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Time for a battle station thread
>>163243803 (OP)
two stackers? do you want to cause your pc to form icicles inside the cases, OP? are you sure you can handle that much cooling? WELL? ARE YOU SURE?
Beats me, not my setup. Just liked it
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It's an older picture, but it checks out.
>>163243803 (OP)
dear god are those dual crts
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I could use a better camera

some day...
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I think I might get a small fish tank to put on my computer desk
or maybe 1 or 2 27inc monitors
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I fucking love fish tanks, you'd better not get some circular or cylindrical piece of shit, anon. Rectangle master race.
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fuck you
>Nice. I wish i had some of this st-
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I saw something like this at the fish place where I get my Sand for my dragon
had a few little shrimp and some plants and just looked awesome
I've not kept fish before but fuck I got a dragon 2 tarantulas a scorpion a barking gecko and a snake so whats the worse that could happen
That'd look chill as fuck on a desk in my opinion. 10/10 would put fish/shrimp in.

>bottom left

Yeah, seems about right.
>implying this picture isn't from 2009

>do weeaboos like this actually ex-

Oh, right. Carry on.
don't you mean "paper"craft XD
meant for
I hope that thing has a penis.
It does.
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guess ill join in, usually do when i see a thread like this.
Cannot wait to get a desktop PC built soon
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mine :3
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how do /v/
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Forgot pic.
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Other stores make furniture too?
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And this is me not giving a single solitary fuck.
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1.14 MB
oh my
How lewd
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