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    File :1226335103.jpg-(45 KB, 500x281, mirrors_edge_2.jpg)
    45 KB Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)11:38 No.22563815  
    Mirror's Edge is the spiritual successor to Portal.
    -Both games are built around a game mechanic.
    -Both mechanics rethink motion within a first-person action game.
    -Both games only take about two hours to beat.
    -Both games have theme songs named "Still Alive."
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)11:39 No.22563834
    >-Both games are built around a game mechanic.

    Copyright infringement?
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)11:40 No.22563855

    Reported to Sony
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)11:40 No.22563862
    >-Both games are built around a game mechanic.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)11:40 No.22563868
         File :1226335224.jpg-(45 KB, 512x384, not_pleased.jpg)
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    >Both games are built around a game mechanic.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)11:40 No.22563877
    >-Both games only take about two hours to beat.

    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)11:40 No.22563880
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)11:41 No.22563898
    >>-Both games only take about two hours to beat.

    Troll detected, initiating useless Report Post function.


    Post Reported.

    This window will close in 5 seconds...
    >> Rare !3GqYIJ3Obs 11/10/08(Mon)11:41 No.22563902

    Please read through your posts and think before clicking the Submit button. You dumb fuck.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)11:42 No.22563906

    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)11:42 No.22563915
    Fuck yeah, I love those little masterpieces like Portal and Beyond Good and Evil. Little is the keyword.

    I hope that ME is equally awesome.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)11:42 No.22563916
    >Both games have theme songs named "Still Alive"
    Except in the case of Mirror's Edge the song is actually titled "Still Arrive".
    >> !ukTrpcIZ5Y 11/10/08(Mon)11:43 No.22563960
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)11:45 No.22563989

    OP here, thx for the thread.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)11:45 No.22564002
         File :1226335534.jpg-(24 KB, 360x449, felicia day.jpg)
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    OP here. I'm sure the game will be awesome, too. I'm not even trying to troll. Portal is one of the best games to come out, this generation.
    I heard this from a journalist on a gaming podcast, sir. I am more of an expert on this topic than you are.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)11:45 No.22564006
    And one cost 20 dollars, the other 60 dollars
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)11:46 No.22564017
    >-Both games have theme songs named "Still Alive."

    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)11:47 No.22564049
         File :1226335645.jpg-(63 KB, 672x896, pretty girl anbogsnaofgnf.jpg)
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    Haha. Most games this generation aren't worth buying, anyway. I'll be paying my seven dollars for the rental, as I have with every other game on the Xbox.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)11:49 No.22564099
         File :1226335756.jpg-(372 KB, 1024x714, 1196141680012.jpg)
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    More plz.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)11:49 No.22564111
    >Yes, I'm poor. ; _ ;
    >> CAKESLOB TELL'EM !D9NJP3d7ak 11/10/08(Mon)11:49 No.22564118

    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)11:50 No.22564131
    And one of those (hint: not the 20 dollar one) will have DLC that will cost even more.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)11:50 No.22564138
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)11:53 No.22564199

    Good god...
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)11:54 No.22564222
    >>a journalist on a gaming podcast
    >>gaming podcast

    >>I am more of an expert on this topic than you are
    >>Mirror's Edge Demo Playing Expert, Has Played Mirror's Edge Demo 1000+ Times, Current Demo: Mirror's Edge
    >> Bridget !Tz0ULG.7to 11/10/08(Mon)11:54 No.22564231
         File :1226336074.png-(327 KB, 419x357, dat pundit.png)
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    Portal was the 'best game in long time' because it was this neat little thing that would be included in with the Orange Box, and when we got our grubby hands on it, it turned out to be everything the hype led us to believe, and that made it that much better.

    ME looks just as interesting, to me anyways, but the fact that its a stand-alone game (meaning 60 bux for you console tards), and the PC version (which i'll be getting unless it turns out to be Portal length) doesn't come out till January, means that even if its as good and innovative as Portal, it will not get nearly as much acclaim, due to the hefty price compared to the limited amount of content.

    Also i haven't been keeping too close an eye on this game. Is it confirmed this game is going to be very very short?
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)11:54 No.22564234
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    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)11:54 No.22564246
    Moar of her.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)11:57 No.22564317
         File :1226336271.jpg-(195 KB, 1621x2000, pretty girl jbfnajngfjka.jpg)
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    AS I SAID, SIR, a gaming journalist told me this.
    I, too, agree that this game has been overpriced.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)12:31 No.22565169
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    demand name
    >> Bridget !Tz0ULG.7to 11/10/08(Mon)12:45 No.22565577
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    if its moddable, the game might have a long life to it.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)12:47 No.22565632
    >thinks his opinion is worth a damn
    epic lulz
    >> Gordon Freeman !bQXLaktCGc 11/10/08(Mon)12:47 No.22565634
    >-Both games have theme songs named "Still Alive."
    Wait, what?
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)13:03 No.22566149
    Not to mention the fact that both have environments that consist of a clean, white backdrop and industrial areas.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)13:04 No.22566189
    And the protaginist in both is an asian chick.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)13:05 No.22566212
    And they're both video games
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)13:05 No.22566220
    >Both games are built around a game mechanic.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)13:07 No.22566260
    >-Both games only take about two hours to beat.
    So it's torrenting then...
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)13:08 No.22566282
    Both games last 30 minutes tops.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)13:09 No.22566313
    To me Chell looks more like a Native American
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)13:10 No.22566345
    Both games will spawn shitty memes
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)13:10 No.22566355
    .......................... 2 hours to beat!? Are you fucking kidding me?

    inb4 /v/ in the last 3 weeks
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)13:11 No.22566365
    That puerto rican bitch from portal is nothing compared to the hotness that is faith.

    >Both games only take about two hours to beat

    Nice judgement on a game thats not out yet. Faggot.

    >Both mechanics rethink motion within a first-person action game.

    You mean they both are ORGINAL GAMES. Double faggot.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)13:11 No.22566370
    MOAR damnit
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)13:18 No.22566572
    two hours is generous for portal. I beat it in an hour, including the 'extra levels' after the main section.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)13:19 No.22566598

    Yeah, but is it 2 hours for the mirrors edge? Is this confirmed?
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)13:19 No.22566616
    How the fuck should I know?
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)13:21 No.22566682
    How the fuck should I know?
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)13:21 No.22566684
    How do you know it'll take 2 hours to beat? It hasn't even come out yet...
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)13:22 No.22566728
    I thought you were referring to some representative of EA actually making a statement about a 2 hour completion time.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)13:23 No.22566750
    You jest... but some company already patented 'video games.' There was a whole debacle about a few years back.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)13:24 No.22566771
    Mirror's Edge is the spiritual successor to the Jet Grind Radio series.
    -Both games are built around a game mechanic.
    -Both mechanics are interesting ways of moving around the world.
    -Both games have main characters in the minority.
    -Both games are fun to play.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)13:26 No.22566831

    I don't understand how anyone can seriously object to this. Anyone who needs official confirmation to know that this game will be short must have never played a video game in their life.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)13:29 No.22566934
    No, dude, you tried this the other day.
    You failed then and you failed now.
    Please learn what "spiritual successor" means and come back when you do.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)13:30 No.22566961
    OP, you also failed. The phrase "spiritual successor" does not mean what you think it means.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)13:31 No.22566998
    Enlighten me. Because I have no objection to OP's claim.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)13:32 No.22567025
         File :1226341937.gif-(194 KB, 177x177, peterkay.gif)
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    >-Both games are built around a game mechanic.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)13:32 No.22567041
    Mirror's Edge is the spiritual successor to Halo
    -Both games are built around a game mechanic.
    -Both games are FPS
    -Both games, the player plays as an alien.
    -Both games are on the 360.
    >> mick­ey !dkJI/P7Y32 11/10/08(Mon)13:35 No.22567105
    sage for a moron who doesn't know what 'spiritual successor' and 'game mechanic' means
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)13:35 No.22567112
    --> = "is a spiritual successor to..."
    Portal --> Narbacular Drop (same dev team, same mechanic)
    BioShock --> System Shock 2 (same dev team)
    Ikaruga --> Radiant Silvergun (same director, bleak/badass Treasure shooter)

    Mirror's Edge --> Portal
    Mirror's Edge --> Jet Grind Radio
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)13:35 No.22567125
    Mirror's Edge is not the spiritual successor to Portal.
    - Portal is a good game.
    - Mirror's Edge sucks balls.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)13:36 No.22567134
    Also: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spiritual_successor

    Fail more.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)13:37 No.22567171
    What the heck is the source of this anyway!?
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)13:37 No.22567178
    >-Both games, the player plays as an alien.

    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)13:38 No.22567202
    If portal is a good game. Oh, fuck... there is no hope left.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)13:38 No.22567211
    So, the game (PAL) is out on trackers ^^
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)13:38 No.22567214
    I see.

    So, if we just change "spiritual successor" to "rip off," all is well.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)13:40 No.22567272
    That wouldn't work either, because Mirror's Edge doesn't seem to be ripping off anything from Portal or Jet Grind Radio.

    Thank you for continuing to fail.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)13:43 No.22567394
    >Mirror's Edge doesn't seem to be ripping off anything from Portal

    Oh really?
    >-Both games are built around a game mechanic.
    >-Both mechanics rethink motion within a first-person action game.

    I'd say that's pretty substantial, since that pretty much is the sole point of both games.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)13:44 No.22567432
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    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)13:45 No.22567473
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)13:45 No.22567483
    See >>22567432
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)13:48 No.22567565
    Seriously, how are they that different? They're games where you just solve relatively easy puzzles in first person perspective, and if you want a real challenge, you can play again and just solve them faster. Those of you outright denying the obvious similarities are the trolls, IMO.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)13:50 No.22567634
    That may be true, but to call it a rip-off or a spiritual successor because of that is just fucking retarded.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)13:50 No.22567637
         File :1226343026.jpg-(53 KB, 350x500, Breakdown.jpg)
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    Hey guys, I got Mirror's Edge, and I'm loving every second of it.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)13:51 No.22567687
    If she used some kind of portal gun with which to solve those puzzles while some commander/AI constantly gave her shit for it, THEN I'd call it a rip-off.

    "Spiritual successor" is still completely wrong for this situation.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)13:53 No.22567741
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    The combat needs some getting used to that's for sure.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)13:54 No.22567784
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    Damn these guys are annoying but fun.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)13:57 No.22567891
    "Still Alive" is a very common phrase amongst the parkour community, almost like a creed or motto or something.

    The choice of title (and lyrics) had nothing to do with portal. Just putting that out there.

    Also spiritual successor is not even slightly the right phrase to use in this situation.

    Also i finished the game in 8 hours, suck a dick.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)13:58 No.22567943
    >Portal is the spiritual succesor to narbacular drop. No other game relates to portal in any way.

    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)14:00 No.22568009
    >8 hours

    short game is short
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)14:02 No.22568078
    >8 hours

    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)14:02 No.22568090

    Time trials are the meat of this game for me.

    I'm viewing this game as a racing game. Its main objective is speed, it features speed runs and time trial modes, and the main campaign or story is only average length for a game these days, possibly a little shorter.

    This is also true of most racers.

    basically, mirrors edge is a racing game.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)14:05 No.22568185
    Portal is a rip off of prey.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)14:05 No.22568187

    average length for a bare essential completion of todays games.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)14:05 No.22568209
    that doesn't change the fact that

    >short game is short
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)14:06 No.22568237
    they may have taken the portal mechanic, but they added fun. Also it didn't take them 10 fucking years to actually make
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)14:07 No.22568304
    I spot someone whose new to /v/
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)14:08 No.22568310
    Portal doesnt go for 2 hours it took me an hour and 20 minutes
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)14:08 No.22568327

    >doesn't understand how frames of reference work.

    Fucking idiot.

    If the game is the same average length as most games these days, then its average length.

    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)14:09 No.22568356
    >-Both games only take about two hours to beat.
    you know that because you've already played the whole game eh?
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)14:09 No.22568357

    I can speed run it in 22 minutes.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)14:11 No.22568439

    this was the first play through so I had to work out how to do it all.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)14:11 No.22568453
    oh sorry but I've actually been playing video games for longer than just the past few years and so, I actually know how long an average video game is

    Just because many recent games have been short doesn't mean the standards of a 'short game' have changed.

    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)14:12 No.22568463

    Well yes obviously. Just saying.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)14:12 No.22568486

    Times are changing boyo, games are no longer 30 hours long as standard.

    15 hours is now a long single player campaign.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)14:16 No.22568627
    you may think it's trolling, but prey actually did have the portal mechanic way earlier. Prey was originally supposed to release near Duke Nukem Forever, and it was going to be really revolutionary. Can you imagine if that game actually had come out in 1998? But the lead director died or something, and the game got put into dev limbo until just a couple years ago, and was released close enough to portal for people to make more direct associations. And although those associations are mostly accurate, portal is actually made by the people who made narbacular drop, which was the game that actually copied what prey was supposed to be (even though it wasn't ever made, so it can't truly be considered copying)
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)14:17 No.22568665
    4 hours is standard gameplay time.
    Or 40 hours, if they want to add in filler like 10 hours of walking for every four hours of actual gameplay.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)14:17 No.22568695
    I mean nine hours of walking for every hour gameplay. doh
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)14:18 No.22568725
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)14:19 No.22568749
    Makes you really think about dishing out that 50-60 bucks for that 14 hours worth of gameplay. I for one have more fun being drunk 14 hours by dishing out 30 bucks.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)14:20 No.22568782

    Yeah, that's what happens when you pull numbers out of your ass, lol
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)14:20 No.22568784
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)14:21 No.22568811
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)14:24 No.22568974

    That's a good point. Take out the travelan and grindan in any jrpg and what are you left with? Very little. Hell, take it out of WoW and you're left with nothing at all.

    To be fair, though, that's an entirely different genre. ME does look disappointingly short but still good; I for one loved Assassin's Creed (inb4 troll, I'm serious) but if you took out all the repetition you'd have like an hour of gameplay. This looks to at least have more variety than Ass Creed, what with the levels actually being different. That, along with time trials/various paths (which will be especially cool with the 'runner's view' turned off) have sold me on it.

    tl;dr it looks good, simmer down now.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)14:26 No.22569018
    Fuck no.
    I was talking about Oblivion.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)14:31 No.22569247

    You can stay drunk for 14 hours on 30 bucks? Fucking lightweight.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)14:32 No.22569284
    Maybe he gets cheaper, harder liquor than you do. Ever think about that?
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)14:33 No.22569323
    Portal doesn't suck.

    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)14:34 No.22569355
    The merc betrays you, he is working for the government.
    >> Evil 11/10/08(Mon)14:36 No.22569436
    But Portal Has Portals
    Mirror's Edge Has....mirror's
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)14:38 No.22569517
    what a twist
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)14:40 No.22569589
    Gb2/wii music
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)14:44 No.22569765
    archive this shit!

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