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  • Blotter updated: 10/01/08

  • File :1225118604.jpg-(31 KB, 320x311, ash.jpg)
    31 KB Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)10:43 No.21933004  
    Dear /v/

    Which came first, the Pokémon anime or the game boy pocket games?

    In my opinion, the anime did.

    And if it did, would that mean that the games are just a spin off of the series?

    Or was the anime series (and movies) born from the primitive and simple game boy games?

    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)10:43 No.21933015
    game was released first, but anime hit US shores first.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)10:44 No.21933036
    I'm pretty sure than the game came first.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)10:45 No.21933071
    Games were released in '96 in Japan, show started in '97, and neither got here until '98.
    >> Ace !!abIc2O8kqZb 10/27/08(Mon)10:45 No.21933073
    The games came first. The show is just a spin off of the games.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)10:46 No.21933090
    >In my opinion, the anime did.
    opinion on facts? lolwut
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)10:46 No.21933091
    >In my opinion, the anime did

    In your opinion? Your opinion has nothing to do with it. The games came first.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)10:47 No.21933103
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)10:47 No.21933108
    The whole thing was designed to make profits from the start.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)10:48 No.21933127
    do you mean what we got into first? because I saw the anime first, and that got me into the games. because...yeah, otherwise, you're telling us to debate a fact, which is...not really possible.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)10:50 No.21933158
    >game boy pocket games

    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)10:51 No.21933185
    Da games, and guess what

    Mew was the first pokemon to even been licensed, it was licensed in 1992, Digimon is just a clon of pokemon.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)10:51 No.21933201

    Mew was the first Pokemon that Nintendo copyrighted
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)10:52 No.21933209
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)10:52 No.21933221

    Holy fucking obscure hivemind

    God that's weird, it's not even like they said something that you would expect to be hiveminded, some obscure fact...

    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)10:53 No.21933233

    Way to blow shit out of your ass about mew...
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)10:53 No.21933234
    Yeah, the pokemon idea was born in 1991 way before Nintendo met Satoshi Tajiri
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)10:53 No.21933240
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)10:54 No.21933254

    Someone screencap this shit
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)10:54 No.21933256

    Google it asshole.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)10:54 No.21933263
    He is right fuckwit
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)10:55 No.21933281

    You just failed on an epic scale.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)10:55 No.21933284
    oh wow
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)10:55 No.21933299
    >>In my opinion, the anime did.

    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)10:56 No.21933321
    Hey Ash!

    What's that green sludge on your shirt?
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)10:56 No.21933325

    sage for britfag
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)10:57 No.21933337
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    So... many... hiveminds
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)10:58 No.21933360
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    >game boy pocket games?
    >In my opinion, the anime did.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)10:58 No.21933374
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:00 No.21933430
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    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:00 No.21933435
    If I remember well the anime came first in USA so they can promote the games.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:01 No.21933447
    From Bulbapedia:

    Mew (then spelled ミュー, not ミュウ) was the first Pokémon trademark ever registered (granted on March 31, 1994, registration number 2636685 part 12), before even Pocket Monsters (ポケットモンスター), which was granted on December 26, 1997.
    ミュウ was registered on August 6, 1999, registration number 4302090.
    Mew is also the first Pokémon trademark ever applied for; the application was submitted on May 9, 1990, application number 平2-51989; before even Pocket Monsters, which was submitted September 11, 1995.
    ミュウ was submitted on June 17, 1997, application number 平9-128909.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:01 No.21933449
    >which came first
    >in my opinion
    in my opinion cars came before horse carriages
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:01 No.21933461

    I believe the anime aired right before the game released, in the US, so that might make it seem like it was made first.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:02 No.21933473
    I remember this shit being on the news.

    They were playing it on some huge flat-screened device, like an arcade, but super modern looking.

    This was a long time ago though, so I doubt anyone has any pictures of it.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:03 No.21933515

    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:03 No.21933519

    Pokemon came before the invention of the camera

    This is my oppinion
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:03 No.21933526
    You asshat, the gameboy games came first, do some fucking research cockass.

    And its not an opinion, its a fact.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:03 No.21933527
    >Digimon is just a clone of pokemon

    this is wrong; Digimon is totaly original and unrelated from pokemon
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:04 No.21933548
    The anime aired in the US first, then the games came.

    And fuck your opinion, you should head back to gametrailers OP.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:04 No.21933552

    Pokemon was never invented, that is my opinion
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:07 No.21933611
    I am not shitting you.

    It was about "A new modern gaming device that was made in Japan, soon to be headed all over the world". I remember seeing the player's character on Cinnabar Island.

    Also, there was a joystick instead of a D-pad.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:07 No.21933616
    Halo invented Pokemon, that is my opinion
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:07 No.21933619
    OP is fucking retarded. For the sake of the human gene pool, please, kill yourself.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:07 No.21933620
    281 isn't an hivemind.. learn your /v/ facts.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:07 No.21933625
    Probably a Wide Boy or that other thing like a Wide Boy
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:08 No.21933645
    In my opinion, Pokemon is based on true events.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:09 No.21933668
    The only wide boy i've heard of is youin my opinion.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:09 No.21933689
    Pokemon originated in 1975 as Capsule Monsters a manga created by Tajiri.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:10 No.21933705
    Oh no he didn't!
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:10 No.21933714
    I don't know about the Japanese, but I am 100% sure that in America the anime came out a month before the gameboy games.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:10 No.21933717
    In my opinion, he did.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:10 No.21933719
    Shit, I thought the trading cards came out first.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:10 No.21933722
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:11 No.21933754
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:12 No.21933772
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    epic hivemind
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:12 No.21933774
    Fuck you, you can't bash another person's opinions.
    >> Agrias !Oaks5IX1XI 10/27/08(Mon)11:12 No.21933779
    I feel sorry the the original poster, he came in here with smiles and glee, hoping to discuss his favorite show.

    Instead, he was ridiculed and laughed at, torn asunder by the people he once thought his friends. Come, friend, I will hug you if you need it.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:13 No.21933809
    At least he still has his opinion.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:14 No.21933827
    This thread is awesome in my opinion
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:14 No.21933830
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    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:15 No.21933852
    ;_; can i has agrias hugs?
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:15 No.21933869

    Why not? Opinions are not automatically right.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:16 No.21933886
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:17 No.21933913
    Well Blue and Red were first, then the anime and then Yellow was based off the anime.
    But originally the idea was for the anime, not the game I think.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:17 No.21933914
    In my opinion, you're fucking shit.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:17 No.21933920
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    He deserved it. Fucking retard. I mean seriously, read his post again. It doesn't make any sense.
    >> Resident PCFag !ieuSByEa4Q 10/27/08(Mon)11:17 No.21933927
    The manga.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:17 No.21933941
    Well you thought wrong.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:19 No.21933974
    In my opinion, it's just like in religion you've just got to believe!
    Once you search your heart, you know it'll be true.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:19 No.21933982
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    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:19 No.21934000
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:19 No.21934001
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:20 No.21934034
    Except that the manga came out after the anime.
    >> Agrias !Oaks5IX1XI 10/27/08(Mon)11:21 No.21934063
    I know. He didn't realize that it was an obvious fact that the game came first.

    But still, I feel sorry for him. Like a small boy walking into a candy shop with a brand new dollar in his hand, skipping and happy as can be, only to be kicked in the head and mugged just as he enters.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:22 No.21934064

    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:23 No.21934109
    It just occurred to me that the OP could be a really good troll.

    Is so, 9/10. Well played.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:23 No.21934117
    In my opinion you'd make a great foster parent.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:25 No.21934143
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    *if so
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:25 No.21934167
    Pokemon originated in 1975 as Capsule Monsters a manga created by Tajiri.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:26 No.21934187
    what do you mean? "in my opinion"
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:27 No.21934199
    Man, when that movie with Mewtwo came out I was so fucking psyched. Then, I had a thought about the name (Pokemon, the first movie) and realised they were going to drag it out and beat the franchise until there was not a single cent left to be made.

    That day was worse than the tooth fairy and santa claus combined.

    Fuck Pokemon.
    >> Agrias !Oaks5IX1XI 10/27/08(Mon)11:28 No.21934223
    In my holy opinion, there are only 151 pokemon and one movie.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:29 No.21934248
    Mind providing a source. When I look it up all I get is the Yu-Gi-Oh spin-off.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:30 No.21934283
    I shall accept your opinion as fact and be much happier that way. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:32 No.21934313
    In my beloved opinion, We will have around 1000 pokemon until 2020
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:32 No.21934318
    In 1975, the precursor to Pokémon was serialized in manga form as Capsule Monsters. However, the manga was unsuccessful and was discontinued. In 1991, Tajiri discovered the Game Boy and the Game Boy Link Cable gave him the image of insects traveling along the wire. After several failed attempts at pitching Capsule Monsters to Nintendo, Tajiri's new friend Shigeru Miyamoto pitched it to the company, and Nintendo began to fund the project, spending six years developing the games that would become a worldwide sensation.

    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:33 No.21934347
    Pokemon movies aren't filmed, they're birthed by a giant television-wombed mecha located a dozen miles below Mt. Fuji.

    And now you know... my opinion on the matter
    >> Agrias !Oaks5IX1XI 10/27/08(Mon)11:35 No.21934389
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    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:35 No.21934406
    >Tajiri's new friend Shigeru Miyamoto

    I wonder how they became friends...
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:37 No.21934441
    how the fuck does being published for SIXTEEN YEARS make something unsuccessful!?
    >> Swalot 10/27/08(Mon)11:37 No.21934458
    ITT One hell of a successful troll.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:37 No.21934461
    They must've shared the same opinions on things.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:38 No.21934467
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    I'm curious now. Are there any scans of the manga on the internet?
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:38 No.21934495
    There is
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:39 No.21934504
    No. They were all destroyed in the great manga fire of 2003
    >> Paratroopa !pcYrvMH7N. 10/27/08(Mon)11:39 No.21934517
    The Game.
    >> Mew !HugMeDGXIQ 10/27/08(Mon)11:40 No.21934528
    not in my opinion
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:40 No.21934537
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:41 No.21934554
    Digimon game came first.
    >> Arancil !fND2tDiBIc 10/27/08(Mon)11:41 No.21934556
    It doesn't say that it was cancelled in 1991, it says Tajiri discovered Game Boy in 1991.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:41 No.21934564

    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:41 No.21934571
    >...and was discontinued. In 1991...

    Take note of the period after the word "discontinued".
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:41 No.21934576
    Tamagochi has nothing to do with digimon
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:42 No.21934601
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:42 No.21934604
    Oh no you didn't.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:42 No.21934609
    That's just your opinion.

    Present us with facts or gtfo.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:43 No.21934621
    >What became a TV series, toyline, comic, cardgame, and more began as the simple concept of a Tamagotchi for boys (as Bandai was also the creator of the Tamagotchi).
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:44 No.21934656
    What has this thread become?
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:44 No.21934674
    oh my god, Ash grabs Pikachus Balls
    >> Project Kurtz !cfZiGIAqOg 10/27/08(Mon)11:45 No.21934692
    >Digimon is Tamagotchi for boys
    I can believe that.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:45 No.21934706
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    A bunch of opinions
    >> Paratroopa !pcYrvMH7N. 10/27/08(Mon)11:46 No.21934733
    You just lost.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:46 No.21934745
    That's just your opinion.
    >> Agrias !Oaks5IX1XI 10/27/08(Mon)11:48 No.21934787
    A miserable little pile of opinions.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:48 No.21934808
    in answer to you question OP the gameboy games came first and were a moderate but easily forgettable success. After the show went up it created the craze for the games which was repeated in America.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:49 No.21934826
    Your claim that his opinion about the this being about opinion is just your opinion, in my opinion.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:51 No.21934871
    People still and probably will never understand this. OP is a troll but I know there's still people that think the anime was created first. Which is why OP picked such a subject. Anyone would RAGE to that kind of shit. Also 6/10, not bad.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:51 No.21934892
    your opinion has a a bit too much of "opinions" in it...in my opinion
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:52 No.21934905
    About Digimon, I once spoke to someone who claimed it was made by Sony as their version of Pokémon.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:52 No.21934918
    Saw you post this earlier.

    You deleted it first, then posted it again.


    Although it's just my opinion
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:53 No.21934927
    Apart from the Mario movie I don't remember any of those.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:53 No.21934931
    A playground for trolls, in my humble opinion.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:55 No.21935001
    >I don't remember any of those.

    That is for the best.
    Except for Kirby, his show was awesome.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:55 No.21935003
    >116 posts and 11 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

    Oh god.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:57 No.21935064
    I can't believe no one has ever told you the truth about Pocket Monsters, /v/.

    Here, gather 'round my fellow /v/irgins, and learn something new this day.

    Pocket Monsters is based on a true story of a boy from Vietnam who grew up in the mid 1900s. This boy, Sah Tchemku never knew his father, but grew up hearing tales from his Mother of how great an animal tamer her husband was. At the age of 10, Sah set out to become a great animal tamer like his father.

    At first he could only catch insects, rodents, and the occasional small bird, but as the years went by he became rather good. After many years of working his way up, catching increasingly rare and ferocious animals, Sah had finally made it. Not only was he acknowledged as the best animal tamer in all of Vietnam, but it is believed that he is perhaps the only man to ever tame every living creature indigenous to Vietnam.

    This is why when you start the game, you can only catch the small slow insects, rodents, and small birds, but as you progress the creatures become more rare and ferocious (if you consider their real life counterparts). The legendary and mythical creatures you find late in the game are some of those Sah was rumored to have caught after his legend had spread.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)11:58 No.21935080
    Yeah like 1 min. earlier, and I was making my statement clearer, what's wrong wtih that?
    Super Mario Bros. Super Show
    Donkey Kong Country
    Even if you haven't watched him you havent heard of these?, NONE of the above ring a bell?
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)12:01 No.21935181
    Donkey Kong Country? I know the game, but not the show. And I thought 4kids was an animation studio or something, I never paid it any attention.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)12:02 No.21935216
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    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)12:02 No.21935228
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)12:03 No.21935258
    I don't remember an FZero show... what the hell?
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)12:05 No.21935290
    That's only true if the idea came from within Nintendo. Since Tajiri wasn't an employee, it's completely feasible that there were other, earlier incarnations of the Pokemon idea floating around.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)12:05 No.21935291
    OP here.

    I came back from shopping just now, and i'd like to say thanks.

    Also, i'm not native to the english language, so I hope you forgive me for that.

    And what's with all this opinion stuff?

    Whatever. Thanks alot /v/.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)12:05 No.21935308
    You've never seen this?
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)12:06 No.21935339
    lol Ralphs
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)12:07 No.21935387
    Oh shit, I remember seeing a thread with the galaxy + explosion part of that, and I was wondering what the hell it was from. Didn't know there was an actual FZero show. Did it air in America?
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)12:08 No.21935418
    Needless to say, shitsucked.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)12:08 No.21935436
    OP is epic troll.

    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)12:09 No.21935485
    Yeah, it was pretty recent, on like Fox or WB Saturday mornings.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)12:11 No.21935543
    That's just your opinion
    >> Uncle Ruckus 10/27/08(Mon)12:22 No.21935940
    And that's why it sucked.

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