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  • File :1230607521.jpg-(34 KB, 350x372, FF-XII1.jpg)
    34 KB Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)22:25 No.24918429  
    So /v/, I finally got around to playing this, and so far it's pretty cool. But now that I've got all the characters, does it matter which ones I use? Should I stick with Balthier and Fran, or mix it up?
    ITT: general FFXII advice
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)22:28 No.24918506
    It really doesn't matter too much since near endgame they will all be doing the same shit, albeit with different weapons.

    If you really care about stats, keep Vaan in your Party. He has higher stats than everyone because he is supposedly the main character.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)22:29 No.24918544
    hey i just literally popped in the game for the first time. opening movie was awesome. why does everyone hate on this game?
    >> Nergal !fzNVCV2OCc 12/29/08(Mon)22:29 No.24918566
    No he doesn't.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)22:30 No.24918586
    It doesn't matter....AT ALL. They're all the same character. Use any variation of Fran, Balthier, Ashe/Basch. DO NOT LOOK AT THE OTHERS.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)22:30 No.24918601
    If you do use Balthier/Fran, their "best" weapons aren't the ones they start with. Balthier is better with a bow, and Fran is better with a gun. But, you can easily play and enjoy it however you want. Just choose who and what you like.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)22:31 No.24918626
    Vaan, Fran and Basch. Forget the rest.
    >> Nergal !fzNVCV2OCc 12/29/08(Mon)22:31 No.24918639
    Because of the battle system, mainly. A common complaint is that THE GAME IS PLAYED FOR YOU, which is a huge exaggeration. Rather, you assign party members different tasks before hand, which I find better, since all you were doing beforehand was selecting attack nonstop through every random battle anyway. Random encounters are gone by the way.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)22:32 No.24918667
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)22:32 No.24918681
    Why is the FF series getting progressively more "real"? where's all the cute and funny characters? Where's the interesting ones?
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)22:34 No.24918716
    There is minor differences in the stats and speeds, but they're pretty small. Look up a guide for the specifics, or don't, it isn't an issue.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)22:34 No.24918723
    i gave balthier a 2h sword, fran a katana, and whoever my third that spear with the high ass attack
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)22:34 No.24918730
    lol keep playing
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)22:35 No.24918752
    I was at endgame, completed the license list, and took off everyone's equipment. I was honestly appalled at how similar everyone's stats were. Once you have Haste, Bubble, and Bravery, they don't really matter anyways, but sheesh they could've mixed things up a bit.
    >> Nergal !fzNVCV2OCc 12/29/08(Mon)22:35 No.24918766
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    The "fantasy" aspect is still there, they're just turning in a more modern direction, an understandable concern. Also, cute and funny are subjective, but Balthier is a rather funny individual.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)22:36 No.24918785
    >Balthier 2h sword
    Yuck. I always Let Bash hands greatswords. Balthier was a gun man and occasionally a staff.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)22:36 No.24918792

    I was wondering this the other day too. FFIX was the only real cartoony one, but I honestly liked the art. KH would've been better if they stuck with that instead of BELTAN ZIPPER.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)22:36 No.24918801
    the king is dead. motherfuck! basch again!
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)22:39 No.24918885
    Totally wrong on everything. Baltheir is the best gunner in the group, has the highest natural speed stat. Give him a gun, stick him in the back, let him kill.
    Penelo is the best bow user, by stats, oddly enough, and one of the best to use bombs and magics.
    Fran is garbage all around, sadly enough. she has the worst stats in EVERYTHING.
    Vaan is stupidly good it's disgusting.
    Ashe is supreme magic.
    Basch is supreme strength/hp.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)22:39 No.24918889
    I loved FFXII until around the middle of the game. Then it just became boring. It's a shame, really. I want to like you, FFXII... ;_;
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)22:39 No.24918906
    It still has random encounters, they're just visible and use a basic aggro system. Considering what most people envisage when you say "random battle", you're right, though.

    > so far it's pretty cool
    A common early sentiment. Initiate countdown to "why the fuck am I spending hours playing weeaboo Morrowind when I don't even remember where I'm going or why?".

    Fran's pretty terrible. Her bow speed is bad (dohoho) and there's nothing she can do that someone else isn't better at. If this hasn't been a problem for you so far, why start worrying about it now? The game doesn't suddenly get hard, or anything (some optional stuff, depending on when you do it, aside). The distinction between characters is incredibly minor, really just a cursory bone tossed out to give obsessive min-maxers something to think about. For practical purposes, all units are interchangeable. So if you want to spend the whole game staring at seven-foot bunny girl ass, go for it.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)22:41 No.24918953
    i used Basch for brute force, Penelo for suppor/healing and Ashe for stealing/support/everything else
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)22:42 No.24918999
    I gave everyone swords and magic. FUCK YEAH SWORDS AND MAGIC!
    ...I gave up pretty fast...
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)22:42 No.24919000
    I thought Penelo had the best magic. Fran isn't garbage...just way too balanced.
    Also depending on what you give them it renders stat differences pretty useless once you get to mid game.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)22:42 No.24919006
    I loved FFXII, don't understand the hate it gets here at all. And before anyone says "LOL BUT IT PLAYS ITSELF XD!!!," you can turn the fucking gambits off, dumbass.
    >> Nergal !fzNVCV2OCc 12/29/08(Mon)22:42 No.24919018
    My setups usually go like this
    Vaan - Knife, Ninja Swords, or Sword + Shield
    Balthier - Gun, 1H Sword, or Bow
    Fran - Bow, and I'll just switch her up when needed
    Ashe - Spears and 1H Swords
    Basch - 2H Swords, Axes, and Spears
    Penelo - Katanas, Hand Bombs, Ninja Swords
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)22:44 No.24919084
    Balthier is the worst gunner, guns don't use stats and his attack animation is slightly slower than all other characters using guns. He's the best bow user, which uses the speed stat and doesn't have a slower animation.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)22:44 No.24919115
    >weeaboo Morrowind
    >I don't even remember where I'm going or why

    Wow... this is like "I can't find the secret tunnel warp in Mario 1" level of game suckitude. Why are you even here?
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)22:45 No.24919131
    Basch - decoy tank
    Ashe - healing/magic etc
    Vaan - dps
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)22:47 No.24919219
    Ashe - Tank
    Penelo - DPS/Magic
    Fran - Bow/Buffs

    I just felt like doing an all-girl setup my second time through.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)22:47 No.24919237
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)22:50 No.24919354
    Penelo has the best mp, 2nd highest magic stat.
    Ashe hsa the highest magic stat, 2nd highest mp.
    Guns use speed as their stat dude. Bows use strength and speed.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)22:50 No.24919371
    Also, bows are generally better than guns anyway, except high defense monsters. Vaan/Penelo/Ashe all the way. Vaan for raping, Penelo for bombing, and Ashe for magic/measures.
    >> Nergal !fzNVCV2OCc 12/29/08(Mon)22:51 No.24919375
    Guns are inherently slow weapons, it doesn't matter who's using them. Their advantage is that they negate defenses. Weapons dependent on the speed stat are bows, knives, and ninja swords.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)22:51 No.24919407
    It's the areas inbetween towns that suck,just a bunch of mountains/hills with generic grass/desert/ice motif.Populated with no unique treasures(hurrr 50gil/potion for 500th time!)
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)22:52 No.24919456
    Real men cast negatives stats on their characters and force them to duke it out with eachother.
    Surprisingly Basch is usually the one left standing in my party.
    >> Nergal !fzNVCV2OCc 12/29/08(Mon)22:52 No.24919481
    Guns don't use speed, they negate defenses.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)22:53 No.24919498
    They're slow, however Balthier's is slightly, slightly slower for whatever reason.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)22:53 No.24919513
    Vaan - Ninja swords/ Destiny spear if you're a tourneyfag and actually got that
    Basch - Decoy tank
    Penelo - Buffs, measures, and if all that's taken care of, Bombs.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)22:55 No.24919566
    Vaan lokks like a fag
    >> Nergal !fzNVCV2OCc 12/29/08(Mon)22:56 No.24919613
         File :1230609381.jpg-(122 KB, 540x1200, balthier.jpg)
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    It's probably his attack animation; Balthier makes a slight gesture before shooting, and he shoots one handed.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)22:56 No.24919623
    Characters are mostly the same to the point where anyone can fill any job adequately.

    In general, I'd recommend:

    One tank (a character using sword/shield who will primarily take the damage)

    One caster (a character using magic and heals)

    One pure damage (a character using melee or ranged damage)

    Similar to an MMORPG.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)22:56 No.24919626
    dont believe ondore's lies
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)22:56 No.24919630
    the biggest decision is not which characters to use, but how many to bother leveling up. i go with 4 or 5, depending on how confident i am in my main party.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)22:58 No.24919707

    It's actually because characters themselves affect the charge time of the weapons they use, too. At least, that's what I saw in one of the GameFAQs. For some reason, Balthier and Fran are pretty slow with their guns and bows...
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)22:58 No.24919720
    Yeah, it's a difference of about two tenths of a second because of it. Fran has the same issue with bow.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)22:59 No.24919766
    Well, ok, for "don't remember", read "long ago stopped caring". But if you can't see how a procession of sterile environments full of respawning suicidal fauna calls Bethesda's hellish sandboxes to mind, I don't really know what to tell you.

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