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    File :1226681101.png-(66 KB, 596x2157, 1188652423808.png)
    66 KB Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)11:45 No.22747516  
    game comes with piracy protection: people pirate the shit out of it "because they're screwing with the real consumer"

    game comes with no piracy protection; people pirate the shit out of it "because they were too stupid not to protect it"

    So /v/ what could companies realistically do to prevent piracy?
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)11:46 No.22747550
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)11:46 No.22747552
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)11:46 No.22747568
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)11:46 No.22747570
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)11:46 No.22747576
    raid people's houses and beat the shit out of them
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)11:46 No.22747589
    Stop making games.
    If they really want to kill, piracy their, sworn enemy... They need to stop making games.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)11:46 No.22747590
    Release games on consoles.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)11:46 No.22747592
    Include cool things in the box that make it worth my purchase.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)11:46 No.22747598
    Nothing, because you can never stop piracy.

    Now shut the fuck up about it and enjoy your games, unless you have stocks in the videogame companies, then you are allowed to rage.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)11:46 No.22747599
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)11:47 No.22747613
    kill the scene
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)11:47 No.22747616
    If people can steal it they will... they are idiots.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)11:47 No.22747627

    Welcome to /v/, I hope you enjoy your first week here.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)11:48 No.22747642

    This. I bought Fallout 3 for the bobblehead and lunchbox otherwise I would've pirated
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)11:49 No.22747659
    Deal with it faggots, piracy will always happen.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)11:49 No.22747666
    There is no piracy problem. It's publisher propaganda.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)11:49 No.22747667
    decent multiplayer + cd keys
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)11:51 No.22747735

    a scene? you're a retard
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)11:51 No.22747737
    seconded, "next generation" games suck anyways
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)11:52 No.22747754
    Valve does a pretty good job at forcing me to buy games.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)11:52 No.22747762
    Realistically, online only games, like WARHAWK and stuff.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)11:52 No.22747768
    Mutliplayer. Steam. <1% Piracy Rate.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)11:53 No.22747783
    They should make a deal with government or something that grants them the rights to do anything.
    Piratefags would be killed once and for all.
    Only ones that would be objecting it would be the ones who motherfucking pirates so there is no fucking reason to not give game makers right to raid houses and shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)11:53 No.22747784
    Release via Steam.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)11:53 No.22747789
    lol our game sold bad


    we don't pirate spore/fallout 3 any more then the fucking games that did poorly, if anything MORE people pirated spore/fallout 3. They just like to blame us, its cool
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)11:53 No.22747797
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    Yup. Gee, I wonder what company has been focused on that business model recently...
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)11:53 No.22747804
    PC gaming is dead thanks to piracy.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)11:54 No.22747819

    >>steam can't be pirated


    every game on steam is pirated

    even multiplayer only ones have private servers
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)11:54 No.22747825
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)11:54 No.22747837

    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)11:54 No.22747842
    Public games only. You can no longer own any sort of electronic equiptment at home capable of running advanced program, at the penalty of death.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)11:55 No.22747855
    i suppose the only real answer to it is to either make lesser games or reduce the price of them.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)11:55 No.22747861
    Same kind of registeration system that is on CoH:Opposing Fronts. Makes me rage everytime I remember it.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)11:55 No.22747871

    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)11:55 No.22747873
    World of Goo has a 90% piracy rate. It's cheap, and has no DRM. And yet it got pirated to hell.

    Which just goes to show: Pirates are pricks, who have no logical justification for their acts. They are just total pricks.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)11:56 No.22747875
    yeah, but the private servers are limited in number and have a tendency to suck balls and/or be filled with Germans.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)11:56 No.22747876
    Make everything online only and make sure you fuck over any chance of private servers.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)11:56 No.22747881
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    A piracy deterent you say?
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)11:56 No.22747887

    pirates don't register hurr durr
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)11:56 No.22747893
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)11:56 No.22747894
    Games should use a new format instead of CD.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)11:57 No.22747902
    put all games on steam
    or you could do what wow does (you could, but you shouldn't)
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)11:57 No.22747903
    Before I bought TF2, I pirated it to see how well my system would handle it. Playing on russian private servers is not fun, and not only were there few of them, there were also few players on them.

    Pirating Steam games, at least the ones with online multiplayer, is just not worth the trouble.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)11:57 No.22747909

    I don't use them, I still buy multiplayer games that don't suck (so not all that many) but still, just sayin'
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)11:58 No.22747928

    like the unpiratable hand helds?
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)11:58 No.22747938
    >>even multiplayer only ones have private servers

    yes, shitty ass server filled with angry germans , strupid polaks and drunken/pisspoor russians
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)11:58 No.22747940

    The guy whining about piracy also said that it was selling well. Stardock has no DRM, gets pirated like crazy, and they're making a very nice profit. Spore had tons of DRM, still got pirated to hell, and probably still made a small fortune.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)11:58 No.22747947
    I hear CS:S has plenty of normal private servers
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)11:59 No.22747962

    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)11:59 No.22747969
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    Something like how these fuckers manage it, online only and shit so nobody even tries to pirate it.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:00 No.22747971
    assassinate the hamachi developers
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:00 No.22747983
    So? Your justification for pirating it LOL THEY STILL MAKE MONEY?

    Hey. Go steal a car from a dealership. THEY'LL STILL MAKE MONEY FROM OTHER SALES, SO IT DOESN'T MATTER!

    Fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:01 No.22748002
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:01 No.22748007
    Fallout 3 leaked 3 weeks early for 360, and was up the day before the pc release and being pirated to fuck and the game sold over 4 million in the first week

    if a game you like didn't sell well, its because it sucks balls, get over it.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:01 No.22748019

    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:01 No.22748021
    Maybe...just maybe...they could use...

    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:02 No.22748027
    Pirates hurt sales for actually decent games while bitching about casual games and shovelware saturating the market?

    Sounds about right.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:02 No.22748029
    Actually, World of Goo automatically submits your scores online, so the developers have a pretty damn good idea of exactly how many people have it installed vs people who purchased it.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:02 No.22748043
    Instill a sense of ethics and virtue in the gaming populace.

    Aside from that, lock the shit down so it's impossible to pirate without screwing over the consumer too bad.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:02 No.22748047

    >>stealing is the same as piracy


    just like the commercial lololol
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:02 No.22748048
    Maybe we figured something reminiscent of a flash game isn't worth the money?
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:02 No.22748052
    Pirates defending their piracy habits are so great at trying to make their weak excuses sound big.

    If you're really going to pirate, don't show off about it and try to convince yourself that you're doing no wrong.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:03 No.22748060

    If we are talking about a freeloader type of person the game will NOT sell under any circumstances. I have a friend who pirated the Orange Box for the single player experience, he loved the games but refuses to buy them which pisses me off.

    Simply put...people who have the potential to buy games, WILL buy games regardless of DRM, online only or being easy to pirate.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:03 No.22748075

    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:04 No.22748100
    Why not? If it's a fun game that's well made, why shouldn't you pay for it? Because it's 2D with vector based graphics?

    That's fucking stupid. You're fucking stupid.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:04 No.22748121
    Make better games. I bought Fallout, Fallout 2, Deus Ex, Arcanum... you know, good games.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:04 No.22748124

    just because something is illegal doesn't make it wrong
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:04 No.22748127
    Somebody will bring up dynamic ip addresses against this but in such huge numbers against purchases it's still relevant.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:05 No.22748143
    ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
    ..........''...\.......... _.•´
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:05 No.22748146
    >Small fraction
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:05 No.22748148
    Try saying that in court, they'll think you're a comedian.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:05 No.22748156
    Except World of Goo is made by two blokes in a garage in some shithole somewhere. That "BILLION DOLLAR INDUSTRY" doesn't share their IMMENSE WEALTH with them automatically.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:06 No.22748164

    they already screw the consumer over TOO much and it doesn't keep out pirates

    good luck with that
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:06 No.22748169
    People at least try to make an excuse when stealing music: "The RIAA is screwing the artist over so I'm gonna give him even less money blah blah blah" but when it comes to games, you're just denying the creators what is rightfully theirs. There isn't a big cartel involved like there is with music.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:06 No.22748179
    companies could make their games free
    that would stop a lot of piracy

    or to almost completely eliminate it they could pay you to play their game
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:06 No.22748180
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    Make it very, very, VERY, Federal-level illegal.

    And they could.

    And they will. Shit will be so funny.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:07 No.22748205
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    >So /v/ what could companies realistically do to prevent piracy?

    Make good games?

    Oh, you said realistically.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:07 No.22748208
    Make games for macs
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:07 No.22748211
    So? Your justification for buying it used LOL THEY STILL MAKE MONEY?

    Hey. Go buy a used car from a private seller. THE DEALERSHIP WILL STILL MAKE MONEY FROM OTHER SALES, SO IT DOESN'T MATTER!

    Fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:07 No.22748214
    >Pirate caused profit losses
    >Only a small fraction
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:08 No.22748225
    You're still getting something for free. And don't give me that "HURR THEY STILL HAVE THE PRODUCT AFTER YOU PIRATE" bullshit. You are not paying $50 for the disk, box and manual, you are paying to make up for all the money spent actually developing the fucking game
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:08 No.22748242

    so right and wrong is based on geography then?

    I can go from one state where something is legal and to another where it is illegal. I can do something that is legal here but if I go to another country where it isn't, I'm immoral? So if it is illegal anywhere, it should be wrong? Or are morals really based on geography?
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:09 No.22748260
    im a student, i would'n have had the money to buy the game anyway :\
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:09 No.22748261
    pirates offer the best product for the best price
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:09 No.22748262
    Well, I don't pirate movies that come with slipcases. Anything good and collectors edition really.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:09 No.22748273
    It's a tech demo. Tech that isn't useful for anything at that
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:10 No.22748295

    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:10 No.22748306

    I don't give a shit about that shitty game
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:10 No.22748312
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    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:10 No.22748315
    in 5-10 years, DLing something willget you V& faster than CP.

    Enjoy the YAR HAR days while they last.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:11 No.22748328
    >World of Goo has a 90% piracy rate. It's cheap, and has no DRM. And yet it got pirated to hell.
    It's a fucking flash game. Who's stupid enough to pay for a flash game?
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:11 No.22748340
    Partially, you can't expect to go to a country and expect them to let you off because you did something that's illegal in their country and not in another.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:12 No.22748353
    Why do I pirate shit? Because I don't fucking care.

    I don't give a shit what happens to the developers, or consumers, or producers, or whoever.

    If I can get shit for free I would. I'd steal money out of a till if the repercussions and risks were the same as that of software piracy.

    I'm not trying to justify my actions, I'm saying my actions don't need justification.

    Fuck off you moral cunts.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:12 No.22748359
    Secretly hardcode a destructive virus into the game that is dynamically neutralized when you download the game through the game developer's purchasing system


    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:12 No.22748360
    >There isn't a big cartel involved

    The developers are paid regular wage even if the game brings in billions. Your reasoning is laughable, it's fucking slave labor
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:12 No.22748370
    Tower of Goo is a tech demo.
    World of Goo isn't.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:13 No.22748387
    Games will be inevitably pirated no matter what the developers do. They are trying to put a price on an intangible good. What the industry needs is to evolve from the software-based model and make something revolutionary.

    All it takes is for a genius to solve this riddle.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:13 No.22748388
    Which part of TWO BLOKES IN A FUCKING GARAGE didn't you understand?
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:13 No.22748406
    It's a flash game because it's a 2D game.
    2D games intrinsically have no worth.
    Makes perfect sense.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:14 No.22748409

    until someone who legitimately bought the game mounts it with powerISO or uses a crack so they don't have to put the disk in all the time and get a virus and sue them.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:14 No.22748410
    Sell them on Steam, because Steam is loveable pirate protection.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:14 No.22748414

    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:14 No.22748425
    make games hell of cheap
    and be able to download them faster than a torrented one
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:14 No.22748431
    One day, you're gonna need someone to help you. And there will be no one there for you. Enjoy your cold death. Alone.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:14 No.22748433

    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:15 No.22748452
    >It's a flash game because it's a 2D game.
    >2D games intrinsically have no worth.
    >Makes perfect sense.
    No, it's a flash game because it's a flash game. It's not fucking Chaos Engine or Tyrian. It's Newgrounds material.
    >> mic­key !dkJI/P7Y32 11/14/08(Fri)12:15 No.22748453
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    take down The Pirate Bay, isohunt, and all of the other bittorrent tracking sites.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:15 No.22748465

    >>having morals gets you friends

    >> Noblesse Oblige !w1OqvVniJE 11/14/08(Fri)12:16 No.22748469
    CD Keys work for multiplayer games. It's how Blizzard made their money.
    No, seriously.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:16 No.22748485
    You couldn't beat the first world, could you?
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:16 No.22748489

    I live in the UK, our huge socialist government helps fucking everyone. Why do you think people from all over the world flock to us to get free money off the government.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:16 No.22748498

    If you have the 'virus' why do you need the the CD check.

    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:17 No.22748512

    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:17 No.22748516

    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:18 No.22748534
    devs should host their game on torrent sites and put in a virus that doesnt activate until about a week and a half so it could spread like wildfire
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:18 No.22748546

    hm, many countries it isn't even illegal

    so, there goes your plan

    plus, do you really think they have the resources for that? big brother isn't as big as he's apparently scaring you into believing.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:19 No.22748581
    make every game an MMO
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:19 No.22748582

    people put viruses up on those sites all the time

    never actually works, because its easy to find

    BAWWWWW about the big bad pirates to yourself
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:20 No.22748617

    what about the actual RETAIL copies
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:20 No.22748621
    but im a pirate...
    thats why i was thinking of the week timer on it to prevent initial detection
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:20 No.22748624
    User agreement specifically states that you are not allowed to do shit like that.
    You must use the legally bought real actual disc to boot the game.
    And only allowed modifications to the installation are OFFICIAL patches. (Cracks are illegal no matter how many copies of the game you own.)
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:21 No.22748632
    World of Goo is not newgrounds material. Jesus Christ thats the worst excuse I've ever heard. The game fucking oozed polish that no newgrounds game could ever even hope to muster.

    The simple fact of the matter is 90% of people downloaded World of Goo because they didn't want to put down twenty bucks on a game that showcased gameplay never seen before. No one knows if it's going to suck or not.

    Problem is, after people downloaded it, they loved it, beat it, and then saw no reason to purchase the game after already playing through it.

    World of Goo is a fucking fantastic game. Fuck you idiots calling it a flash game. It's much more than a flash game. Just because it's not 3D does not mean it does not deserve your business.

    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:21 No.22748638
    >what could companies realistically do to prevent piracy?

    offer us something more than just a disc in a box, like a t-shirt or something.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:21 No.22748643

    Legal bullshit would cover loopholes like that. After all, using external programs to emulate the disc or using a crack would violate the End User License Agreement included with the game.


    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:21 No.22748651

    a virus that doesn't activate for a set time is still a virus, it isn't INVISIBLE until it activates, god damn
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:21 No.22748652
    ITT: Hardcore gamers without morals who only pirate and play hardcore games for hardcore gamers without morals like themselves. They don't need puzzle games. They don't need to care about other people, even if those other people feed and clothe them, or provide them with a house to live in, or an internet connection. They don't need logic or reason. They don't need anything. Because they are hardcore gamers. So hardcore. So awesome.

    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:22 No.22748692

    yeah ok, companies are getting sued over using DRM and you don't think they would get sued over knowingly putting a virus in their product?
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:22 No.22748694
    Except if this were the hypothetical situation described the game wouldn't contain the virus because if the person downloaded it legitimately it would have been disabled inside of the code before it even got to the consumer's hard drive.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:23 No.22748698
    but if its a virus that doesnt currently exist how would you know the difference unless you decompiled the .exe and looked closely yourself?
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:23 No.22748712
    Steam + Stardock's Impulse have the right idea.

    They should hack patches with some epic encoder and only let ppl patch with their online system.

    Of course add meaningfull shit in the patches not just crash fix #163453.

    New clases/weapons/units/maps in patches.
    Cool shit like TF2 achievments.
    A cool community with lots of fun shit to do.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:23 No.22748722

    >>50-60$ T-shirt

    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:24 No.22748766

    hey guess what

    don't care
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:25 No.22748786
    no its true, legality and morality are not the same thing. Most courts of law would agree, they do not answer questions of justice, only law.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:26 No.22748802

    because game code never makes mistakes

    a "glitch" as it were

    games code is glitch free

    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:26 No.22748805
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:27 No.22748841
    Jesus Christ thats the most ridiculous compromise ewa
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:27 No.22748877

    now you're getting it
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:28 No.22748907

    butthurt is butthurt
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:28 No.22748914
    it's gameplay I'd seen 5 years ago with tower of goo. if it had been $10, I'd have bought it but $20 is too much for an indie game
    >> Anonface !ccqXAQxUxI 11/14/08(Fri)12:29 No.22748930
    I only pirate games which are really old and I can't find anymore like Postal 2 and games which use shitty DRM like Fallout 3 and Far Cry 2.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:29 No.22748948
    every moralfag in this thread is a Spore or Alone in the Dark 5 developer.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:30 No.22748970
    Person 1: Retarded statement
    Person 2: "You are fucking retarded"
    Person 1: "LOL UR BUTTHURT" Current status: Crying.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:30 No.22748975
    You obviously care enough to respond cool and edgy teenager.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:30 No.22748987
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    hai /v/ i ticked every console.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:31 No.22748990

    read the replies

    that doesn't apply
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:31 No.22749011
    >games which use shitty DRM like Fallout 3
    A single disc-check is "Shitty DRM"? You can fucking bypass it by launching the engine executable instead of the launcher!
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:32 No.22749037

    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:32 No.22749039


    I also just replied to a thread about a smiley face

    I care about smiley faces lulz
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:32 No.22749042
    I didn't buy or pirate World of Goo
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:32 No.22749045
    >All Games
    >Ps3 Unticked.

    Did you mean that or were you typing too fast?
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:33 No.22749057
    Yes it does.
    >> Volvagia !SeYXrW6X0Y 11/14/08(Fri)12:33 No.22749071
    >Typing too fast
    >check box
    I was clicking too fast and unticked it.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:33 No.22749078

    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:34 No.22749092
    Guise, lets be fair, and have some fucking respect.

    World of Goo is worth a download.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:34 No.22749101

    whatever makes you fell better I guess
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:35 No.22749118

    feel* lulz
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:35 No.22749120
    >The simple fact of the matter is 90% of people downloaded World of Goo because they didn't want to put down twenty bucks on a game that showcased gameplay never seen before. No one knows if it's going to suck or not.
    It had a demo of the entire first fifth of the game. Argument concluded.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:35 No.22749137
    Give us incentive to buy it
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:35 No.22749141

    I pirate the fuck out of everything and didn't download that
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:35 No.22749146
    what the fuck is world of goo
    >> Volvagia !SeYXrW6X0Y 11/14/08(Fri)12:36 No.22749163
    A shitty game.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:36 No.22749165
    Why not play the demo? If you like what you see, consider purchasing the full game?
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:36 No.22749170
    >So /v/ what could companies realistically do to prevent piracy?

    Make games actually worth buying.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:36 No.22749171
    BRB pirating
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:37 No.22749175
    Lower prices at around 20 30$.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:37 No.22749179
    Steam /thread
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:37 No.22749196

    a lot of games don't have demos anymore

    and some pirates (pirate moralfags) just use pirating to see if they like the game, if not, delete, if so, they buy

    but the rest of us just pirate because we don't give a fuck
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:38 No.22749215
    Silly argument, since without the ability to pirate, people just... wouldnt bother with the game.Its not like its essential to every day life now is it.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:39 No.22749242

    not pirate proof /lol
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:39 No.22749243
    I bet if this topic was about putting privacy protection on porn, all the moralfags' opinions would be much different.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:39 No.22749248
         File :1226684380.jpg-(80 KB, 992x660, goddamnit.jpg)
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    release on steam WITHOUT EXTRA DRM


    awesome shit in the box (cloth maps, ship blueprints, etc)
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:40 No.22749266
    >User End agreement says that you can't do that!! HA HA!

    To all the idiots who say that:

    Just because they make you sign a contract doesn't mean that it becomes illegal if there's no precedence for it.

    You can make a contract with a stranger saying that you get to kill the stranger, but just because you have it, doesn't mean that they're going to deem the contract legal in court, and they'll still throw your ass in prison.

    Same goes in reverse. If the contract is in violation of your rights, then the contract doesn't mean jack shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:40 No.22749277
    >what could companies realistically do to prevent piracy?

    make games that don't suck
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:40 No.22749278
    Once you know you can get any game you want for free without consequences, no form of incentives can sway you to buy anymore. Your perception of value is warped and nothing will ever truly satisfy you anymore since you can simply download games at the click of a mouse, and delete them just as quickly.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:40 No.22749285
    you cant prevent piracy only reduce it /thread
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:41 No.22749293
    Make all games MMOs with monthly subscriptions, and keep all account information on the servers instead of clients.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:41 No.22749306
    Why don't you give a fuck? Do you expect others to give a fuck about you? I presume you still live at home. Do you expect food and shelter? Even if you do live alone, you must work for money right?

    That "I don't care about anything" attitude, will pretty much cause you to have a pathetic life. It doesn't matter how great your life is right now, it will go down the shitter.

    Of course, I expect no more than a "I don't give a fuck about what you think" response, so...
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:42 No.22749313
    I'm a pirate that doesn't care and never will give a shit so I'm not justifying anything by any means, but a majority of the games I pirated, I would have never bought, I used to be way too wary of new games because I had bought too many that turned out to be utter shit. And some games, while ok, would have definitely not been a purchase.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:42 No.22749336
    The argument against DRM is that it doesn't stop piracy, it *can't* stop piracy, all it does is piss of legit consumers.

    For example, my copy of prince of persia: the two thrones for pc (lol console game on pc) doesn't work any more because the DRM on it (Starforce I think) won't work with vista. So that's... I dunno, however much it was. I got it on budget I think so say $25. $25 wasted.

    That's the argument against DRM. It doesn't work at stopping piracy, at all. Never has. What it *does* do is make the product worse and more annoying for legitimate buyers.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:43 No.22749351

    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:43 No.22749352
    online that doesn't suck dick that you need a valid key for

    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:43 No.22749365
    The ACTA act was a step in the right direction.
    The police need to not be bound by one country's laws, instead they should be able to work under a special international law, and be able to have stict, and harsh punishments for pirates and ISPs.

    They should be able to take down pirate sites without the need for a warrant, trial or anything else.

    This would stop piracy in it's tracks.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:44 No.22749389
    Because the game itself isn't worth money, but a fucking artbook or soundtrack is?
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:44 No.22749399
    Hit a little too close to home?
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:45 No.22749419

    You act like it would be unreasonable for someone altering the game to bypass security measures with third party hacks and cracks to be forbidden in the End User License Agreement.

    Contract with someone for you to kill them: Stupid, you go to jail.

    Contract with someone for them not to misuse or alter your product in a way that allows them to use it without paying for it? Not quite
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:45 No.22749423

    lol pirating suddenly equals a person in the ghetto or something now? hahahaha

    you're like those people at the retail stores that try SUPER HARD and in the end of the day get paid the exact same wage as all the workers sitting in the back talking and doing jack shit. Hey they might get a dollar raise woopy.

    Trying harder and giving as hit only matters if it benefits YOU, not the company you work for, because there is NO reason to care.

    btw I'm using retail as an example because since you jump to conclusions, I'll do the same and assume that is your line of work.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:45 No.22749445
    I'm just wondering - where the hell can you find out about what games are selling best? How do they total that shit up? What site shows how well certain games are doing?
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:45 No.22749447

    I'm gonna go pirate more games while you sit here.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:46 No.22749482

    So police should disregard all laws about fair trial and due process in order to attempt to end piracy (they won't end piracy).

    But not for murders, pedophiles, terrorists, drug lords etc...
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:47 No.22749520
    I still buy games that I really like, and even reserve games when I am a fan of the franchise. The best thing they could do is include physical extras, especially extras that are incorporated into gameplay. Like someone already said, cloth maps are always great. Artbooks and soundtracks are good too. That upcoming Ghibli game for the DS has the right idea; I wish more developers would do stuff like that.

    But not in the form of guidebooks, and a game that asks you what it says on the bottom of page 23 for security, that's definitely not what I'm talking about.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:47 No.22749522
    You don't have to live in a ghetto to have a shitty life. Enjoy your narrow perception of reality. Kind of hard to see the sun from the basement, I guess.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:48 No.22749549
    Every time I see an anti pirate thread, just for fun, I seed another game at twice the speed.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:48 No.22749580

    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:49 No.22749590

    >>all pirates live in their basement

    enjoy your narrow perception on life
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:49 No.22749594
    Piracy is a SERIOUS threat to the economy of many major countires.

    Why should law enforcement have to tip toe around laws of other countries when it is affecting their country's economy directly?

    The only people who don't support ACTA are pirates or people who who have something to hide.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:49 No.22749595
    >Make games that don't suck

    Everyone who says this is lying through their damn teeth

    Gee, I'm unprincipled enough to pirate in the first place, at with that in mind, a choice has come to me!

    -Get a shitty game for free

    -Get a good game for free
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:49 No.22749598
    You don't have to live in a ghetto to have a shitty life. Enjoy your narrow perception of reality. I guess it's kind of hard to see the world from the basement.

    In any case, you probably rely on others for support. And yet, you don't give a shit about them. Wonderful.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:49 No.22749615
    Awesome face, didn't read.

    Why don't you come up with your own jokes instead of just stealing them from Something Awfail?
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:49 No.22749619
    1. Hire the guys that crack and hack your games
    2. Pay them to write security or do a small money deal where they get a payment if they don't hack and can prevent hacking.
    3. Since they're getting money out of the deal and probably the game as well they'll be less apt to pass it around and might also be enticed into shutting their website down.

    At the very least it would cut off a portion of pirates who are leechers instead of providers.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:50 No.22749641
    If I like the game I pirate. I buy it. I don't wanna waste money on shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:50 No.22749649
    PS3 games can't be pirated..
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:51 No.22749667
    Game companies don't even need to give a shit about piracy anyway. They make more than enough money as it is.
    >> ­ 11/14/08(Fri)12:51 No.22749678
    i couldn't care less, i get games FOR FREE
    beat that
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:52 No.22749700

    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:52 No.22749706

    find all drug dealers

    pay them tons o' money to stop dealing drugs

    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:53 No.22749742
    I steal games because it's cheaper and easier than going to the store and buying them, and the risk of punishment is nearly non-existant. I save my money for things that are much more difficult and risky to steal, to the point that working enough hours to pay for it is easier than stealing it. I'm a smart consumer, always taking the path of least resistance.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:54 No.22749757

    just like hybrid cars are a threat to oil companies because they cost them a tiny bit of profits

    OH SHI-
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:54 No.22749776
    That comic is old as hell.

    You are now imagining Sakurai holding his kitty tightly as they share a can of soup together. Sakurai sobs to himself, apologizing over and over that he couldn't afford proper food this week.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:54 No.22749777

    That'd mean 99% of US economy.

    With pirates you only need to buy out like 20 to 30 big Scene groups and you're home free.

    Others groups will be formed, so every 6 months or so buy those out to.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:55 No.22749812
    A 20$ gift card and a T-Shirt.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:55 No.22749814

    no it isn't...
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:55 No.22749822

    /thread tbh
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:56 No.22749837
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:57 No.22749880

    No, lack of talent is.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:57 No.22749895
    When I play a game I really love, I want to throw my money at the people who made it. I've bought multiple copies of several games, and given the others to friends as presents.

    But most games are really shit right now. Speaking of good games, though, does anyone know where I can buy a physical copy of the Space Rangers 2 expansion?
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:59 No.22749972
    make games worth the cold hard cash i'd need to put down to buy it instead of making crap and overpricing it (£40/£50 for a new game? FUCK OFF.)
    plus if it's a pc game, make sure it runs well on older computers as well rather than making people shell out money they can't afford to upgrade to the latest hardware just to play "generic shootan gaem 5".
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)12:59 No.22749977

    you must not be in the pirate comment boxes much, a single person often beats the scene groups when it comes to cracking, but eventually the scene groups releases one as well and since it is recognized more, it gets seeded a lot more, but usually the initial crack is a single unknown person, and there are plenty of em'. With or without scene groups it would get done

    PLUS the more important part of this logic is, hey why work for a living? I can just form a cracking group, get paid by government and then bam, free money

    if anything it would create the incentive to learn how to crack games.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)13:01 No.22750074
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    Which is why they're really fucking expensive.

    Seriously, if they completely eliminate piracy, we'll be coughing up 150$ for any major title. Or why are console games - which are hard, if not impossible in PS3's case - to pirate always more expensive than PC titles? Why am I supposed to pay 10 additional bucks for Fallout 3 if I want to play it on a console instead of a PC? This also says something about the argument that piracy makes games more expensive.

    Pic kinda related but not really.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)13:01 No.22750079
    anit pirate shit blah blah blah, nobody gives a shit

    the real question is

    why, in OPs pic, is he playing the game on the computer with a controller.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)13:02 No.22750105

    Fuck it then, just V& the groups.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)13:02 No.22750111
    This is why you see Fallout 3, Final Fantasy 13, Megaman 9, Warcraft 3, Dynasty Warriors 6, Halo 3, Heroes of Might and Magic 5, etc etc etc. Developers keep making their series that sell well because they don't want to take chance on making a new game because you won't take the chance to try something new. If you poorfags won't spend a measly $50 on a new game, continuation or not, then I say make a new law: if you are caught illegally downloading something then you get ass raped with a $10,000 fine per download and 1 year in prison for download. Not fair? Neither is pirating.

    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)13:02 No.22750112
    It's this kind of thinking that turned the witness protection program in to a government funded retirement program for mobsters.

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