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  • File :1222381798.jpg-(417 KB, 1280x1024, latale_w022c3Pq01Km5.jpg)
    417 KB Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)18:29 No.20501908  
    How come the art on La Tale (like loading screens and stuff, and when you're talking to a person) looks like something from a gender bender manga? I'm serious, go to onemanga.com and then search the gender bender genre.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)18:30 No.20501946
    Well herp de fucking derp
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)18:31 No.20501995
    What server does /v/ play on?

    This game is so god damn moe, but the character sprites are somewhat reminiscent of gaia.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)18:32 No.20502006
    I see it.

    It's standard gender bender stuff to stand next to his female self on the cover wearing somewhat similar clothes.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)18:32 No.20502038
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)18:34 No.20502133
    cannot unsee.
    inb4 slowpoke, i never really paid much attention to it
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)18:36 No.20502181
    Usually the height is the same dickchud
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)18:37 No.20502233
    Chudding dicks?
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)18:38 No.20502288
    what makes you say that?
    on average, men are taller than women.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)18:40 No.20502383
    Can someone make another /v/ guild ?
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)18:41 No.20502398
    >>20501995 here, can I get an answer?
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)18:42 No.20502451
    that sure is some viral marketing
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)18:43 No.20502495
    There's not a definite server, really.
    Some people go to the 4th though
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)18:43 No.20502510
    I mean channel. There's only one server
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)18:44 No.20502528
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)18:46 No.20502612
    Got it, thanks.

    Any opinions on the classes?
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)18:47 No.20502680
    Because the artwork is trying to be cute, and not give you a boner? Or maybe you just have a hard time telling the difference between males and females in general. What, if she does not have watermelons you can't tell if it's a girl? If he isn't ripped to hell you can't tell if it's a guy?
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)18:47 No.20502681
    i only play a mage, but the general opinion is that they suck.
    unfortunately, i cant give advice about other classes.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)18:48 No.20502716
    sage for gaiafags
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)18:49 No.20502747
    age for sagefags
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)18:51 No.20502831

    All the classes seem decent enough really, depends on what you wanna do.

    The warrior class uses two handed swords and spears. Their class options at 80 let them either become better with two handed swords and spears or start using dual blades.

    The knight class uses one handed swords, maces, and shields. Their class options let them either get better with one handed swords maces and shields with better defense, or become better with fist weapons.

    The mages get both attack and recovery magic and can use knives if they want. They can either get better at attack or recovery/support.

    Explorers use knives, bows, and crossbows. They can either stick with those weapons and become treasure hunters, getting better drop rates and shit or start using dual pistols.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)18:53 No.20502886

    you forgot knuckle knights, which i am
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)18:55 No.20502984

    I didn't really bother to include 'em 'cause EVERYONE can use knuckles. It's not until the knight class change at 80 that they get "good" at them.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)18:56 No.20503011
    Although the art is pretty far fetched, the game is new, and lacks the community that a place like gaia, or a normal MMO would have.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)18:57 No.20503039
    So knights should use swords until 80? Or what?
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)19:01 No.20503202

    Anyone can use knuckles until 80 if they want. It's just that the only the knights class option at 80 actually specializes in them.

    Besides, skill resets are easy enough to get that it doesn't matter what you do for the most part. You can't really fuck up your character.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)19:01 No.20503205

    But yeah knuckles are good for soloing, you don't even need skills, you just hold the x button and proceed to kill anything that stands in front of you.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)19:03 No.20503270
    advice dog

    HOLD X
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)19:09 No.20503534
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)19:16 No.20503815
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    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)19:18 No.20503898

    Is this accurate?
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)19:18 No.20503920
         File :1222384739.png-(391 KB, 800x600, SPSCF0002.png)
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    Those fucking fox.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)19:19 No.20503931
    > Maple Story Clone
    > Good
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)19:19 No.20503960

    It's just /v/'s flavour of the month. It's basically Maplestory.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)19:20 No.20503970
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)19:20 No.20503989
    Add fancypants faggots
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)19:21 No.20504010
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)19:21 No.20504048


    Enjoy your KSing faggotry, bland battle system (thats right faggots), and even more strenuous grind compared to some other Korean MMOs
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)19:24 No.20504142
    That's what I personally do
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)19:24 No.20504165

    Get the fuck out.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)19:26 No.20504259
    Someone buy my red doctor urn
    >> Cats777 !ZMTjkDFhqY 09/25/08(Thu)19:33 No.20504494
    This is reserved to Mabinogi Heroes if it ever comes out in English.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)19:35 No.20504588

    Is already reserved for Ragnarok Online as long as you find a decent private server.

    Otherwise it's;

    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)19:40 No.20504766
    What are you talking about, the only payable items are some clothes and luxurious shit
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)19:40 No.20504784

    Is it 2D?
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)19:45 No.20504941
    iRO has had subscription fees for official, for as long as it's been out. There's no cash shop, fagot.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)19:50 No.20505118
    There are for shit like the party warp fly wings.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)19:53 No.20505212
    Jesus christ, this game. Being a Knight is like SHIT DAMAGE but YOU DON'T DIE EVER. And being a warrior is like AWESOME DAMAGE but YOU GET KNOCKED AROUND SILLY.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)19:56 No.20505290
    I'm thinking about playing this as an Explorer. Are they any good? Is this game even any fun?
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)19:56 No.20505300
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)19:59 No.20505430

    RO Private servers >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Maple Story > La Tale
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)20:03 No.20505550

    Warrior is basic warrior class. HIGH DAMAGE, AWESOHFUCKIMDEAD.

    Knight is a balanced Tank, as nothing happens to you or your enemy, but you can basically become a Sayain.

    Explorer is standard/archer/theif class(es).
    You can make it be whatever the fuck.

    Mages suck. You have to stick to people like a parasite.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)20:03 No.20505554
         File :1222387396.jpg-(223 KB, 570x526, Doublenigger.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)20:05 No.20505665
    sage for maple story
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)20:06 No.20505700
         File :1222387605.png-(61 KB, 1041x789, lolLaTale.png)
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    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)20:13 No.20505967
    post some oc
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)20:16 No.20506077
    So currently what are all the guilds connected with /v/?
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)20:19 No.20506200
    Dio needs to stop being a faggot and killing my monsters.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)20:19 No.20506222
    >> Cats777 !ZMTjkDFhqY 09/25/08(Thu)20:19 No.20506228
    It tells you what levels the areas are in the map.
    >> Purelymad99 09/25/08(Thu)20:20 No.20506236
    RAGE, FFFFFFFF, vidya, wallcrushes. All full, last I knew.
    >> Purelymad99 09/25/08(Thu)20:20 No.20506248
    crushERS. Fuck.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)20:28 No.20506564
    I formed a guild called Azurcade that's got a few /v/ people in it, anyone's welcome to join.

    Add Azgard to your buddy list if you want in.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)20:38 No.20506886
    There are 5 /v/ guilds, RAGE, Wallcrushers, Vidya, FFFFFF (I forget how many Fs), and Azurcade. As >>20506564 said, Azurcade is the newest so they have the most room and prolly the lowest levels. I'd suggest buddying any person in a /v/ guild you find so you have a larger pool of players to group with.

    I'm a 43 Water Mage with a shitton of points in healing. Only Sword/Club Knights deal lower DPS and I'm not even sure about that. I've managed to do just fine solo outside of one or two quests. Of course, grouping is faster, easier, and more fun in my opinion.
    >> Dogi !gxm5fvgBZ6 09/25/08(Thu)20:41 No.20506995
         File :1222389668.png-(599 KB, 800x600, SPSCF0001.png)
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    Dogi was here, Erian is a healan
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)20:46 No.20507132
    How does /v/ feel about the cash shop?
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)20:47 No.20507163
    I wouldn't mind fapping to that catboy that's on the loading screen, but it's way too fast...
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)20:49 No.20507224

    how do you level so fucking fast im lv 13 with no quests
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)20:50 No.20507274
    Try this for quests:
    >> Lylia 09/25/08(Thu)20:52 No.20507379
    OH FUCK.
    >> Yoshimitsu !2/9ap5bisY 09/25/08(Thu)20:55 No.20507496
    Did you know that LaTalers have a VENT CHAT!?

    It's around here somewhere...



    seriously, let's talk to each other.
    >> Dogi !gxm5fvgBZ6 09/25/08(Thu)20:56 No.20507561
    Lylia, is that guild you're in a 6th /v/ guild or a random one?

    I asked you in town but you ran off.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)20:58 No.20507654
         File :1222390727.jpg-(11 KB, 203x199, fap fap fap.jpg)
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    /r/ rule 34 of ant queen.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)21:01 No.20507763
    Generally or as a Wizard specifically?

    In general, it helps that I started at launch last Thursday. You shouldn't have run out of quests just yet, probably missing something. Be sure to check the inside of every building/sub-zone like the palace/inner palace/bars/weapon shops. Sometimes completing one quest (just the first time, not all three) unlocks more quests.

    Mage-specific: To speed up leveling, I highly recommend taking points in Mind Square. It increases your health and mana regen while resting by up to double. I now have 8/10 points. Saves money on pots and decreases downtime. Also, be sure you're using your skills properly. Bubble Bubble + two staff hits, repeat until dead keeps your combo running best until you get Ice Fear, then Bubble Bubble, Ice Fear, staff hit, repeat. I don't have too much invested in offense, 5/5 accuracy and 3 points in each attack as I learned them.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)21:01 No.20507764
    >> Yoshimitsu !2/9ap5bisY 09/25/08(Thu)21:01 No.20507801
    You'd be surprised how many people were on the first time.
    >> JT 09/25/08(Thu)21:02 No.20507838
    There's a 6th one called Pirates that is unofficial but has /v/ members. I haven't seen it around in awhile, though.

    That having been said, I'm Skuntank in the vidya guild and I have to say that it's coming around nicely. It started out kind of shit compared to FFFFFF (likewise forgot how many F's) and RAGE, but it's coming into its own. Hopefully there are enough quests that eventually we can actually raise our guild level and get 5 more members.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)21:06 No.20507976
    How far along is Vidya? I don't really know anyone in that guild... RAGE is 60% now but 80% of that has been contributed by 4 members.
    >> JT 09/25/08(Thu)21:07 No.20508035
    We were at 48% the last time I logged in. I'm guessing we're at about 50 now.
    >> Lylia 09/25/08(Thu)21:10 No.20508130
    It's like 55~58% right now.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)21:10 No.20508141
         File :1222391410.jpg-(96 KB, 800x600, LaTaleClient 2008-09-26 04-08-(...).jpg)
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    Anyone mind adding me as a buddy/to guild?
    I'm a faggot for stuff with +rare item drop rate so my equipment is quite low for my lv.
    lv29 bow explorer, Mette.
    >> Oni !OswuQgp6I. 09/25/08(Thu)21:10 No.20508167
    So..where do my fucking screencaps go? I can't find the damn LT folder.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)21:12 No.20508235
    how do you get your quests to show on the side like that
    >> Epic Fail Flonne !KNuT906KxE 09/25/08(Thu)21:13 No.20508259
    I'm so glad I picked xbow. Now that I'm close to 50, I'm rolling 1K crits pretty often; I take pleasure in watching a group of high level monsters disintegrate in a gigantic laser blast.

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