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  • Blotter updated: 12/25/08

  • File :1230601003.jpg-(33 KB, 430x320, lost-planet-pc-ss1.jpg)
    33 KB Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)20:36 No.24913881  
    Just beat Lost Planet after borrowing from a friend. Why were the reviews for this game so poor? The mech fighting is fantastic, I had more fun using them than in Mechwarrior 4. My only complaint is that the game wasn't longer. The multiplayer kicks ass too.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)20:45 No.24914253
         File :1230601550.jpg-(38 KB, 509x341, lostplanetps3.jpg)
    38 KB
    Luka is my waifu.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)20:48 No.24914358

    Unnecessary big breasts.

    Not complaining.
    >> HULK DAVIDSON 12/29/08(Mon)20:49 No.24914398
    What did you think of the last boss?

    Made me go completely "wat"
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)20:49 No.24914417
    multiplayer needed country restrictions because the japanese ruined every game they joined because they lag so bad to everyone else that the game was unplayable.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)20:51 No.24914514
    hated how they abandoned the whole "killing the giant insects" part of the game for the "This guy wants to kill everyone on the surface, let's stop him"...i hated that bullshit so fucking much.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)20:52 No.24914542
    Pretty fucking easy, every other boss actually had some challenge.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)20:52 No.24914544
    Completely ruined the whole experience for me.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)20:53 No.24914587
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)20:53 No.24914591
    My biggest complaints were the obnoxious knock-down animations and the piss-poor A.I. of the human enemies. The mech combat was great but the on-foot gameplay is a little lacking. The grappling hook was gimped too. The game [b]needs[/b] a sequel.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)20:54 No.24914629
    They are to keep her comrades warm
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)20:54 No.24914645
    game needs a prequel too...i would like to fight the acrid as they forced humanity off the planet.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)20:54 No.24914655
    Fucking agreed. The huge bug fights were the best parts of the game.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)20:56 No.24914711
    hell the fucking akrid were uber even if you were inside of a fucking mech...they messed your fucking shit up hardcore. then again i only played on normal then only played harder modes from then on.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)20:56 No.24914719
    I have no idea, it has the best health system of any shooter this generation.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)20:58 No.24914778
    casual gamers are the one the write reviews and rate games. hardcore gamers (capcom makes games mostly for hardcore gamers) don't sit there and write decade long reviews and bitch about games being to hard. HC gamers only bitch about games that fail to hard to stand.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)20:58 No.24914790
    There is a prequel for cell phones.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)20:59 No.24914829
    no there isn't (cell phone games don't have anything to do with anything at all, never have and never will)
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)20:59 No.24914843
    Remember the commercial? It was a huge battle between rival snow pirates and akrid. That would be fucking win.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)21:00 No.24914895
    i know...the game wasn't even anything near the commercial after the what...3rd lvl.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)21:01 No.24914902
    Is the game worth 18€ off Steam?
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)21:02 No.24914942
    technically yes and no...1 dollar=1 euro on steam.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)21:04 No.24915006
    I really don't fucking listen to reviewers at all anymore.

    Battlefield: Bad Company got fair reviews, but it is UTTER and COMPLETE (casual) shit.
    WoW gets awesome reviews, but is shit.
    Call of Duty: WaW is shit.

    This board isn't too reliable either. STALKER is fucking terrible even with mods.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)21:04 No.24915008
    The campaign is short, but I'd say yes. That is assuming that there are people playing the PC version online so the single player isn't the only thing you're getting.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)21:04 No.24915037
    from clunking around to GRACEFUL AS FUCK in 2.3 seconds.

    also, the grappling hook was awesome. i like to grab onto the big grasshopper lookin motherfuckers and ride them like bucking broncos.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)21:07 No.24915140
    Stalker is the kind of game that requires the player to be able to get into a certain mindset to enjoy. I liked it because I could hunt all the creatures. I loved doing the one perfect shot from a long range with my SVD.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)21:08 No.24915185
    Reviews are mainly just opinions anyway. Sure there are "professional" opinions like about graphics and what not, but I think you get my point.

    It's best to watch videos of the gameplay and make your own judgment based on that, or play a demo if you can.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)21:10 No.24915258
    Heh, never mind. Just found out that there's a special version of the game, not released on Steam.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)21:11 No.24915300
    I agree with you, but what you are saying is just your opinion as well.

    Also, the people that make up most of the sales for these games don't even read reviews.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)21:12 No.24915367

    Also, I loved Assassins Creed, but it got bad reviews.

    I loved FF7 and FF8, but people on here say it is shit.

    Warcraft 3 is probably one of my favorite games, but it got average reviews.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)21:19 No.24915667
    I seriously doubt there will be another Lost Planet, but I'd love to see one. That is if it would center more around the Akrid and would be a little bit longer.

    Also the ending battle really made me wonder whether I was playing the same game or a Zone of the Enders knock off. Not that it's a bad thing, it's just that it was way too sudden and not really what I wanted the last fight to be.

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