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  • Blotter updated: 10/01/08

  • File :1224332064.png-(19 KB, 510x617, RAGE_9.png)
    19 KB I just don't enjoy gaming anymore... Anonymous 10/18/08(Sat)08:14 No.21516410  
    I mean, I can see that many games are technically impressive and deserving of praise but they do NOTHING for me in terms of emotion. Battlefield 2142 is awesome in theory but it's just so fucking quiet and there is no epic music playing that I get bored. The ambient sounds aren't nearly good enough and well..those trailers were full of great music so wtf?!

    I can see that many games are good technically speaking and that if I was a kid i'd be fucking impressed as hell but a lot of games still just aren't doing it for me. The last game I enjoy recently was S4 League and that's mostly because the /v/ experience, playing with pubfags was boring as hell.

    But mostly it's modern games...a lot of them just don't appeal to me because it's the same old same old with better graphics. I still enjoy a lot of older games because they are fun in their simplicity. I had fun playing N+, MAD(missle command clone with great music and effects) and S4 League but I had ZERO fun playing Battlefield 2142, Stranglehold and Quake Wars.

    I actually enjoyed Crysis slightly just because it let me choose how to attack the objectives and the graphics were pretty awe inspiring but nowhere near enough to purchase it. I also find myself enjoying genres I used to hate like RPG's. Though i'd probably hate those too if I had played the hell out of them because they haven't changed much over the years either.

    It's not just about the repetition though, I can't put my finger on it but some games, despite their amazing graphics and solid gameplay just aren't FUN to play.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/08(Sat)08:15 No.21516437
    welcome to modern gaming, where everything is shit and adressed to casuals
    >> The Troll Police !D.Gvi.ziT. 10/18/08(Sat)08:16 No.21516451
    >> Anonymous 10/18/08(Sat)08:16 No.21516461
    you missed the point entirely, he was saying that he personally doesn't find them fun, he's still saying that they are good, what you are saying is closer to them being mindlessly designed and mindlessly fun
    >> Anonymous 10/18/08(Sat)08:17 No.21516473
    Trailers. All of the games you mentioned had awesome trailers but the actual gameplay failed to deliver. The Battlefield series in general is pretty guilty of this. I remember watching the Battlefield 2 trailers and being hyped to play then I played the actual game and disappointment was all I felt.

    These companies need to stop making the gameplay look more dramatic than it is and just be honest so our expectations aren't so god damned high.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/08(Sat)08:17 No.21516475
    That's when you go oldschool.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/08(Sat)08:18 No.21516493
    Personally, I am enjoying the vidya just as much as I was twenty years ago.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/08(Sat)08:18 No.21516496

    no, i meant what i said - they're good, in a sense they have nice graphics, nice sound, cool physics engine, but dead inside - no emotionally compelling storyline

    or it's just like you said, he's grown out of vidya
    >> Anonymous 10/18/08(Sat)08:18 No.21516502
    Enjoy your growing up.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/08(Sat)08:19 No.21516515
    >> Anonymous 10/18/08(Sat)08:19 No.21516519
    Fable 2 is made for emotions.
    You get a DOG
    You interact with it

    Also, Lucien, the final boss, kidnaps your children and will murder them if you don't do what he demands.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/08(Sat)08:20 No.21516532
    >I remember watching the Battlefield 2 trailers and being hyped to play then I played the actual game and disappointment was all I felt.

    THIS. Most trailers for RPG's aren't actual gameplay spliced together to look especially epic. They are usually CGI and so you don't know what to expect from the game itself. A lot of action games these days overdo the trailers and the actual game will never live up to that level of drama. RPG's on the other hand usually have more drama than the trailers.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/08(Sat)08:20 No.21516533
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    Dear OP, this is the only remaining way you'll be able to enjoy games.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/08(Sat)08:21 No.21516563
    It eventually happens to everybody, you stop listening to new music, you don't get these stupid new movies, those clothes the kids wear are horrid... it's called getting old. It happened to your parents, and it is happening to you righ now.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/08(Sat)08:21 No.21516568
    buy a 360, find this game:


    enjoy your new lease on gaming.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/08(Sat)08:22 No.21516585
    You need a new hobby.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/08(Sat)08:22 No.21516590

    christ, i'm getting old. and i'm fucking 21
    >> Anonymous 10/18/08(Sat)08:23 No.21516595
    Go play World of Warcraft.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/08(Sat)08:25 No.21516644
    This is happening to me.
    And I'm fucking 16 years old.
    (inb4 underageban)
    >> Anonymous 10/18/08(Sat)08:26 No.21516654

    Now try to do something with your up-until-now-worthless life.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/08(Sat)08:26 No.21516658
    >>21516644 And I'm fucking 16 years old
    >> OP here Anonymous 10/18/08(Sat)08:26 No.21516666
    I don't have the same problem with movies, music, comics, etc etc etc. It's just videogames. Technically videogames should be the most exciting of them all since it's an interactive experience.

    That might be the problem. Games I tend to know nothing about tend to surprise me and I enjoy them more. I knew nothing about Persona 3 and I enjoyed it a lot despite not particularly liking japanese rpgs. Same goes for a lot of doujin shmup games.

    This too. They try to be all cinematic...then they have a storyline that I could honestly outdo writing a script with a pencil up my ass. If they are going to add a story to my first person shooter then it better be amazing shit. Yakuza 2 for instance has a great story, so much so that I overlooked the somewhat lame combat system. From what I played of Stranglehold so far it's just so cliche and generic....despite the gameplay supposedly being cool I just couldn't get into the game because they kept interrupting to have cutscenes with story I didn't find enjoyable.

    I watched all Woo's movies, I don't need yet ANOTHER cop story.
    >> ---===~[Post Content Grader]~===--- [Has Graded 22,604+ Posts] Last Board Graded: /v/ !sGg4wWUHlU 10/18/08(Sat)08:27 No.21516676
    Enjoy your ban, faggot!
    >> Anonymous 10/18/08(Sat)08:27 No.21516690
    It's called preparing for the day that you die, the less you care about stuff, the less problems you have with dying.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/08(Sat)08:27 No.21516695
    lol so you don't like toys anymore
    >> Anonymous 10/18/08(Sat)08:28 No.21516711
    what the fuck
    why does that fit me so well
    how am I old and young like this
    doesn't make sense
    >> Anonymous 10/18/08(Sat)08:29 No.21516725
    Just play World of Warcraft. It's the only game out worth playing anyways. Or wait for Starcraft II/Diablo III. Blizzard games are emotionally compelling, or at least has that sense of emotional depth.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/08(Sat)08:29 No.21516726
    I think it's because of the strain put on programmers now.

    Think about it, a GOOD game will take 2 years or more to make. Factor how much money it takes to do that and you are in the millions BEFORE even seeing a cent come back from the game. Then you have to figure what the producer will let you do, since they are the ones backing you with the cash in the first place. they like to look at what the market wants and go with that. so, if you are using a new IP, you are already sad because you don't have an established fanbase. This is the first strike in your inventive game. Next, if you are doing something different (AKA something like Katamari or w/e) they are also going to be reluctant to fund you.

    The whole problem boils down to that if a team makes a generic game, it's faster, easier, more secure, and more accepted to do so. This means doing anything else is left to indy companies which aren't always that great. This is where our industry is right now and we have to wait for either:
    a) producing companies to fund more innovative projects
    b) indy companies to spend more than a few months on a project and fully flesh-out their ideas BEFORE putting them on the market
    c) game companies becoming self-serving enough to not need producing suits for them

    Just my thoughts.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/08(Sat)08:29 No.21516728
    >> Anonymous 10/18/08(Sat)08:30 No.21516748
    >>21516666 comics

    LOL nerd, GTFo
    >> Anonymous 10/18/08(Sat)08:30 No.21516749
    We pirate and play so much content that we can see when ideas are used. We can spot stereotypes and generic stories more easily. This leads to us burning out more quickly and hating things.

    If we lived our lives with more moderation then we would be 40+ before even beginning to feel this way. The sheer amount of information we consume is causing us to age at an advanced rate emotionally.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/08(Sat)08:30 No.21516760
    Lucky for me I play good games like Kingdom Hearts.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/08(Sat)08:31 No.21516766

    you are right, I feel exactly the same.
    Last time I had fun with a game was HL2 episode 2 and probably only because it's continuation to Half-Life which I had loads of fun with.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/08(Sat)08:31 No.21516772
    >> Anonymous 10/18/08(Sat)08:31 No.21516777

    what if i have no kids? WHAT THEN SMART GUY
    >> Anonymous 10/18/08(Sat)08:31 No.21516778
    The first one was great. The second sucked.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/08(Sat)08:31 No.21516783
    Op why are you bitching when you just said you didnt pay for it. Don't like it, don't buy it. fucking hell.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/08(Sat)08:31 No.21516788
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    >> Anonymous 10/18/08(Sat)08:32 No.21516792

    You're on /v/ mate
    >> Anonymous 10/18/08(Sat)08:33 No.21516815

    I'm 23 and games started to bore me when I was 20,
    >> Anonymous 10/18/08(Sat)08:33 No.21516822
    >If we lived our lives with more moderation then we would be 40+ before even beginning to feel this way. The sheer amount of information we consume is causing us to age at an advanced rate emotionally.

    I think you are on to something here.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/08(Sat)08:33 No.21516825
         File :1224333221.jpg-(87 KB, 978x726, Ohwow.jpg)
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    >Lucky for me I play good games like Kingdom Hearts
    >play good games like Kingdom Hearts
    >good games like Kingdom Hearts
    >games like Kingdom Hearts
    >like Kingdom Hearts
    >Kingdom Hearts
    >> Anonymous 10/18/08(Sat)08:35 No.21516841
    Agreed. I was just talking about this the other day with other people about how games are just the same damn thing over and over again with better graphics. It's either some FPS, or third person action game that's like Gears of Wars. And developers don't give a shit because they know the majority of gamers are tools that will buy anything simply because it' HD and pretty. Doesn't matter if the gameplay stays the same.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/08(Sat)08:35 No.21516848
    It's a cycle btw.

    You feel bored with games now. You wait a bit, stop playing. Then you try a game and all of a sudden it's fun again. It's the same way with movies, music, and entertainment in general.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/08(Sat)08:37 No.21516885
    Yup it's all developers. don't even think about anyone but the people that sit and work tirelessly day in, day out over the game. Not the billion dollar companies that force them to make shit because casuals love it which makes it "safe." No no no, let's just put all the blame on the developers even though the games are good, just not "new."

    fuck you
    >> Anonymous 10/18/08(Sat)08:38 No.21516907


    >> Anonymous 10/18/08(Sat)08:39 No.21516925

    God damn I hate the word 'casual'
    >> Anonymous 10/18/08(Sat)08:39 No.21516930
    Fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/08(Sat)08:40 No.21516945
    You're doing it wrong. You shouldn't hate the word casuals, you should hate casuals.
    >> OP here Anonymous 10/18/08(Sat)08:42 No.21516966
    Like I said, for me it's not about the repetition, it's just they are missing that x-factor. Like when I play doujin games, even if they are of the shmup genre they usually play completely different. They have some mechanic in them that makes them unique. Then they also usually have a visual style, music or art direction that makes them unique.

    A lot of first person shooters on the other hand just clone each other. The music is hollywood cookie cutter orchestra, the art design is "realistic" and the gameplay is more or less exactly the same.

    It's like...I had fun playing God Hand because it was different. It was unlike any other beatem up I played, it had unique music, unique humor and fun gameplay. It wasn't a perfect game but it was different even though it was in the same genre i'd played a million times before.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/08(Sat)08:43 No.21516989
    I haven't paid much attention to trailers since the PS1 days. It's been obvious that developers will always pump out FMV scenes and over dramatize the gameplay to make the game look good.
    It's true that there are a lot more games these days that I don't enjoy despite them being solid games. I think that's because so much has been done in games already it's not difficult to make a "solid" game. Just copy what several games have done before you and your set. Of course doing this means anyone thats played plenty of games will find it boring.
    Since gaming also has a larger audience now there are bound to be more games that you don't enjoy than there were in the past.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/08(Sat)08:43 No.21516992

    I suggest you stop seeking games with technically impressive renderers (art direction is far more important anyway) and play some games like:

    Fallout 2
    Planescape: Torment
    Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn
    Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura
    Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
    System Shock 2
    Deus Ex

    Deus Ex
    >> Anonymous 10/18/08(Sat)08:44 No.21517007
    Hate by association :D
    >> "Wait for me, guys!" Volothamp Geddarm !vk3kkm6Azw 10/18/08(Sat)08:44 No.21517010
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    You must gather your party before venturing forth.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/08(Sat)08:45 No.21517017
    Fine. Developers and Publishers suck. You happy now?
    >> Anonymous 10/18/08(Sat)08:46 No.21517034
    I see what you're saying. And I agree. I mean, it's one of the reasons why I couldn't care about KZ2. I mean sure it looks gorgeous. But at the end of the day, it just looks like another straight-foward shooter.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/08(Sat)08:48 No.21517067
    You don't get pissed at individual German soldiers from WW2, you get mad at the Nazis.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/08(Sat)08:51 No.21517110
    Just go play WoW, it'll stop your bitching.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/08(Sat)08:55 No.21517201
    OP is growing up, awwww
    >> OP here Anonymous 10/18/08(Sat)08:55 No.21517205
    So I just played a demo of Unreal Tournament 3...and wtf. Why is it SO BORING? It has great graphics, effects...but most of that shit was in prior games. The gameplay feels exactly the same. There is no music during the battles, no ambient sounds in the background AT ALL. It's like...they pretty much made the laziest game possible.

    Even Day of Defeat on the fucking HL1 engine had ambient sounds to enhance the experience. Am I really asking for too much here?
    >> Anonymous 10/18/08(Sat)09:00 No.21517291

    The first UT was the best, after they nerfed weapon damage in the sequels to 'encourage teamwork' it took out all the fun of the games for me.

    Right now I'm play Crysis: Warhead, it's pretty fun thanks to the open-ended gameplay.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/08(Sat)09:04 No.21517378
    Well it's not just that even though I agree with you on that being a problem. It's just so fucking lazy when it comes to every other aspect of design. They did great graphics...but then what?

    Where is the rest of the package? I want some good fucking sound effects, music, atmospheric ambient sounds to go along with my great graphics. Hearing a game that quiet is just DISAPPOINTING. If you aren't going to make good sound then at least provide music.

    Imagine S4 League without music...yeah. It'd suck.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/08(Sat)09:06 No.21517436
    Don't know what IGN is talking about "Weapon effects make the sci-fi guns sound real. Ambient tracks fit the mood. And of course, "Rampage!" because I didn't hear jack shit.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/08(Sat)09:08 No.21517469
    It's called advertising money.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/08(Sat)09:08 No.21517480
    You can't spell Rampage without Rage
    >> Anonymous 10/18/08(Sat)09:09 No.21517506
    >>21516749 The sheer amount of information we consume is causing us to age at an advanced rate emotionally.


    As a result of the exact phenomena you described, I now derive greater enjoyment than I ever have before from anything that does anything different.

    As far as video games, I find theres no real sense of danger or urgency to any of the high profile games coming out. Even the so-called horror games. Which is just terrible.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/08(Sat)09:11 No.21517542
    Have a cry, fag.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/08(Sat)09:11 No.21517544
    Here's the thing: Stop playing action fps' and expect AMBIENCE and STORYLINE. They're called shoot'em ups for a reason.

    If you really want music and storyline with your game you should be playing an adventure game or something. Go play WoW or whatever.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/08(Sat)09:13 No.21517577
    An ambient sound track and/or music track isn't asking that much. For fuck sake, you got these huge expansive environments and you want to tell me they are supposed to be whisper silent?

    Come on now. If they are going to upgrade the graphics they shouldn't skimp on the sound. This is one of the things really bugging me about a lot of so called "next-gen" games. They give you one half of a product.

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