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  • Blotter updated: 10/01/08

  • File :1225119049.jpg-(36 KB, 494x400, left4deadgermany.jpg)
    36 KB I honestly feel sorry for the german citizens Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)10:50 No.21933174  
    It's not like the vast majority of them can afford to just pack up, move to a less faggoty country and learn an entirely new language if they don't know one. The german government is trying so hard to forget about being nazis that they've actually become a new type of nazi. Censorship nazis.


    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)10:52 No.21933215
    Holy shit, that is fucking ridiculous. How did they go from being genocidal bigots to complete pussies.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)10:52 No.21933222
    Germany has always and will always be a shitty country. They don't know the meaning of freedom or democracy...they will ALWAYS be oppressing something.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)10:53 No.21933243
    Germans are so law abiding they take EVERYTHING to far.
    Putting some jews in the oven? IF MY GOVERNMENT TELLS ME TO DO SO IT MUST BE RIGHT.
    Shooting up children in afghanistan? IF MY GOVERNMENT TELLS ME TO DO SO I MUST OBEY!
    Censoring every media from book, over movies to videogames? HELLS YEAH BITCHES I LOVE TO SWALLOW MY GOVERNMENTS THROBBING COCK
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)10:54 No.21933257
    I've seen that cover more often than the real one now.

    People will start to think it's the actual rest-of-the-world cover.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)10:54 No.21933260
    Well, it's pretty useless to argue when their stance is "violence = bad, tits = good". You know they're right even if you don't agree with it
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)10:55 No.21933277
    sie werden sich setzen!
    the german government knows best what to do, with the cover censored, it can stand on the shelves, where kids go.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)10:56 No.21933312
    In b4 some germans kids arrive and showcase their political worldview equals to that of a 14 year old hot topic emo (Bush = D3vil and amerikkka is a facist nation, etc etc)
    Also in b4 boobs on tv, which is also a lie. German tv isn't allowed to show hardcore pornography like the rest of europe (who don't censor videogames as well).
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)10:57 No.21933340

    Law != Moral
    Law != Always right
    Law != Infallible
    Law != GOD

    Sometimes the law isn't right. Yes, it creates order and can be a good thing but in cases like this the law is clearly stomping on the rights of adults to enjoy ADULT entertainment. You can't even buy TF2 in Germany without getting the "robot edition" where all the characters bleed oil.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)10:58 No.21933362
    I'm German and I completely agree with you!
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)10:58 No.21933381
    Boobs != hardcore pornography
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)10:59 No.21933391
    I don't know a single German who actually agrees with what the government is doing regarding censorship. Far as i'm concerned the government doesn't have the peoples support and are just doing whatever they want. So much for democracy.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:00 No.21933421
    Membership in a Nazi party, publicly advancing national socialist ideas[citation needed], and Holocaust denial are illegal in Germany. Publishing, television, public correspondence (including lectures), and music are censored accordingly, with harsh legal consequences, including jail time.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:00 No.21933432
    A question to any germans on here right now: Am I right in assuming that there is no problem at all getting your hands on an imported version from another European country? I'd bet there are even game webshops that only sell imported games to work around that faggotry
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:00 No.21933438
    They don't bleed at all.
    Even wounds are switched with metal decals. If you gib someone he will explode into black confetti and the "funny" gibs. The oil blood is in the rest of the half life games. But it looks more like dust actually since it's slightly grey.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:00 No.21933441
    German tv only shows naked boobs, no naked pussies.
    Also in america you can get your fix of naked boobies on cable tv, they're just so polite to make sure that even prude people won't get offended from watching something on free tv - like the superbowl.
    In the uk you can buy uncensored porn mags in every bookstore, in germany all they have is censored porn mags.
    Germans also censores vaginas and violence.
    It's just such a shitty country.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:01 No.21933450

    Ya, me too. I hate this fucking country and it's censorship. I mean, come on? A fucking thump on the box of a videogame?
    >> sage Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:01 No.21933457
    This thread is pretty /r9k/ but...

    Vidyagames are not violence. Violence is stabbing some guy in the street because your country's approach to problems in their criminal justice system is to attempt to remove implements of harm, which by definition only works on law abiding citizens.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:01 No.21933467
    Why would you even care? Do you have boxart on a downloaded game?
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:02 No.21933488

    It is possible. But there are also games like Manhunt for which you can go to jail if the government sees that you own a copy.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:02 No.21933490
    There are online-shops that are only dedicated in selling uncensored versions. But if you want to buy something from ebay or on steam (like wolfenstein 3D) You'll get a message which politely states that you aren't allowed to buy that. Belive me it's a giant shitstorm.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:03 No.21933499
    Importing the game is illegal. Anyone caught selling it will face fines and possible prison time.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:03 No.21933502

    you dont know shit, srsly
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:03 No.21933532
    Yeah guess what was the point.
    There are uncensored boobs on HBO too.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:04 No.21933541
    >Law != Moral
    >Law != Always right
    >Law != Infallible
    >Law != GOD

    German government actually believe this. Too bad their laws have drastically changed every 30-50 years leaving no sense of consistency whatsoever.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:04 No.21933547
         File :1225119875.png-(186 KB, 494x400, l5d.png)
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    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:05 No.21933571
    I liked it better when Valve didn't try to milk every single pun they could out of this.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:05 No.21933573
    I hate my country.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:06 No.21933600
    Valve should create a new character just for Germany. They should call him Hitler because he sure knew how to rain on everyones parade just like the censorship board.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:07 No.21933609
    Germany needs to rise up... again... but in a good way this time
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:07 No.21933631
         File :1225120073.jpg-(17 KB, 266x239, Bro Fist.jpg)
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    Can someone please shoop a bro fist onto the cover?
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:08 No.21933656
    Oh, the germans have arrived.
    You kow what? Spanish tv shows hardcore porn in the evening.
    Unlike germany, where a boob or pubic hair is all you'll see.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:08 No.21933659
    I liked Germany better when they weren't such faggots which was probably about 200+ years ago.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:09 No.21933683
    German here:

    1. We can import from netherlands, swiss and austria.
    2. There are decensor patches for almost every game.
    3. You know the reason why PC gaming is so popular here? We just pirate like motherfucking blackbeard.


    No one really gives a shit about the goverment.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:09 No.21933687

    Read the thread, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:09 No.21933695
    Fatmerican kids and their borderline down-syndrome ignorance never fails to crack me up. It's like watching a retard trying to go trough a glass door while he doesn't realize there is transparent glass before him.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:10 No.21933730
    America has always and will always be a shitty country. They don't know the meaning of freedom or democracy...they will ALWAYS be oppressing something.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:11 No.21933753
    Looking kinda Buckley there, xenofag
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:11 No.21933758
    In b4 some american kids arrive and showcase their political worldview equals to that of a 14 year old hot topic emo (Hitler = D3vil and Germany is a facist nation, etc etc)
    Also in b4 violence on tv, which is also a lie. Americantv isn't allowed to show hardcore violencelike the rest of North America(who don't censor videogames as well).
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:12 No.21933777
    Every country has various ways of oppressing it's people and censoring them. America has censorship. Germany has censorship. Mexico has censorship.

    It all depends on which oppressions you can live with and which you can't. America...for the most part is the best country for entertainment related stuff. Japan USED to be before they jumped on the censorship train blaming games for all their societies problems.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:12 No.21933793
    I liked America better when they weren't such faggots which was probably about 250+ years ago.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:12 No.21933794
    germanfag here, actually everything in germany sucks, i'm moving to motherfucking canada.
    But i have also to say that Valve did censor left 4 dead themselves, they didn't need to.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:13 No.21933816
    I liked the world when there wasn't a bunch of faggots which is probably 10,000,000+ years ago.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:13 No.21933818
    Americans are so law abiding they take EVERYTHING to far.
    Putting some muslims in the torture prison oven? IF MY GOVERNMENT TELLS ME TO DO SO IT MUST BE RIGHT.
    Shooting up children in afghanistan? IF MY GOVERNMENT TELLS ME TO DO SO I MUST OBEY!
    Censoring every media from book, over movies to videogames? HELLS YEAH BITCHES I LOVE TO SWALLOW MY GOVERNMENTS THROBBING COCK
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:13 No.21933824

    Shit, I once watched Friday the 13th on Spanish TV at like 10am. Was Awesome.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:14 No.21933834
    ITT people get other people's post and change one key word
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:14 No.21933835
    Germany is just a shitty american colony.
    Have you watched german tv? It's the worst.
    They have commedians that make George Lopez appear funny.
    Everything about them is ugly, unfunny and obscene.
    Germany's most popular comedians are called Mario Barth and Atze Schroeder, both look like shit and do macho jokes all the time, even though germany is the least macho country on earth.
    It's sickening.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:15 No.21933859
    Oh yeah, this country is full of Piratefags.

    You get almost 500 $ monthly if you are unemployed, and still nobody BUYS a fucking game.
    >> lol, hypocrisy Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:15 No.21933860
    ITT: Whether your argument is right depends on what country you are from, not whether it is logical.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:15 No.21933867
    The issue with Americans is that their population are a bunch lowly educated man-apes that are easily mind-controlled by their government.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:15 No.21933868
    It's not like the USA are any better
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:18 No.21933968
         File :1225120726.jpg-(50 KB, 500x375, OttoBully_500.jpg)
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    >Germany's most popular comedians are called Mario Barth and Atze Schroeder, both look like shit and do macho jokes all the time, even though germany is the least macho country on earth.
    It's sickening.

    Those two persons here would like to disagree with you.

    Also: Ever heard of satire? No ? Go educate yourself or something.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:19 No.21933985
    lol @ the 14 year old germans who'se only argument is YOU TOO BAWWWW
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:21 No.21934045
    I won't believe this until it is up somewhere trust worthy. Kotaku is not trust worthy.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:22 No.21934082
    Dirk Bach, Thomas Hermanns, Comedy Superhelden.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:23 No.21934094
    Otto still tells the same Jokes as 30 years ago, and everything Bully made asides from the "Bullyparade" was shit, too.

    I like this turkish guy, who does readings from "mein Kampf".
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:23 No.21934097
         File :1225120992.png-(168 KB, 494x400, bro4d.png)
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    For the last god damn time. ENJOY!
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:26 No.21934190
         File :1225121213.jpg-(492 KB, 1204x876, bach hermann.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:28 No.21934214
    It's mostly preemptive censoring done by publishers themselves. Germany does not actively censor the vidya - the can give games the equivalent to an M rating so they have to be sold under the counter. Most companies try to avoid this and censor all kinds of shit in advance.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:28 No.21934215
    Both gay as hell, and YES, I MEAN THAT IN A SEXUAL WAY!
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:30 No.21934261
    Germany a land of great tolerance.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:30 No.21934265
         File :1225121411.jpg-(36 KB, 420x300, Loriot04.jpg)
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    Okay bad example.

    Take this.

    Also: I think it's funny that americans are bitching about german censoreship. We just don't give a fuck.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:34 No.21934374
    Finland was here.
    Rest of the world is nazi censorship fags.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:36 No.21934430
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:37 No.21934434
    It's like jews moving preemptive out of germany after hitler's rise to power.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:41 No.21934544
    The German government doesn't censor anything and the USK gives out merely commendations, it doesn't have the power to ban anything. The BPJM is the authority with the power to ban titles, and even then they can only ban them from public advertising and make it illegal to distribute certain titles to minors without their parents' approval..

    As usual Kotaku doesn't know what it's talking about.

    All "censorship" that is done in Germany is voluntarily done by the publishers in order to be able to sell their titles to kids. It's done for marketing reasons, nothing more.

    And you're still free to buy the English version if you don't like it - especially because of steam this has become much easier.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:49 No.21934832
    Yeah way to talk arround the fact that your shitty nazi country is doing CENSORSHIP.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:53 No.21934951
    I don't think you truly understand the meaning of that word.
    >> Ace !!abIc2O8kqZb 10/27/08(Mon)11:55 No.21934987
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:56 No.21935032
         File :1225123006.jpg-(11 KB, 250x181, 1123423412579.jpg)
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    >> HORIZONTAL FLIP! NAME FIELD 10/27/08(Mon)12:00 No.21935133
    It WAS a right hand.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)12:00 No.21935146

    Not only that but it appears that the hand is rotting which would imply that it's almost dead.
    >> RageistheNewSage !!7RhNVYjQ2Y/ 10/27/08(Mon)12:00 No.21935154
    /r/ing Dead Space german box art.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)12:01 No.21935167
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)12:01 No.21935183
    GERMANY IS GAY FUCKING GAY. Prove me wrong.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)12:02 No.21935212
    HAHAHA holy shit germany is fucking retarded... lulz we killed millions of people in 2 fucking wars but now WE HAVE THE MORAL HIGH GROUND!!!!
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)12:03 No.21935239

    you are wrong
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)12:03 No.21935253

    you're jewish aren't you

    get out jew
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)12:05 No.21935288
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)12:05 No.21935303
    What are you talking about? It's not like the Holocaust ever happened.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)12:05 No.21935307

    its the same fucking thing, if the game had frontal nudity on the cover art it would have been drawn a bra in the amerikan version. Both your countries are pussy farts getting offended at ridiculous shit.
    >> NAME FIELD 10/27/08(Mon)12:06 No.21935334
         File :1225123572.jpg-(346 KB, 1748x1425, thehaunter.jpg)
    346 KB
    So how about that L4D? I already got it on Steam.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)12:06 No.21935355

    Violence is OK though as long as it's committed in the name of god.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)12:07 No.21935383
    >Violence is OK though as long as it's committed in the name of god and freedom/democracy.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)12:07 No.21935392
    brb, moving country because censorship of video games. Disregard all family, friends, and my job.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)12:08 No.21935422
    I'm from Germany and this really sucks!
    But we can send our complaints to these guys for this one http://www.bundespruefstelle.de/
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)12:09 No.21935468
    poor Isvaffel :(
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)12:10 No.21935515
    /r/ing other gay german boxarts
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)12:10 No.21935518
    ITT: obvious trolling. germany does indeed suck but not as much as the US. it would be actually pretty nice here if the government wouldnt be full of retards and cunts. well i will be moving to uruguay later casue it sounds like U R GAY.

    also sage
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)12:17 No.21935764
    And what are they going to do about it? It's not like they had anything to do with it.

    >All "censorship" that is done in Germany is voluntarily done by the publishers in order to be able to sell their titles to kids. It's done for marketing reasons, nothing more.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)12:20 No.21935875
    Ich lebe in Deutschland und finde es absolut lächerlich, wie im Fernsehen alle möglichen Obszönitäten gezeigt werden, von Nacktheit bis schlimmsten Kraftausdrücken, aber sobald irgendetwas mit Gewalt oder Nazis zu tun hat, wird es bis zum letzten Bisschen weggeschnitten.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)12:23 No.21935983
    Sure, but if they'd modify the law in order to allow adult accounts in steam, we could play the game the way it was meant to be.
    Kids shouldn't play Left4Dead anyway...
    But now, they cut the game because otherwise they couldn't even put in the shelves or do advertisement

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