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  • Blotter updated: 11/04/08

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    File :1225955322.jpg-(40 KB, 478x487, 12259428865636886877js1.jpg)
    40 KB Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:08 No.22376119  

    Yep, natural selection still worken. Apparently this kid had his xbox and precious COD4 taken away. So he decided to run away! That's right, that'll show those mean ol parents for taking away your xbox. Only his plan didn't go as planned.

    He walked about 15 minutes away from his house, and collapsed in the snow, and died. What a waste of life, I hope he was raped by a bear or something.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:09 No.22376155
    Wait, he was found naked?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:10 No.22376165
    haha oh wow
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:10 No.22376166

    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:10 No.22376183
    he froze himself so cod5 would come faster
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:10 No.22376195
    There are like 8 pages of kotaku fags bawwing.

    I'd like to see a more /v/ related response like.

    this kid is a faggot- for example.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:11 No.22376202
    I should not be laughing
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:11 No.22376211
    I agree with OP
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:11 No.22376221
    This kid is a faggot
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:12 No.22376239

    yes you should,

    imagine his penis flopping around as they drug his ass out of that woods because he couldn't play Grenade of duty 4 and shout fuck on xbox live.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:12 No.22376251
    Wait he walked for 15 minutes and died?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:12 No.22376263
         File :1225955564.jpg-(64 KB, 640x480, 9d7140eb3fb8d3411b397505d52d02(...).jpg)
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    Oh, Kids these days
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:13 No.22376286
    I just like how the word "Canadian" is emphasized in the title.
    >> Eronymous !!xnAUrKpR/5U 11/06/08(Thu)02:13 No.22376289
    Paradoxical Undressing
    >> Mort. 11/06/08(Thu)02:13 No.22376296
    I laughed at that picture, then for the first time in a long time felt sympathy for his parents. That kid is truly a moron.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:13 No.22376298
    this reminds me of something
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:14 No.22376302
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:14 No.22376308
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:14 No.22376312
    Good, we need more parents to do this to their kids these days. The ones that run away because of it and die are going to be the stupid fucks of the future so why not let them die out early?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:14 No.22376315
    Good now we have one less idiot in this world...so many to eliminate though...
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:14 No.22376318
    He practically died in his fucking backyard. What a reject, I'm glad he's dead.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:15 No.22376327
    In before dissaproving parents
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:15 No.22376334
    His parents killed him, then set up this whole media search about video games and how he "ran off".

    It's been done hundreds of times, big search for a missing kid, they're so desperate to see him again and they miss him boo hoo hoo, then it ends up being that the parents did it.

    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:15 No.22376335
    >>Email me if my comment is published
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:15 No.22376345
    why was an underage allowed to play CoD4 in the first place? gg parents.
    >> Harmonica 11/06/08(Thu)02:15 No.22376350
    You know what, I don't care about morality and shit.

    This kid is fucking pathetic. I don't get it. Have their been bright stars like this since the beginning of time, or do we live in such a comfortable world we're incapable of living without the unnecessary.

    I'm happy he died in the woods. I don't care if he still had yet to mature. I just take pleasure in seeing this kind of cretin die.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:15 No.22376356
    Normally I feel bad over situations like this, but I can't help laughing.
    At least that's one less faggot shouting shit over the mic on xbox live.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:16 No.22376361
    He was so fucking fat his bike disintegrated while he was riding it. After falling(rolling) down a large snowy hill, he couldn't find the way back to the road, since the only places he knew how to get to were his refrigerator and the restroom. He was then raped by a bear which ate his clothes.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:16 No.22376365
    >> Idort !!vwA5zmlkKEO 11/06/08(Thu)02:16 No.22376372
    he tried to use those things called "legs" and it blew his heart up.

    that, or germs got to him like war of the worlds
    >> Chardo 11/06/08(Thu)02:16 No.22376387

    Oh my fucking god I am laughing so fucking much.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:16 No.22376388
    Good for him. That's how I feel.

    Hopefully parents will think twice when confiscating shit like that again. And now the parents will know the pain of losing someone dear, and the family will be forever broken. Serves the sister right for hogging the tv too.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:16 No.22376394
    Canadians have a natural +5 Cold Resistance, making this kids death that much more pathetic
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:17 No.22376399
         File :1225955820.gif-(151 KB, 650x855, cc-coolfrog.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:17 No.22376424
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:17 No.22376425
    >Experts commented that gamers may form bonds with fellow online players.

    >"This had become his identity, and I didn't realise how in-depth this was until I took his Xbox away," Mr Crisp told the Globe and Mail.

    >"That's like cutting his legs off."

    my brain hurts...
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:17 No.22376426
    Its seems he didnt have Last stand.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:17 No.22376427
    sherlock holmes is that you?!?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:17 No.22376429
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:18 No.22376438
    This kid had -20 INT because of videogames
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:18 No.22376439
    lotta sick people on /v/ today. is /b/ down again?
    >> Arutima 11/06/08(Thu)02:18 No.22376440
    Here in canada, we don't really search for lost childs/runaway childs ... mother nature make their asses freeze to death/get eatean by bears/cougars/wolverines/wolves/coyotes/rabid mooses
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:18 No.22376442
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    Why his penis in particular?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:18 No.22376449
    could very well be. If he was found in his backyard or whatever. Wasn't that Ramsey chick actually dead in the basement? They probably killed the kid because he was such a waste of air and food that they didn't feel like supporting him. Big media search, sympathy shit, etc etc
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:18 No.22376468
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:18 No.22376469
    I dont know if even a lame kid could fail THIS much.

    I'd suspect his parents of foul play. Seriously, did he basically die five minutes from his house? I still don't believe it.
    >> Jono-kun !4jY0pMAnO6 11/06/08(Thu)02:19 No.22376477
    lol stupid canadians

    /r/ pic of "Tour of Duty"
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:19 No.22376492
    The world would be a better place if everyone this stupid suffered the same fate. Fuck cotten wrapping every damn self-entitlement-ridden spoilt shitfuck.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:19 No.22376494
    Either the parents murdered him (or killed him by accident) and turned this into a big circus to cover up their guilt like has been done MILLIONS OF TIMES, or the kid was abducted/raped/murdered, possibly after temporarily running away. And what kid hasn't run away for a few hours like a little idiot in their time?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:20 No.22376525
    Anyone who feels sympathy for this kid is a tool and should be shot seriously? 15 minutes after going outside? jesus fucking christ...THIN SKINS ALLAYA!
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:20 No.22376533

    couple of articles said he was pretty far out, and that they found his body in a place the police had already searched.
    >> Beam !sK.NtkIuiA 11/06/08(Thu)02:21 No.22376544
    ANYONE that is used to living in an area known for winter and forest critters should already know some basic survival skills.

    This is basically the equivalent of dieing in your fucking backyard.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:21 No.22376548
    Only if they can survive the mosquito's, the moose and skunks and they make it back to civilization alive are they redeemed (also who ever thinks a bear rules the woods has never encountered a skunk.)
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:21 No.22376554
    there's no snow where he lives, get your facts straight faggot
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:21 No.22376565

    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:21 No.22376571
    The kid was hogging Dads XBox
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:21 No.22376577
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    Good grief
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:22 No.22376586
    Seriously, 15 minutes?
    Even if he was naked.
    Even if there was snow on the ground.

    I've been naked in snow, 15 minutes is not enough to kill someone.

    Parents killed him.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:22 No.22376594
    an hero
    s& hero

    What do we call this one?

    Did we ever come up with a name for the kid with the Uzi, too?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:22 No.22376603
    Parents did it. Blame the video games.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:22 No.22376605
    no dewd he wuz hedshootd by 133t sn1p3r on de_snow xD
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:23 No.22376610
    I LAWLED SO FUCKING HARD TEARS CAME DOWN AND THEN I LAWLED SOME MORE , BRANDON IS A HERO , i also like how Microsoft offered money to finding him. They want to cover this shit up , they dont give a fuck if this kid lived or died. loooooonnnngg as they dont get any blame and bad publicity. epix winz
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:23 No.22376615
    sNO hero.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:23 No.22376631
    He should have grinded some more
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:23 No.22376633
    >police had already searched
    so the parents found a place the cops already looked, dumped the body, and didn't expect the cops to check the same place again so soon
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:24 No.22376649
    sage for /b/ shit
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:24 No.22376650
    He left on his "bike" apparently, so you're telling that a kid rode of naked on his bike and died 15 minutes away?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:24 No.22376651
    No name. He doesn't deserve it. After all, heS NO HERO
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:24 No.22376658
    In before suicide
    >> Jono-kun !4jY0pMAnO6 11/06/08(Thu)02:25 No.22376675
         File :1225956313.jpg-(110 KB, 520x718, no-more-heroes-big.jpg)
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    Snow More An Heroes
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:25 No.22376692
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:25 No.22376695
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    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:26 No.22376704
    Hmmm yea foul play does seem possible.

    But a kid could just have easily died 15 minutes away unintentionally. Maybe he 'ran away' but pussied out and ended up somewhere close to home. The question now is how he died.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:26 No.22376712
    one less xboy to worry about
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:26 No.22376717
    Stop making me laugh /v/, this is SRS BUSINESS
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:26 No.22376724
    He was raped by armored bears from RA3 guys. Or maybe George Takei.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:27 No.22376733
    Snow shota is dead
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:27 No.22376735

    First comment.

    >gss h ddnt hv lst stnd!

    Guess he didn't have last stand.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:27 No.22376738
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    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:27 No.22376748
    >"This is such an issue that hits every parent out there, with video games that are starting to control our kids' lives,'' he said.

    Yeah you were really FORCED to buy a violent game for your kid. Jesus fucking christ.

    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:27 No.22376751
    Im guessing he rode farther away on his bike, it broke he abandoned it and decided to hang out in some forest that he knew about for a few weeks just to show his parents, and to feel tough. Unfortunately he didn't know enough to make a shelter or a fire or to even keep hydrated and the snow a week ago and the cold snap probably aided in his death. He was probably planning on going back home after a sufficient amount of time had gone by.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:28 No.22376766
    canadian xbox boy found dead

    coined a new fucking term for you 3shitty fags
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:28 No.22376774
         File :1225956504.jpg-(160 KB, 635x476, that1kid.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:28 No.22376778
    I have no problems with profanity. But seriously people who type like this need to be skinned and rolled in salt.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:28 No.22376789
    I left my house once, but I just sit outside, crying with a bag with cloth and toys. Then my mom took me inside. D:
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:29 No.22376792
    kid was trying to play some fallou t 3 irl
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:29 No.22376795
    >> Jono-kun !4jY0pMAnO6 11/06/08(Thu)02:29 No.22376800

    Now I can tell xfriends to go die naked in the snow

    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:29 No.22376819
    I prefer Xboy since when written all you have to do is remove the lower right dash on the "x" and it also makes all xbox liking faggots sound like transexual ass munchers who are trying to get a sex change operation.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:29 No.22376821
    Good ol' Xbox Boy
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:30 No.22376825
    wow. america fails again. americans are so fucking stupdi
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:30 No.22376834
    Parents did it, started a media circus around the XBOX VIDEO MACHINE to cover it up, dumped his body when it was convenient, cried for the cameras.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:30 No.22376839
    nah he was "disemvoweled" which is the cool web 2,0 way to deal with "trolls" these days apparently
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:30 No.22376843
    This clearly proves why you should buy PS3 instead of 3shitty. You will fucking die, outside, naked.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:30 No.22376846
    Already tried that.
    I woke up a few hours later.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:30 No.22376851
    No snow in F3.

    He was playing Oblivion trying to get to that Nord village.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:30 No.22376862
         File :1225956655.png-(154 KB, 898x72, 1225924487351.png)
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    This was from an actual newspaper cutting of the story.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:31 No.22376865
    its a viral marketing scheme to advertise the xbox
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:31 No.22376871
    I thought XBOY was already a term here
    >> cancer.exe !!ZD0NvvGcSg6 11/06/08(Thu)02:31 No.22376873
    Parents killed him, he turned into an even bigger little shit after they took away his games
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:32 No.22376891
    This is what Xboys want you to believe.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:32 No.22376892
    Haven't you ever been to Canada? He was killed by raiders.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:32 No.22376893
    I don't own a 360 but FUCKING RAGE
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:32 No.22376897
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:32 No.22376905
    SPOILERS: He has a twin sister.

    Also: This is potentially some good Silent Hill material. Have they found the cause of death yet?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:33 No.22376924
    I once left to run away, but since my dad was a diplomat and we were in a 3rd world country and our house was surrounded by 8foot tall concrete walls with barbed wire and i knew that i could potentially get kidnapped and ransomed if found on the streets alone i decided to just hide my self in the few acres of land our house's "compound" covered, I went to my favorite banana patch and built a fort there a lived there for a night. I returned home the next day.

    I'm surprised i didn't get a crazy tropical bug infection now that i think about it.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:33 No.22376932
    fucking liar
    if this is true, someone shoop long hair on this kid so I can fap.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:33 No.22376933
    Should've equipped better frost resistance gear.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:34 No.22376968
    an hero alert
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:35 No.22376993
    lol'd at OP's picture.

    What a fucking idiot.

    How old was he?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:35 No.22377005
    archive so i can laugh at this again
    >> Pokey Minch !!T6WQGoOKwHL 11/06/08(Thu)02:35 No.22377017
    >Cause Of Death
    Hardcore anal rape.


    Cause Of Death
    Call Of Duty..

    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:36 No.22377043
    in b4 /v/ is right and his parents actually killed him.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:36 No.22377048
    I ran away from home and was COVERED IN TICKS an hour later.

    I cried like a faggot while desperately trying to wash them off in a gas station bathroom before calling my parents.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:36 No.22377049
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:36 No.22377052
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:37 No.22377061
    Some questions still remain:
    1. How was it that they couldn't even identify the body immediately? Was he really that badly decomposed? Didn't he disappear just a short while ago?

    2. What was the cause of death?

    3. Was he really naked? (new sites seem to indicate no, as the clothes are one of the ways they're identifying the corpse.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:37 No.22377087
    Holy shit dude.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:37 No.22377094
         File :1225957073.png-(18 KB, 300x309, 1224119275839.png)
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    >>TOUR OF DUTY 4
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:37 No.22377098
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:38 No.22377100
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    I Swear i didnt mean to kill him!
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:38 No.22377105

    He was found naked in the snow? Time to release the crime scene photos, please.

    (I'm so going to hell)
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:38 No.22377110
    He was found by hunters, So yes, they had their way with his lifeless body before they called police.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:39 No.22377131
    1. I dunno, and it's been really cold lately so i wouldn't expect fast decomposition (heck it was even below freezing for a couple days)

    2. I've heard a possible dehydration,

    3. this is the first time i've heard that he was naked, i was pretty sure he was clothed.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:39 No.22377134
    You got it wrong dude, it's Tour of Duty.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:39 No.22377136
    This is bad news for us.
    Naturally there will be media swarms of "LOL BAN VIOLENT VIDYA GAMES"
    It always ends up that way.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:39 No.22377139
    Yep, lots of bears in Canada...
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:39 No.22377157
    One of the symptoms of hypothermia is that you feel unnaturally warm. So, contrary to logic, you feel you need to remove all your clothes to cool off, but all that does is accelerate the freezing process.

    Anyone read that thing about the Russian people who had that same kinda thing happen to them? And everyone was all ALIENS about it?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:40 No.22377161
    >"That's like cutting his legs off.''

    Maybe they should've.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:40 No.22377164
    Pedo bear only likes loli's though, this is a shota, where is shota cat.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:40 No.22377165

    Bad news for the underaged
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:40 No.22377174
    >> 1. How was it that they couldn't even identify the body immediately? Was he really that badly decomposed? Didn't he disappear just a short while ago?

    If CSI has taught me anything, cold stops decomposition.
    >> Faget 11/06/08(Thu)02:40 No.22377180
    Holy shit I'm fucking crying from laughing so much.
    >> Jono-kun !4jY0pMAnO6 11/06/08(Thu)02:40 No.22377181

    15 years old
    Mature rating = 17+
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:41 No.22377200
    And Australia.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:41 No.22377202
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