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  • File :1225115895.jpg-(47 KB, 500x334, sony playstation.jpg)
    47 KB Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)09:58 No.21931857  
    So /v/ what are the best games I should get for this? Any genre at all!
    I already have the Crash, Spyro and Gex games, Klonoa, both Abe games, Sheep Dog n Wolf, Breakout, Kula World, Gran Turismo and then a lot of shitty ones.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)09:58 No.21931877
    Suikoden 2
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)09:59 No.21931891
    Why does that playstation have buttons on it?
    >> Ooishi !9KQLwprroc 10/27/08(Mon)09:59 No.21931907
    Parasite Eve 1 and II
    Final Fantasy IX
    Silent Hill

    Also, WTF are those black nipples? My PS doesn't have them >_>
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)10:00 No.21931919
    I think they are extra for the CD player bit for people who didn't want to use the controller.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)10:01 No.21931938
    FF VII VIII and IX
    FF tactics
    Suikoden II
    Vagrant Story
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)10:01 No.21931940
    Tomba, Koudelka, Jade Cocoon, Xenogears, and Syphon Filter.
    >> Ooishi !9KQLwprroc 10/27/08(Mon)10:02 No.21931951

    Fair enough. It makes it look like a cow. A black cow.

    Get Blast Radius, it rocks.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)10:03 No.21931966
    Ah, I forgot to say I have Rayman too. The box isn't here for some reason...
    What's Einhander like?
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)10:03 No.21931973
    tobal 1
    tobal 2
    tobal tobal tobal
    >> Ooishi !9KQLwprroc 10/27/08(Mon)10:03 No.21931979

    >Jade Cocoon.

    You dick. Now I have to find a copy of it, I once played a demo many years ago. Loved it, forgot.

    TC, also;
    Tomb Raider 1 and 2.
    >> ArfenZard !TAvKAAvsVQ 10/27/08(Mon)10:03 No.21931986
    Oh and Micro Maniacs, Tekken 2, Medievil, CTR, and um...Running Wild.
    There's more just I can't think.
    Goddamn PS1 was full of win.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)10:03 No.21931987
    Ah, I never saw them before.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)10:04 No.21932001

    It's a shmup, a very good shump. One of the best ever made.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)10:04 No.21932011
    Monster Rancher 2 (seriously, youll spend fucking days swapping disks with a smile on your face)

    Parasite Eve (probably the best RPG on the console, awesome storyline)
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)10:06 No.21932033
    jersey devil
    parasite eve 1/2
    tomba 1/2
    final fantasy games
    mother fucking rugrats
    road rash 3d
    fear effect 1/2
    resident evil games
    dino crisis
    silent hill
    tomb raider games
    star wars masters of teras kashi
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)10:06 No.21932038
    Einhander is basically Thunder Force V on easy mode.

    If you want an entry-level shmup, give that one a shot.
    >> Shitfuck !2MHCJVai1A 10/27/08(Mon)10:06 No.21932041
    Twisted Metal
    Twisted Metal 2
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)10:06 No.21932051
    I have Ape Escape and Medievil 1& 2 as well. Also I have Micro Machines, is that different to Micro Maniacs?
    My memory is terrible, I can't believe I forgot them.
    What the hell is Running Wild?
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)10:07 No.21932062
    Persona 1 and 2
    >> Ace !!abIc2O8kqZb 10/27/08(Mon)10:08 No.21932079
    Megaman Legends 1 & 2
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)10:08 No.21932101
    Tekken 2,
    FF Tactics
    Ape Escape
    Future Cop LAPD
    Jade Cocoon
    Wipeout 2097
    Metal Gear Solid
    Wild Arms
    Resident Evil 2
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)10:09 No.21932104
    Which Rugrats? I remember renting one where you got to be Reptar destroying the city in the very last level.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)10:14 No.21932233
         File :1225116849.jpg-(162 KB, 350x500, undersiege2.jpg)
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    Nuclear dawn or what ever that Under siege 2/MGS clone was called
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)10:14 No.21932251
    This nigger nailed it, ESPECIALLY MEDIEVIL.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)10:15 No.21932266
         File :1225116904.jpg-(20 KB, 270x266, 51_8.jpg)
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    Rugrats : Search for Reptar
    >> ArfenZard !TAvKAAvsVQ 10/27/08(Mon)10:18 No.21932365
    Hohoh Micro Machines and Micro Maniacs while very similar are completely different! Micro Machines sucked after the Megadrive, and it didn't do "3D" very well. Micro Maniacs however was also different as you were people and there were decent powerups.

    Also Running Wild is a animal based racing game which provided me and my friend with hours of fun and it still does.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)10:19 No.21932408
    Rayman 2, Tail Concerto, Silhouette Mirage
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)10:20 No.21932440
         File :1225117255.jpg-(47 KB, 500x474, coverto.jpg)
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    Covert Ops: Nuclear Dawn and it kicked ass
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)10:24 No.21932521

    4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8

    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)10:24 No.21932527
    Harvest Moon
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)10:24 No.21932539
    WTF? No one said Legend of Dragoon YET?????

    Also, Chrono Cross.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)10:25 No.21932552
    Syphon Filter 1 & 2

    better than Metal Gear
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)10:26 No.21932578
    I still can't remember the name of this game, but its a action/turnbased strategy hybrid game where its like, cyborgs vs aliens. All I remember is you can play with like, this creature which can spawn more of itself very quickly, and its very small and hard to hit but low life.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)10:28 No.21932634
    TOMB RAIDER, tekken, crash bandicoot
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)10:56 No.21933324
    Unholy War?
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)12:00 No.21935159
    Street Fighter Alpha 3. The original version had World Tour mode to make superior versions of your favorite fighter. None of the rereleases or compilations kept that mode.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)12:03 No.21935249
    Omega Boost
    Tales of Destiny
    Evil Zone
    Castlevania: SotN
    Valkyrie Profile
    Parasite Eve
    Vandal Heart
    Silent Hill

    And probably many others.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)12:05 No.21935323
    There are so many...
    TOBAL 2
    WIPEOUT 2097
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)12:06 No.21935356
    Rosco McQueen Firefighter Extreme.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/08(Mon)12:07 No.21935393
         File :1225123652.jpg-(44 KB, 473x474, 198413_10485_front.jpg)
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