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12/17/08(Wed)23:18 No.24336934  As
expected, there's tons of hatred for SO3. That's always been something
I didn't understand, maybe because my first SO game was this one.
was so amazing about the other two? The first one came out recently for
the PSP, so I dled it and played a bit so far. And I'm not seeing it.
The battle system's really the same.
The story's okay so far,
I'm hoping it picks up soon. All I've seen so far is "Oh great, they're
turning people in stone for a cloaking device. Time to time travel into
the past for a cure. Oh crap, we got split up." Not mocking it, mind
you. Just saying it's not that different from "Hey, vacation tim-oh
crap run before you get blasted! Holy shit I crashlanded on an ancient
planet, someone help me." Not going to bring up the twist since OP's
playing for the first time ever.
And voice acting wise...I cringe every time I get in a battle or whenever I hear Ilia's voice. Ugh.
And the skill system thing? I don't even know why I'm learning these skills in the first place.
enlighten me here. Not trying to defend or bash any of the SO games,
just wondering and hoping someone can tell me what's what. |