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  • File :1232920645.jpg-(79 KB, 500x551, NOT games.jpg)
    79 KB Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)16:57 No.26288470  
    Why is gaming going to shit, /v/?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)16:58 No.26288497
    Why don't you play your games and stop worrying about others.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)16:58 No.26288513
    Because hordes of people like you complain and bitch whenever anything doesn't go your way
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)16:58 No.26288539
    You're right, it's not.

    So don't post it here anymore.
    >> Shidō Mariya-sama, trap extraordinaire !!H6bdtTJBtOD 01/25/09(Sun)16:58 No.26288546
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)16:59 No.26288550
    I'd hit it
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)16:59 No.26288565
    because it\s a business before it's a niche market.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)17:00 No.26288595
    Let the casuals have their casualan.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)17:00 No.26288600
    OP here, I mean in general. Look at the quality of games. They get shinier graphics and that's about it while the gameplay has been shit for a decade.

    lol at nintendo apologists.
    >> Captain Jack !hGOSGwNlVk 01/25/09(Sun)17:00 No.26288604
    DLC, and designers releasing incomplete games so they can sell DLC on top of the already redicoulous 69.99
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)17:00 No.26288605
    Because Casuals and idiots buy shovelware and don't buy good games

    it's as easy as that
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)17:01 No.26288654
    Gaming is going to shit because it ate some food an hour ago and now it needs to go to the bathroom, so please step away from the door
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)17:01 No.26288663
    Because video games surpassed movies as the most popular and profitable entertainment and the same fat greedy fucks behind hollowood took notice and are slowly removing it's soul in dark rituals of casual.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)17:01 No.26288670
    Because Nintendo.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)17:02 No.26288693
    stick to old games then faggot.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)17:03 No.26288727
    Because it has become steadily more mainstream over the last decade whilst remaining in the hands of a very few companies, who thanks to their almost total market control have failed to acquire the quality control that other forms of media have developed, to one extent or another.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)17:03 No.26288734

    shit for a decade? how about you stop listening to the trolls on /v/ and decide something for yourself

    banjo kazooie was like no other lego type game i've played ever. left 4 dead set the new standard for zombie apocalypse games. just back in 2007 god of war II came out which of course is fun as hell. team ico is releasing a new game on top of their already awesome shadow of the colossus

    please shut up
    >> Jouten !!du1YQ4EjONG 01/25/09(Sun)17:03 No.26288751
    Nintendo is purposely trying to destroy Video Games. Why do you ask? So they can take control of the market. Once the competitors drop out of the race, Nintendo will be the only system left. Then they'll create different kinds of system, and each system will cater games to different kinds of people. Wii will continue catering to casuals, they'll come out with a console that caters to the older styles like 2d and platforming, and then they'll come out with a console for 3d and mature games.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)17:04 No.26288758
    Why is /v/ going to shit?
    Answer kids.
    Actually that's wrong, you just grew up. Casual games were just as big when you were young, now you're old enough you can tell the difference.
    Much the same as /v/ it was always bad, it's now you're mature enough to notice.

    Also...Nintendo brought the casuals back with the nes.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)17:04 No.26288764
    Because there are no first-timers anymore. Enjoy your repetative hobby. Want story? Read a book. Want graphics? Watch a movie.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)17:04 No.26288765
    well lets see
    FPS has basically flooded the market with mature games for mature gamers, non-video games has become video games kareoke sims (GH, rock band), wii fit etc, paying for free content (DLC, roms) and just overall not enough variety
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)17:04 No.26288769
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    That's Nature for you
    Everything has a beginning and an End

    You honestly didn't believe it would last forever did you?

    Get a new hobby, read a book, play sports, whatever you want, the world is filled with possibilities, you just got to learn when to let go.

    Or be just like me and play the old games you never played.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)17:05 No.26288810
    There are a lot of reasons, but I suppose the whole "casuals" thing might be one of them. The reason for that is because people who don't have the dexterity or hand-eye coordination (read: people who don't normally play videogames {read: a larger percent of the population than those that do}) are turned off by the difficulty of most games, and also the whole "nerdiness" of the established fictional universes of many. Now, developers have realized that making simple, basic minigames, means way more people will play them, which is good for the developers in two ways:
    1. It is easy as fuck to make these games, compared to the kind regular players are now demanding, not to mention WAY cheaper.
    2. More people buy these games than others. Holy fuck we are making a shitload of money here.
    So, there really is no reason why should major developers should stop. And if you think all serious players suddenly giving up video games will decrease the sales significantly, all that will do is encourage more casual players to start trying out videogames, now that "nerds" don't do it.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)17:05 No.26288816
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)17:08 No.26288934
    Ocarina of Time was casual.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)17:08 No.26288935
    Because it's such a big business companies think that so long as they put enough money into marketing and advertising they think it will become an instant success. Nearly every game now is touted as game of the year they way they build up so much hype.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)17:10 No.26288990
    The industry is going to shit because YOU pirate video games.

    They have to make money. They don't make money off of your type of game, because you don't pay for them. So they make games for people who do pay for them.

    Shut the fuck up about it. Let the casuals have their games, let the developers get some money so they can actually afford to make games for you.

    Games that you won't pay for.

    Except for the PS3, obviously.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)17:10 No.26288992
    Because you, the person who actually enjoys video games, is no longer the main target audience
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)17:12 No.26289105
    >shit for a decade? how about you stop listening to the trolls on /v/ and decide something for yourself

    Right, lets hear about some fantastic new gameplay features that have truly revolutionized gaming since 2000.
    >> Morrigan !Njx3dHvmhA 01/25/09(Sun)17:14 No.26289165
    This anon speaks the truth.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)17:15 No.26289198

    Well, what do you think the casual generation of games are? They're targeted towards a group that should know jackshit about piracy. That's just more money in their coffers instead of making "hardcore" games and losing profits to neckbeards who know how to pirate a game.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)17:15 No.26289219
    Actually, I buy good games. I refuse to pay for shitty games.

    More than a few people quit buying games because while quality was going into the shitter, prices were skyrocketing. What's the point of paying more for shit? It's a nasty cycle.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)17:17 No.26289335
    This makes too much sense

    although, couldn't they just release one console and release all kinds of games for it, just like PS2?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)17:19 No.26289385

    yeah, no. left 4 dead is the least deep and most intuitive shooter I have ever seen.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)17:19 No.26289395
    Well, I wouldn't say it's absolutely amazing, or even "new" per se, but the way Star Wars: Force Unleashed utilized three(iirc) different physics engines to emulate the reactions of various materials in real time was pretty good. I just thought that the way wood, metal, and glass twisted, bent, and broke was something that could make any game at least a bit cooler.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)17:19 No.26289403
    >This is not video games
    > Not video games

    Well I can tell who ever made this is a grammar genius.

    Besides, the PS 1 and 2 still brought in more casuals for their time then the Wii is doing now. How many Madden games have you seen on a Nintendo console? Do you think that all the frat boy's coming in with gears and halo are hard core? Why was one of the big E3 presentation points for both 360 and Ps3 was a way to RENT MOVIES.

    If you think casual is only on Nintendo you need to wake the fuck up, or at least get your head out of your ass.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)17:19 No.26289424


    >>Nintendo is purposely trying to destroy Video Games. Why do you ask? So they can take control of the market

    >>destroy video games so they can control the video game market

    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)17:20 No.26289439

    Because consoles are taking over.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)17:20 No.26289463
    Hey, hey guys? See OP's image? Remember when we all said this back when the PSX was bringing in the nigra and football playing crowed? How's this any different?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)17:20 No.26289465
    Breaking stuff = gameplay? So we'll have a barfight-franchise from EA soon?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)17:21 No.26289476
    Because you people are a bunch of whiny cunts who hates everything not completely like you. Stop being a bunch of bitches, shut up, and play your stupid over-rated valve games.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)17:21 No.26289481
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    >Mature games
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)17:22 No.26289553

    Obviously you've never played Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

    Only the hardcore can play that shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)17:22 No.26289554

    katamari damacy was after 2000

    i would say that is nothing like any other game
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)17:24 No.26289652
    Right, lets hear about some fantastic new gameplay features that have truly revolutionized gaming before 2000
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)17:24 No.26289656
    Nintendo Wii

    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)17:25 No.26289678
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    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)17:27 No.26289778
    the reason ps3 fails is because of no piracy.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)17:29 No.26289879
    I don't understand this "want story, read a book" thing. Why, pray tell, can't a game have a good or at least passable story? By that reasoning, movies couldn't have good stories either, and that's hardly the case.

    My take is, you make a game like Mario or Battletoads, then by all means, skip story entirely, it's perfectly fine. But if you're going to get all pretentious about your game, and start with an orchestrated intro, and lots of dialogue with lots of big worlds, then for the love of god, make a decent, mature story, without plot holes, without "teenagers out to save the world", etc, etc, etc. Go read tvtropes every now and then for Christ's sake. My adult gamer's nerves thank thee
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)17:31 No.26289934
    How about something simple, like the actual creation of video games?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)17:32 No.26289972
    All shit aside, over here in germany the PS3 fails because of marketing. The 360 has a lot of adverts on TV, the Ps3 only has "Watch BlueRay on Ps3!" for several recent Movies.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)17:32 No.26289990
    Because everyone's so worried about appealing to a certain demographic ("casual" or "hardcore") that they don't focus on just making a good fucking game.

    Plus, theres a lot more risk involved in developing games today. It costs so much to create these high end projects. Companies don't take many risks because a flop would devastate them.

    tl;dr- Buy a game once in a while
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)17:34 No.26290038
    i can't wait till people like op quit gaming, maybe then we can have a respectable hobby
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)17:34 No.26290046
    > I don't understand this "want story, read a book" thing.
    Because a book is based on having story. A game is based on having gameplay. A game with both gameplay and story is more than it needs to be, and unless it pays off accordingly it's not going to happen often.

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