are arrogant. Arrogant because they think their opinions are so popular (because FF and the game they love is popular) that they can say whatever the hell they want. And the sad thing is, enough people will back them up and start a massive argument about whatever stupid thing they said. Even if the same amount of people are in disagreement and against them.They should just play some other RPGs.
I, too, love FFVIII. My second favorite FF, second to FFX. I don't really have any complaints about it, I'd actually like to see a remake of this gem one day.
>>26643637THANK YOUHalf of the trolls are people who are just retards, so use the "lol i troll u" as a cover up, and the other half are people that just suck at getting their opinion across. It's fine to not like something, and no one is forcing you to. It's another story entirely when people barge into a thread saying "HURR DURR THIS GAME SUX YOU DON'T REALLY LIKE THIS GAME YOU TROLL".NEWSFLASH, your views are your own, and are no more or less valid than the next.
I liked the draw system
>>26643688go into a thread you don't likegive your opinionskeep a back and forth dialog about opinionstry to get the last wordwin?No, you lost. As you give your opinions in this thread, someone like yourself is in a thread about a game you love, talking crap about it. While you are here, they are in there. You and people like you then continue the perpetual stupidness that is /v/. Then everyone talks about how /v/ is nothing but hate. This is simple...simply either look for threads about a game you like, or make a thread. The equation is simple and full of win for everyone. Think about it....Everyone, think about it.
>>26643869/v/ never liked attention whores.
>>26643836I will if I find your points lacking. Go on if you wish so.I bet there is some things that I can agree and some others that I will disagree, the draw system bash was not a valid point because it wasnt the correct way of playing the game.
>>26643836The problem with people like you is you can diss out the complaints, but the moment someone talks bad about your favorite game you want to throw a hissy fit.Final Fantasy 8 had its problems, no one is denying that, but you're neglecting to realize every Final Fantasy game had their problems. If you want, I can go into bashing your precious Seiken Densetsu games especially 3(which was worse than 2).
Jeeze. Nobody bitching about the whole travel to the future to kill someone who hasnt been born who then travels back to the past to give her powers to someone who should have never gotten powers in the first place only to later take control of that person to cause the very same events you traveled to the future to prevent.Sure is never played the game past the demo in this thread.
>Logic?VIII !!4LMvISQ1spP thread
>>26643891I love FFX's love story more than FFVIII's. Then again, FFVIII had more love stories happening all at the same time. Either way, it was sweet for me when I thought Tidus really jumped 1000 years into the future, oh was I trolled, and I loved it and I hated it...Hated it because it made me cry at the end, I felt really bad for Tidus, as I did for Squall.
>>26643939It's pointless to bitch about a time paradox since no game have done a time travel driven plot well.
Logic, post the official art of Ultimecia.
>>26643963Why does my picture go to something else when I click on it?
>>26643939>Nobody bitching about the whole travel to the future to kill someone who hasnt been born who then travels back to the past to give her powers to someone who should have never gotten powers in the first place only to later take control of that person to cause the very same events you traveled to the future to preventThis was the biggest problem I had with the game. The storyline made no fucking sense, a problem which was further exacerbated by the fact that Square insisted on using Ultimania guidebooks to expand on plot points that were not fully explained in the game. I don't want to have to buy a separate fucking book to understand a game's storyline, just tell me what I need to know so I can enjoy it.This is the same shit that made SaGa Frontier's endings so retarded.
>>26644011>>It's pointless to bitch about a time paradox since no game have done a time travel driven plot well......Okay, I won't even go there, since you're just using absolutes. Any example I give will just have an instant retort with 'lol shit sux' to cover up your failure.
>>26644011>It's pointless to bitch about a time paradox since no game have done a time travel driven plot well.Just because you have not played the game does not mean it does not exist. This one of the few games that managed to make a believable plot with a time travel twist you could not see coming. But we're not talking about this game right now.
>>26643939I HATED it. I hate anything that throws time travel at you as a "What a TWEEST" moment, FF8 and Wild Arms 5 are PERFECT examples of shitty "What a TWEEST shitty time travel" plots.I like CT, at least Time Travel in CT was a core gameplay element
>>26644078Crossup. Someone posted at the same time you did. I'm glad that's the case, because I wasn't sure of the point you were trying to get across from poop eating. The quote saved you.
>>26644011>It's pointless to bitch about a time paradox since no game have done a time travel driven plot well.Chrono Trigger says "hi"
>>26644078no idea, happens to me too>>26644087I don't get the confusion but whatever...>>26644049Roger, however, there aren't that many...Dissidia didn't fix it either because people hardly play Ultimecia.
>>26644049Oh shit, you said official...there is no Official art...there are only official screenshots...lol, nah, but there is this...I think its the only one.
>>26643900What's good is a conversation without meaningful discussion? What sparks meaningful discussion? Conflicting opinions. You are the cancer of the world that just wants to talk about nothing, just want to have a nice meaningless conversation just to bask in the social pool.>>26643614I honestly can't criticize you well, you say so little but...Let me guess, anyone that doesn't give a 5 page essay about why his opinion isn't fact before or after giving his opinion means he thinks his opinion is fact?
>>26644268Post more of it, anyway.
>>26644182>Wild Arms 5I could care less about the ULTIMATE EVIL, SO EVIL IT'S JUST A BLACK CLOUD WITH RED EYES( lol) and Avril's version of Time Kompression. (seriously it was the same fucking ending as FF8 if you count the Adel body freezing)What bothered me the most about 5 was Nightburn."OH HEY I'M JUST GONNA GET CRUSHED TOTALLY BY A GIANT UNMOVABLE BOULDER I'D LIKE TO REMIND YOU FOR THE 10TH TIME I AM JUST A REGULAR HUMAN I AM DEAD NOW ARRRRRGGGGHHHHHH" He was like Buckley. If Buckley was Bad Ass and in Videogame Form.
>>SquallOh, you mean Emo Git?
>>26644406did any meaningful conversation take place? Did you opinions really make it an enjoyable experience?
FFVIII is my favorite Final Fantasy.
>>26643929Are we participating in the same conversation? The only responses I see are "You're wrong because that's your opinion" and "Your favorite game sucks because you said something bad about my favorite game."That, and the UNITED WE STAND posts.I will never understand why people get so evasive over these things. It's not like a little argument is going to kill anyone.
>>26644406>>I honestly can't criticize you wellYou can say that again.Take your own advice hypocrite. Don't just jump into a thread wagging your finger at people and think you've accomplished something. If you want to have a 'meaningful discussion', stop following the same damn schedule of half of 4chan and try to actually talk about something besides people's faults.
>>26644249Trigger's plot made even less sense. Most people don't realize that the game's plot went to hell once it started.
>>26644406>meaningful discussionHalf /v/ doesnt know how the express a solid opinion, that quite answers both of your points I guess.Well, I am tired, I enjoyed this thread even with trolls, tripfags haters and etc.I think that both of you Nergal, and Logic are pretty cool guys, too many shitty tripfags lately.(Even if it is kind of exagerate to have a tripcode for one game, Logic.)Just my personal opinion.Good night guise.
>>26644505No, a meaningful conversation didn't take place, because you keep dropping the ball. If you'd quit trying to deflect every statement you find unpleasant, we might be able to have a good volley or two.
>>26644406Give an opinion, I encourage it. Just don't be a complete twat about it. Also, this anon is correct >>26644612It is possible to have a discussion about something without bringing up the negatives. The thread wasn't made for that sort of discussion, however, it has been (more or less) derailed into such.
>>26644677thanks bro, I only got VIII in there because someone professes that I know alot about FFVIII's story with such detail.
>>26644773>>26644677Night, and /v/ is too chaotic because of things like this.
>>26644728In this thread alone you have done nothing but actively discourage the sharing of any and all negative opinions about Final Fantasy 8.That is the opposite of encouraging opinions.
>>26644664I know what you mean. I was playing Trigger recently and the plot is really messed up. I couldn't even understand what was going on most of the time.
I wish Nergal and Logic would wrap up their foreplay and have sex with each other already.
>>26644717thats the thing, you want to play ball, I don't feel like playing ball. You keep wanting to play ball with me, I just want to reminance (or however the fuck you spell it) about a players awesome stats (which are my opinion, not saying anything about other players/games) and trade baseball cards (pics) with others who love the player. You wanted to play ball, you had to have it your way. You're selfish, everyone else were trying to trade thoughts about a player they liked, you and your baseball team wants to play ball, we don't even have our gear, and we don't want to run home and get it. Fuck off.
>>26644906lol, its not going to happen because we come from seperate worlds...get it? lol