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I'm currently hosting the second 4chan Q&A/PMQ session here for the next few hours.

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Oh my god



Kotaku's review of Hitman Absolution


Look at it
>>163079908 (OP)
Well that's not a very informative review,

>Cheap gay jokes and lazy misogyny
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>Cheap gay jokes and lazy misogyny mar an otherwise enjoyable script
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>lazy mysoginy
Disappointing, they could have worked harder on the misogyny.
>implying jokes have anything to do with the game itself
>implying kotaku isn't a shithole of failed writers
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>Cheap gay jokes and lazy misogyny

When will it end? Are these truly the new epic buzzwords of 2012? Is this really the only scapegoat this abomination of "journalism" can come up with?
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Pick one.
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>words for things i don't want to accept are buzzwords and have no meaning
>gotten to the point where it is labeled as a con under a videogame review

Kill me
I kinda like this yes/no system.

I always feel even the best reviewers following a numbered system hit a rut where nothing ever gets below a 6 or so.

Still think that review was fucking dogshit but I like the idea at least.
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>actually wanting number reviews
you are the scum ruining the industry
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>pulpy stealth game

What the fuck does that mean
piss off cunt
>that last line

kotaku in a fucking nutshell
I'd take numbers over 'YES' any day.
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>Cheap gay jokes and lazy misogyny

Jesus christ I don't even like the new Hitman but that is just retarded..

I hope they use "NO", and "MAYBE"
>>163079908 (OP)
>not even playing on highest difficulty
Fucking plebs and they call themselves "Gamereviewers"
>21 hours

Didn't that one guy from youtube beat it in like 8 on normal?
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pls marry me

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>>163079908 (OP)
wtf is wrong with just saying YES, do we really need shitty numbers so people can go apeshit on spam PAID REVIEW or HAHA 4.5/10, I think saying things like yes get the game or no do not get the game, or rent it to find out if you like a game is a lot better than giving it a score.
>you should have to read thousands of words and spoil some of the game for you for every single game to know whether or not the reviewer liked it
Numbered reviews are fine. That most reviewers use the system wrong is another problem entirely.
>cheap gay jokes
>lazy misogyny
my sides have left this orbit
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and this is why people like you don't get through to anybody and why you're seeing words like misogyny, bigotry, and intolerance despite how much you hate them.
>lazy misogyny

Pre-order cancelled.

At least put some more effort in telling women how inferior they are.

There's so much things wrong with this I don't know where to start.
>artificial misogyny

Too late, bro.

Does this mean 47 is a closet homosexual? Does he get hard when he strangles a man while fondling his succulent ass? What about when he steals their clothes, does he sniff the underwear or lick him? Does he fuck the guards and then kill them mid orgasm so he can take their clothes along with their sweaty body odor?

Fucking gay misogynists
The five star system is really the best. 5/5 is a game everyone should get, 4/5 is a game that fans of the genre will like, 3/5 is a mediocre but still enjoyable game, 2/5 is flawed and 1/5 is complete horse shit.
>you should have to read thousands of words and spoil some of the game for you
but written reviews don't have to spoil anything for you, only mechanics (which you want to know about)

>thinking 1000 words is hard to read
you shouldn't have access to media if you're this stupid
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Did you know that ZombieU is like Demon's Souls? And Demon's Souls is a Rouge-like?

Well now you do! Thanks Kotaku!

they do
To be honest, I find Hitman Blood Money frustrating. I like the concept, but when playing a hitman I basically want to walk up to my target, give him two in the chest, one in the head and walk away. Unfortunately any time you assassinate anyone it's in a crowded place, by the looks of it. A game like that but in more rural locations would be ideal for me.
>Steven Totino Pizzaroll in charge of knowing what a roguelike is
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>mfw suck my dick mods choke on it
So what specific gay jokes and misogyny are they talking about?
>Aspects of Absolution channel the instagram-filtered funk of HBO's smutty vampire series True Blood, but the game has little of that show's hedonistic joy. Once you look past the blood and tits, Absolution often feels cold, calculated, and vaguely creepy. The leather-gloved choking, S&M fixation and light, doth-protest-to-much homophobia evoke European torture-porn more than they do southern-fried pulp. As I played, I couldn't quite shake the feeling that behind the awesome kills and brazenly sexualized violence lay a clinical, heavy-lidded observer who, having designed this funhouse, finds it enjoyable in a different, darker way than I do.

What does this even mean

>The world of Hitman: Absolution is a right nasty one, and often it feels like the game's trying too hard. This is a dark place, where men are pigs with sex-offender eyes and women are either scantily clad wank fantasies, psycho killers, nuns, prostitutes, or some combination of the four. 47 is his usual fart-smell-faced cypher self, but the young girl he's protecting could have easily been so cool—part Hit-Girl and part Mitsuko Souma, a killing machine in a schoolgirl dress. And yet she's relegated to the role of helpless MacGuffin for all but a brief, stilted cutscene. It feels like a waste.
>Telling someone there is a game they shouldn't buy
Yeah, right.
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It's funny cause it's true.
They do say no, but only to the shittiest of shit.

The good ones.
none, they just added that because they know 4chan will buy the game now out of protest.
they do the reverse anita thing.
they still give it a YES so the other casuals will buy it too.
clever, eh?

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
why is /v/ upset by what he didnt enjoy? Because he could only complain about stereotypes instead of critiqueing the game in any other more constructive sense, or does /v/ hate it when anyone finds shitty female character distateful?
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> the young girl he's protecting could have easily been so cool—part Hit-Girl and part Mitsuko Souma, a killing machine in a schoolgirl dress.

No. No no no no no no I cannot no this enough what the fuck
Legitimate, well written, thought out review full of criticism and praises > a number > Yes or No; you are sheep do what you are told
Define buzzword please.
Is it possible to pin point the time/event where this feminism shit latched on to videogame culture?

Welcome, you appear to be new. I think you need a kotaku thread to learn why people are reacting to this. Does anyone have kotaku article images?

>Buzzword: Noun: stock phrases that have become nonsense through endless repetition

Kotaku won't shut up about something, completely exaggerate it's existence, and cause the word to lose its meaning.
Anita's kickstarter.
Anita Sarkeesian.

Really quite literally when her kickstarter got started and /v/ started Advertising it.
>A buzzword (also fashion word) is a term of art, salesmanship, politics, or technical jargon that is used in the media and wider society outside of its originally narrow technical context, often in an inaccurate manner, or for purposes other than the conveying of information.
If I could go back in time, Id make sure Anite Sarkeesian never got born.
So in this instance, kotaku using the word misogyny was indeed, using it as a buzzword.
for good reason too

and there is nothing you can do about it
>the majority of reviews use the system wrong
>blame it on the reviewers

Maybe it's time for us to move on from numbered reviews. That's not to say reviews should be degraded into IT'S GOOD / IT'S SHIT though. Maybe we just need a better system.
Please explain how
when gamers got the idea that saying they're a feminist all the time would get girls to fuck them. so far it hasn't worked for any of them.
It means it a stealth game with a pulpy feel.

Do you honestly not know what pulp is?
That shit I filter out of my orange juice
Ehh, so instead of being smooth it has small bits and pieces floating around?
>Cheap gay jokes and lazy misogyny mar an otherwise enjoyable script
As if I needed additional reasons to never trust Kotaku. Who do they get to review games?

So you're saying that a system is inherently bad because some are too stupid to use it properly?
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>Sexy ladies is intolerance, misogyny and bigotry

>getting pulp free orange juice

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>complaining about "misogyny" in a pulpy grindhouse setting
it hasn't been working for the past 10 years, if you think it's going to get any better using the same formula, well...

So what you are telling me is it's a stealth game with bits of stealth floating around in it? Only other time I heard someone in video games use that to describe shit was that one faggot in the dead space 3 video.
They still recommend the game, it's just a cheap trick to get /v/ riled up and buy the game out of men pride or some bullshit.
>implying I don't make my own
>implying it's not way too pulpy if I don't strain it

No anon, you are the plebs
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>being this narrow minded
I'm not saying it's bad, I'm just saying that the industry has changed to the point where just a simple number can't determine a game's true value anymore.

Is pulpy now a buzzword? Because I really want it to be a buzzword.
>counterargument is belittling his intelligence

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Trolling on /v/ is easy mode and a little disgraceful.
yeah, poor men
finally women will be on an even playing field

men are being repressed
Please define the term "pulpy feel" and how it relates to game design

I'd believe it. There are people buying just to spite all the "haters". Most of us here can be easily manipulated.

A guy named Kirk Hamilton reviewed this. His interests include playing the saxophone and he's from San Franciso.
Nah, it's like pulp novels from way back in the past.

You know, like... Pulp fiction, only not pretentious and annoyingly ordered.

Or maybe it is, I haven't actually played the game.

But if it does have weird chronology I'm totally playing it as a sequel to Blinx the Time sweeper.
>Cheap gay jokes and lazy misogyny mar an otherwise enjoyable script

could they try any harder to be politically correct
>men pride
>taking pride in supporting feminism and gay rights

The end times are near
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>he's from San Franciso.
how is this trolling, that was a narrow minded statement

if you seriously think sexy women are a sole factor defined under intolerance, mysogyny o bigotry, you have to be narrow minded not to understand there are hundreds of other factors.

do some fucking research.
>anita's kickstarter

Oh, so that's what you were saying.
Well, just so you know, trolling on /v/ isn't difficult and it's a little shameful.
>words for things i don't want to accept are buzzwords and have no meaning
Who doesn't want to accept misogyny? I love that shit.


'Buzzword' is a buzzword.
This is everything wrong with the games industry today

>Forget the rating system, JUST BUY IT
>I liked the part of the game that isn't hitman
>The part that is hitman was very new and original
>Anita Sarkeesian wouldn't like these parts, so neither do I!
>...and that's it.

It can't be real. It's too much.
>Gay jokes
Wow. I still think "pulpy" is hysterical, by the way.

> the young girl he's protecting could have easily been so cool—part Hit-Girl and part Mitsuko Souma, a killing machine in a schoolgirl dress.

>disregarding opinions
>using ad hominem

Get out you plebeian
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>pulpy stealth game

This better mean you fight Fu Manchu and space nazis.
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>Hatred of women
>Gamers constantly scream waifu over every female character

Check and mate, get wrecked kid.
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Daniel Bryan works at Kotaku?
opinions =/= fact

get learned and stop shutting out the outside world
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Whoever wrote this totally gets all the bitches.

I didn't say that, but that doesn't mean the system is inherently bad, either.

The only way to create an "even playing field" is to cut the bullshit that we need to pretend that everyone and everything has to be portrayed in this non-existent 100% feel good beautiful but not too beautiful way.
And then it stops being funny because /v/ is right, everything is shit
>my opinions are fact
>your facts are opinions

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
SanFran should be nuked from orbit. Would probably bring some sanity to Mexifornia.
URL's are for people who need to know where they're going.

HREF me, baby.
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Now I understand.
Feminists don't want an even playing field, they don't want equality, they want favoritism.

"Chivalry when I like it, sexism when I don't"

>if you seriously think sexy women are a sole factor defined under intolerance, mysogyny o bigotry, you have to be narrow minded not to understand there are hundreds of other factors.

None of which were named or explained.
You're using proof by assertion. Just asserting your claims are true.
Stop it.
It reads like a Pitchfork album review. Pointless references to other stuff just to name drop, and a bunch of words and phrases that are forced in there to meet some "I'm so cultured" quota they got going on.
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>the young girl he's protecting could have easily been so cool—part Hit-Girl and part Mitsuko Souma, a killing machine in a schoolgirl dress. And yet she's relegated to the role of helpless MacGuffin for all but a brief, stilted cutscene. It feels like a waste.

The only part I agree with is that it feels like a waste, there was little point to her at all. Though I know by "waste" he means she wasn't turned into something completely out of place and incredibly stupid.

>the little girl is helpless
Better pack shit up and hole up for a while until there's the next sensationalism bullshit.
Jesus christ, I'm so tired of this subtle misandrist society.
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Oh god you're right it does.
>>163079908 (OP)
>implying that the actual review is this text box
>not posting the rest of the review

Stay ignorant /v/. That review was written well I thought.
>and there is nothing you can do about it
I disagree, you can not feed into it. Allow it to pass in and flow right back out, do not waste time getting mad or sad about it. Treat it as though it weren't occuring at all, as it once was.
>>163079908 (OP)
At least their rating system is to the point rather than an arbitrary number.
They aren't pretending to be any better than they actually are.
We're pointing out the stupid shit that was stated and talking about what is stupid about it.
The worst part is I bet you're male.
Personally, I like a 5-star system better, where the first star is essentially a '6' on the 1 - 10 scale. It's not worth judging to what degree a bad game is bad, just don't buy it. Having anything else on a 1 - 10 scale is just adding too much specificity so fanboys can wank over it.
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>cheap gay jokes and lazy misogyny

I was gonna pirate, but I just preordered instead.

Thanks Kotaku!

Then you are a a fucking moron if you thought it was well written.
Someone please take away that guy's thesaurus.
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>They aren't pretending to be any better than they actually are.

You do know this is kotaku, don't you?
>fucking moron
>thinking things are well written

Ah yes, another person who overuses the word 'fuck'. I'm sure you're criticisms of it are well thought out.
It is very yes
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>nobody is ever allowed to have a negative opinion of gays or women

>regardless of context or point

And this, children, is the world we are going to inherit. A world where simpering little babies cry until they get their way and human beings actually believe they can do anything they like just because they FEEL like it.

The world we live in is the exact reason women didn't get the right to vote for a long fucking time.


>job market suddenly has twice as many people in it
>wonder why unemployment won't fucking drop

The world does not care how oppressed you feel, the world does not care how sad you are, and the world does not care what set of genitals you have. It is a cold and cruel place filled with negative consequences that women just love to pretend do not exist.

>I thought it was well written



Padding with pretentiousness is not well written.
Just noticed I used 'you're' in the wrong place. Welp, I'm out. See you guys.
>21 hours

that seems like the playtime of somebody who loaded a quicksave every time he got spotted
>The world we live in is the exact reason women didn't get the right to vote for a long fucking time
They could lose it again too. Physical dominance wins wihtout artificial environments to restrain the use of force.

i'm sure your opinion on what is well-written is incredibly valuable

You did the same thing he did but instead you used a more sophisticated tone. Good job boyo. It's pretty clear you 're pretending to be smarter than you actually are.
Yes, I''m saying he knows he's writing bullshit to get a bunch of people on the site out of spite.
Just like always.
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>game isn't sunshine and lollipops



It's the great tragedy of human society. As previous real big problems become insignificant or nonexistent after we solve them, some of us have to exaggerate smaller ones or invent new ones so they have something to bitch about.
>As I played, I couldn't quite shake the feeling that behind the awesome kills and brazenly sexualized violence lay a clinical, heavy-lidded observer who, having designed this funhouse, finds it enjoyable in a different, darker way than I do.

As I played, I couldn't shake the feeling that behind the violence lay a[n] observer who finds it enjoyable in a darker way.

Gotta B^U that shit.

>complains of the word fuck
>a bunch of words and phrases that are forced in there to meet some "I'm so cultured" quota they got going on.

No wonder you thought it was good, it was targeted as pseudo-intellectuals like yourself.
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you wish
Dude. There is no saving in this game.

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Hey, who wants to read some more kotaku review boxes? I know I do!
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Blops: It makes you think.
PLEASE tell me that's a parody.
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Here is the fabled "NO" review.
>tfw people that have loving family, steady income from a great job, plenty of freetime to pursue other interests and are completely healthy still manage to find shit to bitch about all the time

I'm 40 seconds away from buying this game.

Tell me though, do you guys think it will be in steam winter? I can hold on for 4 more weeks if it means I save +$15
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>blops makes you think
>because I didn't understand the story

>His voice emanates from the GamePad.

That actually seems kinda cool.
the review box isn't nearly as awful as the 'actual' review itself.

If you're going to be desperate enough to wait another month to just save 15 fucking bucks just pirate the damn thing.
>some nauseating platform moments...
That's no problem for me, I never have an issue with being nauseated from vidya or film. I feel really alone in this, most people seem to have these motion issues. I wonder if I have an issue with my eyes or something?
>positive: the story
>negative: the story


fuckit. i bought it.


looks like i have a spare copy of Blood Money, now.
>so they have something to bitch about
WHY DO SOME PEOPLE NEED TO COMPLAIN? Wouldn't it make more sense to anybody and everybody to simply not complain about anything once optimal conditions are achieved? We asbolutely do not NEED to complain about something at all times.
So are we reaching a point in video games now where no characters are allowed to have negative opinions of a group of people as part of their characterization because they're 'bad' opinions/views?

This shit is getting stupid.
Ok so he complains that all of the women are scantily clad wank fantasies and psycho killers except for the little girl who isn't which is bad because he wanted her to be a scantily clad psycho killer character.

this game is $30 on this site.

enjoy your buyer's remorse

Best part is that he spent the entire review babbling about near-future "this could really happen!" bullshit and then the very first comment underneath is like "what about the fucking gameplay and shit" and he was like "it's ok"
What about the opinion that easy games are better because challenge is unwelcome? /v/ would react poorly to that opinion and characterize it as 'bad'.
Just trying to be devil's advocate.
Because they are insecure about themselves. Because they need a pat on the head and a hug and need to be told, "there there, it's ok." Because they need constant love and affection from someone else because they don't love themselves. So they get it by getting people to agree with them and feel bad for them and to slather them with love and affection.
the review was done by patricia hernandez. the comments about the other shit being 'okay' were from another reviewer. forget his name but he was the one that refused to say anything about doritogate until browbeaten into it.
>Cheap gay jokes and lazy misogyny mar an otherwise enjoyable script

grow. the. fuck. UP!
>So they get it by getting people to agree with them and feel bad for them and to slather them with love and affection
I like love and affection and feel a strong need for it. I find the idea of getting it through complaining reprehensible though.
1984 here we come!
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>overly sexualized violence

The sign of a child in adult form. All violence is sexual.

>gee I wonder why serial killers often have weirdass sexual fixations

>gee I wonder why stabbing someone is more traumatizing than beating someone

>gee I wonder why guns are psychologically easier to use against people than knives, swords, or axes

It's because all violence is sexual. The act of sex is inherently Life and Death. Why do you think Rape fucks people up in the head so bad?


Educate yourself.
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>>163079908 (OP)

After hearing so much positive & negative praise for this new Hitman game, I am simply going to pirate it to see if I like it.

If I do, I will likely buy it on Steam.
>brazenly sexualized violence

I haven't played Absolution and I've only seen small bits of gameplay, but I didn't notice any sexualized violence. Can someone please explain what the fuck this guy is talking about?
>I like love and affection and feel a strong need for it.

> I find the idea of getting it through complaining reprehensible though.
You should - It's subversive and disingenuous. It's conditional love.

It's human nature. It's a train that cannot be stopped. It's an easy way to get the attention they want.
Every time I see one of these kotaku threads I think about what it's like to work there. To go into the office and be surrounded by retarded reddit types who know nothing about videogames. Then my boss comes along and tells me to write something provocative that'll get a lot of hits. And I do it, but I'm stupid enough to not feel bad about it.

I go to the cafeteria for some chai. Two girls are sitting there taking a break and discussing how all sex is rape and what they can do to take down the patriarchy. And I tell them "you go!"

then I wake up from the nightmare

The main character is male, therefore he's a dirty pig in human skin raping women every ten feet

The trailer, probably.
between 3 and 7 put rent it to find out
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Not that I like this game, I couldnt care less about it, but whoever wrote that review deserves to be euthanized to make sure that he/she will never ever under any circumstances procreate.
>All violence is sexual
This makes bar brawls a lot more interesting! Tough guys with homosexual fantasies trying to deal with it through violence.

You're doing a poor job at it as that was a retarded example to use. You'd use the opposite and have a character who's a feminist or something.
Bar brawls are in fact fights for sexual dominance and the right to breed.
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Ever heard the term "Murderboner?"

It's a real thing.
>After hearing so much positive & negative praise for this new Hitman game, I am simply going to pirate it to see if I like it.

>If I do, I will likely buy it on Steam.

No offense but you needed this controversy to convince you to do this? I thought it was common sense to play before you buy and support them if it's good. Seems like smart consumer practice if the option is available to you, which for software it is.
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Made me laugh.
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>>163079908 (OP)
>Cheap gay jokes and misogyny
Could you imagine if you didn't wake up?

Just imagine that right now.
Someone is working there.
Who doesn't want to.
Because odds are:
There is.
And every day of his life, he lives a nightmare that he can never wake up from.
Yes but normally in nature if one side withdraws the other doesn't murder him. That's a waste of energy when the opposing side is submitting. Yet humans will.
Allow me.
First target is a woman
This woman says that you need to protect a girl before dying.
The whole game is about killing the faggots that want the girl or finding the faggots that kidnapped the girl.

Simple really - the association between social dominance and violence.

The reason guns are easier to use is because it detaches the person firing from the violence making it easier to accept, to a degree.

I thought "meh" was a neutral reaction.
But the money deal works for any website.
As much as /v/ likes to say
>haha remember when we joked about being pedos?
>That's real now
>we are SO totally pedos, you don't even know

This is a 'professional' reviewer saying that he doesn't want the grown women to be sex fantasy killers, he wants the little girl to be the sex fantasy killer. This isn't some guy on /v/ saying how much he loves little girl vag, this is a guy with a documented career.

Perfect blackmail for if, any time in the future, he tries to force some inane feminist/CIS/Race-related crap onto some company.
>sexualized violence

Oh so NECK STABBING in a billion CoD games and clones is totally O.K.?
Now you're thinking like Hebrews!
Kotaku is owned by Gawker media, which has a feminist agenda. Avoid at all costs.
Why is it the majority of gaming feminists are male....
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Interestingly enough, many men make friends by fighting.

Hell I made friends with a guy who was going to cut my throat. In fact, we were both going to cut eachothers' throats over something stupid, so we both realized it and had a grand old time.

People are less likely to kill eachother than you might think. The human mind is full of such strange possibilities. Falling in love with your kidnapper, making friends with someone who was mutually threatening to kill you.
>cheap gay jokes and misogyny

Holy shit did Shitaku JUST start playing video games? Calling people fags and sexualizing women are both cornerstones of the video game industry.
Am I in Sweden?
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Because that is natural male biology to protect and coddle females.

Believe it or not, the "alpha/beta" thing died out many many many thousands of years ago and in its place ancient white knight sprang up. Evolution favored white-knight providers with single-pairings over the single male harem.

Which is why we have the instinct and feel sexual attraction toward neotenic traits.
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That is what disturbs me the most. I sort of get women being raging hardcore feminists. I still disagree with their aims but it makes sense they'd want more shit for themselves. Why do men do it?
Are you honestly being serious? Like, are you seriously just pulling that out of your ass?
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>and feel sexual attraction toward neotenic traits
Which social pressures dictate are vile and abhorrent.
>wanting numbered reviews
pick two
That all might be true. All I know for sure is that it doesn't apply to me.
Shit you're right.
Gotta love it when people say that kind of shit seriously.
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>What would you rate this game? Hello? Just how high are you?
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90% of anita sarkeesians donators were male.

Because she's a non profit, her donations are 100% public knowledge.
I thought the ideal scenario is the alpha male getting the women pregnant with the white-knight betas taking care of the children?
This is what I don't get. I keep seeing people say that violence is sexualized or fetishized, but they never explain why. They never explain how something crosses the line from regular, not a problem, fantasy violence to absolutely disgusting, sexualized, problematic, fantasy violence.
You may be right.

Here, time published an article on it.
Good read.

while there are certainly awful "feminists" I think you are letting facebook feminists ruin an entire idea for you. I dont think feminism itself is a bad thing and I think a lot of you have the wrong idea of what a complex idea it is. There are many different sides of feminism, and a large majority really dont want favoritism, and find it terrible, they would rather we start raising females that are more independent and not raised to be fragile and self concious. Its not terrible to not want all the female role models in vidya games to be simple sex objects.
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$160,000 to buy a load of games she will never play and release a few home-made videos

She's pulled the perfect scam
Well, ask yourself this, what makes gore sexual?

Not defending it, but c'mon, it's easy to sexualize violence.
>every reviewer uses a rating system
>kotaku: yes

it's like having a retarded sibling.
I don't think they could explain that. It's easier to just say it is. If somebody calls you on it you have a buzzword to call them to ensure nobody listens to them or backs you up that they need to distinguish the difference.

Thankfully we evolved past that nonsense when we grew an upper brain. That shit doesn't fly even amongst primates.
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>the game's large levels
>are many different sides of feminism
Here's a start that'll go a long way for those who want it.
Call it egalitarianism. Feminism alone doesn't imply the proponents are looking for equality.
>90% of anita sarkeesians donators were male.

if that is true, we live in sad times. grow some balls, you fucking pathetic sods and don't let those succubi rip you off.
Curious, are the levels smaller than the Suburban level from Blood Money?

The problem is that "fake feminism" or favoritism is taking precedent, sending real feminism to the back seat and it's pissing us off.
Holy shit that actually makes sense.

The optimal way for people to safely raise children for a long time would be a model where the child would be raised in pairs.

But wouldn't a step further be to just have the strongest/smartest/best male fertilize all the females and just leave the child raising duties to another male?

Sure it isn't fair, but it is optimal.
Decent expansiveness.

That's where we factor in the concept of possession.
undoubtedly, but were treading a fine line here, and god knows how many middle/high schoolers /v/ has convinced to hate all feminists and women in general
>Sure it isn't fair, but it is optimal
I like the way you think. It's efficient. Still the people who fertilize shouldn't necessarily be the alpha males, it should be males who have good genes. There may be an overlap there but still.
>to hate all feminists and women in general
I don't think people here actually hate women. They hate feminists and not for unfair reasons. The squeaky wheel gets the hate.
Well the idea is like in this post:

Some men and women enjoy stripping. It is empowering for some people to flaunt their sexuality, a way of showing how they have a gift.

Issue is when people like feminists assume that all sexuality is bad unless they have complete control over it. They assume anytime a woman expresses herself sexually, it is to appease males rather than say for her own pleasure.
Men are actually able to "transform" into caregivers quite easily, its been observed that men who have and raise children get a loss of testoterone over time, so really we are able to preform in all different kinds of scenarios. I dont think theres one perfect efficient way, or that humans are naturally anything

pic related, typical kotaku reviewer.
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You know, I think I might right a story about this "misogony" and all that BS. It'd essentially be a civil war over social beliefs that are fucking retarded, and the moral of the story is "If someone says something you don't like, don't give a shit. Simple as that."
>Each mission is split into a series of short levels, connected by a single door that you can’t go back through. And you can’t open these doors if any guards on the level are alert. When the objective of some levels is to escape captivity or attackers, being locked in until your opponents stop looking for you starts to feel a little perverse.
feminism needs clearly defined limits and borders but it is in fact comparable to an invasive DRM. every faggot shit that happens goes through a feminism filter.

is it REALLY that discriminating if I write a paper at university and I don't gender the fuck out of it? I think not. Instead it tries to make you aware of a problem that you shouldn't be aware of at all times. there are times where you should be aware but even having a beard is discriminating against women nowadays if every cunt would think like Anita Shitwhore
>it is to appease males rather than say for her own pleasure
The irony is that assumption is pretty offensive, the idea that a woman couldn't derive pleasure from expressing her sexuality because she is a woman. Modern liberalism is full of this ironic type of stuff.
So like how in the olden days women were simply possessions that you paid her father the right to acquire?
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> of course i forget the fucking pic
A lot of actual feminists really don't mind archetypical or cliched shit like sexualized girls, most just want a bit more variety in fictional women and less violence against real ones. Hell, there are specific feminists who like sexualized females as much as us if you get my meaning.

The issue is this: A) Barely any male knows anything about feminism, or at least the fact that there are multiple ideals of feminism.
B) The more conservative feminists that believe in the above ideals don't have as big of a voice and are fucking shadowed by the loud-mouthed ones like Anita and her ilk. This was evident when actual feminists DID come out against Anita and were ignored by nearly everyone.

The problem isn't feminism, it's ignorance of what feminism is, and the ones who are "educating" the public what it isn't, like Anita.
>don't give a shit. Simple as that.
You don't understand because you're privileged.

Maybe if your concept of possession is comparable to that of a small child's.

How many women do you think would be cool with their mates fucking other women?

That's possession.
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Yes, but we have moved away from that model of reproduction. What's going on right now is something called assortative mating. Since generally people will only have one or a few serious (i.e. with the intent of having children) sexual partners, they choose the best ones they can get.

Smart/rich people tend to have children with other smart/rich people. Combine this with the fact that intelligence has a significant genetic component and you can see where we're headed.
>most just want a bit more variety in fictional women
If they want more variety they should go into design and development, not tell other creators to do it. Creators should be able to do whatever they want with their stuff. It's unfortunate they have to be made to adhere to other peoples desires.
>and less violence against real ones
Who would want more violence towards anybody who doesn't deserve it? This isn't unique to feminists.
I actually hate women.
The fact of the matter is that the vast majority of so-called sex-positive feminists have stopped calling themselves feminists because they don't want to be associated with the Dworkin types.
>How many women do you think would be cool with their mates fucking other women?
That reminds me, Sister Wives is on later.
>This was evident when actual feminists DID come out against Anita

There were 0 feminists who came out against Anita.
You're forgetting that less intelligent people are less discriminating about how many children they have. Also because of modern medicine and social assistance, their offspring will make it to adulthood to breed. This is a serious problem.
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> mah nigga
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You realize any argument you may have had are now invalid, regardless of any thought you actually put into them, from this point out.
feminism can be roughly divided into conservative (sex negative) and liberal (sex positive)

anita and her ilk are the conservative voice that dominates modern feminism (in sheer number of soundbites, not adherents)
>Agent 47 has never been deadlier thanks to a refined and simplified control scheme
>Hitman fans will be in heaven, though Absolution may still be too slow for more trigger-happy gamers

Well that's fine but you're just one person to be fair. Why do you hate all of them?
i know right, you totally shouldn't play a game if it's below 9.2333221131231qtpi3432
why did you even bother

Natural selection has been phased out of humanity and this will be our downfall.

I blame school grades for this - anything below 50% is a failure.
in an ideal world, you shouldnt have to worry about genders all the time, unfortuantely women are in fact discriminated against and feel weak in our society, even subcounciously.
They did this test where they told little girls to color pictures of dolls before taking a math test, and they did worse than those that didnt, also if you change academic paper publishers names to female names, they are less likely to get published. So just ignoring the problem is easy when were in the dominant position, but it kind of allows the problem to continue to exist. The problem being women are being subconciously trained to feel like they cant do things like math, philosophy, intense labor, while being told they are beautiful princesses
Don't really see it as a problem. Eventually we'll either take away many of their rights (suffrage in particular) or they'll just kill most of us Pol-Pot style.

I won't be alive either way so IDGAF.
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>the young girl he's protecting

I see your point but I have a longer view of mankind. I want to be able to plant trees my descendants (or even others descendants) can find shade under.
>The problem isn't feminism

Yes it fucking is. I know there are many types but it's still a fucking problem when they're still getting mad over video games.
Violence against women in video games? STOP THE FUCKING PRESSES, THOSE POOR WOMYN.
Not enough marketing to appeal to womyn. Man's fault, end of story.
Also don't get me started on the fucking patriarchy.
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>the young girl he's protecting could have easily been so cool
>implying young girls are capable of anything
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>game devs
>work on game 60-70 hours per week for 2-3 years
>game journalists
>play game for 3 hours, write review in 45 minutes
>call game devs lazy
>If they want more variety they should go into design and development
They do, but if you read into a lot things, you'll surprisingly find that unattractive women don't sell games.

>Who would want more violence towards anybody who doesn't deserve it? This isn't unique to feminists.
I believe you're missing the point. Women are still treated and thought less by some men solely based on gender. Before anyone says it, yes, there has been violence against men forever, but rarely based on gender.
I don't know how much I believe the claims you've made. I know I wouldn't pass over publishing a paper based on the name attached to it. Now that doesn't mean other people wouldn't either but I tend to think most people definitely wouldn't.
reviewer is obvious pedo
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> game journalists
Stop telling girls that they are little princesses, teach them that they have equal right and that everyone that thinks otherwise (regardless of gender) is a fucking idiot.
Have you ever lived with a woman (mom and sis don't count)?
Nothing. It's the second best selling console of this gen, up from third.
they have equal rights, but not equal worth
There was a youtube video /v/ was spamming from another feminist.

The problem being men are being subconciously trained to feel like they cant do things like math, philosophy, intense labor, while being told they are witty cool.

Women just think they're super special snowflakes, and that nobody can understand their horrible plight. Nothing but a bunch of self absorbed self righteous scum.
>Stop telling girls that they are little princesses
I can't endorse this enough. I see the damage being done by this to my very own younger sister. They'll say later
>Oh we shouldn't have spoiled her so much
But then it will be too late, hindsight is always 20/20.
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>creators should do what they want

>They want to make dosh with QTEs, linear maps, generic looking space murheens and space bitches, and DLC
It's a matter of fact that far fewer women can do math and philosophy. You can write a book on this shit, but it boils down to the fact that males have far greater variation in intelligence. This means that at extremes (both low and high) the ratio of men to women is extremely skewed. The reason for this goes back to mating systems in the hunter-gatherer and earlier evolutionary environment, which in many ways was a winner-takes-all situation.
>but not equal worth
That is true with all people.
Including men, regardless of what you may assert; regardless of what men are in power or not, most aren't, and most men are only worth what they give to society. Their worth is defined by what they do. A woman's worth is her ability to attract a mate.
>cheap gay jokes and misogyny

thats pretty much my entire day. sounds like fun
Whatever your opinion, feminism is a big thing right now, and it's not going away. You may as well start picking which side of it you wish to be on, or else you will evidently let people like Anita continue on deciding how feminism is ran.
I assure you im not bullshiting, i was just as surprised as you were. Take a look at this article if youre interested. Stereotypes effect us subconciously everyday.

check out this article.

and if you have article access check out
Implicit Bias, Stereotype Threat and Women in Philosophy

>confusing criticism of gameplay for criticism of imaginary injustices

Oh you ignorant little fuck, you're so cute.
Yes, three. Two were awful people and I dislike them. It doesn't mean I hate all women. I do hate a lot of women but that isn't the same thing, I hate a lot of men too.
I imagine no scenario in which there is a clear cut male vs. female battle.

There are men who love their women enough that they will die fighting for their rights, and vice-versa.

Men and women will not flee to separate camps and start World War Fuck.

Also, firearms make physical dominance practically useless in war. Having more physically fit warriors has rarely, if ever, won the day.
Perfect except for one thing: at the end of it all, she still has to be Anita Sarkeesian.
>>Oh we shouldn't have spoiled her so much
>But then it will be too late, hindsight is always 20/20.

Isn't what anita's supporting and suggesting all about spoiling women? Having things tailored to women, rather than having a neutral ground that everybody has equal reach to?
Yes, they should be able to do that. Then we don't buy it. What's your point?
> in an ideal world, you shouldnt have to worry about genders all the time, unfortuantely women are in fact discriminated against and feel weak in our society, even subcounciously.

No, women are a privileged group.

> They did this test where they told little girls to color pictures of dolls before taking a math test, and they did worse than those that didnt

Men get easier time at math or any kind of rational activity than women for natural reasons.

> Also if you change academic paper publishers names to female names, they are less likely to get published.

False, women are majority of graduants.

> So just ignoring the problem is easy when were in the dominant position, but it kind of allows the problem to continue to exist.

Sure, despite men are the ones with their rights being stripped from them and their interests being marginalized.

> The problem being women are being subconciously trained to feel like they cant do things like math, philosophy, intense labor, while being told they are beautiful princesses

Women are dominant in the philosophy field.

They have hard time on math and intense labor, but for natural reasons.
>giving a shit what other's think of the game you dislike
bullshit, they preform worse in math and philosophy because they are told that they are worse at it, and that philosophy and math are seen as male subjects.
they had a group of women take a math test and told them that women genrally score lower than men, and the women did worse.
They took another group and told them that women score just as high as men on this test and they scored fine.
Women are worse at math, we are just producing women that are
>they do
A majority of women don't go into web design or even control the half of the market. And that's saying something since females account for the massive consumerism.

>missing the point, go to a different subject
Violence towards people is the point. Also women aren't told their inferior from the get go, they develop that victim complex.
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This exact thing happens with men as well, but in a different way.
Anita is the OTHER kind of feminist, which views women as dainty little flowers that require special treatment, that views sex and sexuality as evil (if not all sex as rape...because due to patriarchy/power structure women are unable to properly consent), etc.
>There are men who love their women enough that they will die fighting for their rights

>and vice-versa.
Never heard of this happening in the history of eternity.
True, they also don't have an equal burden or equal responsibility.
Oh now you're just being deliberately obtuse.

>people are bad at something because they're TOLD they're bad at it

That is the most retarded thing I have ever heard.

Furthermore, I want a source for this shit, because I don't believe a word of it.
If natural selection were still working as intended I'm positive 99.98% of this board's membership would be fucked,
No, he's right.
It's never happened. Ever.
>Anita is the OTHER kind of feminist, which views women as dainty little flowers that require special treatment, that views sex and sexuality as evil (if not all sex as rape...because due to patriarchy/power structure women are unable to properly consent),

Thank god - i thought i was taking crazy pills.
yeah but all those women graduates are in psychology and communications, the papers i was referring to were in philosophy and math.

look up implicit bias bro
>A majority of women don't go into web design or even control the half of the market.

Not arguing that, just saying that they are trying at the least, but they aren't going to get to the top by tomorrow.

>Violence towards people is the point
Also not arguing that, violence against anyone is of course wrong, but that's been something known forever. May as well start off in smaller sections to help reduce it, as putting it in a larger focus like "everyone" hasn't really worked.
You don't know what you are talking about.


At least attempt to educate yourself before trying to convince others, please.
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Guys, misogyny and LGBT catering is the new hot thing for this year. Just wait a while and it will die down, it's not like everyone takes what is happening in the video game industry seriously anyway.
No, they suck at it because these things were conceived by the male mind and deal with the abstract.

Women are more concerned with the material. Especially if that material is expensive.
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Yes, of course. Keep telling yourself that.
Give me an example of a woman dying or FIGHITNG for men's rights.

Dante must die:
in the past 50 years.
Instead of posting shit, make an argument proving it.
I do hate them. Oh I do.
not without reason though.
>quality gay jokes and carefully crafted misogyny make this a perfect game
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How to troll /v/ in one easy step: remind them that they are privileged, no matter how much they respond with cheap sarcasm. Their tiny brains will malfunction trying to make sense of the fact that, even with them having it easier, they still failed at life.
We live in an unfortunate reality where feminist don't know what responsibility or critique is.

If you're a critique of feminism you're instantly a sexist clown. If you preach self worth they'll complain all day that someone told them that they shouldn't do math or science, which is why they majored in Gender Theory.(total bullshit)

Do I get a prize?
Oh boy here come the "UMADBRO" posts
The problem is that you can't even advocate for gender equality. You're labelled a sexist if you're not for affirmative action ffs.

In 1972, when Schlafly began her efforts against the Equal Rights Amendment, it had already been ratified by 28 of the necessary 38 states. She organized a campaign to oppose further ratification. Five more states ratified ERA after Schlafly began her opposition campaign; however, five states rescinded their ratifications. The last state to ratify was Indiana, where then State Senator Wayne Townsend cast the tie-breaking vote for ratification in January 1977. Schlafly argued that "the ERA would lead to women being drafted by the military and to public unisex bathrooms.

You get a prize for being a fucking retard that can't read.
interesting theory though all I care about is your gif is tiled wrong cos that's fucking STEPHEN COLBERT! But yknow whatever.
>Opposition to an Equal Rights Amendment
Did you even fucking read what you posted?
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pic related
IQ tests show more males at both ends of the spectrum and women more clustering at average intelligence
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>your gif is tiled wrong

How very astute of you, you noticed something that was intentional, and is often intentionally done on this website.

You must be new here. Welcome to 4chan, now get the fuck out.
>Schlafly told Time magazine in 1978, "I have cancelled speeches whenever my husband thought that I had been away from home too much."

Saying "women, minority, gay" riles this place up like angry hornets.
Reviewers saying YES or NO would be way better than the numbers rating system.

It would make a lot of you fags who think a game rated 8 is the worst shit ever since Big Rigs and Superman 64 shut the fuck up. It'd be much more simple.
>Phyllis Schlafly's son Andrew became a lawyer and founded the website Conservapedia.

That's just sad.
>implying they play the game
>implying reviews aren't based on how much money they received from the publisher

>talking about things that aren't videogames riles this place up like angry hornets

>they preform worse in math and philosophy because they are told that they are worse at it
Huh? How can telling somebody they are worse at something actually make them perform worse. Sounds like some kind of psychology magick.
>agreeing with yourself
while this may be true, implicit bias and stereotype threat have been proven to exist.

For example, a study on chess players revealed that women players performed more poorly than expected when they were told they would be playing against a male opponent. In contrast, women who were told that their opponent was female performed as would be predicted by past ratings of performance.[6] Female participants who were made aware of the stereotype of females performing worse at chess than male participants, performed worse in their chess games. The mere presence of other people can evoke stereotype threat. In one experiment, women who took a mathematics exam along with two other women got 70% of the answers right; while those doing the same exam in the presence of two men got an average score of 55%
>Two were awful people and I dislike them.

protip: most of them are fucking cunts. not all, but most and that's shitty enough as it is.

>women rarely like to take responsibility in private matters at least and it sucks
>for work it's a bit different but not much better
>call woman on phone "Hey wanna hang out"
>get shitty excuses why you can't hang out with her or another cunt all the time over the course of 7 years
>don't pick up the damn phone even once even if you thought you got along well enough
>pee their pants when a guy approaches her even if he has no rape intentions
>if you are virgin and have almost no relationship experience due to THEM, THEY will turn you down just because they think now they must teach you instead of pursuing that babby issue together and have faith in you
>realize that only men would do such a thing
>women hate sex
>demonize it like Anita does
>pee themselves every time shit hits the fan

and this is why I don't like women.

Except the review was retarded. DURR YES PLAY GAME. BULLETS.

Quality gaming journalism.
How do you explain female scientist then?
Mentioning video games riles this place up like a nest of angry hornets as well.

read good sir, its all extremely interesting and explains a lot. Even though we are all told we are equal as children, you can imagine all the subversive ways we are told how we should act and what we are good at/bad at.
Show me your study.
/v/ is angry.
Would you like a medal for being new?

I know a lot of really fucking dumb men that would be considered scientists. Wouldn't surprise me if a below average intelligence woman could too. Therefore, female scientists aren't exactly paradoxical.

"Scientist" is an overvalued term in the first place, and in all the wrong ways as well.
See that red line? See how it reaches the right side of the page but is lower than the blue one? The female scientist you mention is over there.
>thinks Anita Sarkeesian matters
>thinks angry soccermoms or feminists have ever mattered
>thinks anyone cares what they think
>implying you won't get chicks by the dozens once you get off your ass and realize your potential

You're just feeling like a victim, the world is not as big or bad a place as you're saying it is. All this hullabaloo regarding feminism and other nonsense is just clouding your thinking.

What you see on 4chan is not the world.
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>/v/ is a nest of angry hornets

Thus my point is proven.

Party time.

>In one experiment, women who took a mathematics exam along with two other women got 70% of the answers right; while those doing the same exam in the presence of two men got an average score of 55%

The others I can believe, but this one sounds completely far-fetched.
>you can imagine all the subversive ways we are told how we should act and what we are good at/bad at
I could IMAGINE it. I can imagine lots of things that aren't a reflection of reality. Reality is where imagination doesn't have an impact. I'll still read this though.
this. this so much.

also having half of a brain doesn't make you a good person overall.
It doesn't mean there are NO women scientists, just that there will be far fewer of them.

and most of the games are shit to begin with
>Far Cry 3
> slave traders using women as slaves
> main female spends most of the time captured
> only powerful female gets her tits out and needs the main character to be her 'savior'

Calling it now fellow /v/irgins
How come in mixed schools girls do the same as in all girls schools?
Correlation does not imply causation, that is what the other anon is forgetting. Or maybe not him but the people who organized the study.

That and their sample groups are twenty different kinds of fucked up.
What is your point, exactly?

I found better music for your gif.


That the subject of the argument is irrelevant.

Passions burn bright here. Get used to it.
So what?

That chart proves nothing. It only proves that there is a higher population of women than men.

If anything, there is a higher ratio of women with an average IQ to men with an above average IQ than there are men with an average IQ to women with an above average IQ.

It proves that women are less intellectual than men.
>That the subject of the argument is irrelevant
It's extremely easy to say that about anything though. When EVERYTHING is irrelevant, you can start saying what is more or less non-relevant.

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