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>only 70 copies sold

Whats your excuse /v/?
>buying a shit game
>buying VNs
i don't have a 3ds
Saving money for it digitally, OP.
It has no replayability.
>Not liking VLR

Jesus Christ /v/, how you've fallen
I don't have a 3ds.
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>>162807652 (OP)
Mmm, what's so special about this game? tell me the backstory
I suggest making this thread in about 8-10 hours.
It's for vita too.
I live in yurop, not out here til tuesday.
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But I did nigger.
I'm more interested in the next game in the series right now as this shit had to end on such a big fucking cliffhanger.
I don't want to waste my money you fag. I pirated 999 and will pirate this one too.
any rule 34 yet?
i produce shit naturally why pay for it
>pirating a 3DS/Vita game
Good luck
Do I need to have played 999 beforehand?
Weebshit never fails to amuse me.
I didn't buy it cause
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Yeah you should.
My excuse is that I played it. Now stop making daily threads about this.
Yeah, because VLR spoils several of 999's plot twists.
Why bother, it has stupider twists than MGS and less gameplay. Also everyone has the same face. I really only hate it because people like it though, also I'm a cyborg ghost
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No, all you're getting is official art with the word SAMPLE on it.
I bought a PS3 instead of a 3ds. I'm sorry /v/, but that huge tv, i just had to ;_;
You are both a faggot and a child.
Don't listen to >>162808823

Yes, you really do.
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Seconding this notion. You made this thread waaaay too early. Ignorant trolls shitting up a thread about one of the best recent games that proves some devs still care about quality makes me very sad.
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Well I'm surprised this hasn't turned into black box general yet.
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Children will be children. I know it hurts bro, but we have to get through this.
Not getting a 3DS until i'm sure it's the 'real' version (still half expect nintendo to release an XL version with higher resolution).
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I hated this nigger so much.
Glad he is handcuffed to a sink for the rest of his life.
Didn't they release an XL already?
>weeaboo shit

My fkn sides
With this many shitposters I can't help but think that there's a cadre of people in /v/ being paid to shit all over good obscure games while praising mainstream dog shit like Blops

0/10, painfully obvious.
It's tragic.
"Let's talk about a game that falls outside the mainstream norms that was made with real effort and creativity."
"LOL NO, stupd wiibuu shit!!"

What do you people get out of this? Really, I want to know. So please, go ahead and share.
Calm down, OP.

because the game is shit fucktard
I don't have a 3DS.
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It wasn't engaging as 999 and the plot was much more out there, but I enjoyed it.
What the fuck was up with the secret ending though? Was that shit implying the players consciousness entered Kyle's body?
This game is consistently front page on neogaf, so clearly people are playing it. I bought it for vita, and sold the watch, making a net profit. However I would have glady not made any money at all and just played the game, it was excellent, because it put me in a good mood I nailed my interview and in a few short years I will be a millionaire, all thanks to this game.
That certainly is one possibility. A similar thing happened in Ever17.
I bought it just the other day.
Right, with Blick Winkel?
Anyways, if that is true, then the reason Sigma and Phi failed to stop Radical-6 from escaping is simply because we haven't played Zero Escape 3 yet.
I don't have a 3DS or a vita

should i get this?

I own a vita but everyone owns the 3ds version...
Vita version is superior. I hate my 3DS version.
What part did you have problems with?
The minesweeper? The fucking dice?
There are some annoying puzzles where they were clearly designed for you to be able to see your notes on the other screen. I have horrible short term memory so I had to rely on walkthroughs at times. Other than that I would play it on Vita.
Which part, the walls or a later puzzle?
Dice. Minesweeping is annoying as hell as well, but I managed to get quite a few of the furniture pieces out.
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I laughed when I first saw that.
It's not out here.
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Oh, Shinji...
The Vita version beats the 3DS version because it looks better (obviously) and it doesn't have the weird save glitch that the 3DS has. Oh and trophies I guess, if you care about that sort of thing.
Get out of this topic. And never look at the spoiled images in here.
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Sigma is so fucked up.
It's funny how with each day the copies sold goes higher and higher
okay bye
It has the same replayabillity a book has; you play/read it and then you play/read it again several years after.

The thing is, not everyone likes to re-read stuff or have enough time to read something they already read.
Not in Europe yet
How is it selling exactly?
Here's something I wonder if people ever made any correlations too.

999, loved by a big section of /v/ and threads would turn near general status with blackbars everywhere

Barely any threads, barely any discussion

Now think about this
999 was easily piratable while VLR not so much
3DS or Vita? I'm asking because 999 was on DS and the dual-screen made the game even better.
>dat sudoku
My excuse?



I think EBgames might still be open, I'll be right back...
Referring to the topic
>Day 1
>only 3 copies sold, what's your excuse?
>Day 1.1
>only 5 copies sold, what's your excuse?
>Day 2
>only 9 copies sold, what's your excuse?
>Day 3
>only 15 copies sold, what's your excuse?
>Day 4
>only 25 copies sold, what's your excuse?
Talking about the threads. first it was 20, then 40, now 70.
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The backstory is the first game
I played the demo and it seemed awful. Don't think it's the kind of game I'd like at all.
I hope that Zero Escape 3 will have a different playable character, but still have Sigma and Phi as part of the main cast

Nintendo dug their own grave with this shit.

>piracy bad
>banish all piracy
>suddenly lose publicity because most people pirate it and then if they like it, will buy it like most did with 999
Don't own a 3DS or Vita.

I'll definitely pick it up when I eventually buy one. I loved 999. There just aren't enough games on either system that I'm motivated to play at this stage. This might change come 2013.
I'm guessing that's what will happen.
And then the story tries its best to hide the fact that said main character is responsible for the release of Radical-6
Oh sweet

how much is it?
Is the voice ok? replayable?
>Demo only available on Vita

I'm gonna get the game anyways but what the fuck Akyss? The original was for nintendo why not support the guys who fucking set you up
Try to reach a wider audience?
That being said, I don't think the developers anticipated the Vitanic sinking so fast. I wouldn't be surprised if ZE3 was 3DS exclusive.
I say 3DS, but look out for the one bug before the pressure room. look it up before starting.
Will it... spoil much?
Vita, superior graphics and sound. it's easier to take notes on the 3DS, but the Vita allows for screenshots.
I was wondering what happens when they prevent the release of Radical 6 in ZE3. Who ends up where? Specifically, will Dr. K end up back in the future, and young Sigma reclaims his original body? Or will it be some alternate young Sigma, who never experienced VLR? And what will happen to Phi?

So many questions.
How much of 999 do you need to know to play? It's been so long that I forgot a lot of stuff. Santa was zero right?
Just avoid saving in Escape rooms and you'll be fine. You might get the occasional freeze, but you won't have your save corrupted.
Well, he was half of Zero
And if you know the True Ending you're fine.
But also keep in mind that Amazon, Gamestop, and other retailers sold out of 999 very quickly, even after it got more than one reprint. Even though it was inevitably pirated, it still sold well enough to sell out many times over.
Something about a desert and cars and egyptian lady?

Fuck, maybe I should just wiki it.
As long as you've played 999 already, it should be fine. VLR will explain the necessary bits in case you have forgotten them.

But it is fun discovering the references to 999 before they are explicitly revealed.
wouldn't be a bad idea.
Don't forget about Kyle
Who the fuck is Phi anyways?

That image is incorrect in one regard.

Because K is Akane in the canon ending and Kyle is frozen in the pod under the grave
We better get Phi in a bikini.
i'm willing to bet that Phi is the one Sigma got his arms and eye cut the fuck off to save, and she volunteered to be frozen by Akane to repay him, or something
Fuck. I've had the first one sitting around in my desk yet unplayed for a while. Fuck.
Heh, someone said that the last time too.
It isn't 100% right or 100% wrong
Maybe she was part of the Nevada test crew. I do vaguely remember hearing a woman's voice during that one recording, but I can't be sure if that was Phi's voice.
So which K is >>162808901 pic?
Should I get this for the 3DS or Vita? Oh, and I still haven't beaten 999.

That's heavily hinted to be Luna, which is DOUBLE reinforced by the fact that the woman recorded from the Mars Mission disaster has the same VA as Luna. Sigma likely attempted to save her, but the Luna there fucked EVERYTHING up due to sabotage from free the soul and ruined the lives of everyone on Earth. Sigma later recreates this Luna as a surrogate robomom for Kyle.
I'm quite sure it's Kyle.
It's fucking Schrödinger's cat!

Ugh, I'm just having horrible flash backs to Umineko all of a sudden.
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That pairing of bracelets does not occur in the canon timeline, and thus it is actually Kyle inside.
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Eighteen hours later, I finally 100% the game. Definitely worth it.
That fucking scene had me in stitches.
This reminds me that Sigma is a creepy old man to speaks in cat puns. It really adds a new element to the dialogue.

I... I can't watch this.
Now just imagine this scene from everyone else's perspective. Sigma thinks he's flirting, but it's so awkward otherwise. Actually, it's awkward regardless of the situation. But still.
>That feel when June is so cute and nice.
>That feel when she's a manipulative bitch and never loved Junpei
I was genuinely surprised how much the game refers to Sigma as old man, because both Dio and Phi call him this multiple times

I don't know how I never noticed it the first time
That's why you gotta play ZE3 and undo everything. If you prevent the release of Radical-6, then she'll have no reason to work with Dr. K and spend 45 years trying to undo the past. Which means more time for Junpei to work his magic on her.
This was a fun time sink of a game. Going through the dialogue a second time answered a lot of questions I had that just went right over my head, such as Phi calling me grandpa in the elevator at the beginning. Clever!
Vita has a bit better graphics and no save bug. But I prefer the 3DS for the second screen and stylus.
Akane reveals in VLR that she would've liked nothing more than to settle down with Junpei, but she knew that her duty was to save mankind and shit so she couldn't. It's actually quite sad.

of course, she says this in a prerecorded message and Junpei isn't there when you hear it
After I learned about Sigma being really old, it made lines like that so fucking creepy.
Seem her attide, it sounds more like cop out. She didn't care.
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>mfw Tenmy saw that recording of Zero in his ending.
>mfw he didn't trust Sigma because he knew he was technically Zero
I just don't care.

To Akane, she's already experienced years and years of planning and 'failed' timelines. Every path experienced, she feels her death happen again, because unlike Phi and Sigma and Kyle who SWAP consciousness with their future or past selves, Akane merely observes from a past point. This also means that she essentially controls destiny, because she can invert any disaster upon herself merely by instituting an AB/Nonary game loop of some sort. Akane's essentially spent years and years and years for REVENGE. She wants to fuck up Free The Soul for burning her eight year old self to death and ruining her life. She's a psycho vindictive bitch no matter the tone she takes.
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What excuses?
Psycho vindictive bitches can have feelings that don't relate to hate or revenge, too.
>>162807652 (OP)
Not only did I buy a copy, I convinced a friend of mine to buy a copy. and a vita to play it on.
>mfw he should remember all of it as he's Junpei.
72 copies sold OP!!
You da man.
>>162807652 (OP)
i got the game with the watch. its rad as fuck.
besides a few grammar/spelling mistakes, bugs, and some crashing (at least on the 3ds), i'd still say its one of my favorite games on the 3ds. Then again, i loved 999, so i may be a bit biased.

>tfw someone saves the picture you made.
Is this worth getting if I haven't played the previous game for the DS?
You HAVE to play 999 to fully enjoy VLR.
Buy both faggot.
It's a great game on its own, but it become even more so if you play the first one. Just download a DS emulator and play 999. It's only 10 hours long
VLR's story is self contained.
But you will not understand a LOT of things if you don't play 999.
999 is more than 10 hours long, I'd say around 30.
That is why I haven't picked it up yet.

I've heard wonderful things, but I barely have time to play games as it is, let alone play a visual novel so I can get to the newer game. Don't you have to play though the first game a few times in order to get the real end, or something?

Maybe, but that's sort of her everything. She's explicitly stated to be cold and calculating and not really give a shit anymore. In 999 it's already been confirmed her entire personality was a front, likely referring to how Junpei wanted to see her in order to best disguise her innocence. Hell, the word the creator used to describe her was 'cruel'.
You have to get every ending to get true, and there's 5 or 6 endings not counting true. I don't remember exactly.
The entire game, I felt I was playing as this alpha chunk of man-meat, as opposed to the thin-build bitches that similar games have you play as. At least we got a deviation from that ;_;
Yeah but once you already unlocked an ending you can just skip the text. The only thing that sucks is that you have solve the puzzles again. VRL solved those problems.
No you don't.
You only need to get the Safe ending before you get the True Ending.
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Forgot pic
No you have to get every ending, even if you didn't you still should get every ending.
But you won't get all the background information unless you get all the endings
Is it the kind of bullshit where half the game will be the exact same every single run, and only the last two hours is different?

Or is it way more open, where shit can take a totally different direction within the first few hours, like how SMT:DS was?

I might head to Gamestop tomorrow and pick up both the titles, as long as it's something I can play in extremely short sessions, like, 15 minutes at a time during my breaks at work.
About the VA thing, is it in both languages?
I always wondered why Sigma's arms always looked a lot thinner in cutscenes where you can see them. Look at the ones where he's restraining Dio or Alice, they're much thinner than his artwork
I've only seen 2 copies of this game so far in stores (3DS, didn't check for Vita version), one of which I purchased. The other copy was bought up rather quickly and it still hasn't been restocked in either store...
Yeah, a lot stuff will change. You will also get different puzzles.
the Vita has both languages, I'm not sure about the 3DS. I would think so.
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>yfw you remember that Tenmy thinks Zero is the one who killed Akane in most of the routes
I dont blame him for what he did.
Not the first half, but you do have to go through the same scenes quite a bit. VLR fixed that issue. You're going to want to marathon parts. You can't cut it during the true ending for example. First half you can just play 15 minutes at a time for sure.
You can choose Japanese or English voice acting.
They explain it.
You don't NEED every ending to get the True ending. It is heavily recommended, however.

The only other route that gives you the full story is the Sub ending. Everything else is explained in the True and Safe endings.
Obtuse enough where it's near impossible to get the "true" ending without a guide? Or will you figure out the correct decisions to make through various playthroughs, but each playthrough is worthwhile on it's own?

I know I'm asking a lot of questions, but that's because I buy games all the time and never complete them, and I don't want to do that again if I'm getting two games.

Also is the plot good, or just good for an animu styled game?
No I know that, I meant does the woman have the same VA as Luna in both languages?
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>buying a visual novel
>buying a single player game
>buying a ds game

I only buy multiplayer games.
I used a guide, but the game gives you hints. You should be able to figure it out.

The story is fantastic, easily the best story on the DS.

In 999, looking a flowchart is recommended. Some of the paths are awkward and the necessary steps to get something particular can often end up convoluted.

Also, in 999 you have to repeat puzzles, which sucks.

In VLR, they fix this by MAKING EVERY SINGLE FUCKING PUZZLE ROOM DIFFERENT which is also fucking awesome sweet badass A+ - and through logic and coming to the right points in the various flow paths, you can deduce when you can open several 'locks'(where the story is halted due to lacking information necessary from another point on the flow chart). VLR is super excellent.
I actually have both games, but never played either. I plan on doing so soon enough. What am I in for?
If I remember correctly is mostly just choosing different pats. The story is awesome.
Unlike 999, all of the major endings are named after the paticular character it's focused upon. If you're familiar with VNs at all, you'll know that to get a specific character's route, you have to make choices to get you closer to certain characters.

So getting good endings and by extension the true ending is easier to do.
if you teach who to pirate i will gave u gamestop gift ward

Yes, because the scenario writer was basically pulled in during translation. He also liked the whole "Virtue's Last Reward" name so much it's now the name of one of the songs.
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A wild ride
Oh and the number 9 fucking everywhere.
>There's an in-game flowchart that allows you to place yourself at any point you've already experienced.

Oh, huh. I really like that. Might pick this up tomorrow, 999, that is.
Waiting for that sexy animal crossing 3DS. (this wouldn't be an issue if it wasn't for the region lock. I would have totally ordered one from japan if it could also play NTSC-US games)
The flowchart is only in VLR. You don't get that luxury in 999.
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>>162807652 (OP)
I was busy jerking off to Red Dwarf cosplay
Only 24 different endings.
But for the love of god don't let the lack of a flowchart stop you from playing 999. Its worth while, and then you'll be able to enjoy the improvements much more after the very minor suffering.
Virtues Last Reward is the name of the main theme, which has a piano version for any character ending that isn't Phi's, and the Orchestrated version for Phi's ending.
If ZE3 follows the trend of remixing Morphogenic Sorrow for its main theme, wonder how its gonna sound
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>tfw Axe Ending
It's a darn shame we never see her kill anyone in VLR
You know what VRL lacks? A model viewer. I wan to fap to Clover's legs.
I hated how they had the amazing remix cut to something else.
I loved how it just sounded like a bigger budget version of the song, until it cuts to the opening theme.
It was my first end. It really conveyed what kind of game experience I was in for. I love it
She kinda does. She almost snaps in I think Tenmy's route, but she did kill Luna. But we all know how that turned out.
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Was looking forward to adding this to my Vita collection.
Then I tried the demo.

At least something good is coming out soon; All-Star Battle fucking Royale.
You always prevent her from snapping though, and you can't really kill a robot with a muscle relaxant

Oh god her ending in VLR was totally unexpected.

All those dead bodies ;_;
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>Very emotional piano version of Morphogenic Sorrow plays during the credits, which is then ruined by the main theme cutting in
>When it actually plays during Luna and True ending it's just the original version from 999
ya blew it Chunsoft
I just remembered something about K's ending. Why was Dio's bracelet broken? Did Dio smash it, while he was suffocating and presumably thrashing around? Or was it K, and if so, why?
Does anyone prefer the tone of 999 more than VLR? Things just felt much more bleak and violent in 999.
Biggest flipout?

>Sigma's a geriatric
>Ten is Junpei
>Luna is a golem
>Dio is from FTS
>There's abso-fucking-lutely nothing special about Alice FUCK THIS WAS THE WORST THING FOR ME
That's my biggest complaint with the music. Why make that beautiful piece and then never use it? It is miles better than the original Morphogenic Sorrow
She didn't know that, and thought she actually killed her. Plus there were at least two routes where you don't calm down Clover, because Luna's body is found next Alice's.

Alice was also the biggest letdown for me. I chose her path first, and nothing fucking happens. Of course it's also the way towards the true end, so I had to go and do everything else before continuing.
If you miss that, you must be excited for ZE3 since the traps in the Test Site must be able to at least take out two arms and an eye
I think ZE3's going to be very, very different in tone, because it's going to be the first ZE in which Zero is actively trying to kill everyone, instead of honing some weird supernatural skill to save everybody
...Will ZE3 even have a Zero and a Nonary Game?
Loved the fuck out of 999, but I don't have any money right now for VLR because the place I'm gonna work at opens next year.
I was wondering that myself. How are they going to justify splitting up everyone into groups and all of that crap?
Dio smashing it while thrashing is the most logical conclusion, but you could theorize that with the old lady dead, K probably felt he didn't have much to live for anymore. Maybe he blamed Sigma as well for doing it, deciding to kill them all.

I guess it was Dio himself? Luna couldn't have smashed the bracelet since she was designed not to harm humans.
it's probably going to be some sort of team of conveniently 9 people who are trying to break in and stop Radical 6 from being spread, and they have to get past all the traps in the facility
>Look up fanart for 999
>80% Clover
Did anyone else enjoy the Q Room as much as I did? I'm always a sucker for areas that call back earlier parts of the game.

Too bad it was slightly ruined by the inclusion of a dart puzzle. Fuck, that's the only one I had to look at a guide to figure out.

My fucking 3ds crashed like, twice on the dice puzzle in that room.
Seriously. The dice puzzles in the game lag like crazy.
Other than than, it was a wonderful room.
>ZE3 will have remixes of the last two games remixed puzzles
>the final puzzle will be another round of Extreme Sudoku
The Dart Puzzle in both the Rec Room and Q Room was easy shit. Can you even math?
That Dice puzzle was stupid filler bullshit though.

It's really, REALLY REALLY FUCKING EASY If you just write down the values of each ring and know the color progression, which is SUPER obvious. Then you literally just take the highest numbers from the middle ring one at a time where necessary and subtract them from your desired point total, which makes finding out the remaining two places easy as shit.


>Junpei going all "Oh now someone's just being a jackass" killed my sides
Gosh I know Tenmyouji can still get his happy ending. Maybe not in the VLR timeline, but hopefully if Sigma and Phi can convince the bikers to go right this time he can meet Akane in that timeline. I hope ;_;
I still haven't seen all of the bad endings yet. At least, those that require you to betray someone else. I feel terrible betraying most of them. The bad endings where you have to ally did catch me by surprise.
it's pretty obvious that at this point, Junpei would be much happier with Quark than with Akane
"The Akane I knew isn't here... she isn't anywhere."
The writer is making it very goddamn clear that they will NEVER get a happy ending.

>my fucking heart when Luna standing outside of your AB Room, or when Alice: Betray shows up when she's supposed to be fucking unconscious and Sigma has 1 BP and you see her standing in the AB Doorway fucking holy shit my heart exploded out of my chest
>mfw she wants to CLANG CLANG Sigma
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Nobody has time to math things out like a faglord when it's the last fucking room and there's bound to be tons of exposition right around the corner GET THIS SHITTY PUZZLE OUT OF MY FACE AND LET ME THROUGH
Thank god the game never forces you to kill someone when you choose Betray... I don't think my heart could take it.
she scared the fucking piss out of me, I was actually beginning to think Luna was some psychotic robot killer, especially with the look she had. of course, i felt extremely bad about it later and that's why her ending just hit me in the fucking face
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>Not trusting Luna with your entire being.
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I don't play shitty games, what's yours?
She trusted you anon... how could you go back on her trust at the last moment?

Eat every second of that bad end.
It broke my heart every time I have to chose betray. It's also sad that a fucking robot is the only one that will never betray you.
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>delicious Luna

>that tiny, ignorable amount of math and writing

underage, reported
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I didn't, at least not the first time. Feels good. I only picked betray to see what would happen.
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I think it was intentional
>The most logical choice EVERY TIME in the prisoner's dilemma is to choose Betray
>The fucking ROBOT of all people chooses Ally every time.
Just more proof that Luna is more than just a robot, and is the best VLR waifu

The thing is, I didn't betray her, she just scared the living shit out of me. Certainly made me paranoid, especially since the way she acts when she's performing an order makes her flat robot - i.e. Sigma's end when she suddenly stares you down and goes nigh-monotone. That bad end right there remains a ? until I feel like a bad enough dude to see all the bad path ends.
>my time here is ogre
Fuck the laws of robotics
The game brings up the idea of quantum mechanics, and how one person's decisions can radically affect other events, even if that person was not directly involved with said event.

So far, Akane has been able to justify all of the Nonary games so far, because she will try to change the past and prevent the release of Radical 6. The first two needed to happen to ensure she survives and she helps with the third game in order to send Dr. K back in time. With me so far?

But what if her survival when she was a child is the original impetus to the release of Radical 6? Through quantum mechanics, her survival influenced Free the Soul, somehow, to kill off human civilization. It's Schrödinger's cat, I ain't got to explain shit.

Of course, it's all pretty moot, because you could say any other random, insignificant action lead to these series of events. But it would be interesting if Akane went through all of this trouble to save humanity, and she indirectly started this mess in the first place.
what if ZE3 had you go back into the past and stop Akane from surviving the Nonary Game

don't ask me how either
The only way that could happen is if Sigma knew someone in that game and told them with the morphogenic field to prevent her from surviving.
inb4 Ace was the good guy all along
Fuck yeah, that bitch needs to die. Junpy had a hard life because of her. ;_;
What's the deal with the Free the Soul robes she wears at the end?
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Thing is, to get to that point you have to pick Luna + Ally every time. Suddenly freaking out at the last moment just because some skeevy shit is going down just proves how little you actually trusted Luna in the end.
Stay mad.

Free The Soul was an existence dating back to Lord Gordain's time, and Brother himself was described as 'that old fart' by Dio when he was attempting to refute his position as Left to avoid being revealed. Ergo, it's more likely that Radical-6 was going to happen anyways, and Akane's survival is more the catalyst of Free The Soul eventually being taken down as her immense power over the Morphogenetic Fields allow her to essentially control any point in time that directly correlates to her - but she cannot affect Radical-6 being released, because she cannot be a part of the Mars Mission - because Junpei is there and she probably would've died on site or might not have been able to be a part of it, hence the reason she needs Phi, Sigma and Kyle, who are all timejumpers.

I'm you, so I get to choose how you felt for these reasons because I said so. I freaked because I'm a goddamn pussy, I picked Ally because I WENT BACK THROUGH MY MEMORIES OF ALL THE STUFF SHE DID THROUGHOUT THE GAME. Besides, to distrust is to desire to know more - you don't get to know people by just believing everything at face value unless everyone always tells the truth forever, you get to know them by QUESTIONING who they are. So you're wrong, yah.
You would think in the year or so after 999 Seven would've told everyone else his name.
Whatever you need to tell yourself to justify betraying the one person on the entire moon who trusted you with her heart and s- wait.
Mai husbando.
Don't Clover and Alice still refer to Seven as Seven, even though it's been 2 years since they've been working together?
>>162807652 (OP)
Stop making these threads
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What if his real name IS Seven?
"Clover" is a code name too, isn't it?

That bothered me a bit in this one. Everyone (Other than Clover) using their actual names from the beginning shows they trusted each other/Zero a hell of a lot more than the 999 cast.
>>162807652 (OP)
No 3DS or Vita. If it was for PSP or DS I'd pick one up, but unfortunately I'm not going to spend $300~ on one game...

I did buy 999 though.
I thought her actual name was Clover.
It is.
Clover's her actual name, though. The creator says that Seven isn't his actual name, though.
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Let's post more things that are hilariously out of touch after you've seen the true ending.
oh, the irony
Well that's pretty fuckin' dumb of her, then, to use her real name while everyone else is making codenames (And for a good reason)
Clover is her actual name, hilariously enough

Silly Sigma, don't you mean two old men?
Oh god there are so many problems there I don't know where to begin.
They didn't need to hide their identities from each other in VLR. Well, except for Dio, K and Tenmyouji, but the latter could have explained his name away as a coincidence, in case that Alice and Clover knew his full name is Junpei Tenmyouji, if that really was his actual last name.
Clover and Alice don't know Tenmyouji is Junpei until he explicitly says it
Sigma and Tenmyouji's relationship gets a lot more hilarious when you think about it.
Two old men acting more tough and younger than they are.
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Which is probably one of the reason why she was targeted by Ace. She was too dumb to hide her identity.
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Comedy gold
What's it for?
No Games Portable 2 and Tridimensional Dual Screen.
Clover incidentally put Snake in danger as well because of that.
You mean three women, one robot woman, two old men, and a plot device
Everything in this game is comedic gold. From the cat puns, to the archives.

>implying Quark is not a clone of brother given to Junpei in order for Brother to sort of echo the morphogenetic field through him and extend his own life because he knows Dio is going to get fucked in his whiny little Left clonebutt n-no help me B-Brother-sama and by doing this he knows what Akane is really trying to do and Brother himself will be one of the Mars Mission characters in the third game - also starring Quark's hat

>the one archive entry that just keeps going and doesn't let you scroll down

My sides.


Just kidding, he has snacks in there.
Was that intentional, or was that a glitch? Because I really did think you should have been able to scroll down.

But if that's what they intended, then kudos to them.
Fuck, I really want to play this, but I don't have a Vita or 3ds.
Which handheld is better so far? I might have to snag one next weekend during the sales.
Do you really have to ask?

Vita has some stable titles, but the future looks REALLY fucking grim for it. It was seriously at like 4k sales in Japan.for a week while the 3DS was 140k+.

3DS is less fancy obviously, but far cheaper and has a SHITTON of titles hitting throughout the holiday season and especially next year, with the new Fire Emblem and Luigi's Mansion: Dark Dawn coming in.
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Depends on what games you are looking for.

I went with 3DS because of SMTIV, among other things.
Aww yeah finally going to start this.

So most important thing is basically, don't save in the puzzle rooms?
Fuck that entry. I sat there for five minutes trying everything I could think of to get it to scroll down. I was seriously shaking the 3DS.
Vita lets you take screenshots, doesn't have freezing or save-deleting bugs, and if you have a capacitive stylus there's virtually no downside.

I wouldn't buy the system for just this game, though.
Yep, that's it.
So going by the archives
>Minkowski is the best resort destination for small cows.
>Don't fuck with cats unless you want to speak in cat puns for all epurrnety.
>pictures can pick up guardian spirits
>Layton would have a top tier Gentlepoint rating with all those puzzles he solves.
>genetically engineered psychic bears are real.
Just the ones off the top of my head.






...What the hell are we doing?

I loved those moments from 999, I hope this one has those same kind of humor and interactions.
It actually references that particular joke.
I think I remember seeing that gag again here.
It even involves some of the same characters who did it the first time

that's fucking hilarious, exactly why I loved that entry so much because I could just imagine people getting buttmad about it

Clover: Give me a P!
Tenmyouji: Give me an I!
Sigma: ... What the hell are you two doing?!

>wet down there

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