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File: 1358538961730.png-(419 KB, 995x1400, Ressentiment_V1_003.png)
419 KB
I am going to dump a story about a man.
A man who has nothing left.
A man who is an exaggerated (hopefully0 depiction of /v/.
A man who hopes to escape to video games.
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261 KB
Give pandaland link pls
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237 KB
>pandaland link
None. As far as I know.
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291 KB
Is this the same guy who does Boys On The Run?

It sure as hell looks like it.
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255 KB

Not OP, but im pretty sure it is.
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All 'dis foreshadowing.

I don't know. Sorry!
all these characters are very well drawn

its a nice change of pace from moeblob
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241 KB
If anybody is hoping for hentai. There is none.
There's some nudity in the later chapters though.
>mfw he still gets laid in the end
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279 KB
There are like 50 chapters or some shit so I probably won't marathon them all.
I'll dump the first, and if you want me to continue I'll do a few more.

Provided the thread isn't deleted.
I love the authors work but this is the one story I haven't touched. 2pathetic4me.

At leas the boxing manga and the zombie one have some badass moments.
so whats this about then? wizardry?

and why does the cover feature little shota?
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328 KB

Yeah, it's by Hanazawa Kengo.
Just to reinforce on OP, yes the author is the same guy as Boys on the Run and I Am a Hero (HIGHLY recommended). However I didn't know about this work, thanks OP.
However forgive me for the sage, for it is not about vidya.
i remember this the guy ends up becoming a loser in the end and his 10 sec girlfriend gives birth to the digital bitch he was fucking
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281 KB

I-It kinda is...
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343 KB
Oh man, I don't like where this is going.
oculus in 10 years with glove addon

Nah, im out.
I love where this is going.
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269 KB
The way this guy draws women is kinda...eh.

(We're still in the first chapter, by the way!)
If you haven't read this manga yet be prepared to hate the main character.
I remember reading it. So fucking depressing. What was the title again?
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221 KB
Eh. She's not a prominent character.
Is that Undead Parish bridge?
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25 KB
I like that the girls feel alien compared to the rest of the artwork. Sells up the idea that this is CG and not completely real
haha almost every page in this comic is reaction gold
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290 KB
In the filenames.

In his other works he writes women extremely well. They have complicated emotions and shit and don't fall under any particular tropes.
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208 KB
40-something chapters of this shit.
>It's escapism. See, it's not healthy.
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>Those specs
This. He is actually a normalfag in disguise.
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80 KB
>3 thz
>512 gb
>120 tbs
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292 KB
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260 KB
just give us a fucking download link
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310 KB
>that ballsac hanging out

I know this too well.
one day anon.
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279 KB
Remember to post the extra material pages that reveal the author basically lived the protagonist's life.
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That shit's kinda depressing.
Of course I'll post it.
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All that ching-chong money is equal to about £5000, roughly.
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124 KB
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225 KB
Don't worry guys.
The video games are almost here.
Hold the door, I'm leaving too.
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There are about 10 chapters in this book.
What girl games?
Does it have a happy ending?
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247 KB
Won't the oculus rift destroy my eyes?
Uh, depends on how you look at it.
handsome as fuck
haha. happy ending. snickerchortleguffaw
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835 KB

he falls from the roof and dies. his coworker gf gives birth to his daughter that is in fact his game waifu
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359 KB

dat ballsack
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the ramen spilling
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Is she urinating?
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270 KB
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163 KB
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258 KB
>Chinese bootlegs
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298 KB

Should I continue?
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25 KB
guys guys what do? i think this milf wants to fuck.
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133 KB
>volume three
>"Why do these people spend time in a virtual high school?"
>"They're living artificial high school lives because none of them had real ones"
For the love of god yes
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112 KB
Continue for as long as you can
go do it.
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it is my dream for this kind of virtual reality to one day become real
Things are gonna get even worse from here.
You should go for it, win her kids and you won her
>The way this guy draws women is kinda...eh.

Too bad that the bitchy office worker he gets to bang in the end is still the best character as in contrast to the braindead, "pure and ideal" waifus.

But yeah, as anon above said, this guy is /v/ incarnate and as another anon said prepare to hate him.

Nigga, there's even a whole bodysuit and fleshlight addon for it.

There's also fucking Anonymous in this shit. They even get to bomb future Second Life with digital He-111s.
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297 KB
>tfw you spent like 30 minutes organizing the first and second volumes into seperate chapters
muh autism
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Double page!
I hope he loses weight from being addicted to this and not eating
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I wonder if the house is comfy?
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123 KB
you guys better keep up those reaction image edits

i want them all
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306 KB
Seems pretty comfy.
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242 KB
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82 KB
Jesus I'm in reaction image heaven
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367 KB
This is a powerful page.
Shame that they'll fill up the thread faster though.
OP better continue to a new thread once we're full here
I can tell hes going to do something horrible to the girl and will make us all hate him.
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210 KB
I guess I will.
I pity him for the time being.
The father of her kid is one of my best friends. They went through a messy break-up like a year ago and he moved to a different state with his new gf. should I still go for it?
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229 KB
>bent knees
>sharp elbows
>round forhead
>2/10 wouldn't bang
This is really unsettling.
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169 KB
this is so good man
This is gonna give me the feels isn't it

And it will be. Just not in your life-span.
>house dlc
No, that would be an asshole move if you don't talk to him first. And why are we discussing your personal issues, go to /adv/
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243 KB
I finished it earlier today.
It did give me feels.
Dude ain't even in the virtual door way and he thinks he has a gf. Omega class level 80.
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285 KB
>mfw I don't want this kind of VR because I'd need to talk and hearing my own voice would remind me I'm me and I don't want to be reminded I'm me
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Yeah? Well, I would...
He's going to rape her, isn't he
Nice dump but this would be a lot more interesting if it was some kind of psychopath buying all these fake girls and then dismembering them to act as a kind of catharsis.
Fish lips, that's what makes these women look so odd.
25 lvl here i'm crying ;_;
consider suicide
She looks a bit like wolverine in that image. Without the mutton.
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494 KB
>this coming from a tripfaggot

ohh the ironing, filtered.
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236 KB
...what's this then?
The ending is gonna give you a feelercaust.
Practice changing your own voice.

I've done it and I feel much better about talking since my normal voice is SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT
I'm glad to see you're still around forty.

Yeah, hell is seeing your own reflection while a cute game loads. Breaks the whole thing
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160 KB
That does happen to some extent if I remember correctly. Abandoned girls are sent to virtual brothels.
oh shit he's about to blow it
BUY THE BOAT DLC NOW, FOR 400,000 yen!
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194 KB
let me tell you about feels
Can your edge cut through tanks?
oh my GOD
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288 KB
One of my favorite writers
>Turned down by even a virtual girl that exists only to be a virtual girlfriend
Suicide is the only choice
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297 KB
>cock blocked in VR
Wait. Cocks? No way.

And yeah, that shit is horrifying. Thankfully I haven't had that happen to me in a while.
File: 1358541803873.gif-(1.76 MB, 320x240, uuuuuuuuu.gif)
1.76 MB
stop posting. dont interfere with op
The only manga to ever give me feels was Love is Blind
Friendzoned by a virtual girl! Can you get any less beta?
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276 KB
Is this sarcasm?

I'm just curious, haven't actually read any of his other stuff.
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10 KB
I understand that I hate my voice and myself too but I am sure you would be able to change your voice too.

I would love to work on VR to make it possible for my friends to meet with their waifus but sadly I am too lazy and dumb to study computer science.
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230 KB
Oh shit guys. I think he's losing it.
Did this nigga not read the story summary on the back of the box?
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384 KB
Isn't this guy that RAGE author?
Don't do it man, Ai-ren is on its own level, which is the highest level of self-induced depression.
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322 KB
>that fart
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282 KB
End of chapter two.

Prepare your bodies.
Colombia/Canada. I have abandoned the name mostly but seeing you again made me feel nostalgic.

Sorry for the derail. Already read this but I can't really remember most of it. Thanks for dumping OP
Nah I won't start dumping. It's just a similar manga but with a not pathetic op.
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146 KB
oh shit
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104 KB
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313 KB
this will all be real soon if the Oculus Rift doesn't turn out to be shit
>v hitting on girls.jpg

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68 KB
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10 KB
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299 KB
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2 KB
Oh god no
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178 KB
There's a lot of shit besides the VR in this manga that's technilogically ahead of us.
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14 KB
aaaaaaaaand my pity for him is all gone
Ah. Thought you were Cocks, who I haven't seen in YEARS. Nice to see you, though. Always nice to see people from a while back on here.

I hope this doesn't go where it looks like it's going.
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261 KB
>unreadable expression
my fucking sides
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49 KB
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Didn't notice that but wow
>pussy on-disc DLC
I still pity him, he's on the edge of desperation, wasted all his money on a VR thing just to get friendzoned by a virtual girl, like his life wasn't miserable enough already
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18 KB

>trap threads
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74 KB
The new face of Occulus Rift.
10/10 filename
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128 KB
We need to send this to moot so he can place it as one of those banners.
oh god why am I laughing
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252 KB
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113 KB
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596 KB
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32 KB
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28 KB
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253 KB
What a bitch.
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206 KB
I'm curious as to what the games actual target audience is. It's clearly not just a dating sim.
>rape is dating
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222 KB
Can you zip this shit and put it on Mediafire or something?
only the touching really
but that would quickly develop once there's real demand for it
I have to fucking go to class soon and I need the rest of this, OP
i'm thinking something of an adventure game, point and click
looking at the MC I think this is more fitting
it fucking begins
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>All that screaming

My mom would have come into the room atleast twice.
You remember he found it under a shelf, it wasn't exposed so maybe it's some crazy shit somebody left there
It shows that his parents are getting agitated, I'm wondering why he hasn't gotten his ass beat for making noise yet.
>It's not the first time he's blurted out things like this
This shit is endless and he don't get the girl at the end.
Just fucking read the part where he purchases it. There's other...customers, so it's pretty obvious what the target audience is.

Alternatively, where_do_you_think_we_are.jpg.
>why is she running away?

Holy shit, this is beyond /v/. This is /r9k/ territory
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305 KB

P-please don't leave my thread...
I-It's my first dump...
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57 KB
oh god. what if it's like an MMO where the girl is being played by somebody else.
come on OP
dump faster
ha HA fuck your thread

im OUTTA here
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373 KB
You could probably read the entire thing on a site like Mangafox. Just search Ressentiment.
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145 KB
Continue on posting, you're making a fine work.

Start a new one when thread gets flooded with reaction images.
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275 KB
Neither rain nor sleet nor hail nor zombies will keep me from your thread OP!
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241 KB
you could wage wars with that much power
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275 KB
>Oh, Taku
Yeah, they were all 'typical overweight otaku', as some might put it, but that doesn't really specify anything. This clearly isn't a typical dating sim. So it's themed to a specific niche.

Part of the fun is reading with others.
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23 KB
>Oh, taku
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272 KB
A modern masterpiece.
>bite marks
what happens if you die ingame?
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308 KB
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221 KB
All shall be revealed later.
Be patient.
nope it's an ai
Guys what the fuck is a super soapland?
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233 KB
>that fucking faggot face
Video Girl Ai?
Great manga
It's explained earlier, it's like a brothel except the whores bathe with you
Just read through it all to the ending. The ending is depressing, disappointing. The main character tries to be a hero and turns out to be an idiot. It's obvious the girl he purchased is bugged.
Shenanigan bordel.
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224 KB
You get to take a bath with, and fuck a hooker.
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293 KB
His forehead keeps growing
that sounds kinda cool actually
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243 KB
I split the chapters between those big title pages
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100 KB
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So the hooker is atleast clean.
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...this one.

[Chapter 4!]
Too bad they don't take foreigners.
He's gonna kill his friend.
It gets explained in the fucking picture you dingus
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269 KB
File: 1358543053821.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 82 KB, 728x1028)
Spoiler Image, 82 KB
sneak preview

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