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12/27/08(Sat)00:17 No.24779481  Metal Gear Solid 4 - decent Metal Gear Online - not interested Little Big Planet - not interested Final Fantasy Versus XIII - backstreet boys jrpg, not interested God of War 3 - ok this one im waiting for Gran Turismo 5 - not interested Gran Turismo 5 Prolouge - not interested Gran Turismo 5 HD concept - could you quite with the retarded GT5 already? Uncharted Drakes Fortune - not interested Uncharted 2 Among Thieves - not interested Killzone 2 - not interested Ratchet & Clank Future Tools of Destruction - not interested Ratchet & Clank Future Quest for Booty - not interested Resistance fall of man - not interested Resistance 2 - not interested Motorstorm - not interested Motorstorm pacific Rift - not interested Valkyria Chronicles - kinda decent Warhawk - not interested MAG: Massive Action Game - not interested Heavenly Sword - fun for half an hour Twisted Metal - not interested White Knight Chronicles - semi-interested, waiting to see how it turns out Time Crisis 4 - not interested Infamous - not interested Ninja Gaiden Sigma - kinda decent Folklore - not interested Blaz Blue Calamity trigger - not interested Better Bioshock - wtf? Playstation Home - lol The Agency - not interested
said that, i own a 360, PS3, PS2, and a solid gaming pc. Havent really
touched the consoles in ages though, only thing i seem to playing
anymore are RTS, RPG (not the japanese shit), MMO.. old point'n' click
adventure games.. turn based strategy (god knows theres not enough of
them anymore :/).. consoles suck to be honest. |