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  • Blotter updated: 11/04/08

  • TONIGHT: Blip Festival 2008 in Brooklyn, NY—December 4-7th. ↑
    Performing Sunday: Anamanaguchi, USK, Trash80, nordloef, Starscream, others.

    File :1228766225.jpg-(53 KB, 627x681, 1211900935342.jpg)
    53 KB Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)14:57 No.23888715  
    What would you guys say is the best PC FPS? We already know that Halo tops the consoles so I'm curious about how it is for PC gaming.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)15:00 No.23888837
    You look like you need a monkey!

    Max Payne takes the award for best story(telling) and third-person gameplay.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)15:01 No.23888872
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)15:02 No.23888891
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    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)15:02 No.23888892
    OP's pic is related, both were very good stories and had geat dialogue
    gameplay on both is a bit suspect, however
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)15:03 No.23888941
    I decided I'll go all the way and say Max Payne is the greatest game ever created.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)15:03 No.23888943
    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and NOLF2 are my personal favorites.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)15:05 No.23888969
    Half-Life 2
    No One Lives Forever
    Soldier Of Fortune
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)15:05 No.23888981
    UT for team oriented modes and Q3 for 1v1. thread over.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)15:06 No.23888999
    System Shock 2, if you allow a loose interpretation of "FPS".
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)15:06 No.23889003
    noffle is a sexy game
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)15:06 No.23889013
    Max Payne 2 for best 3rd person fun.

    Half Life 2 (and its mods) for 1st Person fun.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)15:06 No.23889020
    Half Life 2 is my pick.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)15:06 No.23889024
    >RtCW for team oriented modes and Q3 for 1v1.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)15:06 No.23889026
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)15:07 No.23889034
    Doom. Just go and read the Doomguy comic and you'll know why.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)15:07 No.23889059
         File :1228766851.jpg-(4 KB, 92x126, laughingelfman.jpg)
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    >Half Life 2
    >Best PC FPS
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)15:08 No.23889098
         File :1228766927.png-(360 KB, 1024x768, DOOM0027.png)
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    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)15:09 No.23889123
    This is what Valve fanboys actually believe.
    >> MANGO SENTINEL !!CzXXN3ulDSV 12/08/08(Mon)15:09 No.23889124
    Counterstrike 1.6 or Team Fortress 2
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)15:12 No.23889199
    Half Life 1
    Duke Nukem 3D
    Dark Forces
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)15:12 No.23889209
    STALKER SoC for me, bought it a few months after it came out, still playing it. I think it's the whole dynamic AI thing, once you unrestrict that motherfucker there are no boundaries to the amount of crazy shit that can and will happen.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)15:12 No.23889223
         File :1228767174.jpg-(45 KB, 265x540, 1227558949028.jpg)
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    Enemy Territory. Game where you actually needed a skill not like in this shitty TF2 that's worshipped by noobs on /v/
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)15:14 No.23889281
    >tops the consoles

    Stretchmouth was here
    HALO is a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)15:15 No.23889342

    a moralfag also has shit taste in games, what a surprise
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)15:16 No.23889355
    >We already know that Halo tops the consoles

    You appear to have misspelled Timesplitters 2.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)15:16 No.23889369

    I still love you, Cate. <3 <3 <3
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)15:16 No.23889377
    shut up Chicken
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)15:17 No.23889407
    Painkiller was badass.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)15:18 No.23889437
    This, with the original Quake as a close second.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)15:18 No.23889438
         File :1228767508.jpg-(85 KB, 953x953, deus_ex_front.jpg)
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    Can't believe this hasn't been posted yet. Fucking newfags.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)15:19 No.23889464
    perfect dark off course
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)15:19 No.23889471
    ET is for fags, real men play RtCW.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)15:19 No.23889479
    Typing of the Dead. Take that innovative control scheme and shove it, Wiifriends.
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)15:19 No.23889493
    not a fps faggot
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)15:19 No.23889495
    What if Alyx,Zoey,andCate start a pooping contest while squatting in the alleyway to see who shit the most
    wins. who do you think would win?
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)15:20 No.23889503
         File :1228767614.jpg-(63 KB, 600x450, cat.jpg)
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    >deus ex
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)15:20 No.23889505
    Kha~uhn~tah Satu~RA~Iku 1.6
    >> Anonymous 12/08/08(Mon)15:20 No.23889516
    Zoey cuz of all the scary zombie trauma

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