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01/27/09(Tue)00:43 No.26359837How old are you? 23
Ever have any girl/boyfriends? If you do have one, how often you see him/her? Does he/she smoke/drink? Yes;
total of seven, although two of those were so short-lived they
shouldn't really be counted. Currently approaching a full three years
in my current relationship. Due to school and work, I only get to see
him on a weekly basis at the moment; he drinks socially, and doesn't
How many close friends do you have? How often do you see these friends? How many of them smoke/drink? Perhaps
three or so? "Close" connotes a certain emotional intimacy that I don't
share with all of my friends, even the very good ones. Unfortunately, I
don't see any of them currently, as we no longer live in the same parts
of the world. Most of them drink occasionally.
And of course, do you smoke/drink? I
used to do neither, but I've taken up drinking in certain social
situations within the last year (usually when the booze is free). No
What do you think is the best part of your personality? The ability to be gregarious at almost any time. Does the vidya give you happyness? Not happyness; sometimes happiness, but not recently.
Do you prefer to play alone, with friends, or both depending on the situation? Both; I like playing my own games alone, but enjoy watching other people playing, as well.
Were you that kid in school that had alot of "friends" in school but hardly hanged around with them outside of school? Not particularly.
And finally, are you happy with yourself? Who can be happy in grad school? |