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    File :1227396732.png-(1.14 MB, 1280x864, ffxi_2008.11.19_19.31.07.png)
    1.14 MB FFXI General Thread Ragnell !!8W8qPxCabmT 11/22/08(Sat)18:32 No.23132643  

    Final Fantasy XI general thread

    /v/ Server - Bahamut
    Linkshell - Derp
    Members - 20+

    Join up you faggots, Free trial 2 weeks ect ect.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)18:34 No.23132735
    Having played two jobs to 75 and experienced all the endgame content there was when I played minus AV, I can confidently tell everyone here this fact.

    This game is only good for the porn.
    >> Ragnell !!8W8qPxCabmT 11/22/08(Sat)18:36 No.23132814
    To each there own
    >> Rudy 11/22/08(Sat)18:37 No.23132859
    Who in the world would hate Valkurm Dunes?

    It's one of the coolest places ever. Most people will have some great memories there.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)18:38 No.23132908
    Yeah, great memories of FULL PARTY WIPE.

    Fucking lazy tanks and lack of White Mages. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)18:38 No.23132920
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    I disagree. I played for 4 years and haven't regretted it. I had a blast.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)18:38 No.23132934
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    Your opinions. they don't matter
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)18:39 No.23132953
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)18:40 No.23132980
    Yeah, and somewhere I'm sure there is a filthy drug addict sitting an abandoned building who doesn't regret a thing.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)18:40 No.23133008
    I just came back from a long break, decided to level a job 1 to 37 to get back into the swing of things.

    Fuck low level gear is expensive! Even with the economy deflated as it is, it cost me over 30k to buy gear for 10-20. Not even uber gear, just the decent stuff you're expected to have.

    I'm on Bahamut also, but I'm not sure I want to be associated with /v/ in game...
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)18:41 No.23133027
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    >> Rudy 11/22/08(Sat)18:41 No.23133029
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    Party wipes are always memorable.
    >> Karshe 11/22/08(Sat)18:41 No.23133053
    Sup Ragnell. How's the LS doing?
    >> ShinySonichu !Kn2WZh17AA 11/22/08(Sat)18:42 No.23133069
    Moblin Mazes are gonna rock shit.
    So, let's discuss this shit that's come out of VanaFest.
    >> Ragnell !!8W8qPxCabmT 11/22/08(Sat)18:42 No.23133085
    Why it isn't like we go around saying we are from /v/ or 4chan.
    >> Orgasmatron !!9skuTvcTtr7 11/22/08(Sat)18:42 No.23133092
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    Join Asura.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)18:42 No.23133097
    if I were to try the two week trial...

    what's a good sub class

    and how long would all the shit take to d/l and patch and shit?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)18:42 No.23133101
    I'm stopping by just to sage this thread as I would be a hypocrite like the rest of you for saging WoW threads but not every other MMO.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)18:43 No.23133116
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    >To each there own
    >each there own
    >there own
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)18:43 No.23133118
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    Skillchains FUCK YEAH
    >> Rudy 11/22/08(Sat)18:44 No.23133174
    Be a monk. It's easy and fun.


    How's life like on Asura? The awesome /v/ 'shell from last summer is long gone (and will never be replaced), but I know some people still kept flowing that way.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)18:44 No.23133184
    The people in the shell really aren't all that bad. 5 year vet here. My end game shells' leader just went psycho so I popped in this shell. Send Ragnell a /tell for a pearl if you want.
    >> Ooishi !9KQLwprroc 11/22/08(Sat)18:44 No.23133195

    Someone else is on fucking Bahamut. Finally.

    Just hit 20. No more fucking walking. Finally.
    >> Ragnell !!8W8qPxCabmT 11/22/08(Sat)18:46 No.23133264
    Getting more expanded, we've started doing parties now, Shit is so Cash
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)18:47 No.23133302
    How is this on the 360? Are there a lot of people playing?

    I bought it for the PC, played it for a bit, couldn't deal with all of the keyboard buttonfuckery.
    >> Orgasmatron !!9skuTvcTtr7 11/22/08(Sat)18:47 No.23133318
    We only have like 4 members right now, but I know there are more /v/irgins on the server somewhere. I think a lot of them quit. Anyway, if you're already here just look for Seanith or Andradi.

    If you're making a new character you'll probably go to Bahamut since they have a large LS full of trials right now.
    >> Rudy 11/22/08(Sat)18:48 No.23133345
    The PC and 360 share servers, bro. Also with the PS2/3.
    >> Ooishi !9KQLwprroc 11/22/08(Sat)18:48 No.23133357

    Same servers mate.

    Also, I find the 360 controller much easier to use than keyboard. But if you're gonna get the 360 version, get a fucking USB keyboard.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)18:48 No.23133370
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    Quit the game after getting Apocalypse Nigh done and calling it a day.

    How's the update scene goin'? Those always have something neat for everyone.
    >> Rudy 11/22/08(Sat)18:49 No.23133414
    I was in Charming Scoundrels, the old /v/ linkshell. My character is still there.

    I'd log in and also make a character on Bahamut, but right now I'm having some sort of crazy password trouble. Gotta call SE on monday and get that shit straightened out.
    >> Ragnell !!8W8qPxCabmT 11/22/08(Sat)18:50 No.23133465
    No YOU join Bahamut
    6 hr patching Boss
    Also subjob depends on what you want to start with
    Want to be a Mage fag?
    You need whm/Blk as subjobs to main either one
    Meleefag? Need War/Mnk to support either class, and there are a shitload more classes
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)18:51 No.23133479
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    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)18:52 No.23133531
    free trial you say?

    you couldn't PAY me to play this
    >> Orgasmatron !!9skuTvcTtr7 11/22/08(Sat)18:53 No.23133564
    Maybe there will be a server transfer available at some point, but I'm pretty happy over here for now. We don't have a lot of people yet, but the guys in the LS are cool.
    Well, if you get back on here ever just give us a shout.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)18:53 No.23133593
    FFXI is getting three mini expansions. They are download-only and cost $10 each. They are extra small storylines that add on to the already existing content.
    A Crystalline Prophecy – Ode of Life Bestowing
    A Moogle Kupo d'Etat - Evil in Small Doses
    A Shantotto Ascension - The Legend Torn, Her Empire Born

    A Crystalline Prophecy is the first one and will be released along with Spring 2009 version update.
    sauce: Kotaku
    >> Rudy 11/22/08(Sat)18:53 No.23133606
    What's your 'shell name?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)18:54 No.23133641
    I haven't played since level sync, but my accound is still open.

    I have seen the research that high level gear capped at lower levels is abysmal compred to real low level gear. What is the etiquitte here? Is it acceptable to wear what you normally wear at 75 to a sync party?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)18:55 No.23133658

    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)18:55 No.23133664
    I printed this out and had it laminated.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)18:55 No.23133669
    lol, played it for 6 years, starting release day.

    shits addicting, but hasn't changed since release.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)18:55 No.23133677
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    >> Rudy 11/22/08(Sat)18:56 No.23133689
    Acceptable at low levels, sure. But mid and higher levels you'll definitely want proper gear.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)18:56 No.23133703
    I've noticed that people are less anal about gear. I wore a plain ol' doublet from 11 to 30 on my Dragoon. ..But that's low level.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)18:56 No.23133704

    I was in Charming Scoundrels and then some shit went down at home and I was not able to play for a long time. everyone was gone when I could finally get everything up and running again.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)18:56 No.23133721

    Thank you kind sir

    would dragoon/paladin be viable or would I have to sub for monk like you said?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)18:57 No.23133740
    remember back in the day, when /v/ would never allow a ff11 thread?

    shit has gone way downhill
    >> Ragnell !!8W8qPxCabmT 11/22/08(Sat)18:57 No.23133743
    I dont think it matters, I wear my Level 22 gear to level sync 15 parties, I think the Sync adjusts to the level and shit
    >> Ooishi !9KQLwprroc 11/22/08(Sat)18:57 No.23133751
    So guys, what do you recommend as a sub for WAR?

    I'm going with MNK, but what about RDM?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)18:57 No.23133767
    Dragoon will sub Warrior or Samurai for parties, White, red or blue mage for solo work.
    >> ShinySonichu !Kn2WZh17AA 11/22/08(Sat)18:58 No.23133781
    I'm looking forward to Crystalline Prophecy.
    Moogle one seems a bit silly, and Shantotto one sounds lame.
    Also, hear that Shantotto is in Dissidia?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)18:58 No.23133795
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    Some of us have PC and can use the Firefox skillchain calculator.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)18:58 No.23133800
    Warrior will sub MNK at low levels, Ninja and Samurai higher up the line, depending on if you want dual 1 hand axes or a 2 hand axe.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)18:58 No.23133816
    Sam, mnk, nin

    rdm is stupid, whm is stupid, blm is stupid.

    You sir, are an stupid.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)18:59 No.23133855
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    So how fun is it to be a healer in this game?
    On a scale of 1-10.

    yeah don't ask me why I like to heal, I guess its an OCD or "always wanted in a party" thing, don't know which
    >> Rudy 11/22/08(Sat)19:01 No.23133916
    Hey, no. Let's rethink that.

    Dragoon will go something like this; 1-30, /mnk. What good will warrior do? Monk gives you a bitchin' Boost ability to use on jumps and weapon skills. Warrior won't help you hit harder.

    At 30, you get berserk from /war. Berserking your jumps and weaponskills is pure damage. /sam? Utterly fucking useless pre 60. Post 60? It won't outdamage /warrior's pure onslaught of brutality with its weapon skill spam. "Oh, but it will help keep you from pulling hate!" you might say. Bitch, you're a Dragoon! Super Jump that shit!

    tl;dr /sam is pretty damn retarded for DRG.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)19:02 No.23133979
    Never hit 75 after like four or five years, but I <3 this fecking game so hard I think I might build a tower out of expansion discs and then marry it.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)19:02 No.23133984

    If you like being a healer in other games, then I doubt you'll mind it in FFXI. In Red Mage-less parties, it will also be your job to land enfeebles on the enemy which gives you an extra duty from staring at HP bars.

    Also, if you last until 36, you'll get access to very useful teleports that only WHM gets access to.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)19:03 No.23133995
    Personally I think healing and suppoert jobs are some of the most rewarding in the game, but it's not for everyone.
    >> Ragnell !!8W8qPxCabmT 11/22/08(Sat)19:03 No.23134010
    For Dragoon, you can sub Alot, from Whm,blm,rdm,war,nin,mnk
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)19:03 No.23134024

    Boring as shit early on, more interesting later

    Play RDM instead.
    >> Orgasmatron !!9skuTvcTtr7 11/22/08(Sat)19:03 No.23134026
    Something stupid like Leet Australian Gamers (LAG) but only one person is an Ausfag. I dunno, ask him about it.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)19:04 No.23134047
    It's alright, not my favorite role, but something I end up doing a lot for my shell. I suggest doing RDM rather than WHM. Just about anything you do in the game is best with a RDM and BRD
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)19:05 No.23134070
    Miss the good old days of drg/sam doing pentathrust like 5 times in a row.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)19:05 No.23134071
    Looking at OP's LS log makes me really, really fucking happy I'm not in a /v/ LS.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)19:05 No.23134073

    I was leaning towards red mage, but thanks for the in depth answer

    last question though, would having some spells/additional sword play help at all?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)19:05 No.23134075
    Paladin is fun in this game even though I was just tanking in Valkurm. And it made me realize that most paladins in the area are SHIT.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)19:05 No.23134080
    How about a FF tactics advance thread instead?
    Figured not.
    Still, could anyone tell me if it's possible to fight with more than 6 clan members?

    I'm currently in the middle of the clan wars and I'm rather confused wether it's possible later on or not.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)19:05 No.23134094

    >> Ragnell !!8W8qPxCabmT 11/22/08(Sat)19:06 No.23134105
    Teleporting is a damn quick and easy way to get gil too
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)19:06 No.23134122


    Been waiting for this conclusion since I WATCHED that opening cutscene.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)19:08 No.23134197
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    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)19:08 No.23134204
    Dammit. You guys make me want to progress in the story. But I'm sitting here in Sandy's 3-1 procrastinating going to Davoi again.
    >> Rudy 11/22/08(Sat)19:08 No.23134216
    Those wacky mage subs are mostly for soloing or utility purposes.

    What makes Dragoon oh so sweet is all the crazy different things your wyvern can do. Subbing mage jobs like WHM will let your wyvern heal party members; when done right and while using proper gear (i.e. relevant AF/Relic equipment) a dragoon is an amazing and efficient main healer. It's not so rare to see a few dragoons getting together and trioing the mobs most parties will EXP off of.

    You'll want to stick with /war when you're damage dealing though.

    Playing Red Mage first will be like fucking seventeen bitches of any age that is to your preference. At once. Backwards in time. It's just hellishly good fun, and don't listen to anyone trying to pigeonhole you into being a backline mage. Pick up your sword! Cast a fucking spell and stab shit! Red Mage is a very competant damage dealer in the low levels.

    As you get upwards, though, it takes a lot of dedication to maintain a decent amount of damage dealing capability. Post 41, everything goes downhill, when parties want you for nothing more than to cast Refresh and main heal. It's why I gave up on red mage.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)19:09 No.23134230
    healing is really easy, especially at higher levels, your tank shouldn't be taking that much damage anyway, If i had a ninja in the party I would cast a few enfeebles on mobs then afk. However in end game healing is really fun.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)19:09 No.23134241
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    I'm only a week or so into my 14 day trial on Shiva, and I can't fucking stand Shiva's community. Absolutely nobody talks outside of party, and the conversations in party are short, and only about party related things.

    I want to go back to Ifrit, but damnit, I've leveled once to 47 (Plus all the other jobs I leveled past Dunse) on Ifrit already, and then leveled to 10 on 3 different jobs on Shiva, I REALLY don't want to start from scratch again.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)19:10 No.23134279
    FFXI was the only online game that kept me playing after a month. Mostly good community. My LS had great people and it was easy to tell who wasn't a complete fucknugget and who had brains.

    I fucking love PSO and Diablo II, but those aren't MMOs, and I usually end up playing those for a month before I get bored. Schthack private server for PSO has some of the most bland, unintresting fucks I've ever encountered in any online RPG.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)19:10 No.23134284
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    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)19:10 No.23134288
    That's what linkshells are for.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)19:13 No.23134410
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    Nareema is so moe.
    >> ShinySonichu !Kn2WZh17AA 11/22/08(Sat)19:13 No.23134412
    >implication that red mages are invited to exp parties for their enfeebles.
    Oh, you're silly.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)19:13 No.23134414
    Yeah, enjoy finding one of those on Shiva.

    The only linkshell offer I got was from some manthra who wanted an all mithra linkshell.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)19:14 No.23134464
    There are server transfers for like $15 you know...
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)19:14 No.23134465
    Did my first nyzul isle run ever today with my static party. Fun shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)19:14 No.23134479
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    You can also pull off a fuckton of traits.

    Blue Mages in other FFs are bland as fuck, good for nothing but White Wind, Mighty Guard, the occasional gimmick spell. FFXI's version is the best.
    >> Rudy 11/22/08(Sat)19:15 No.23134486
    There's an all-mithra linkshell on each server. It's a cross-server organization of mithra roleplayfags.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)19:15 No.23134514
    So, how do you guys get the screenshots to be so big? I always get tiny-ass ones.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)19:15 No.23134517
    It's a trial account, it would be wasted money to transfer it.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)19:16 No.23134530

    No one said they were. But in a party with a RDM and WHM, the party is going to want the mage with the higher skill to land enfeebles so the WHM can focus on Erase, Haste, etc. Hence, the RDM.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)19:16 No.23134544
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    Limitation of what flare type CSs look like on PC with PS2 cap. Video shows more.
    >> Ragnell !!8W8qPxCabmT 11/22/08(Sat)19:16 No.23134551
    holy shit...
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)19:17 No.23134567
    this game would be cool if jrpgs were the biggest piles of fucking shit ever to grace a fucking computer.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)19:19 No.23134674
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    Too bad I can't find enough Blue Mages who aren't faggots with thier gear or don't even want to try to do anything other than DD

    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)19:19 No.23134700
    They used to want us for dispel.

    Now they want Scholars.

    Fucking scholars.

    I love red mage, it's the most fun job I've played, but I just can't be assed to level it YET AGAIN through dunes, where the enfeebles land 1/5 of the time even at capped skill.
    >> ShinySonichu !Kn2WZh17AA 11/22/08(Sat)19:21 No.23134786
    I play both (RDM and SCH). What do I win?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)19:22 No.23134822
    seriously how do you work the screenshot magic
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)19:22 No.23134833
         File :1227399773.png-(580 KB, 569x822, why.png)
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    3rd Party Application: Windower.

    Also adds many useful plugins: mob detail, party TP, party/alliance TP/MP, on screen map, timzone info, time in zone, MP3 player, recast, spell recast/when it wears off, buff duration, draw distance (increases distance in 3D plane that is rendered, makes game look better), distance meter (helps you to know how close you are to a mob, helpful for just about anyone that pulls/mages.), blinkmenot: stops PCs from blinking when gear swaps are done, stops target from blinking, useful for mages healing and examining annoying japs that don't want to be examined. Also many other plugins and graphics tweaks. Scripting tools for longer macros, on event tools, PC exclusive.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)19:23 No.23134875
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    Any anons play on fenrir server?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)19:23 No.23134878
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    Soloing, stunning, main healing, possible tanking, and we got some goddamn good debuffs. Filimented Hold is just as good as a meritted-once Slow II.

    Complete rape in Ballista also.

    Can't think of much else.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)19:24 No.23134901
    Now where would one get something like this?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)19:24 No.23134903

    Second; "Not as effective"? Way to sound pretty confident there, fellow Blue Mage. I'm pretty fuckin' awesome if I do say so myself and can mold myself to kick ass in any situation.

    Also, the line

    "Bowser uses Heat Breath." instantly makes me 100x more awesome than any other BLU.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)19:26 No.23134980
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)19:27 No.23135011
    So where is the largest /v/ community on FFXI?

    I joined Asura a long time ago because of some rumored linkshell of vidya folks.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)19:27 No.23135027
    Is that for the windower or the porn?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)19:27 No.23135028
         File :1227400068.jpg-(166 KB, 1680x1050, ffxi_2008.07.27_03.37.03.jpg)
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    Google: "FFXI windower"

    Jesus christ, 4chan still can't google search?
    >> Rudy 11/22/08(Sat)19:32 No.23135194
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    Aw, what's with the name black out?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)19:33 No.23135248
    Gee, I sure hope this isn't bannable.
    >> Ragnell !!8W8qPxCabmT 11/22/08(Sat)19:33 No.23135276
    I think it's bahamut now

    Where are theses plugins, I have a few, but i want more
    >> Rudy 11/22/08(Sat)19:36 No.23135391
    The wonderful Asura linkshell fell apart after about three months. You missed out.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)19:37 No.23135469

    Oh. Should I even bother starting up AGAIN?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)19:39 No.23135551

    Use your old character. Find people on that server.


    dont need to, and probly dont want play with people from /v/
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)19:39 No.23135563
    Anyone play on Alexander?
    >> Rudy 11/22/08(Sat)19:40 No.23135631
    Do you enjoy playing FFXI?

    FUCK YEAH YOU BETTER START UP AGAIN. I don't know shit about this Bahamut business but I know /v/ 'shells are fuckin' fun. That's like having fun playing FFXI while having MORE fun with /v/ shit. It's like DOUBLEFUCKINGFUN you dumbass, why aren't you doing it yet?

    Well. I guess it doesn't matter then.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)19:41 No.23135659

    The Asura /v/ linkshell was wonderful. Hardly any memes too.
    >> Rudy 11/22/08(Sat)19:43 No.23135768
    Good evening, Scoundrels. Who were you?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)19:45 No.23135889
    Everyone on here is basically around the 13-15 age range. I'm in 2 linkshells but I simply can't stand a huge chunk of the Asura community. Also the AHs are basically empty.

    Yeah, I'm enough of a masochist to enjoy it.
    >> Ragnell !!8W8qPxCabmT 11/22/08(Sat)19:46 No.23135933
    /v/irgins arent as bad as you may think
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)19:56 No.23136334

    Beruzi here.

    I started an Elvaan character on Alexander recently. I miss CharmingScoundrels when it was popular, but then it got down to just me, Aerwyn, and Ignautilus before I had to take a break.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)19:56 No.23136357
    >> Rudy 11/22/08(Sat)19:58 No.23136443
    Yeah. I was out of the state on vacation when it fell apart. Aerwyn quit, but Iggy went back to endgaming his heart out.

    He's also fucking rich from crafting cursed shit from what I remember.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)20:00 No.23136498
    Too bad they're faggots with the trial codes.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)20:01 No.23136562

    It's too bad Aerwyn quit since he just got his BRD to 75.

    But yea, that sounds like Iggy. Fucker got Alchemy to 100 while in Scoundrels.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)20:03 No.23136615
    Made a RDM on bahamut last night. Name's Zenjim
    >> Ragnell !!8W8qPxCabmT 11/22/08(Sat)20:03 No.23136641
         File :1227402235.png-(1.01 MB, 1280x864, ffxi_2008.11.19_17.34.12.png)
    1.01 MB
    Thanks for the link
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)20:05 No.23136686
    Hey Ragnell! I'm that faggot the couldn't get a code, remember me? Yeah well, what Job should I be for the good of the LS? I was thinking I'd be a WHM if you fags didn't have enough healers, but I'd rather be some sort of combination between RHM,MNK, WAR or BHM
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)20:05 No.23136698

    Iggy here, I actually just sold my account for 1150.

    It was such a good offer, I couldn't afford not to take it.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)20:06 No.23136750
    So how many permanent members on Bahamut? I'll probably start over again but I wanna pick the most active server.
    >> Rudy 11/22/08(Sat)20:06 No.23136753
    >For the good of the ls

    That confuses the hell out of me. I can understand it for an endgame linkshell, since organization is their lifeblood.

    Why don't you want to pick something that interests you?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)20:07 No.23136760

    What the fuck do you need a wait of 60 for. This is why I couldnt play with you on bahamut, so many people that were stupid, and couldnt learn.
    >> Rudy 11/22/08(Sat)20:08 No.23136828
    Good amount. I'm envious.

    I'd consider selling my account if I weren't incapable of logging in. And if my roomate didn't still play. Fuck.

    Well, since you're gone I will remove Galt from Asura when I get the chance.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)20:09 No.23136886
    Lumbering Lambert was here

    Battering Ram is a loser.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)20:10 No.23136891

    IGGY!!!! =(
    >> Ragnell !!8W8qPxCabmT 11/22/08(Sat)20:10 No.23136893
    We could use a healer, but make sure it's something you like to do, and not just for us
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)20:12 No.23136974
    Indeed, I thought about it for awhile, and I really think the game has been on a steady decline the past year and a half that I don't think it'll ever pick back up from.

    Combine that with me having some items that are right now worth a ton, but with the expoansions on the rise, potentially worth less (aside from the ancient torque, that thing is never gonna be bad) It just all came together as a good time to sell.

    Plus, Im MMO free at the moment and my social life instantly picked up big time.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)20:13 No.23137002
    If they need a healer, be a RDM. At least you actually want to be a RDM anyway.
    >> Ragnell !!8W8qPxCabmT 11/22/08(Sat)20:15 No.23137071
    I was trying to make a Sneak attack marcos that uses 3 Sneak Attacks in 1:10 mins
    >> Ragnell !!8W8qPxCabmT 11/22/08(Sat)20:16 No.23137119
    I'm not sure of a solid number but so far I think we've got 10 solid or more from the trial
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)20:17 No.23137143
         File :1227403036.png-(457 KB, 472x829, hottttness.png)
    457 KB
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)20:17 No.23137165
    Even so, that's something you do manually, as you cant hit any macros during a /wait , or it cancels the rest of that macro.
    >> Rudy 11/22/08(Sat)20:18 No.23137196
    Funky idea. When I leveled thief (which I still haven't gotten all the way to 37, can't stand thieves in parties) I thought it was easiest to just have a standalone equip swap/SA macro to follow up with TA when necessary. I guess if you're not going to swap any equipment out a timed macro makes it easier, but to me it seems like a scary thought that SA might activate at a bad time.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)20:19 No.23137239
    What time zone are most of the members in?
    >> Ragnell !!8W8qPxCabmT 11/22/08(Sat)20:20 No.23137258
    Yea I gave up on that marco, and just start do it manually now
    >> Rudy 11/22/08(Sat)20:20 No.23137259
    Amazing what happens when you stop playing an MMO. Was nice playing with you, Iggy.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/08(Sat)20:20 No.23137260
    Faggot who couldn't find his code here: Which one is better: Bard, Summoner, Beastmaster or Ranger? I was thinking Bard since I like support roles, but I don't want it to be play one song then you're done bullshit. Thinking summoner because it's a cool sub, and could be used to help prevent wipes. BM because it sounds cool, and ranger because it sounds cool. Also in the running is dark knight for it's simplicity.

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