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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • File :1231195520.jpg-(93 KB, 482x1080, SolidSnake.jpg)
    93 KB Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)17:45 No.25240836  
    What would a boss fight with Solid Snake be like?

    All the other members of FOXHOUND had a gimmick, but Snake's just a generic soldier, if not really good. How would a fight with him go?
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)18:08 No.25240887
    what gimmick did liquid snake have? Both were just clones of the "greatest soldier ever"
    >> SKULLWOOD 01/05/09(Mon)18:10 No.25240947
         File :1231197059.jpg-(95 KB, 627x567, 1216002886927.jpg)
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    Imagine all the battles you had with Liquid during the first Metal Gear Solid. Now think of that, but 10x as manly. Also, You would never win.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)18:12 No.25240982
    I'd imagine something like The Boss in MGS3.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)18:13 No.25241024

    Are you kidding? That was so easy.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)18:13 No.25241038
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    >> Mintia 01/05/09(Mon)18:14 No.25241056
    He simply turns around and shows his butt.
    It paralyzes you.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)18:14 No.25241062
    Snake's not a generic soldier. A generic soldier would have been dead 100 times over in his situation. His talent is being able to improvise, be sneaky, and knowing how to use every weapon he comes across like a pro. A boss fight with him would involve him sneaking around and attacking you from the shadows, and you having to contend with his various different weapons.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)18:15 No.25241093
    It's be like two fonzies strapped together with snakes.
    >> PowerviolenceovzeApparatus !!tth/tv+hsYe 01/05/09(Mon)18:17 No.25241128
    Boss fight against MGS4 raiden
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)18:17 No.25241131
    Snake has a gimmick, its his sneakiness, he sneaking all up in you're shit
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)18:19 No.25241254
    Am I alone in thinking that Solid Snake could genuinely defeat Dante from DMC? I mean, Snake is constantly battling super agile supernatural super powered enemies all the time, and always wins.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)18:19 No.25241256
    Like MGS 1's fist fight with Liquid, only 500 times manlier.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)18:21 No.25241321
    Pretty much a combination of The Boss and Liquid Snake, with more weapons and less downtime.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)18:22 No.25241379
    Movement would stop so he could switch weapons and rations
    >> Snake Plissken !gCB7kmvi3M 01/05/09(Mon)18:22 No.25241387
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)18:33 No.25241900

    Tough question. I mean, Dante's CRRRAAAAAAAAAAAZZZZZZYYYY and is a demon.

    Then again. Snake's done some amazing shit. The battle would certainly be intense.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)18:35 No.25241989
    I'd imagine somewhere along the lines of The Boss and The End: dangerous at any distance and super stealthy. Also, Claymores. Everywhere. His gimmicks are utility belt versatility and DAT ASS.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)18:36 No.25242005
    You would fire a missle at snake. He would jump on the missle perform a backflip and fire a rocket at your ass while having a FABULOUS SMILE.

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