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!fWRgZXtv0o 01/07/09(Wed)00:16 No.25309459>>25309131
"Greetings, Mr Bob.
me to present myself, I am Anthony Carther from
IGN(http://www.ign.com/) you may or may not have heard of us, but I
digress. As I am a reviewer of the website that was already mentioned
and took interest in what you are going through and we think we may be
able to help you. We feel passionate about your game and your cause.
You're an inspiration to all casual players and hardcore alike, and we
feel like this could be the "Halo of RPGs." You see, for a company such
as Nintendo you need to be at least heard of in the Independent
Developing Game world, and here is where we come in, if you would allow
me to ask a few questions.
1. Do you have a portfolio? If so, what projects does it contain?
2. What are the details of this game?
3. Do you have an up to date demo or beta release you could send us so we can review it and give you some advertising?
last point was the most important, getting your project known to the
gaming community is an essential step into the developing and retail
scenario. Thank you very much for taking your time to read this.
Kindest regards, Anthony Carther IGN reviews.
P.S.: Personally, I think Yuu are doing great, and I'm cheering Yuu on! :)"