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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

    today marks the end of scheduled maintenance—two guys with two weeks to kill and a few hundred hours later, we're finally [mostly] done.
    page loads/image downloads should be dramatically faster. until we hit 1gbps, at least. to all of my wonderful and ungrateful users: "you're welcome."
    (note: there are still a few other things i'll be working on so expect intermittent downtime)
    ps: thanks so much to mvb for all of the help and support.

    File :1231887944.jpg-(244 KB, 1280x634, Pressure.jpg)
    244 KB noku 01/13/09(Tue)18:05 No.25670307  
    A couple of /v/irgins (including me) came up with an idea for a game, "Pressure" we called it. It was an interesting concept, to say the least. The game started off in a far-off underwater testing facility. The huge lab is attacked by massive mutant fish like in OPs pic, and chaos ensues.

    The real quirk of the game, is that there is no defined goal or ending. The game ends when you escape or die. You choose one of the many different professions at the start of the game. This profession defines where you start, what weapons you start with and what you are good with. For instance, if you chose to start as a scientist, the story would begin in the facilities lab, and you would have access to blunt weapons like lab equipment and an array of chemicals. If you chose security guard, you would start with a gun and a baton. For matinence guy, you would start in the depths of the facility with a wrench.

    A playthrough will last somewhere from 2-3 hours. There is no possible way to even see a fraction of the content in one playthrough. The facility is MASSIVE. The game ends if you reach the surface or die by an accident or fish. You can pussy out at the very beginning by stealing a small lab submarine and making your way to the surface, if you can manage to avoid the demons of the depths. Or you can stick with other survivors to try to find a way out that gets all of you to safety.

    The game was so in-depth that I can't even begin to go farther into it. There was a .rar of all of the content we had come up with. Give me a second and I will try to find it, including concept art.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 01/13/09(Tue)18:09 No.25670517
    I suggest you find it fast.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)18:10 No.25670547
    Cool story bro.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)18:11 No.25670654
    and it's a Wii exclusive
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)18:13 No.25670710
    >there is no defined goal or ending
    "Getting to safety" is a pretty well defined goal there, chief.

    Also, here's the fun-killing truth: Game ideas are a dime a dozen. No one cares if you have game ideas. What matters is if you can actually implement a third of what you come up with.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)18:13 No.25670755
    this is cute
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)18:14 No.25670762
    Stop reposting this.

    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)18:15 No.25670806
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)18:15 No.25670844
    ever heard of bioshock?

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