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  • Blotter updated: 11/04/08

  • hang in there, fella

    File :1229378942.jpg-(14 KB, 282x232, danielpetric.jpg)
    14 KB Teen Shot Parents Because They Took Away Halo 3 Builder's League United Engineer !sENtry.CN2 12/15/08(Mon)17:09 No.24230451  
    Prosecutors at the murder trial of 17-year-old Daniel Petric claim that the teen shot both of his parents, killing his mother, because they wouldn't let him play Halo 3.

    According to prosectors, Petric, 16 at the time of the shooting, was forbidden to buy Halo 3 by his parents, Mark and Susan Petric. The teen snuck out to purchase the game anyway, and was caught by his parents upon his return. The game was locked up in Mark's lockbox, along with a 9mm handgun.

    Mark Petric, a minister at the Life Assembly of God in Wellington, Ohio, testified that soon after on the evening of October 20th, 2007, his son entered the family room with a request.

    "Would you guys close your eyes," Daniel Petric asked. "I have a surprise for you."

    It was then that Daniel Petric allegedly shot both of his parents in the head, killing his mother instantly. Mark Petric survived due to the timely arrival of his daughter and her husband, who had arrived to watch a Cleveland Indians game.

    It's just an amazingly heart-wrenching story, made even more so by the following exchange between father and son related by Mark Petric during testimony:

    "Dad, I'm so sorry for what I did to Mom, to you and to the family," Daniel Petric said, according to his father. "I'm so glad you are alive."

    "You're my son," Mark Petric responded. "You're my boy."

    Lawyers for the accused delivered a brief statement at the opening of the trial, explaining that their client had be under a large amount of stress after being homebound for a year due to a snowboarding accident with nothing to do but watch television and play video games.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:09 No.24230483
    So incredibad
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:10 No.24230508
    ban halo, problem solved
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:11 No.24230526
    is this video games
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:11 No.24230528
    Guns in the hands of civilians never work out.
    Here's your proof /k/
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:11 No.24230538
    Did you read the article? The whole reason he murdered was because Halo WAS banned.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:11 No.24230563
    >> "Dad, I'm so sorry for what I did to Mom, to you and to the family," Daniel Petric said, according to his father. "I'm so glad you are alive."

    "Don't care, Son. Burn in hell."
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:12 No.24230569
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:12 No.24230596
    Halo invented 25 to life.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:13 No.24230639
    Not Gun Control,
    but FUN control.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:13 No.24230641
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    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:14 No.24230677
    Video games made him kill his mother. They desensitized him to violence. Halo 1 trained him to be a killer.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:14 No.24230679
    >"Would you guys close your eyes," Daniel Petric asked. "I have a surprise for you."

    >It was then that Daniel Petric allegedly shot both of his parents in the head, killing his mother instantly.

    Fucker deserves the electric chair. That's just cold fucking blooded.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:14 No.24230682
    Nah, he's a minor. He'll get a few months in a kiddie pen before being released with a "don't do that again, we're serious!"
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:14 No.24230685
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:14 No.24230690
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    >watch television
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:15 No.24230707
    >The game was locked up in Mark's lockbox, along with a 9mm handgun.
    >Mark Petric, a minister at the Life Assembly of God
    >9mm handgun.

    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:15 No.24230727
    No death penalty there?
    >> Adol Christin !o7IoaYt5UM 12/15/08(Mon)17:16 No.24230749
    >"Would you guys close your eyes," Daniel Petric asked. "I have a surprise for you."

    oh boy I hope it's chocolate
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:16 No.24230762
    he didnt need a gun to kill them... coulda just as easily used a knife if guns were b&, or practically anything.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:16 No.24230765
    naw, he is human, not a reptile
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:16 No.24230781
    took a 9mm to the head and lived? Good thing the kid didn't get to practice on halo first...
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:17 No.24230782
    > "Would you guys close your eyes," Daniel Petric asked. "I have a surprise for you."

    Fucking awesome.
    This guy is now cool on my book.
    >> Paynus !!/014qPW4YJb 12/15/08(Mon)17:18 No.24230858
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    I hate shit like this.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:19 No.24230875
    look what halo does to people

    cho from v-tech liked to play halo too
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:19 No.24230880
    No source?

    >> SHINY BIDOOF !!Oeub+IpSSZF 12/15/08(Mon)17:19 No.24230897
    what a tool
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:20 No.24230912
    They should take HALO off the shelves..
    Everyone will be saved from this atrocious game.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:20 No.24230936
    pressed the melee button after killing his mother

    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:21 No.24230968
    survival of the fittest
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:21 No.24230978
    If he were any good, he could have made a kill shot on both of them.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:21 No.24230986
    He did, it's obvious he couldn't kill someone properly without the aid of autoaim.
    Lol consolefags.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:22 No.24231008
    >> Anonymous !!CUqXl9lIR87 12/15/08(Mon)17:22 No.24231025

    No one who plays Halo can kill 32 people before he offs himself.

    That guy played Quake 3.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:23 No.24231048
    Halo doesnt have auto aim.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:23 No.24231051
    Did she drop any good loot?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:23 No.24231065
    He could have just as easily knifed them. I've had a gun since I was 13 (legal here with a responsible adult in charge), I've had guns in my house since before I was born, my grandparents have guns, and have had no incident. Almost everyone in my family has at least one gun, with no incidents. The gun isn't the problem, the fuck up kid, and not properly keeping a gun away from a fuck up kid is the problem. Gun grabbers are incapable of pointing the blame at people instead of objects. They are incapable of accepting that some people are just fucking horrible. By the way, statistically speaking you're more likely to be shot by a police officer doing his duty (through his mistake, negligence, over penetration firing at a perp, etc) than by a legal gun owner. The problems are the people who aren't following the law. More gun laws won't do shit about them. I was attacked by a guy in with a gun when I was a kid, did any laws stop him? No, he was a felon, and could not legally own a gun, but acquired one anyway, and he was carrying it concealed, not legal at all at the time, only legal now with a permit. Did that law stop him? No. You know what could have stopped him? Not letting him out of prison one year after he tried to kidnap a child at gunpoint. Most serious crimes (including those with guns) are committed by repeat offenders. That's why the smart thing to do is lock them up and throw away the fucking key and get over this rehabilitation bullshit. Stole a snickers bar? Sure, let them out and see if they're rehabilitated. Used a gun in a crime? You should never see sunlight again.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:23 No.24231067
    Good to know this scrub wont be on my team in any FPS game anytime soon. Fucking failure can't even kill both his parents at close range with a 9mm handgun.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:24 No.24231092
    i like how his parents let him have a gun , but dont let him have a fucking game
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:24 No.24231100
    Let this be a lesson to parents... do not try to tell you kids what to play and not to play. He may be going to jail but if he showed one parent how bad an idea it is to take away a kids vidya then he did us all a service.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:25 No.24231106


    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:25 No.24231108
    >Halo doesnt have auto aim.
    This is what console fags actually belive
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:25 No.24231117
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    >"Would you guys close your eyes," Daniel Petric asked. "I have a surprise for you."

    That is some cold shit right there. Seriously, that sentence alone just made the story sinister.

    This guy honestly deserves to be shot by someone in a Master chief costume.
    >> RageistheNewSage !!7RhNVYjQ2Y/ 12/15/08(Mon)17:25 No.24231119
    oh u
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:26 No.24231168
    Knives are easier to defend against especially since the attacker's size and strength are more of a factor than a gun. His dad probably coulda beat the shit out of him he ran up to them with a knife. A gun not the same thing.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:26 No.24231169
    >"Would you guys close your eyes," Daniel Petric asked. "I have a surprise for you."

    We need a game with this scene in it.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:27 No.24231193
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    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:27 No.24231196
    Read again, it was his father's gun that was kept in a lock box.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:27 No.24231202
    The gun wasn't his, it was his dad's. It was in his dad's lockbox, along with the confiscated game. Read the article again. Obviously he didn't do a good job of keeping the box locked. Worth noting, at least in my state, not a liberal gun grabbing state either, we're way up there as far as gun rights, it's illegal for a gun to be within reach of a minor without adult supervision. I think that law in most places, so they were probably violating gun laws since the kid was able to access the box (probably due to it being left unlocked, or the keys left out).
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:27 No.24231213
    Sounds like the kid is a grade A psychopath. I'll hunt the piece of shit down when he gets out of kiddy prison.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:28 No.24231221
    look at that faggot, he deserves the chair.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:28 No.24231241
    You might be onto something if this were an on the street situation, but the kid lived there. He could have very easily killed them in their sleep.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:29 No.24231259
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    >>Mark Petric survived due to the timely arrival
    >>Mark Petric survived due
    >>Mark Petric survived
    >> survived

    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:29 No.24231276
    Well this will no longer become a factor when Obama gets into office. He will outlaw both guns and Halo.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:29 No.24231283
    Wow, I never thought I'd see the day.

    Evil Sony Drones are using this tragedy against MS. Wow, that is truly fucking evil.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:29 No.24231284
    lol@internet tough guy
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:30 No.24231289
    >This guy honestly deserves to be shot by someone in a Master chief costume.
    I lol'd
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:30 No.24231292
    True. Especially if he slits their throats, can't scream thus no warning for the spouse who most likely sleep next to each other
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:30 No.24231300
    >It was then that Daniel Petric allegedly shot both of his parents in the head, killing his mother instantly.
    So the dad didn't react fast enough of what?
    in b4 DUAL WIELD
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:30 No.24231301
    no you won't. you'll just continue to sit in a pile of your own feces, posting on /v/ and acting hard
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:30 No.24231320
    "Dad sorry about killing mom, can i play halo 3 now?"

    "You're my son," Mark Petric responded. "YOUR MAH BOI"
    >> Comment from a pro-death-penalty Democrat. Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:31 No.24231346
    This kid should fry.

    I don't give a fuck that he's a minor and was stressed out and has ADD or depression or whatever the fuck his problem is.

    Anybody who reacts that harshly to having a fucking GAME be taken away, and who is that fucking cavalier with human life needs to be exterminated for the good of society.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:32 No.24231379
    >"You're my son," Mark Petric responded. "You're my boy."

    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:32 No.24231384
    >It's just an amazingly heart-wrenching story, made even more so by the following exchange between father and son related by Mark Petric during testimony:

    >"Dad, I'm so sorry for what I did to Mom, to you and to the family," Daniel Petric said, according to his father. "I'm so glad you are alive."

    >"You're my son," Mark Petric responded. "You're my boy."

    As if anyone should believe this murdering shitstain has emotions. Wake up, Dad.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:32 No.24231386
    Ok, think of this situation from the dad's perspective:

    "A surprise? Oh Boy!" *closes eyes*
    *BLAM!* (kid shoots mother)
    "Ooooh! I wonder what MY surprise is!"
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:32 No.24231388
    You people only care because the word "Halo" or "video game" is used.

    Replace halo 3 with any item of sentimental value, and it's the same fucking story.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:32 No.24231402
    >>24231320 "Dad sorry about killing mom, can i play halo 3 now?"

    yeah, I thought that

    I mean it's not like he's done himself any favors with this genius manouvre
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:32 No.24231407
    What is it about halo and call of duty that attracts these obsessed nut jobs?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:33 No.24231435

    That's some shitty comedy right there.

    Try again, dude.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:33 No.24231449
    That kid is awesome, we need to give him a medal!
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:33 No.24231458
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:34 No.24231465
    >"Would you guys close your eyes," Daniel Petric asked. "I have a surprise for you."

    >"Dad, I'm so sorry for what I did to Mom, to you and to the family," Daniel Petric said, according to his father. "I'm so glad you are alive."

    >"You're my son," Mark Petric responded. "You're my boy."


    IT'S 'KAY SON.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:34 No.24231476

    I don't think his reasoning was "THEY TK MY HALOS I SHOOT THEM"; he obviously has some fucking brain problems and if it wasn't vidya that set him off it probably would have been something else. Nobody goes from 0-60 like that.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:34 No.24231482
    Would you guys close your eyes? I want to put a smile on your face.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:34 No.24231492
    I agree completely. Self defense is the only justification for intentionally shooting someone. You should certainly get in trouble for an accident, but I say we shouldn't have this, murder 3, murder 2, murder 1, crime of passion defense, blah blah blah crap. If you shoot someone,not in self defense, intentionally, regardless if they live or die, you should be put down like a rabid dog, for your own good as much as for society. Shit, we should bring back public hangings.

    Pro death peanlty, pro gun, centrist Democrat here by the way.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:35 No.24231501
    Clever, clever troll.

    >"You're my boy."
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:35 No.24231505

    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:35 No.24231524
    >What is it about halo and call of duty that attracts these obsessed nut jobs?
    Shitty game series tend to have the most rabid and desperate fans. Just look at Sonic.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:36 No.24231547
    His sister and husband saved their fathers life by intervening and letting his shield recharge recharge.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:36 No.24231550

    I wasn't trying to make a joke, I was trying to exhibit that the reason why the dad survived was because he didn't SIT there after the first gunshot - not because someon showed up right when the kid shot his mom.

    You take a kid who doesn't know how to hold a gun and tell him to nail a moving target and it isn't going to happen.

    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:36 No.24231565
    >Mark Petric, a minister at the Life Assembly of God in Wellington, Ohio

    Found the problem right here.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:37 No.24231593
    fucking parents deserved to be fucking shot, who the fuck actually bans their kids from watching violent games/movies?

    Fucking morons. I was watching fucking Friday the Thirteenth movies at like 4 and 5 back in the 80s and no one had a bad word to say about that shit, but computer generated violence, oh no, better call the fucking feds and start taking I Ds.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:37 No.24231599
    If he could get into the lock box why the fuck wouldn't he have just taken the game and played it? Maybe taken the gun and used it to threaten the parents if they try to take it away, but to just tell them to close their eyes and shoot them? That shit is fucked up. Either way, life in jail and a big gay black man to sodomize his lily white ass every night for the rest of his life, or the death sentence. Video games don't turn you into a scheming psychopath, and I bet he'll do it again as soon as he gets out, IF he gets out.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:37 No.24231614
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:37 No.24231616

    >This guy honestly deserves to be raped by someone in a Master chief costume.

    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:37 No.24231622
    The father is a giant faggot. "HURR YOU'RE MY BOY"

    Your son just murdered your wife and intended to murder you. He's a monster. Kill that fucker.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:37 No.24231624
    >had be under a large amount of stress after being homebound for a year due to a snowboarding accident

    Put yourself in his position and you'll see that the root of the problem certainly didn't lie with some game but rather social redundancy
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:37 No.24231636
    >>24231550 I wasn't trying to make a joke

    Fuckin' liar.

    You busted out the asterisks and everything.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:37 No.24231639
    >You people only care because the word "Halo" or "video game" is used.
    >Replace halo 3 with any item of sentimental value, and it's the same fucking story.

    I'd still want the kid to fry.
    People like this are WHAT THE DEATH PENALTY WAS MADE FOR.
    I don't care if he regrets it or if he was so stupid he didn't think they'd die or what, this kid CLEARLY has significant mental problems, and will remain a significant threat to those around him as long as he's alive.

    The average schmuck who follows the rules shouldn't have to deal with the constant thread that this psychopathic teenager represents, and shouldn't have to pay good money to make sure this murderous moron stays ALIVE behind bars for the rest of his life.

    Put a 50¢ bullet in his brain and call it a day.
    If it was good enough for his mom, it's good enough for him.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:38 No.24231654
    No matter what angle you look this from, that kid deserves to be locked up for a long time.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:38 No.24231667

    No. Some people are at 60 all the damned time and they spend a lot of energy hiding it.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:38 No.24231678
    Jack Thompson would've jumped all over this shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:39 No.24231689
    When my parents took my video games away, I would just surf the net until I got them back again. This is why I still have my parents, lol.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:39 No.24231694
    video games don't kill people

    taking away video games from psychopaths kill people
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:39 No.24231705
    dad and son are in cahoots
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:39 No.24231707

    Parents parenting? BULLSHIT!
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:39 No.24231714
    Ditto. Shit, kids of our generation were into Rambo, Robocop, Aliens, shit like that. Hell they made tame ass kiddie cartoons of some things, like the aforementioned Rambo and Robocop because of how popular they were with kids.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:39 No.24231718
    Hey retard, it cost more to kill someone than to keep them alive in jail.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:39 No.24231720

    standard retard halo boy argument. watching a scary movie is nowhere near as rpg immersive as a shoota game.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:39 No.24231721
    >"Dad, I'm so sorry for what I did to Mom, to you and to the family," Daniel Petric said, according to his father. "I'm so glad you are alive."

    Why would you believe something like this after he shot both of his parents in the head? The gun was locked in the safe, did he just break out the game? No he took the fucking gun. Then he walked to the bedroom and calmly asked them to close their eyes.

    That's got to qualify as premeditated murder. He had plenty of time to think about what he was doing.

    >Lawyers for the accused delivered a brief statement at the opening of the trial, explaining that their client had be under a large amount of stress after being homebound for a year due to a snowboarding accident with nothing to do but watch television and play video games.

    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:39 No.24231728
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    >"You're my son," Mark Petric responded. "You're my boy."
    >> Inspector "Tequila" Yuen 12/15/08(Mon)17:40 No.24231749


    damn expensive bullet to be wasting on this shitbag.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:40 No.24231756
    >fucking parents deserved to be fucking shot
    >I turned to be a fine upstanding member of society
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:40 No.24231758

    >homebound for a year

    Gee, I wonder what the rest of 4chan does in it's free time...
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:40 No.24231785
    >I'm condemning parents and siding with a kid who kills people over a video game.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:41 No.24231812
    >Hey retard, it cost more to kill someone than to keep them alive in jail.
    You are retarded.
    >Put a 50¢ bullet in his brain and call it a day.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:41 No.24231823

    >People like this are WHAT THE DEATH PENALTY WAS MADE FOR.

    This is objectively wrong. Death penalty is intended as a deterrent. He deserves a good deal of prison time, no doubt about that. There is no RIGHTEOUS VENGEANCE contingency in our legal system.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:41 No.24231825
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    >this thread
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:41 No.24231840
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    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:42 No.24231848

    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:42 No.24231853
    Nobody ever killed their parents for a PS3 exclusive... ps3sux
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:43 No.24231880
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    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:43 No.24231896
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:44 No.24231911
    Don't know about you bro but I'm studying at school
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:44 No.24231917

    i lol'd
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:44 No.24231930
    His dad took a shot to the head and survived? Damn, that's man's hard as fuck. That's probably one of the most awesome stories you could tell people, getting shot in the head and living to tell about it.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:44 No.24231933
    He made the parents "close their eyes."

    If it weren't for the sound of the gunshot, he would've gotten the dad. If they were reasonably close he probably could have at least nicked the dad after getting the mom, even if she did scream.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:44 No.24231934
    >>24231823Death penalty is intended as a deterrent.

    Oh please.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:44 No.24231938

    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:45 No.24231956
    >Put yourself in his position and you'll see that the root of the problem certainly didn't lie with some game but rather social redundancy

    Why are you acting like /v/ doesn't know what it's like to stay at home playing video games and watching tv all day?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:45 No.24231967
    When my parents took away my video game/TV/computer privileges I just FOUND THE GAME WHERE THEY HID THEM AND PLAYED THEM WHEN THEY WEREN'T HOME, and used the computer when they were asleep.

    This is why my parents are still around and pay for most of my shit. I hope this kid enjoys a 7 foot tall black man pounding his ass everyday for the rest of his life.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:45 No.24231968
    All for halo.

    Haha, oh wow.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:45 No.24231972
    Only because of appeals courts and such. This is why I think we should have a multi-tiered system of guilt and innocence. If it's proven 100% conclusively you're innocent, you're declared innocent and can not be retried. If you can't be proven guilty, but can't be proven innocent either, it's labeled as "not found guilty" and you can be retried at a later time should more evidence crop up. If the evidence points to you beyond a reasonable doubt, like the minimum standard for guilt in the current system, it should be pretty much the same as being found guilty under the current system, including the ability to appeal etc. If there is zero question of your guilt due to hundreds of witnesses (say if the Columbine kids didn't kill themselves), video evidence, etc. you get no appeals, and if it's a capital offense, you are taken outside immediately and killed by hanging or firing squad, no appeals, no final meal, no priest, none of that bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:48 No.24231987
    I am ashamed to own all 3 halos.

    i shall donate them to the church at next mass
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:47 No.24231988
    Don't let it bother you man, we'll be playing our good games like Home while they make cheap insults on the internet.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:47 No.24231990
    i think the dilemma is raising an autistic kid and allowing autism to become a giant influence in his autistic life

    autistic kids are more likely to not have any established conscience in anything and therefore allow themselves to believe that killing people because you don't get your way is socially healthy and won't at all inspire other people to think that this kid is a tyrannical threat to those who might not immediately acquiesce to this person's desires for autistic serenity in the form of video games

    what i propose is the ending from "of mice and men"

    i think you know what happened to lenny!
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:47 No.24231994
    >"Would you guys close your eyes," Daniel Petric asked. "I have a surprise for you."

    >"Dad, I'm so sorry for what I did to Mom, to you and to the family," Daniel Petric said, according to his father. "I'm so glad you are alive."

    FUCKING AWESOME/ I can't even describe how cool is that guy. cold-blooded and sharp-minded.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:48 No.24232012
    Cause their comments say otherwise
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:48 No.24232017
    true LuLz
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:48 No.24232023

    Agreed completely.
    I would happily pay more taxes to have scum like this put to death than pay LESS taxes but know that my money was being used to give him 3 square meals and a roof over his head.

    People who have done nothing wrong at all go hungry and sleep on the streets every day. No way in hell should this little shit walk free or even spend the rest of his life provided and cared for with my fucking tax dollars.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:49 No.24232036
    Cause their comments say otherwise
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)17:49 No.24232048
    >> Put a 50¢ bullet in his brain and call it a day.
    >> Put a 50¢ bullet
    >> a 50¢
    >> 50¢


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