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    File :1226616400.jpg-(119 KB, 917x1024, Resistance_2_Artwork_Pics_3-1.jpg)
    119 KB Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)17:46 No.22713641  
    multiplayer kinda blows, controls are shitty, 60 players isn't as fun as it seems I kinda regret getting it and think that even the new TOUR OF DUTY game MP would be better than this

    does the online co-op save what shitty MP there is?
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)17:48 No.22713699
    Play it, form an opinion for yourself. I like the game overall a lot. It's not the best FPS ever, but it's really good all around IMO.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)17:49 No.22713757
    I really like the co-op and leveling up and whatnot.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)17:49 No.22713760

    Yeah, he obviously hasn't played it and formed an opinion huh?
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)17:51 No.22713795
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)17:55 No.22713930
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)18:06 No.22714325
    >> Jono-kun !4jY0pMAnO6 11/13/08(Thu)18:07 No.22714361
    lol i trol u gud
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)18:07 No.22714362
    >multiplayer kinda blows

    You trollin me boy? And yes, co-op is awesome.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)18:07 No.22714378
         File :1226617645.jpg-(15 KB, 482x363, nuthuggers.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)18:08 No.22714424
    no, its first person and has colour.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)18:09 No.22714447
    Co-op is great if you get a good party.
    Some people don't know how to hit the circle button.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)18:16 No.22714723

    I've had some great /v/ games going on the co-op. Everybody actually does their job.
    >> Jono-kun !4jY0pMAnO6 11/13/08(Thu)18:18 No.22714775

    Add me, i'm GG pro #1 medic :3
    >> Anonydort !3I4SJbCh8M 11/13/08(Thu)18:18 No.22714785

    I get carpal tunnel from playing a medic
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)18:19 No.22714829
    Fuck, you're lucky.
    Usually only a couple people from my clan are on and don't like playing co-op (for whatever reason, comp sucks right now), so we have to match up with randoms and shit just sucks.
    >> Anonydort !3I4SJbCh8M 11/13/08(Thu)18:24 No.22715007

    then quit being a faggot and join MANLY TEARS
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)18:24 No.22715045

    Is manly tears gonna be doing some games tonight?
    >> Anonydort !3I4SJbCh8M 11/13/08(Thu)18:27 No.22715152

    hopefully, within the next hour or so
    >> Id !lsOoRwaun6 11/13/08(Thu)18:33 No.22715371
    When I get on, Manly Tears are always offline sans a couple of people. I'm on PST and usually am on around 9pm or later.

    I wish there was an easier way to communicate with your clan though. I see people on sometimes but I have no clue what they're up to.
    >> Id !lsOoRwaun6 11/13/08(Thu)18:34 No.22715427
    Also, co-op is what saved the game for me. Campaign was pretty fun, but I don't really like competitive. Co-op and the class system really made this game. If only competitive and campaign (with mulitplayer) used the same class system then the game would be perfect.
    >> Anonydort !3I4SJbCh8M 11/13/08(Thu)18:38 No.22715574

    if you ever see Zoe2nd online, join him. he's the one who usually makes groups and I try to play with him most of the time, but he's always avoiding me
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)18:42 No.22715721
    I really fucking wish I could get into some skirmish games.

    Those things kick ass.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)18:43 No.22715747
    resistance is mediocre. news at 11.

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