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Because some assholes just had to go and force everyone to think cartoon horses are cool.
>Playing NC

You're just as bad as them.
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It just keeps getting worse
I know OP, those textures are a disgrace.
>reading the in game chat
>not being able to communicate with your team by just looking at them
>>164343369 (OP)
>muh freedom
Stephano as in the gold statue the bro pewdie carries in his amesia custom stories? epic.
>>164343369 (OP)
Why the fuck do the textures look like you are crouching and staring 1 inch away from them.
>almost 2013
>still playing shitty p2w games

>>164343369 (OP)
what do you expect from f2p games, I mean look at the shit fest tf2 is now
Why aren't you having fun?
>Playing NC or VS

That's why.

TR master race.
>caring about textures
>being anal about textures in a fuck-huge game.
>>164343369 (OP)
>not TR master race
that's why

i dunno man, im starting to hate TR on my server, no one buys armor or air, and they just zerg and farm certs like its 24/7 metro. meanwhile the other factions actually have real platoons working together and getting shit done.

Grass is greener mentality. It feels like that no matter what server or faction.
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>implying the game doesn't look beautiful as fuck on high graphics

Possibly not the best screenshot, but when you see it in motion at 60fps, damn.
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>mfw ponyfags are more annoying than any other shitty counterculture combined, even anything from japan
This thread isn't about the graphics, idiot.

Look at the chatbox

Remember when furries were the worst thing on the internet?
>implying rainbow dash isn't best pone
>>164343369 (OP)

>Liking filthy mud ponies
>Not admitting unicorns are a superior race

Step it up /v/
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I know, but the main screenshot looks like utter ass and I want to show people that's a bad representation of the game.
>a lot of ponyfags and redditfags get invites during beta (just check PS2 twitter, horsefuckers and le redditors everywhere)
>be surprised that it's swarmed with faggotry

stay classy 4chains
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>yfw ponyfags are just as bad as weeaboos, Jugallos, and 420blaze it fags

Before that, goths.

The internet...has changed.

r-r-red scanlines! So real!
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I'm not saying it looks real. I'm saying it looks great.
Goths were never that bad. They mostly kept to themselves. In real life they're mostly decent as well, apart from the mental ones.

You have to remember that the goth subculture is now filled with people getting towards middle age.

At least those guys kept to themselves for the most part.

Sure, you saw some stupidity leak but never at this level.
Nah VS on that one US East Server with a shitton of bluefags is pretty good.

Enjoy Reddit.
>horsefuckers uniting cross nations for their lvoe of fucking horses

Only time I've seen cross nation comradery was when Vanu and Smurfs went commie hunting after a three way front formed.
Still ended in backstabbing, but the intention was nice.

Confirmed for not having played Duty Calls.

That feel when I accidenatlly named my VS 420blazeit4lyf as a joke.

We're all getting old, anon. The real question is, will a new kind of infuriating subculture replace bronies as being The Worst, or will they manage to maintain a constant level of laughable disgust, like the Juggalos have?

I try to think of something worse than ponyfags and my head instantly starts to hurt.
I think the reason why bronies are particularly insufferable is because the whole pitiful attempt at a counter culture revolves around having people outside of their culture mock and harass them, since it's all based on "LOL IT'S A LITTLE GIRLS SHOW. I'M NOT SUPPOSED TO LIKE IT, BUT I DO AND THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT." This means that in order to reinforce themselves they have to flaunt it in other people's faces since if they just kept to themselves they haven't got that part. Furfags weren't as bad with this since mostly they were just in it because their fucked up in the head and want to fuck cartoon animals.
Moeshit fans are worse.

...well, on /v/, other places they can't reach a critical mass to be a nuisance.

deliberating omitting the wastelands they inhabit most of the time.
The thing is, they're all the same people.

Bronies used to be furries, who used to be something else, who used to be something else.

It's the same bandwagoning group of faggots each time, just a new apparent thing to congregate around.

You'll never kill them.
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>mfw I had someone join my squad called 2HIGHtoDIE
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Hating on moe.

I hope you get severe tummy ache.

They've tried twice now to catch the lightning in a bottle that started the whole Brony thing with the new Carebears and Littlest pet shop shows that recently come out, and only managed to get a few creeps watching it "ironically". Truth is that the whole Brony thing was a fluke phenomenon that will probably never reoccur again in our lifetime. Hopefully.

Now how long it will last is a different story. That russian cult idolising Gadget from the Rescue Rangers is still going strong so who knows how long and far their depravity will live on for.

No, moefans aren't NEARLY as bad as ponyfags.

Even on 4chan

A single pony image can set /v/ aflame.
The thing we should really never forget is this:

/co/ started it all.
it's a fucking free game you stupid piece of shit
>inb4 hurr p2w diarrhea

So a "free" game is an excuse to be shitty?
I heard it was started on /co/ as a joke.
But I also heard they were serious about it.

Which one is true?

In fairness it IS /co/ related.

It just spun horribly out of control.

Ponyfags spread like cancer.

You let one in and a week later you're drowning in horse spunk.
A bit of both I think. They were just surprised that it had decent writing and good animation and then things just got out of hand.
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it's the whole "act retarded and you'll get retards thinking you're not acting"-thing
That's the thing that depresses me most of all. As a show, it seemed fun enough, just one of those throwaway little things which are much better than expected, kind of like the BBC's Horrible Histories show.

It's the "community" that killed it entirely.
>pic 628
>pic 316

Make up your mind!
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I remember when it started. I was on /b/ at the time and it was just post after post after post of "official pony" threads. Oh God it was horrible.

From what I hear, the show isn't really that bad, its just the community is probably the most cancerous thing on the internet.

Not even gangnam style can compare.
NC are full of faggots and children because MURRICA FUCK YEAH even though NC are literally Fascists, as in, Mussolini and Italian Fascism.

VS is full of faggots and redditors because LOL TECHNOLOGY AND ATHEISM SO EDGY XD even though VS are more of a theocracy with alien studying scientists for priests.

TR is full of faggots and men who LOYALTY UNTIL DEATH.
Wait this is on /v/ now?

Honestly with the retards who flock here it makes sense.
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No one is safe
I noped soo had at the warning of disturbing material....
That's exactly how it is.

As I say, it's a throwaway bit of fun amplified to infinity by an army of faggots.

Perfect for the NC and VS
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Because they are NC and Vanu scum.

What do you really expect from children and sexual deviants?

It's true. Did you ever get that insatiable urge to lift the tent flap and check out /mlp/? I'll tell you something, I've seen things there that would make even /vp/ shake their heads in shame.
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>everypony equal
>everypony friend
>At least play CS
>Cod fags getting torn apart in CS
would recruit
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>CoD discussion
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What's with the textures, brah?
>>164343369 (OP)
What game is this? It looks like Battlefield 3
Planetside 2
Think BF3 with 2000 player servers.
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I frequently visit /m/, so sometimes I accidentally click on our..."Neighbor" (from the drop down menu) /mlp/

Its horrifying.
Low setting because my CPU is shit
New to PC gaming. how good of a pc do you need to play this?
It's free, just try it.
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On Mattherson "Reddit" helped achieve world domination for Vanu last night
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Not too good. Runs really well for me, though some apparently have minor issues. Just give it a try, it's free.
One thing Reddit has to a massive level is zerg troops.
I'm just gonna leave this here as prrof as to why they are a shit "fanbase"
I know, but I don't want to waste time downloading it if I need a good PC to run it. I want to build a gaming PC, but I only have like $600
That name sound familiar. Jaeger server?

Why do they flock here? I thought /b/ was supposed to be the popular one where everyone goes to.
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>mfw Vanu only get the balls for shit on low pop servers or late at night
It's still cool to hate on bronies right guys
Fuck off.
>>164343369 (OP)
>GPU and not CPU bound
What is this sorcery
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>he thinks furries are anything different from bronies

Same exact fucking people who pretend to be animals on the internet and never shut up about their shit
>>164343369 (OP)
It's true Pinkie Pie is best pony
A tleast you play NC
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That's irrelevant. The point is that it's right to hate on bronies.
I get both.
TR is best at Defending
NC is best at shooting
VS is best at dick sucking
Furries are nowhere near as bad as they used to be. They mostly keep to themselves these days.

That said, the "Furry agenda" picture that someone drew in Kelly style always gets a laugh out of me.
The thing is the map showing proportion for Amerish heavily in favor of Vanu doesnt show the map of Esamir which was similarly dominated by TR

Which is goddamn infuriating because there was an actual reason to choose one continent over the other in this situation.

To avoid THIS fucking humiliation.

Link to the google docs which has all hypnosis recordings done so far, as well as more information: http://derpy.me/PonyHypnosis

A breakdown of how these threads work:

>Someone wants to be hypnotized into believing they're a certain pony or type of pony
>Hypnosis bros write up a script
>Voice bros record the script with non-annoying voices


>Someone puts binaural beats (theta 6.3 Hz) over it, cleans it up and uploads it
>People get hypnotized and freak the fuck out
No, VS is best at butts
That's because /v/ is full of teenagers that rage at anything.
>NC rebel scum

Well there's your problem

Lets put it this way. In terms of nuclear devastation, because both are cancer.

Furries were 3 Mile Island.

Bronies are the god damn Zone.
>This is was neanderthals and people who would send us back to the dark ages actually believe
>expecting a F2P community to be good
I mean. I frankly don't give a shit, but hey, who am I to say who people can throw pointless hissy fits about.
If you need me I'll be making fun of the people who still say VS is good for anything
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Holy shit.

Found u'r problem.

Whaaaaaahahahhahahahat, I refuse to believe that for a second.
/v/ has always raged over everything. You can't even make us mad, we were already mad. That's why we get so many shitty trolls. They think they're trolling us but they're really just getting a generic response.
>no white pone
>That said, the "Furry agenda" picture that someone drew in Kelly style always gets a laugh out of me.

post it, I'm interested

I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt that you didn't realize there are hovering vehicles and is pretty much a space-age, year 2050+ kind of game.

You expect... realism?
>>164343369 (OP)

>Why do people have fun, like and talk about things they like that I dont like?
>them tiny cartridges
What, is it using fucking 9mm ammunition?
Piece of shit.

>Piccany STANAG rail along top
>Charging handle so close on THE LEFT

what the fuck
Is the game still extremely CPU bound?
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The fuck am I looking at here

It's an awful BF3 clone, you can find reasons to hate it all day.
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Oh lord.

Dammit I thought we got captcha to stop this shit?
I can think of more reasons to hate on BF3, frankly.
>no Hiroshima or Nagasaki
Do you even nuclear disaster?
I haven't seen 3 sets of TF2 items all named, painted and described according to some furry thing.

I've seen 3 for ponies.
I wonder how much they spent doing that.

Do you even STALKER?
>Have no meaning in life
>Start doing some absurd shit like watching kids cartoons to get attention and feel special
Move along people, they will kill themselves eventually or get laid.

Sorry, but no, you can't just randomly "be hypnotized", especially not by shit like binaural beats which is trash nonscience
Nah, I like good games. Also, if you are going to use one real event in your example, why compare it to something fake?
It's thousands of years in the future.
About 10 minutes of trading is my guess.
Also, I'd imagine it's easier to describe and name shit according to ponies, considering that ponies actually have characters and locations and shit. Ponies are a considerably more... specific thing than just " Furry stuff "
>>164343369 (OP)
>playing on Mattherson
>playing as NC
>NC on west coast server
>5-20 fps
>playing as a heavy with full everything
>come across a TR medic who just got through killing my entire team
>i shoot every one of my machinegun bullets
>only the last one hits
>im desperately trying to reload as he turns around
>ten seconds have passed, only fifty more seconds until i finish reloading
>he finally faces me and shoots once
>i instantly die

>TR on east coast server
>60-100 FPS
>playing as a medic
>see enemy NCs
>they all desperately shoot as me, but i manage to kill every single one of them with minimal effort
>realize for the first time that you can get headshots and kill streaks

10/10 balancing and game servers, will get a job so i can buy more station cash
OP here

I play on Jaeger
You can put pistol grips on everything in that game.

Including battle rifles and SAW-like light machine guns
>10 minutes.

Oh, no.
They have like 40 items dedicated to every character in the show.
>playing shitside 2
Tough luck then, no ponytards here

How do you make a Furry itemset? I mean, I can sort of see how you could make a pony one, but for furries? What would you call them? Krystal's Dildo bat of doom? SexyMurrFoxVixen's ass penetrator?
oh shit the whole reason why hypnosis works is that people need to believe its works. somewhat like a placebo. like on stage the volunteers from the audience are aware of their actions they are simply just going with it.

This is going to be a fucking horror show of epic proportions.
God dammit, after all these pony arguments I read that as " buy more stallion cash ".
Excuse me while I go kill myself.
>That russian cult idolising Gadget from the Rescue Rangers is still going strong

Wait really?
They finally got a enough followers?
I browse /mlp/ a lot and I can tell you those, among other threads, are what the general user wants gone. But you guys will ignore that because you are completely new and don't understand the culture of the board.
He's playing with the Goonswarm too.

Mattherson is:

TR: /v/, /vg/
VS: Reddit
NC: Goons
I'm pretty sure a " Set " is limited to a primary, a secondary, a melee, a hat, and two miscs.
( 3x6 ) / 40x(~10) = ???????
>playing NC
>not being in a squad ignoring general chat
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>I browse /mlp/ a lot

Anything you say after that statement is irrelevant.
If I was playing at metterson I'd play anyone, except TR, not because of /v/, but because of Enclave faggots
Just like how when someone from /v/ syas they browse /v/ all the other boards ignore them.
I browse /mlp/ a lot and you're a great person who has lots of friends
The three I've seen are villian's veils, flair and objectors.

Each have like 30 of them, all painted, named and described for each pony.
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>go play COD
>my mom took it away from me
Why didn't you call them faggots?

I harass them all the time in jew fortress and planetside, they're beta as fuck and never make a counter argument say fuck you ect.
Sage? What did the babby get mad?
That's one of the reasons I chose NC.

Also for the pistols. Also the whole rebel faction reminded me of Red Faction
Alright, to work off of what this guy said, you can't go to a /board/ and expect that to be an accurate representation of the fuckin' community.
Same way you can't come to /v/ and expect everyone to be talking about video games or be reasonable in the slightest about it. For fuck's sake, I've seen threads where people were talking about hunting down and murdering one of the writers for Mass Effect.
haha what a faggot
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I didn't want to draw attention to myself. It wouldn't have worked anyways
>he thinks sage is a downvote

I like how eastern image boards understand how sage works, and the we have 4chan where us Americans take sage as an attack.
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>breaching Tech Labs

this is the fucking definition of masochism
>I've seen threads where people were talking about hunting down and murdering one of the writers for Mass Effect.
mac walters needs to die for ruining mass effect
pretty much solidifies my opinion that anyone who plays vanu is a neet faggot
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>that magical color contrast shit going on in your greentext that ends up emphasizing the horror
Can someone fucking tell me why everyone does more damage than me, i'm beginning to think Vanu really are scum - every time i'm in a 1 on 1 shoot out, even if i get the first few in, and continue to pour my ammunition out at the guy, a couple of shots from him and i'm down and out. Maybe i'll try the NC or TR
vanu weapons are accurate BB guns
Vanu weapons are meant for long range.

In CQC you're fucked.
I know right, how dare a huge free to play game have bad textures.
Sage is for off topic content, but since you started using it after being insulted, you clearly are mad.

NC is absolute shit or i just really suck.

i recommend trying TR
See, this right there.
I'm assuming this dude was joking, but show this to a news station and they're gonna do a two-hour special on how people who play video games are so demented they will kill people who don't do things the way they like.

>Bit of a hypnosis expert here. I wasn't a believer until I slammed a tail I got from hypno in a door and got phantom pains.

>they're beta as fuck and never make a counter argument

No, they're just ignoring you. Ya know, the thing that /v/ is incapable of. I love when someone like you joins a pony server and starts to shit talk everyone, and we just mute you.
Same thing happens on my server
Except for TR, they have like 50% population during worktime
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Worth a play, /v/?

My internet is shit, but I seem to be OK in online games. It'll probably take a day to download this.
Vanu LMG are the best guns in the game though, I can literally kill anyone in 1 sec
I've never lost an infiltrator v. infiltrator gunfight to a Vanu ( as NC ), unless they got me completely by surprise. And even then they have this wonderful tendancy to miss their first 3 shots, allowing me to spot them and put a round in their faggy helmet.

if you are going to play, go on an east coast server. west coast servers have atrocious lag. also, don't be surprised if you crash every thirty minutes
I'd be more concerned about you PC configuration, rather than you connection speed.
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>TR master race

Yeah, sure. If you like being shit. Vanu conquered all 3 continents on Mattherson at once ("official" /vg/ server).

TR also have TotalBiscuit and his followers, plus lots of ponies and equally as many redditors as the other two factions.

On top of that, TR has the objectively worst weapons, especially stock ones. They deal no damage, are inaccurate and wobbly and handle like junk.

"Master race" huh.
Because we're employed adults.
is this more or less revolting than the tulpa thing?

i was on soltech much too late last night around 4am, vanu is a whole different army around that time.
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Total Shitcunt isn't TR. He's VS, as far as I remember. He's not TR though.

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>everyone on 4chan is the same person.
>"official" /vg/ server
There's like a note in every OP post on /vg/ that they don't have official sever, nor side. /v/ does though

Yes, he is TR. Check the screen for proof of him playing on TR under his "let the brit drop" videos, retard
He's TR
Also he's not on Matt
So what is Vanu actually good at, i find myself getting mowed down all the time in battles, do we have like.. good vehicles? or upgrades or something? I played in the beta but not for long, and i have no idea what weapons i should buy.
Textures have nothing to do with your CPU though, you cannot take load off your CPU by reducing texture detail, that's entirely on your GPU.

That said, I play all multiplayer games with low textures (low settings in general) because performance cannot ever be "too good".
I'll only respect vanu if they pull that off during peak time.

It'll never happen.
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>still getting mad at ponies
>amerish population
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I'm not the kind of faggot that goes out of his way to harass you horsefuckers, I just fuck with them if they are spraying pony shit or conversing pony shit in public/ being wierdos in public chat.
Best tank, period, just keep spamming it, and you will dominate anything
I have a pony spray with the sole purpose of pissing people off.

Are tulpas real?

I don't want to ask, especially on /x/ because you'll get torn apart, but they sound interesting.

They're the imaginary friend, essentially, aren't they?

anyone have any experiences with them?

yeah, if you openly discuss your weird hobby/fetish around people who aren't talking about weird hobbies/fetishes, get ready to be judged.
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No one will conquer all three during peak time. That said, NC kids have to go to bed by 9 and TR are just plain terrible (the most they can hold is the crown, but they lost even that once the Vanu got tired of you little fucks on top of your rock).

Face it, technology equals might and you equal shit

TR had >50% at the time of that on Indar - and yet they were too incompetent to take back anything from the Vanu who had conquered the whole place, resulting in the Vanu owning all three at once shortly after
>On top of that, TR has the objectively worst weapons, especially stock ones.
>are inaccurate and wobbly and handle like junk.

>how do i play FPS gaems
What, no, I literally knifed a Magrider to death once. The only thing they have going is the ability to strafe, and fuck me if anyone ever does that.
>>164343369 (OP)

What game is this?
It's true, stock TR weapons are trash
Just like the faction

im tr on soltech and i can attest to the fact that 90% of this faction sucks ass. all we seem to do is infantry zerg meatgrinders without paying attention to the map.
/x/ says no
/mlp/ fags say yes (though the fags, who started this pony-tulpa shit also said that this is complete bs)
Theres your problem.
Isn't the TR motto " Win by numbers " or such?
Dunno, I use it all the time
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Why do people get mad at pony sprays? I only ever here /v/ complain about this on 4chan, and only hear twelve year olds complain about it in game. Pic related, my spray. Only fans will get it while non fans wont get it. I like to think I'm being subtle and thus am not pissing anyone off.
Nigger Clowns
Virgin Sovereignty
Total Retards

The only way to win is to not play.
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and I have my fatman I always spray over them.
it's fun to get a spray war going on.
It's not too late for you people to atone and join the Vanu.
You can't stop them anyway. Too organized, too efficient. Join now and be a part of it or die

yeah, cept we ain't winning.
You know, the Vanu there is a female
I'll never understand what people see in that terrible show. It is really bad.
>tfw 9fps
it's as real as you make it, so if you're an insane faggot whose life sucks so badly that he has to make an imaginary friend, it's probably pretty real.
It's ok
Pretty decent for a moderm kid's show

Check /mlp/ if you're interested, man. They've got daily threads on the subject where people "let" their tulpas take over their bodies so they can chat to eachother on 4chan. I find it funny that people would spend hours of concentration to make themselves schizophrenic and unleash the bounderies of reality and the mind for the sole reason to get a ghost blowjob from their brain.
I'll never understand what people see in that terrible videogame. It is really bad.
>in combat
next you'll be telling me the world isn't made of hexagons
the mind fascinates me but I'd never be able to let go of my skepticism and try this shit
Eh, I'd rather run TR.

LordMandalore's group is pretty good, and I enjoy killing TEST (reddit) scum WAAAY to much.

Slaughtering NC GOONs is also fun.
they're all the same

yeah, i was bored over summer and watched a few episode to see what all the fuss is about. its a fairly stock-standard kids show. only thing that really made me hate it were the songs.
Well if you get 9 fps I probably can't help you, but for who are just on the border to playable or want to give it a try anyway, here's what really helps:

locate your planetside 2 folder in your steam folder
open useroptions.ini

put shadowquality=0
set the file to read only

*note that this has nothing to do with enemy players and vehicles, you will always see them as soon as the game can load them for you, it merely affects doodads and terrain that is rendered, by default, way way past the fog of war, which is pointless and only results in poor fps

Unless you are bottlenecked by your GPU (for most people it's probably CPU), you can leave other options at medium or even high, just try it out
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>not forcing a hallucination just to get a ghost blowjob
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But I don't see what people like about it. There's nearly no humor, nothing entertaining, and it's just overall boring and painful to watch.

It really isn't a good show.

they like it because social norms suggest that they shouldn't. its like how dudes wearing pink was kind of a fad a few years ago.

also because people are closet-furries
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gotta say, the game IS pretty good looking, at least in the videos this noob whipped up


thing is, the ultra settings were removed because no machine can play it very well yet - and they want this title to last a good 10 yrs
If you saw what they placed before and after MLP on the channel, you'd be amazed how bad the other shows are

And why so big movement? Well, i dunno. I guess it's pretty much the same as moeshit, it's not entertaining, nor funny in any way either
They were not removed, you can still put texturequality=0 in the ini to get ultra textures
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>not liking the best show on television
fucking philistine
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You barely ever see it unless you go looking for it

People bitching about it are worse

For every one person that talks about it there are 10 people that go into an aspie hissyfit about how anyone who likes it is the scum of the earth.

no I don't watch it
>after creating your new character you start at the warpgate
>You barely ever see it unless you go looking for it

But Anon, that's wrong.
Being good in comparison doesn't make something actually good.

That isn't saying much, seeing as how most things on TV today are complete shit.

From what I've seen, Regular Show is actually pretty good though. Probably no good cartoons other than Regular Show.
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>not liking the best show on television
>fucking philistine

The great thing about that post is that no matter if troll or not, ponyfags lose.
Yeah but you know what I mean.
I'm not saying that it's good, I'm saying that it's a decent KIDS SHOW, FROM AGES 3 to 7
>no humor
shadbase fag detected
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actually that's pretty much true. i can count on one hand the number of times i've run into a person with a pony name while playing vidya
they were all rainbow dash
>You barely ever see it unless you go looking for it
I was on youtube today watching an animated video someone had made, about a popular video game.

The top comment was some fag yelling about ponies.
Alright /v/, i have 6/7+ friends who will listen to everything i say and i can coordinate shit easily with them, we've all downloaded the game; what's the differences between the factions
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Since this thread's derailed anyway, this is what I got myself today. A little treat to enjoy the Vanu's victory on all three continents, even if it wasn't my server
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hey now, shad would know a thing or two about no humor
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>go to /v/
>notice a planetside2 thread
>it's filled with discussion about ponies
But anon that's wong!

A server in tf2 I used to play on was ravaged by them.
Every time they're in they start a stupid LOL SANDWICH TRAIN and spray their sprays everywhere.
welcome to le /v/ xD
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bad games are an exception
tl;dr version cause I can't be assed

TR = low damage, highest ROF, annoying recoil, bullet drop. Worst tank, great ESF.
NC = high damage, bad everything else. Good tank, meh ESF.
VS = Good damage, accurate, no bullet drop, damage falls of a bit sooner than for others at range. Awesome tank, good ESF.

All sides have ponies and redditors. That said usually Vanu do a bit better than TR who do way better than NC
Good to see I proved you wrong.

Also you have fucking pony reaction images trying to say they don't shove it in your face.
If you like cartoons, you would like mlp. about 5-10% of the fan base is even alright. you have to learn to ignore the vast majority of them if you don't want to fucking shoot yourself. nearly everyone on /mlp/ is okay, so I usually stay there.
Have you ever played Team Fortress 2?
Or CS?
Or L4D2?
Or Garry's Mod?

Actually, do you even vidya?
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>f2p game
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I bet you feel like this poor sap.
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I started playing TF2 again since the mvm update and I honestly never seen one, and I've been to a bunch of different servers.

Unless you count people with pony names. If they don't shove it in your face then I see no problem with it.
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I don't play bad games
>Bad communities are filled with retards
No shit captn, they won't be any better without ponytards anyway
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>go to .ini file
>see graphics quality
>set it to 0
>run game
>planetside 2.exe has stopped working
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>you pc's face when
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>Chernobyl disaster

u wot m8
can't that get you banned
What's the problem, the guy is right, squiggletail is best horse.
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strongbad was a horrible web show and i'm glad it died along with the rest of homestar runner
>good ESF
no, Smedley said it's fine
It's gonna keep going.

Just you wait. Just you wait.
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op have shit taste
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sure, and mlp is getting a 4th season ha ha oh
Eh, Nuclear Disasters don't work that well in general. Three Mile Island released a grand of an X-ray equal to the nearby population, and Chernobyl and Fukashima were CCCP scientific testing at its finest and a combined earthquake and tidal wave combined, respectively.

I'd use a plague analogue instead. Furries were the Black Death, brought by a invading hoard and then devastating the land for years to come, having active times of decades.

Bronies, are Spanish Flu. They've not been around for long, but already have slain an equal to the Black Death. Hideously viral and attacking those of ages 18-60.
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Fuck this thread
>xXNarutoWeedPony420Xx joined the game
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All of you bow down to the master race of cartoons.
See? Ponyfags are cancer.
And what this guy said.
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yep 90s cartoons were god tier, mlp is like an oasis in these days
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is this the buckley comic reboot? i know his art was shit before but now he's not even trying
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>if your body starts moving on its own, let it.

The only good thing about that was the pinky and the brain spinoff
Why can't we talk about videogames instead of ponies.

why is the hit detection in this game so shit?

An enemy is standing still, I aim at his torso with a sniper rifle, fire, nothing.
Bullet drop
>creating a fukcing mind and a body just to pleasure your lonely cock
And they say the robots are too beta
Are you accounting for bullet drop/travel time?

sorry but i like to own a full game that doesn't try and jew me out of money. either sell me a complete game or don't sell me one at all. f2p games are garbage.
>he hasn't played the game
Irrelevant, not necessarily untrue, you faggot.

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