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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

    today marks the end of scheduled maintenance—two guys with two weeks to kill and a few hundred hours later, we're finally [mostly] done.
    page loads/image downloads should be dramatically faster. until we hit 1gbps, at least. to all of my wonderful and ungrateful users: "you're welcome."
    (note: there are still a few other things i'll be working on so expect intermittent downtime)
    ps: thanks so much to mvb for all of the help and support.

    File :1231884560.png-(976 KB, 1280x1024, femalescoutcredit2qb2.png)
    976 KB Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)17:09 No.25667536  
    So during that Steam Sale I ended buying the Orange Box which included Team Fortress which I havn't played yet.

    How many times will I die before I get my first kill or become a credit to the team?
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)17:09 No.25667571
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    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)17:09 No.25667573
    God, those thighs.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)17:10 No.25667614
    pick pyro

    go 134-2 your first game
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)17:11 No.25667621
    i would like to know this too as im buying the orange box tomorrow
    >> BaDEnglishTypa !FyOps3z626 01/13/09(Tue)17:11 No.25667628
    Go medic...
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)17:11 No.25667637
    Wont take long to get your first kill.
    To be credit to team, be a good Engineer.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)17:12 No.25667658
    LOL like 'ban kai' from bleach!!
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)17:12 No.25667673
    Go medic and watch other classes to see how they play. Credit to team with survivability and learnings.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)17:13 No.25667705
    If you want to get a hang of things and be credit to team play 2Fort as engineer.
    Build your sentry near the spawn gates pointing towards the courtyard.
    Dispenser in the left side of the enemy entrance (by the fence)
    Teleport to the sewers (Health pack area/right next to the stairs)
    Patroll the area for enemies, piss them off and lure them to your sentry.
    Credit to the fucking team.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)17:13 No.25667710
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    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)17:13 No.25667732
    Go Medic. Follow people round to learn the maps and fighting tricks.

    Just make sure you select the Medigun (right) and not the Syringe Gun before you try and heal someone for the first time.

    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)17:13 No.25667737
    "Engineer is credit to team."

    Build a sentry defending your own objective unless you're attacking, if attacking you can build teleporters to near front line, dispensers to give health/ammo, and a sentry so your team isn't knocked back.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)17:14 No.25667738
    Just play it, that's what everyone else did...
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)17:14 No.25667760
    You wont.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)17:14 No.25667761
    It won't take you long at all if you do at least 2 of these:

    -be reasonably intelligent
    -play conservatively at first until you know some things
    -play with people who actually communicate, and work with them
    -play a class your team desperately needs
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)17:14 No.25667775
    We have so many of these threads, every time there is about 50 replies saying 'Go Medic'
    Medic is boring as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)17:16 No.25667836
    A Medic is as good as his healed.
    That's why I don't really think its a good class to start of as.
    But then again, what do I fucking know.
    I own the 360 version any fucking way.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)17:16 No.25667858

    But even a less-skilled Medic is a credit to the team.

    When you're starting out, go Medic and Engineer.

    Then go Heavy, or Scout if you have good aim.

    You'll be fine as long as you don't play Soldier or Pyro permanently.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)17:18 No.25667946
    I started off playing Scout and Spy and didn't do so bad.
    cp_well is quite a good map to get started on, not many people play it though :c
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)17:18 No.25667958
    24/7 2fort instaspawn
    go medic
    heal sniper on battlements
    dominate entire opposing team
    enjoy being unkillable
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)17:20 No.25668035

    If you didn't do too badly as a Spy when starting out, I commend you sir.

    Well-played Spies are lethal. Poorly-played Spies end up with 0-500.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)17:20 No.25668065
    it's pretty hard to suck as heavy.
    but.. play medic to be credit or pyro to get easy kills.
    >> [Razor] !YgQRHAJqRA 01/13/09(Tue)17:21 No.25668073
    >24/7 2fort instaspawn
    who knows he might meet Ray Romano
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)17:21 No.25668078
    1. play defense
    2. go pyro
    3. find an engineer who looks like he knows what hes doing
    4. work with the engineer... note that you dont actually have to talk to him to work with him. This can be done in the following ways:

    Briefly spit flame at any friendlies who pass by. If they light on fire, they are a spy; kill them.

    Use the secondary fire on the flamethrower to knock explosives away from the sentry

    Use the secondary fire on the flamethrower to knock ubered medics off of the people who are killing the sentry

    light people on fire and the retreat into the sentry's "safe zone"

    flank around behind people who are trying to "wear down" the sentry, especially demomen

    ta-da, instant credit to team.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)17:21 No.25668079
    Well, I started playing when the game was released.
    I don't know if it was me being half-decent or nobody knowing to spycheck.
    >> TripcodeFaggot !uPdR7Pc4.. 01/13/09(Tue)17:21 No.25668114
    1. be a scout
    2. get bat out
    3. BOINK
    4. BONK
    5. ?????
    6. PROFIT!
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)17:24 No.25668220
    > 8. MAGGETS
    Seriously, fuck the bat.
    Only good to bonk stupid snipers.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)17:24 No.25668223
    I've seen a few other Pyros do this, but I've never considered doing it myself until just now.
    This is possibly the only thing that pisses me off more than Demomen, too.
    >> TripcodeFaggot !uPdR7Pc4.. 01/13/09(Tue)17:25 No.25668254
    i know :( its just fun to run around like a bat wielding maniac
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)17:27 No.25668332

    how do you secondary fire?
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)17:29 No.25668408

    right click


    Yeah, it surprises me how few times you see a pyro and an engie working together seeing as how they're every bit as made for eachother as medic and heavy are.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)17:30 No.25668446
    1. Play Scout
    2. Use only the bat
    3. Bonk everyone and constantly press "X" then "5" when not in combat
    4. ????
    5. PROFIT!
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)17:30 No.25668448

    Trying to play Dustbowl and being unable to cross through that ditch to attack the point because the whole enemy team is Demomen and the floor is littered with stickies is no fun at all.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)17:30 No.25668465

    I use x bawks :[

    Just started playing today, Ive been following people around as a medic, but im intrigued by this whole pyro thing.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)17:33 No.25668623
    They are usually called spy checkers. Youtube it.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)17:35 No.25668705
    No such thing as secondary fire for the Pyros in the 360 version.
    Vanilla TF2
    Final destination
    >> Onlyafoolwouldtakesomethingpostedhereasfact 01/13/09(Tue)17:37 No.25668774
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    >-play a class your team desperately needs
    I can not say how much you should listing to this...
    Ok newguy here are some tips ....eningeer and medic =Credit for the team even when you suck donkey balls... (just heal everybody till uber then attack,enigneer just pick a spot and sentry there and if you got time put some teleports on the frontline)

    Soldier + Demoman + heavy = 2nd credit for the team but the demo and soldier are hard to master but powerful .heavy just watch out for snipa's and go find a regular medic buddy for insta win and credit to the team)

    Pyro = Spy checker god if you have a spy infest help your engi's they will love you ...Also try to ambush and get back burner...you will kill everybody short of a very good player or uber pair

    Scout= G-g-g-g-get that intel/control point. also change class if they are sentry campin you will lose (or just go kill some people but thats hard)

    Sniper=Sure you will get a 10-1 kill count easly but Dont go try to find other snipers....focus on control points and medic pairs to be credit to the team (or just kill a lot of people to slow their attacks)

    On a special note= SPY the most credit to the team guy if you are good with it...It CAN DO EVERYTHING SENTRY KILLIN ,PAIR KILLIN, CONTROL POINT ROGUEIN SCOUTIN
    You will be the guy that will immoblilise that sentry post so your team will come in for the kill.
    You will kill that medic pair in a nice combo.
    You will RAPE the snipers killin your team..
    BUT its the hardest class by far to master..
    (if you can try pyro first then go engineer or medic..then soldier or heavy then demoman or scout And then go for the awesome spy (leave that sniper unless you aint aiming for credit to the team)

    You are welcome feel free to add/critism
    A team fortress (and spy of course) lover.

    (picture related my 1st !!! try as pyro)
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)17:37 No.25668776

    >x bawks

    In that case your pyro doesn't even have a secondary fire and wont get one until they release that expansion that will update your version with all the stuff the PC users have been getting gradually.

    Pyros are still good engie partners, but not as amazingly so. If anything, a heavy or even demoman might be better in the 360 vesion as the pyro has only his shotgun to deflect stickies, without that secondary fire on the flamethrower.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)17:39 No.25668871

    Yeah that's pretty much all true, except that he can't get the backburner on the 360

    Which is sad because the backburner actually makes the pyro viable as an offensive combat class.
    >> Headcrab Zombie !RcN2J6om9o 01/13/09(Tue)17:39 No.25668890
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    >Kills: 161
    >Deaths: 181

    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)17:39 No.25668907

    I own the 360 version and it is in need of DLC.

    I want more stuff.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)17:40 No.25668941
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    >24/7 2fort fast respawn
    >time connected - 3 Hours 42 Minutes
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)17:41 No.25668984
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    >24/7 2fort fast respawn
    >> Onlyafoolwouldtakesomethingpostedhereasfact 01/13/09(Tue)17:41 No.25668997
    MY First TF2 fight EVER..Not that bad imho...
    Also i aint defending...ATTACK ATTACK is all i do
    Of course i run in too that sentry 8 times in a row
    But i love fraggin .
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)17:41 No.25669009
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    >24/7 2fort fast respawn
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)17:42 No.25669062
    Word of advice... don't play 2fort, and don't listen to anyone who talks it up.

    Seriously, it's not a very good map at all. Play payload and CP maps.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)17:43 No.25669126
    In 360 version I'd say Sniper takes the most skill, simply because console controls aren't as good for fine aiming as a mouse is.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)17:44 No.25669206
    And map fixes, I'm tired of people always building sentries under the maps. Can't they update this even ONCE?
    >> Onlyafoolwouldtakesomethingpostedhereasfact 01/13/09(Tue)17:45 No.25669260
    Come on guys... I know ,but just posting that picture because it was my first TF2 fight ever..
    And i got top score.
    Also look at the rest of my post before posting..
    I aint that stupid and play Spy almost all the time now.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)17:46 No.25669274
         File :1231886766.png-(Spoiler Image, 28 KB, 204x189, 1231884932125.png)
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    >Which is sad because the backburner actually makes the pyro viable as an offensive combat class.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)17:46 No.25669310

    Oh, fuck, I forgot, 360 doesnt even get the payload gameplay mode

    Goddamn why do you people do this to yourselves?
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)17:47 No.25669361
    Finally someone who shares my views. I fucking hate 2fort. It's fucking awful.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)17:49 No.25669429

    Because we own 360s and don't want to buy a gaming PC, and TF2 is a good game no matter what platform it's played on.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)17:50 No.25669471
    I agree.

    When I started out I always loved spy, but the first month, I always ended up with at least four times the deaths to kills ratio.

    After 57 hours spy, I get at least 6 kills every death
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)17:50 No.25669476

    You seem to be under the impression I am trollan. I'm afraid you are mistaken.

    Demoman, Soldier, and Heavy can all easily kill a pyro even if they don't know he's there until he's within his rather short range. Sniper and Medic can make pyros their bitch quite easily as well as long as they know he's coming.

    Really the only class he dominates the fuck out of is spy.
    >> Onlyafoolwouldtakesomethingpostedhereasfact 01/13/09(Tue)17:50 No.25669486
    Ow sorry OP by the way ..For xbox its a different setup Because sniper take hell of a skill ..
    (pyro is still easy mode even without the upgrade's)
    But then again the slower classes (heavy,soldier) are easier because lack of snipers...I will still say pyro for basic's
    Then move up till spy ..(when you can do spy you pretty much masterd the game)
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)17:52 No.25669555

    I suppose the question was two fold; if you do have a gaming pc, then why didnt you get the pc version, and if you don't, why did you get a console?

    But lets not let this get any further into console vs pc warfaggotry
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)17:52 No.25669586
    what's a good server for newbie faggots to play on? :(
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)17:52 No.25669593

    Until, that is, he gets the backburner.

    At which point a semi-intelligent pyro can quite easily make a 2-1 ratio.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)17:54 No.25669657

    Whatever server has the lowest ping, eight or more players, is not playing 2fort or granary, and is not using reduced respawn times, altered crits, sourcecraft, or any other gay mods.
    >> Onlyafoolwouldtakesomethingpostedhereasfact 01/13/09(Tue)17:56 No.25669754
    Guys Lets not forget that pyro should ambush
    This is like spy backstabbin without the hard part and weakness to every little blow.
    (even without backburner you should kill heavy;s before they can turn around ,and when they do =cricle strafe and you will almost always kill the heavy or mosltly die and kill him because of the flames)
    >> Onlyafoolwouldtakesomethingpostedhereasfact 01/13/09(Tue)17:57 No.25669858
    Indeed ..If you can find a fast respawn (or instant)
    Server try it because you will die much from the beginning...your killcount will be 1-2 at best then will 1-1 and then will 2-1 and so on...
    >> Eledorian !!LLOZw5W/L6p 01/13/09(Tue)17:57 No.25669859
    >no airblast
    >no way to counter long range soldiers/demoman other then with the shotfail or the flareshit
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)17:58 No.25669862

    The "kill with flames" idea is stupid. In all the time I've played as Pyro, none of the people I've torched have ever died due to being on fire. Ever.
    >> Lv¹¹ !!+Ph6CczX5sQ 01/13/09(Tue)17:59 No.25669971
    Ambush + Backburner = GG
    Also, if you somehow screw up the Backburner ambush, swapping out for the Axtinguisher is an easy KO, assuming you can dodge for a split second to pull out the weapon.
    >> Lv¹¹ !!+Ph6CczX5sQ 01/13/09(Tue)18:01 No.25670075
    I've never really found this as a way to kill them, but most players will realize their health is getting low and will go back to safety.
    This effectively pushes back the point of conflict on the battlefield, giving your team some room to push forward.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)18:01 No.25670078

    "before they can turn around?" are you stupid, or playing on a console? They can do this instantly. Any half decent heavy WILL kill a pyro who ambushes him, even from behind, before the pyro can kill him, unless the pyro has the backburner or help from other classes.
    >> Onlyafoolwouldtakesomethingpostedhereasfact 01/13/09(Tue)18:02 No.25670142
    A smart soldier will aim at your feet so no airblastin.
    Also a demoman mostly will fire shots that are hard to knock back.
    But in a open area the airblast is godly and only a sniper/heavy can kill you.
    The backburner is mostly better in crowed smaller maps or maps where you can take a detour much.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)18:03 No.25670167

    The counter to long range soldiers and demomen is to retreat.

    If a backburner pyro has been spotted by a long range class before he has gotten far enough forward to get behind someone, he has already failed and should start over with a different route.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)18:03 No.25670168
    a good pyro avoids long range combat
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)18:04 No.25670226
    Haven't played TF2 for half a year here

    What does the air blast do? How does it work? I haven't tried pyro yet, too busy playing around with new heavy shit, and I haven't seen anyone use it yet (or don't know when someone's using it).
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)18:04 No.25670242

    pyrotactics mind
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)18:05 No.25670274
    >Every Soldier will aim at their own feet.

    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)18:05 No.25670304

    It knocks physics enabled objects (rockets, grenades, stickies, players) away from the pyro at a pretty good clip, and uses 25 ammo
    >> Lv¹¹ !!+Ph6CczX5sQ 01/13/09(Tue)18:07 No.25670398
    I believe that it will reflect rockets from Soldiers and Sentries, as well as the Pyro's flares.
    Also, it can push players away from you.
    I recall a game or two that had a Pyro that would run toward a Heavy, push him in the air with the pressure blast to confuse him, and finish him off with flames.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)18:07 No.25670405
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    so much truth

    Play CP, and play one of the straightforward classes like soldier, heavy, sniper or pyro. They're all pretty much point and shoot - and the pyro has the added bonus of projectile reflecting and people pushing. If you start as an engineer or a medic, everyone will complain because your sentries aren't in the right place, they NEED A DISPENSER HERE, or your teleporter is in a lousy position. As a medic, you'd be a little more useful, but spend a few rounds watching when other people use Übercharges or be prepared to face whiny players. Spy is probably the most difficult. Pay attention to how they act/kill you before you try to be one. I still suck as scout.
    >> Onlyafoolwouldtakesomethingpostedhereasfact 01/13/09(Tue)18:10 No.25670578
    mhhh maybe i've been very lucky the past 100 heavy's..Ow wait no ..I know how to circle strafe ..At least that works for me ..(heavy moves real slow when shooting..and when i get him from behind ,he turns and ill turn withhim)

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