ITT: General tf2 thread. talk about updates, comics, anything related to tf2
I miss Dr Tanner threads...
moar tf2 comikz
>>26619863Aww, I thought he was cowering in FEAR from the thumbnail.
huehuahuehuahuehuahuehua gib medal plx
LUL RETARDED ENEMY! Yeah! Just keep running into my sentry! Maybe if you die enough I'll run out of ammo!
Favourite classes?I usually play either Offensive Engineer >>26619930 so no hiding, but running around and putting turrets and TPs as far ahead as possibleORDefensive Pyro. Because there is nothing more fun than setting a bunch of point getting people on fire.And i dont give a shit if they dont require any skill.
I switch in and out of classes, but I mostly play medic/engineer, but will go scout when the need arises.I do what I do for the GOOD OF THE TEAM.
so when is supossed to be released the scout update ?
I main Medic/Scout, but am trying to be a mildly decent Sniper.Engineer class seems to be just camping near your buildings. Leave and they're fucked up in seconds.
i hate camper ad that's all.
>>26620396That's only defensive. An offensive Engie knows his buildings WILL die and just goes for placing them in unexpected places suddenly, lose the sentry after a kill or two, and moves on to put it somewhere else.Or sneak around back and place a level 3 teleporter.
>>26619699I love the image of them as a team.It really suits them.I wish I was part of a 50's team like that.
I play off spy(usally go sap sentry or teleports and stab as many people in the back as I can)Pyro either off or D I play it by earOr D Solider
We had a pretty good thread going on last night, including a nice discussion about the 360 version and the massive update for it.The 360 will get everything the pc has gotten, but all at once. Including dedicated servers
>>26620396A good engie leaves his stuff out and shoots you WHILE the turret's eating you alive. The shottie does do a surprising amount of damage, but most engies just turtle. It works, but it can be boring unless you're really needed for point defense/area denial.
Offensive engies will fuck your shit up.
Occasionaly I like to be a faggot and use the back burner. Team mate distracts, I come in and :awesome:. Really satisfying hearing those crits.
The blue spy is so cute
Jailbait scout is Jailbait
>>26620764I lol'd
>>26620630I made that.Rejoice.
>>26620933I would guess that they'd have a rough date sometime after the scout update
>>26620933This. I'm tired of playing other games, waiting for the update so I can play this again.
Fuck Pyros.
I want to play scout more often, but I suck at it and it's very discouraging to see how little progress I'm making. So I mostly play Pyro or offensive engineer.
i find it difficult to get into this game. theres just something about the feel of counterstrike is brootal, left4dead is awesome unrealistic fun.. tf2 is just... everyclass dies really fast and i just dont know.. theres something about it i dont like
>>26619699NIce little sub-plot with the Chef Pyro dealing with spies
>>26621147I would play Scout much more if my PC didn't run at 12fps.I do play Scout on Badlands though. I love sneaking around the back of the base and quickly capping the last point before the enemy even know what's hit 'em.
>>26621182TF2 is humourous and lighthearted.
Engies have a multitude of roles to play.>Dispensers should be placed to help the team, not for metal.Chances are there should be ammo lying about the place which you can use for your sentry. Dispensers should benefit most of the team.>Sentries should create safety zones.Your heavy's out of ammo, your medic's low on health, your demoman is reloading. They need somewhere to retreat to; your sentry provides that area.>Get teleporters up as soon as possible.When that player who actually IS credit to team gets killed and is out of action, your team is going to feel it.Make sure there's a teleporter to get him back in th action as soon as possible.>The Engineer has more than the wrenchGet into the action.Shoot someone.Your sentry creates one safety zone but there's always more than one route.Go defend that one yourself.>The wrench is more than to upgrade your sentryThe wrench is a "standard" melee weapon.When you're in close quarters, your wrench is more effective than the shotgun.Not only is it very powerful, it also has a higher crit chance; melee weapons have a 10% crit chance which increases with each kill etc.Kills from your sentry gun COUNT towards the crit chance.>Level 1 sentries are usefulDon't be afraid to take down your level 3 sentry.A well-placed, surprising level 1 sentry can score a couple of kills. Back it up with your shotgun and it's surprisingly effective.Hope that helps someone.
>>26621182I'm not an FPSfag, and I like this game. The silliness of it does make it more fun, and when your TEAM ACTUALLY USES TEAMWORK, then it's fucking awesome.
>>26621147Scout class is made of win.You can get some SKILLZ by running around the enemy base. You learn DODGAN, speedy combat and distract half the team from capturing points.If they catch you, just respawn and do it again.
>>26621182I remember being dissapointed with the damage of the guns like the rocket launcher and minigun. With medics and no headshots for most of the classes, TF2 has some of the most drawn out combat I've seen in an FPS, except with crits of course.
/v/, don't play on insta-spawn server.The game falls apart.
>>26621339The rocket launcher kills most classes in two shots.You must suck at it.
>>26620877BAAAW HOW CUTE!:3
Anyone honestly any good at Burce class?
>>26621375It kills the weakest classes in 2 shots, one must be a direct hit. Also, medics.
>>26621503I've played with some people who are so good they get accused of aimbotting.It's pretty freaky.Personally, I feel that Snipers are either really good, or essentially useless.Scoring a kill here and there doesn't disrupt the whole team as the other classes can.Most Snipers would be more useful playing as medics.
>>26619481I sure don't.
>>26621267Have over 150 hours engineer and I learnt a thing or two there, thanks.
melee weapons have a 10% crit chance which increases with each kill etc.Kills from your sentry gun COUNT towards the crit chance.So that's why engis have crits out the ass with their wrench...
>>26621182The 'OMG I DIE IN LIEK 1 SHOT!!!! OMG THIS GUY JUST DOESNT DIE AT ALL ADN NOW HES SHOTING ME AND OMG I DIE IN 1 HIT OMG' feeling? Yeah, I had that too when I started. Most people do, essentially it's because you suck. Persevere for a bit and you'll get it, or ditch the game and say it sucks. Whatever you want.
>>26621570i was once accused f aimbotting as scout.i was also surprised, as most of the days my point blank shots don't deal too much damage.(i shot a distracted spy six times point blank and he didn't die - and once he noticed me he killed me with a single facestab- i raged so hard that day)
>>26621667Yes, that's why people think the wrench has a higher crit chance.
>>26621503Shadow-X, Capndrake and PlipPlop the last Ploo Ploo of 2f2f fame are legendary snipers.
Ah, /v/ is the only reason I bought the Orenge Bawks.FPS never did anything for me until TF2.I love you faggots for it.
>>26621191Spoilers bro. The pyro is a spy by the end. The Sniper started out smoking, and at the end was signalling the spyro to quiet down before they both got caught.
>>26621147If you want to be a better scout there are a few rules you can follow.WHen forced to run directly towards a sniper equip your pistol and strafe left and right as you advance while shooting at the sniper. Their aim gets fucked up when they got shot and if you hit them enough they'll run away so they don't die. Scouts can harass the shit out of snipers at long range if you do this, better than a pyro with a flaregun. Never try to kill heavies with the bat unless they've already taken damage. They take a lot of punishment and they'll gun you down fast after like your 3rd or 4th hit. If you have to kill a heavy then try to ambush them from behind with the scattergun and run away after you land about two shots so they don't catch up to your strafing.The best general way to practice with scout is to mostly use the pistol rather than the scattergun so that you improve your aim. That thing has the same functionality of the Sniper's machine gun except you have to manually fire it, but it has a fire rate that's as fast as you can click. Your best bet is to push carts and capture points but if you're doing more fighting then just annoy the shit out of the enemy. When you pklay the scout, think like the scout. Be an annoying little asshole who runs in, fires a few shots and hits a few people, then get out, refill health and ammo, and go back to do it again. The scouts attitude actually helps his gameplay and it makes him fun to use. Always make time to voice command NEED A DISPENSER HERE every 20 seconds or so. That shit will power you up.
>Never try to kill heavies with the bat unless they've already taken damage. They take a lot of punishment and they'll gun you down fast after like your 3rd or 4th hit. If you have to kill a heavy then try to ambush them from behind with the scattergun and run away after you land about two shots so they don't catch up to your strafing.or you can try jumping and landing over his head and hitting's really tough can practtice with snipers, since they are more oblvious to their surroundings.
>>26621267fuck, i did that shit since release. I should play in a clan, really.
>>26622358AH, I never thought of that. I will go practice that soon, it sounds fun to do.I actually get most of my kills with the bat because I ambush enemies and dance all around them while beating the shit out of whoever I first targetted. Even if I might die I always go after my target and dont let up unless I'm about to die. Sometimes if I can afford it I hit them until I get killed anyways just to make them jumpy. Nothing worse than a really fast enemy dedicating themselves to beating the shit out of you at every turn out of nowhere. Since I mostly go after medics and snipers they die quick and I can chain about 7 melee kills on a good day before I die. Its not really smart strategy but its fun to do.