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>dat ending

oh god i was going to cry

the cameos were cool too
did he rek em 8)
>no torrent yet
90% of the movie is sarah silverman. TORtanic the movie
She did a really good job voicing Vanellope. I expected her to be annoying but I forgot she was even the voice of the character after awhile.
Ruin-it Ryan
Find-It Five
Shitpost it Steve.
Deadhorse Dave

Lieutenant James Vega
Rape-It Randy
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>be a cynical hate-filled husk of a man
>watch this
>I-it's raining.
>all advertising is pandering
>wrack it relph barely spends anytime with advertisements
>except femshep
Damage-It Dan
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Spoiler Image, 4 KB

>"I use candy wrappers as blankets. I can just wrap myself up like a little ol' homeless lady."

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Cutest goddamn couple ever.
Remind me of his catchphrase so I can spout it at tonight's /tg/ame like an autististic douche.
Why is Zangief considered a bad guy? He was never part of shadaloo, he's just a wrestler.
>Scream audibly
On the movie website, the bio for him says "Not a bad guy".
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Spoiler Image, 228 KB
Read the filename.
>"I'm bad, that's good."
>"I will never be good, and that's not bad."
>"There's no one I'd rather be than SUUUUPERMAN."
So how was the ending of this? I hated it from the start since it felt like to me it was trying too hard to be a Who framed Roger Rabbit for this generation. Also the plot has already been done in other movies in better ways.
Rake-It Dosh
put that in spoiler tags faggot
>You really are a BAD GUY
No Vanelope, he is doing it to save you ;_;
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"You wouldn't hit a guy with glasses would you?" *Breaks the glasses over his head* "OW! Hit a guy WITH glasses... that's good."
I didn't catch it either, although it all made so much sense when it revealed him as king candy.
The director could never beat Zangief as a kid, so he's a bad guy to him.

Don't read a thread for something you haven't seen on /v/ faggot
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really, cause thats not obnoxious...
>How was the ending?
>Which implies you haven't watched it
>I hated it from the start
>The plot was already done
>Which implies you have watched it
Well, which is it?
Did anyone else ship the fuck out of Ralph and Vanellope? I'm usually totally against shipping but holy shit if she wasn't like 8 she would have been a love interest, just sayin'
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>Disney won't even let their employees have ear piercings or tattoos.

This is how little the bourgeois think of you. Sara Silverman's dirty cunt has money shoved in it, that bulldyke from Glee is in this movie, but meanwhile Disney imposes some bullshit "policy" upon the poor. Much like 4chan in many ways. Durping and huuring child pornography, harassment, but meanwhile... mods everywhere.

The only way I'm seeing this movie is through torrent. I hope some Joker guy comes along and shoots up the theater of this crap too.
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>Hated the movie's start
>Didn't see the end

Nigger, you best be explainin'.

It's even cuter because Felix is a masochist because he can only fix things so he wants to wreck and hurt himself
What's obnoxious about it?
Dang-It Bobby
I got a parental feeling out of it, honestly. He wanted to protect that kid and give her a good life.
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>it was trying too hard to be a Who framed Roger Rabbit for this generation


Not even close.

You walked out on a movie you paid for? Faggot

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Stream where?
>Who should we get to voice this snotty little girl?
>How about a snotty little girl who makes lots of money.
>Makes sense to me.

She fit the role perfectly, I really don't think anyone else could have done a job that well.
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>can see him for 1 sec
I'm okay with this.
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To be fair the sound track wasn't that bad.
The only time there was dubstep was during when Ralph first went into hero's duty, and it kinda fit
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even thought you are namecancer, I gotta agree

Sarah Silverman is fucking disgusting person and hardly ever funny
Only torrent that was uploaded is a really shitty russian version. The quality is crap.
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Hello boys
What the absolute fuck is this shit?
its ur mum m8
I can see it in retrospect, but during the movie I was busy just hating lollipop-suckin' slutwhores and cheering on Ralph for actually making her smile and her shitmobile.
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Image colab made during the MoP trailers.
I don't know why I still have it saved.
She sure is one dynamite gal.
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>high definition

When he said it the 2nd time I thought she was going to re-do the flash backs but faster
I want to see Turbo shooped into as many games as possible.
I just hate how they try so hard to pander kids when 99% of the cameos in the movie are too obscure for them to get.
Then it's the shitty music and that Glee actress to pander teenagers with the FPS scene.

Aside from that, I would watch it if I were in the cinema with nothing else to watch
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Wait, seriously?

That have fucking femshep in this movie?

That's retarded.
Well in that guy's defense, the movie's first act is really weak. It got much better around the point where Ralph teams up with Vanellope, but up till then its storytelling felt weak (though I absolutely loved the game references and jokes). Also, most of the movie's humor that wasn't vidya-related just fell flat. The punching in the Nesquik to make taffy laugh like children and the "Duty" poop joke that went on way too long just made me cringe.

Other than that, though it was a good movie. The music was fantastic (except for the Rihanna song). Hotel Transylvania was a stronger movie, though.
It should be done similarly to SUBTLE Druid edits.

I fucking love this song. Surprised it was in the movie.

Is there an actual decent sprite of him, fanmade or otherwise?
Uhm.... what? Did you even watch the movie?
You mean the marine chick?

No, that's not Femshep, dude.

>/v/ in one picture.jpg
why is there a fucking romance plot shoehorned in every fucking kids movie?
>Look at how retarded I am guys
>Guys look
>Can I have attention now
>B-but I'm acting so retarded!
>shitty music

It worked fantastic for that scene and cannot even really be called dubstep
'bort-it buckley
They have an equal gender split of the main characters. One of them is from a point-an-shooty. At no point is there a femshep reference.
oh god just watching her character on the trailer turned me off from this movie. I cant stand little annoying girls
I saw one on /co/ but I didn't save it. Looked fanmade.

Other than that, the one in the spoiler near the beginning of the thread.
What is it?
>This song plays at the end
>As soon as parents hear it's in japanese they rush their children out

Well, on the bright side, no one clapped.
Yeah, but I need him on his cart and everything.
This should be a game. Either Disney Interactive or Sega should get on it.
What was wrong with it? It took up like 1/100 of the screen time. Hell, the GIFs I posted earlier were all from the video game.
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The dub step in that scene made me laugh.

I thought it was a joke, you know since most FPS us dupstep in their trailers, at least the most generic shooters
I didn't sit through the credits. The theatre was fucking PACKED and I wasn't to get out of there and get laid. Did I miss any bonus clips during the roll?
Oh you poor soul.

You don't know, do you?
Yeah, I know. Sorry I can't be any more help, but until we get a good rip, it's not happening.
>Jim Profit
Could it be, the real Jim?
So what was this movie about?
>and get laid

What is wrong with you, nigger.
You don't deserve to know.
>>161168410 (OP)
Man I wish I had some money so I could see this. I've heard nice things about it
Why didn't they kill Vanellope? she was and is still a glitch with no use, she breaks the game and Ralph should break her
Yeah, they basically adapted the main characters into a bunch of video games, like Sonic 2's Chemical Plant Zone or Metroid. The levels themselves were modified to look like they were from original games, but the styles were obvious.
>Japanese lyrics
I thought it was an American movie.
Why is the music in Japanese?
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[/spoiler]>Venellope: "Ralph, you can stay here with me. Instead of going back and being a bad guy there, you will always be happy here. You won't be a bad guy, and you can race tracks with me whenever we want."
>Ralph: "Sorry kid. But I have a job to do, back in Fix-it Felix Jr. I belong there."
>Venellope: "Okay Ralph..... But... We'll see each other again, right?"
>Ralph: "Yep. And I'll be there at the other side of the arcade, watching you cross the finish line and winning every gold trophy there is...
>Venellope: "Yeah......"[/spoiler]

Seriously. Someone get on that stream.
Video game villain who goes out to gain recognition and respect for his 30-year role.
because it's supposed to be a "kawaii uguu" japanese game
Japan is hyped for the movie, and over there the movie is called Sugar Rush.

Plus, y'know. The game.
I thought she was annoying as fuck, but it might just have been her writing.
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At the very end, the Disney title card became the Pac-Man kill-screen too.
You idiot.
Sugar Rush is a Japanese game, and the film is titled Sugar Rush in Japan. (yes, it's the whole "american cover vs. jap cover" thing but backwards)

They just use the song when they're in Sugar Rush and during the credits because it fits.
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So was the movie good or not?

Just watch it.
It's fantastic.

Honestly, I saw Brave and Paranorman too, but I liked Smash-It Steve the most this year.
>leaving during the credits
shit tier faggot untermenchen get out of my sight
Yes, now go away.

Demon-killer Dante
Does anyone have a link to anything about the actual sugar rush game? I keep looking it up but all I get are clips from the movie and a shitty ipad game.
What the fuck are you talking about?
My ticket says 'Crumble-it Chris'
There's a flash game on the movie website?

It's called Mario Kart

I sat through most of them, but half way through everyone left and the janitor came in and started sweeping up. I imagined what a grown man staying around watching the credits to a kid's movie must have looked like to the janitor and my social angziety got the best of me.
It's entry level stuff aimed at consolefags and dumbshits who were dumbed enough to play at arcades while getting money sucked out of their pockets.
Really you'll just watch the film to see the WHACKY cameos and nothing else. The movie has as much depth as a pool of water.
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>The movie has as much depth as a pool of water.
but there's pretty much no cameos past the first 15 minutes of the film
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>Hi, my name is /v/ and I make reviews without watching the movie!
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what videogame is the little girl supposed to reference?
Whoops, you seem to be in the wrong place, son.

This isn't rotten tomatoes.
>he movie has as much depth as a pool of water.

Some pools are pretty fucking deep.
>>161168410 (OP)
Who's the blonde woman
I don't need to know what I'm talking about to hate it
Why do movies have so many honky devils?
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Why does every 3d animation movie look like it had the same 3d modeler.

Shit looks generic as fuck
Even rotten tomatoes' score isn't that bad
Never change, /v/
It's more aimed at kids you dumb fuck
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This is awful

I would kill for an actually good Sugar Rush game.
Boku no Ralph
Less about modeling and more about how they render.

Most big-budget CG-Movies probably share the same render-farm for the final product, which is probably rented out to them by a third party service.
I abolutely forgot this movie wa going to exist.

Might watch it soon. Thanks /v/
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Anyone else get Banjo-Kazooie Freezeezy Peaks vibes when they introduced the racetrack in Sugar Rush?

Name of the song is "Royal Raceway" from Wreck It Ralph OST.
That scene broke my black rotten neckbeard heart. She is such loli waifu material.
But disney have their own renders so does dreamworks.
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>tfw I made the connection between what this guy did and what DLC does in vidya games
It..ruins them?
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>you were going to cry

HAHAHAHAHAHA I did cry you heartless bastard. When he started falling towards his doom and recited the villains' motto the dams just fucking broke and the waterworks started flowing. This movie managed to make me cry more than Toy Story 3, Wall-E, and UP combined
>dat konami code reference


So I'm guessing Sugar Rush was implied to be made by Konami?
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>"Yeah, it's over...For me"

Many feels were felt.
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can anyone draw felix like this saying "nigga, you just went full turbo"
No, just reference, because he used a nes controller, probably he just re-code part of the game and protected with that.
>Let's watch her die together
I was surprised they did something that dark in the movie. Was kind of disturbing to be honest
you do know that there are games with the konami code that werent made by konami?
Replace nigga with golly. Wouldn't sound right otherwise

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>No Kingdom Hearts cameos

come on Disney, you missed your chance
>kingdom hearts
>not Pixel
> Blatantly parodying Donkey Kong/Mario
> Has cameos from real video game characters
> Mario and Donkey Kong oddly absent.

Who Framed Roger Rabbit this is not.
>Caring about what some guy, that you'll most likely never see again, thinks about you.
There was an arcade version of Super Mario Bros.
No one cares about the cameos, this is a thread to discuss the feels and some subtle references.
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here faggot

depends. link?
Without the cameos it would be another boring as fuck Buzz Lightyear "Be who you're meant to be!" story that Disney has been recycling for the past twenty years. Disney's said as much by giving Sonic & Eggman center stage in the marketing even though as I understand it they have very little to do with the plot.
>yfw He was bad enough dude to save the president
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>That "Aeris Dies graffiti near the beggining"
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>that "Shenglong was here" graffiti
Jesus fuck, Go to watch it you faggots
Have you even watched the movie?
Stop pretending like you know at all what you're talking about you stupid fucking faggot.

This is why no one likes /v/ anymore.

Becuase Nintendo was being fucking assholes and requested a high fee to be paid for those characters. Why would they give Nintendo millions just for a 2 second cameo of them in the backround?
So no Dr. Wily in the end?

And no it isn't subbed
Capcom want to bury Megaman why would they allow a cameo?
No Wily
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/co/ has been handling it pretty well.
Oh look, it's another one of those faggots talking about a movie he hasn't watched.

>paying 15 dollars for a two hour movie

Fuck that shit.
I thought Capcom loved Megaman? that's why they celebrated his 25th birthday.
Nintendo didnt' care about Metroid at all
>my face when it's only $2 in my country
feels good
>Sugar Rush is a Japanese game
Don't watch it in 3D like a sucker then
>all the racers are cute girls in a cute world that have cute karts that do cute things
Add it up.
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>I thought Capcom loved Megaman
In the movie Sugar Rush is a japanese game
Just because it looks like Mario Kart it doesn't meat it was Japanese
It's also a kawaii loli candy world game
>implying 3D isn't 17 dollars
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>Sugar Rush will never be a real game
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Oh my LAN
Only Megaman's creator loved megaman
Once he left Capcom does not know what to do with him. I am happy they are not making any more megaman games without the creator but people dont care about that and just wanna play another megaman game
No, people are mad that they're actively trying to bury the series and shit on it and it's fans. Capcom genuinely loathes the series.
You guys are probably exactly like the kids that hogged the machine in the movie.
Let's be honest, Inafune didn't know what to do with him either.
I just want to play Mario Kart with cute lolis
What a pointless and stupid accusation
I was on point, it seems.
so you admit being a homosexual terrorist?
Based on what, exactly?

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>You now realize that every character you defeated in a LAN party/LAN Arcade died and never came back
Burying a series that has no creator is a bad thing?
The series was over and if they stop the iOS game we can put megaman to rest
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It used Konami code.

Has a Japanese theme song (On the Disney website it confirms the game's real theme music is Japanese, also the game came out in 1997 and is exclusively an arcade game).

You guys should check out the website, they even made fake advertizements for the games.

The early 1980s style commercial for Fix-it Felix was hilarious.
No, most games with lan support are the same game, so they will just re-spawn
Its only if they are on a game that aren´t theirs.
That's all I could think of during that part.
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>f3 "dreamworks face"
>no results
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>mfw he is falling
Oh God yes.
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>mfw the movie is called Sugar Rush in Japan
Agree with Konami code, but what is "real theme music" you talk about? There never was a Sugar Rush game in Japan or elsewhere.
i need sacue on video of that gif

Oh god these commercials. I loved how the birthday gift changes on each of them,
Well most animated movies are made by the same companies. It's also a style that works, its the right mix of realistic anatomy and exaggeration to lend it self to expressive movements and animation. Also people who go into the field grow up on this shit, it's what the learn and whats taught. It's the same reason that anime looks pretty much the same barring small changes and the radical outliers.
So sonic have a importante role or not?
No, he makes a couple of cameo appearances and says like, two lines.

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>there won't be any Vanellope doujins
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sanic only showed up in the movie like twice including the cedits. mfw
He has the most cameos out of all the characters
>No Pokemom cameos

Come on Nintendo, Pokemon sales would have been even better..not that they need to
there was no minecraft world in this movie

0/10 would not clap

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