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11/22/08(Sat)19:22 No.23134833 File :1227399773.png-(580 KB, 569x822, why.png)
 >>23134514 3rd Party Application: Windower.
adds many useful plugins: mob detail, party TP, party/alliance TP/MP,
on screen map, timzone info, time in zone, MP3 player, recast, spell
recast/when it wears off, buff duration, draw distance (increases
distance in 3D plane that is rendered, makes game look better),
distance meter (helps you to know how close you are to a mob, helpful
for just about anyone that pulls/mages.), blinkmenot: stops PCs from
blinking when gear swaps are done, stops target from blinking, useful
for mages healing and examining annoying japs that don't want to be
examined. Also many other plugins and graphics tweaks. Scripting tools
for longer macros, on event tools, PC exclusive. |