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Have you ever had a crush with one videogame personality? Like really deeply inlove. (Not sexually)
>>157502416 (OP)
>deeply in love
chose two. you went full retard, OP.
Axel, from KHII
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Not my fault
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I don't understand WHY people like Tali.

Seriously, I don't see the appeal at all. I tried to got through her romance and it was just so awkward and forced. She is literally the worst.

Now Liara on the other hand.
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Oddly enough, her.

>I didn't know there was another way, Alice...
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bowser my husbando
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>tfw you get Emi withdrawls
I felt like liara was a different asari with the same name In mass effect 2 and 3.
Anyway, it is weird, but I was never interesting in any other character in the game except tali. I don't know why.
Both are terrible and you have shit taste for liking any of them.
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What are your opinions?
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KS ruined me for a while there.

It's good to be normal for now.
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>>157502416 (OP)
>really deeply inlove.
>with something that can't react to you
>>157502416 (OP)
omg, she has a ass. Ho boy, first time I see one. I think I'm in love!
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i want to drink her piss so bad ;_;
this just makes me wish mass effect didnt go full retard

wonder how long until we get another good sci fi rpg
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>dat accent

People dropped the Series over the ME3 ending, but I dropped it at 2 when I went full romance with Tali, remove her mask and BOOM...

Fucking Nothing

Way to cop out, Bioware
I like piss too.
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You're wrong.
don't bother, you'll just be called a normalfag.
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Dude you shoulda dropped it at ME3 when you actually saw her face.
>>157502416 (OP)
Someone just discover their first waifu?

Not love, but I come in Dawn's holes.
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I love women who are absolute bitches
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When I was a kid I was absolutely in love with Nina from Breath of Fire 2.
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Haha, oh wait. I forgot.
Just get out, then.
>Not Hope

More of a woman than Lightning.
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Not sexually, which was the strangest thing. She's mute, has almost no discernible features, but I couldn't help but feel a connection to her.

I didn't want anything but the best, for her to be happy.

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Anakin please we are worried about you it is just a cartoon.

Mah nigga. 13 was a chore but lightning herself is just fantastic.

You know she must be wild in bed.
>>157502416 (OP)
>deeply in love

Try again, kiddo
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From my point of view she is the perfect mate even if she is 2D!
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Videogames? Hah, nope. Animu and mango? Hell yes. Books? Yeap.

You know what this means, right? Videogame characters are shit and videogame industry writers are shittier.
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Please, I don't wanna remember that movie.
Rikku/Yuna from FFX. When I was much younger.
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Sage for panderingshit and waifus.

Your moeblobs are up this valley:
You know what the only cure is now that you've remembered.
>Animu and mango
>Not generic animations and comics

You are filth, aren't you?
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This is an issue.
Do you wet yourself and drink it?

Don't you mean...

Do not want to remember
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D-Don't be that way, Anon-kun..
>Not playing games where you make your own characters
hey rate my video
it begin at 0:34
well fuck here goes 3 hours again
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I literally have dreams about us.

Refused to play 3 after I heard that the choices ultimately don't matter. I refuse to pay for lies.

Hell my friend offered to let me borrow it and I still refused
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>Videogames? Hah, nope. Animu and mango? Hell yes.

Holy fuck. Did he actually say that?
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>Videogames? Hah, nope. Animu and mango? Hell yes
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Tali is propably one of the most boringest characters in the game.
Though they all went more or less towards shit in the sequels. It's like they lacked any kinda restraint in character writing to make them immersive. Instead we got actionhero melodrama bullshit that is as fucking bad as any DC or Marvel comic that I've read with the exception of Alan Moore.
Post-Mass1 Bioware is the same to writing as Rob Liefeld is to comicbook drawing.
No, but there's a woman in a book that I admired so much, I still strive to find a girl like her.

If only you were real, Linda Paquette.
>mass effect
>dragon age

it has none. it has stereotypes.
It is good to see I'm not the last talimancer in the gamer community. (IT is full of hipster in this days)
Only ever been emotionally moved by one character in vidya.
>First vidya crush
Who was it?
I want to say... Tails. Maybe Crash Bandicoot, or Yoshi.
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>Not sexually
Playin' hardball there, OP.

I really thought it was sweet how N was trying to be the savior of all Pokemon-kind, even if it was misguided.
This thread is horrible and everyone should feel bad for posting in it.
I have a waifu, come at me
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Garrus = ultimate bro husbando tier
Tali = girl next door/dat ass tier
Everyone else = shit tier
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Let me guess, Emil from Nier?

Back to what ever board you furry filth inhabit.
Probably Bastilla from KOTOR
or Jaheira from Baldurs gate
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I don't even know what it is about her why
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>>157502416 (OP)
>Deeply in love
>fictional character

No as I am not a pathetic faggot.
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Are you me?
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My apologies, my love for Mega Man and the MM1 robot masters came later in life. I'm a bit more robophile than furry now, usually.

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>>157502416 (OP)
"I want more time"

Oh god, that line got me.
Because she's your inner child
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Very well, you may stay.
>girl next door
Actually Liara was originally more of a girl next door than Tali. Did I mention I really fucking hate that term?

Now neither of us will be virgins

Fucking kids, grow out of your videogames already.
Princess Ruto from OoT. I looked through my stash of waifus and found a resemblance to all of them. They are all Tsundere. It's all because of her.
I had a huge crush on rikku when I was younger
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I don't get why she is mai waifu
So basically a faggot with the mentality of a 6 year old with the inability to tell life from fantasy?

No thanks.
It means "boring girl who's easy to get to know who's DTF"

that's pretty much it
You remind me to ian in this video:
(Check 2:25, 3:20, 4:42)

>crushes on cartoons
>calls others kids

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I have no sexual interest in tio but watching her grow emotionally was one of the most satisfying things and I want her to be my life companion.
millenia would be cool to be with too
Just stay? Don't want to have a friendly chit-chat about the clang clang?
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I don't know if this counts as fully vidya, but her.

Oh yes, my sweetheart Misty.
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Your waifu is a dirty slut. I walked in on her making out with some guy by Bill's house. She doesn't care about you and thinks you're a loser.
I hated that book. That villain was so fucking annoying.
She was waiting for years for Red, but that prick decided that he'd rather stay on top of a hailing, snowbitten mountain over mounting Misty.
>>157502416 (OP)
I really wish Tali looked alien. I'm talking like, almost stereotypical alien, just tweaked and maybe a bit of originality added to it. I have no interest in ever playing an ME game again, but how could they ever even fix that?
So yes basically, Liara from the first ME.
>having more than one waifu
>realize that it almost feels like cheating on all of them
gets me everytime
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This is now a waifu thread.

Mimi Bobek is not videogames
It's definitely one of his lesser works. And I agree about the villain 100-fold. Worst part about the villain is how he reminded me of my own personality. Hated myself for it.
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Would you a realistic, unromanticized Tali?
Just look up Tali's face fan art and chose what you want her to look like. That's how I dealt with it.
Those hands and feet seem alien enough for people. But yep, I perfer aliens looking a bit more like this.

Can u please see my video please?
It is a pretty recopilation of violence and decapitation. People seem to enjoy it.
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Jaheira and her sarcastic witty personality. I don't even care that she was used goods.
I would have liked that far more, yes. Hell even the humanoid nose almost seens unfitting to an extent. Better than the halfassed photoshop they gave her tho.
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What if Tali looked like this under the mask?
Viconia was the superior romance
>dat character development for good PCs
I know how you feel
Damn, that a pretty good draw. It have all the shit the talñio mention in the game. Like the straw and the shit in the nose that can deactivate smell perception. Good catch
Yes, because then people could say "she's completely alien and what she looks like is nothing like our human concept of beauty but Shepard loves her anyways because its the person inside that matters, not the appearance."

That would've been some actual good writing with an actual message. Instead, BioWare/EA decides to hit us with a lead pipe whenever they have something to say. Especially about LGBT people.
He said aliens, not bugs. Yuck.
File deleted.
Drones would've exploded and started a petition. Which would've gotten more names than the better ending petition
Anon how did you know my fetish
Would that even fit under her mask? The dimensions don't seem to work. As long as she wouldn't kill and eat me? Sure.
I could deal with it if it was more human-ish look than full on mantis. In fact, I'd nearly take anything than what BioWare came up with.

I preferred jaheira's, I disliked aeries though.
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>not wanting to fuck bug aliens

Shepard would do it
Yes, oh omni-present authority figure...
Fuckin Aeirie was so damn whiny.

Ive replayed that game seven times still never gave her romance a chance
>deeply inlove
>(Not sexually)

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>implying I'm not just posting my fetish
Sorry, just kinda not into it. I like more along the lines of traditional grays, like from >>157506353.

Cute, little brainy men~
>be 12
>Paine in FFX-2
>first waifu
/v/ already has Sharktits

Don't make anyone create Mantispussy or something like that.

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Best one for me is the 3rd from left. It's my head canon Tali.
>Don't make anyone create Mantispussy or something like that.

Anon, I have some bad news for you...
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Waifu thread? Well, it's not exactly vidya, but here's a personal spaghetti moment for me involving waifu stuff.

>Go to college
>mom constantly asks if I have a girlfriend every time we talk
>Hardly an girls around, the few that are are sluts and drunken airheads
>Prefer my 2D waifu
>Visit home one weekend
>Mom is all over me about whether or not I found a college girlfriend
>Lie and say yes without thinking
>"REALLY? Well what's here name?"
>panic, can't think of a girls name
>Blurt out the first thing that comes to ming
>"Her names is Kneesocks? Like, sock that you wear?"
>"Yeah. No, it's a nickname"
>"Oh, is it because she wears kneesocks a lot?"
>"Yes, yeah. That is exactly why."

This is an actual conversation that happened.
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Man, fourth from the left is better. Fifth is most moe though

you're on the wrong board
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Who is this artist? I'm kinda digging it.

it's a good thing this is an anonymous imageboard

because otherwise i would come to your house and slap you

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Sumika master race reporting in.
are you the same guy who had his mom put "From Ms. Kneesocks" on his presents?
It's basically when you think about someone all the time, but not about fucking them all the time. It involves the desire to protect and care for, as well as sex.

Do you even love?
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>Kneesocks as a waifu
>not Stocking
Step it up son.
i'm not even gonna bother spoilering, because it is so old, but aerie has character dev in that she will / can be dev'd by your cha to get some balls and grow up, plus, she'll fall pregnant, AND you can give her her wings back, plus more stuff characterwise too
BioWare. I am not shitting. They had concept faces and never even bothered to use them.
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No, but I read about that. I'm not sure personally if I should relate to that guy or not.
/tg/ did it man

stop being silly
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I've already crossed the bug line. How long until I go off the /d/eep end?
Oh whoop, I misquoted. I was actually talking about >>157506802
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Either is fine
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Going on two years now. Feels good, man.
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QueBlock/Lucid Dakou

Has a FurAffinity and hangs out on tgchan
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My waifu, she's always been that since I was a little kid and no matter what happens I will always love her.

I...I just don't get it...
Cool, I'll check it out.
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Dont know if this thread is dying or not but I have to let this off my chest.

Videogames gave me wierd as fuck fetishes. I think.

I am into aliens. I dont know why. Seriously, Aliens look so fucking cool and shit. Not only that. Any type of alien. Asari? Nigga, all day. Turian? Gimme dat reptilian dick. Poleepkwas?Name the time an place. Sangheili? You better believe it.

I dont know why. It is so fucking weird. Some look so inhuman and out of wack that a psychologist would have it's head scratching.

Fuck, nigga. even the god-damn Zergs muthafucka!

>mfw you will never live in a Utopian future with a society of aliens
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hey anon



Few people do, until they experience it for themselves.
Know the feel bro.
>>157502416 (OP)

>crush on a videogame personality?

Nope i'm not autistic
>We will never find a girl/boy who is willing to cosplay as those chracters
B-but they are my fetish...

Mantispussy / Thri-keen erotica / Bugsex has always been /tg/'s territory bro.

Fuck, there is even a fapfiction about some dude getting dateraped by giant Beetle-Aliens.

She nearly kills him from the intoxication alone, let alone the night of absolutely brutal love making.
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I think I might have a fetish for the letter M.
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Not my waifu though. That title is dedicated for someone who isn't vidya related (aside from those two games of course)
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I give no shits about waifus, but Conquest of the Crystal Palace has Kim.

Kim's like some kind of ninja merchant news reporter who shows up in all the dangerous areas you go to to help you out. You may never see her fighting or whatever, but she must be pretty badass to just be hanging around in some demon world to help you out. Her and your ninja dog Zap. I'd have them on my team any day.

Not some love interest, more like a constant companion who you'd shoot the shit with and always get each others' backs. When you aren't doing what needs to be done, you just enjoy their company.
7/10. Story was ridiculous but you didn't shit it up with Bel Air or a Walk the Dinosaur. Nice job. I actually believed that story for a minute or two.
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I'm someones nigga!

But you ain't mah nigga.
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Obscure waifus are best waifus.

You wanna be mah nigga?

Then be mah nigga, I ain't gunna be mah nigga for you, mah nigga.
Man, those xenos threads are fucking fantastic. Its a shame that there is so little of it though; it's only reposts now.
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not my first love but the strongest
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When I was 17 I felt like I was in love with Rinoa Heartilly.

Because she was the same age as me, and because back then I was a mopey fuck like Squall and I liked the idea that an attractive girl would take the effort to try to be in a relationship with someone like me.

Then, years later, I realized that you need to act polar opposite to Squall to get women.

PROTIP: If you want to use an imaginary character to model yourself after, make it Spike Spiegel, not Squall. Turns out chicks don`t like the dark brooding type unless they are stunningly attractive.
So would you say she's like a friend
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That's just the human spirit man
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I didn't realise what i felt for her was what you call a waifu, thanks /v/
this, so hard bro
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Mankind confirmed for wanting to fuck the heavens.
More than that. A best friend
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Not even joking
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>>157502416 (OP)
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GameArts are No.1 when it comes to making Waifus.
Pic motherfucking related.
>>157502416 (OP)
>your pic related

i don't really know why it happend.
at work i could not stop thinking about her, and this kept going on for three months. i dont think over her so mutch now.

when ever i hear biffy clyro's many of horror i think of her. beucase thats was on the radio when i played me2 first

and heres the sad part, i've never felt for any real woman like i've felt for this fictional character
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I've never played a Mass Effect game, I don't see what the fuss is all about here.
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>posting dat ass
>not Miranda
Tali is for hips. Get it together.
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8,000,000,000/10 would bang forever.
If only Wrex or Garrus had an ass like that.
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This is why i still come here.
Statistically just through sheer numbers alone, every possible personality has most likely been thought of and portrayed though a medium. I think it'd be more rare for a person to not have had a crush on a created personality.
Lara croft. back when i was playing the last revelation,
I did play tomb raider 3 but I was too young I think.
And then the girl from Primal, I think the name was Jen
>You're not sure if you should relate to that guy
Are you dense?
I know this feel, bro.

I feel like such a loser for wanting to be a space merchant with alien friends and cheap booze.

i guess i have to settle for humans.

Aww maaaan

My heeeeaaaaarrrrtttttt

Stop Singiiiiing

Don't Stop Singing :(
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Don't lie.

You know you'd still be sitting at home fapping to alien porn
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Luna's Song - English

Wishing on a dream that seems far off
Hoping it will come today.
Into the starlit night,
Foolish dreamers turn their gaze,
Waiting on a shooting star.

But, what if that star is not to come?
Will their dreams fade to nothing?
When the horizon darkens most,
We all need to believe there is hope.

Is an angel watching closely over me?
Can there be a guiding light I've yet to see?
I know my heart should guide me, but,
There's a hole within my soul.
What will fill this emptiness inside of me?
Am I to be satisfied without knowing?
I wish, then, for a chance to see,
Now all I need, (desperately)

Is my star to come...
Oh, look, the taught a dwarf to dance!
I kinda liked Tali for a while, but then she went full retard near the end of ME2, i don't really remember what, but it made me mad.
I also remember I felt joy when she banged her head in the wall on the suicide mission and died. (I didn't upgrade my ship, didn't know what the point was.)
>YFW you learned that those little black dots aren't actually pupils and can't stop seeing them with normal fucking-scary compound eyes
I Wish GameArts would make a remake on the PC.
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They're called pseudopupils

they're from looking directly into the lens of a compound eye, where the light goes straight into it instead reflecting off obliquely

in low light their entire eyes tend to look black
A weekly fornax issue for me, niggah

so cute
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I don't know why but that post reminds me of an old fantasy I used to have as a kid. I would freeze myself one day and wake up a thousand years into the future and go out and have space adventures and shit and get a cute alien girl to fall in love with me. I had a crazy imagination back then.

Maybe one day that dream will come.

She's always making sure you're okay.
And when you take a break, she rests on your shoulder and sings.
Compound eyes scare the shit out of me, man.

They're one of the only things that spook me anymore.
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240 KB
B-but anon-kun~...
I too wish such dreams. I want to one day become data and have an infinite digital world that I can manipulate as I see fit.
>dat filename
welp i lost it
You're cool, you still LOOK like you have pupils.

Those soulless solid colored orbs, though. Fuckin' terrifying stuff.
File deleted.
This thread... I like it.

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>onii-chan can I watch you play vidya
d-dont m-mind m-me anononon
>cover the mantis's pupils
>suddenly it becomes completely horrifying

Okay, that's still slightly cute. Prob'ly because of the contrast of colors.
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Shit, people are posting mantises? I'll take any flimsy excuse to post the music video for one of my favorite songs.


Shame about the quality, I know.
Nah, a merchant travels more often and even though i have a major boner over aliens, knowing the culture and experiencing it is just as much fun.

Even though being a druid would be much more easier to get laid.
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>not just admitting mantids are kawaii as fuck

step up senpai
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Sounds like broken Aphex Twin.
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I've had somewhat of a crush on Reimu since I was about 15. I'm 22 now, and for some reason I can't honestly see myself being able to enjoy a romantic relationship with anyone that isn't her.

I know, I've tried.
Yeah, the Pseudopupils help out with that.

ants and bees are completely terrifying though
That is absolutely beautiful coloring. Fuck those eyes though.
Alyx Vance yo
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fucking asshole i'm on episode 2
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come on man

what do you want from me
I cried so hard.


In my head I am imagining that fucker with a raspy voice and offering to sell me information / drugs.
Coolest motherfucker ever. An alien designed after this would forever be a bro.
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>female three keens
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mantids look pretty cool yeah

Give that fucker a cloak and give him the merchant from Resident Evil 4's voice.

Coolest mother fucker ever.
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>not having a demure and kind-hearted thri-kreen waifu
when I played majora's mask, I remember I had a little crush on that loli from the farm.
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Fucking this.
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so that's what is was all about.

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can't be explained. you'd have to play mass effect
and also be "open" to it.

i guess not ever having a girlfrend past or present
and being an foreveralone also helps
but then agian cause of me3 i just would not recomed it

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>MFW after a year on /v/ I suddenly found myself attracted to Anthropomorphic Mantids
>And Reptiles
>And Sharks
>And Whales
>And Xenos
>And Felines and Avians, if I'm in the mood

There is a firm difference between a Furry and getting a hard on for anthros bro.

Furries are the fucksticks that make their fetish a defining part of their very being, and that is why we hate them.
>Your face when your waifu is the muslim of the universe.
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Spoiler Image, 258 KB
mah nigga
You forgot planes.
I like you

I think furries are a disgrace on this face of this earth since they rub their lifestyle in front of everyone and expect them to be okay with it.

I for one, would not turn down sex with an alien or anthro if the chance came up and I know it is weird.
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Spoiler Image, 383 KB
oh yeah


i'd totally play metroid x pilotwings, fuck that starfox/f-zero noise i'm hearing
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Oh, /v/.

>titfuck samusplane

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Welp, that's new.
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>that neck
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I can't find any good fan art of mai waifu
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I wonder where it came from? The appeal, I mean.

Did they touch a plane once with their crotch by accident, somehow? And then they were THE ONE?
Oh my fucking god. Youre not going to believe what just happened. So I clicked the link and had foobar on at the same time.

This happened http://youtubedoubler.com/?video1=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DBTMcfZtXuwU&start1=

My sides are no more.
What is love?
Someone post Justin.
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>you will never feel a male thri-kreens aedeagus sliding deep into your rectum as he pins you to the ground with all four arms and chatters something primal into your ear

>Implying you wouldn't gladly stick your dick in a GAU-8.
I can't be assed to find where I put my planetits, but there was this series of anthropomorphized planes that look nearly identical to sharktits so /v/ caught on. That's basically it.

I don't know why someone was that obsessed with anthro planes in the first place, though.
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not sure if troll, or pathetic but Biffy Clyro are awesome
She is not from a video game.
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>You will never play a Metroid H-Game where Samus has had her consciousness uploaded into the body of an anthropomorphic plane after a mission goes horribly wrong and her body has to be frozen by the Galactic Federation, clumsily trying to get used to her new body aided by other plane-people that were also selected for the program, including her gunship

wait are we talking about the same thing here
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was waiting over 100 posts for this
got any more bug-dudes
No, I have no crushes on vidya characters.

They're not real and there's something wrong with you if you love a 2D image.
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Cicadas sleep for 17 years in their larval state before emerging as adults and fucking anything that moves in the brief amount of time they have to mate before they die.

Bend over.
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normalfags go home
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not really anymore, but back then ...

man i feel old
2DPD pls go
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Sexually too.
A pound of flesh matters that much to you?
>having a boner for an insect

This I really don't understand. They don't have any even vaguely human features. How can it be attractive? Your mind is designed to give you a boner when you see a naked human, not a naked bug.
Fetishes, I aint gotta explain shit
I hated how they made him hit on you in ME3. One second you're talking about steaks with him, the next he's all "Hey Shepard do you wanna see my balls?".

That part totally creeped me out.
Dude, do you know what a transformation fetish is?

Turns out that some people get boners from the sight of people's humanity slowly being slowly stripped away and replaced with said insectoid features.

In retrospect, naked bugs isn't all that weird.
Well, sometimes they transform into an animal or amphibian or something else, not always bugs.
If you want to talk about weird shit, I get a boner from vore. Don't ask why, I can't explain. I can pin some blame on the first scene from Men in Black 2.
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Didn't even play any Crash games. Was the only only person who never owned a console. I would usually play Crash racing game at my friend's house.

>one time friend asks why i play as Coco all the time
>"Because i'm always the last to pick the character"
>Say i can be any character i want and let me pick first
>Go for Coco
>all this spaghetti
Just woke up and see this? Fucking best way to wake up.
What gave you that impression?
>a fetish makes you ignore basic human reproduction


You missed

And not purely based on how many times I've said I'm ghey

For shame.

Thank you kind sir.
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>bugs with tits

>a visual novel about crippled girls makes /v/ become more 'normal'

The irony of it all is great, not saying KS is the best thing ever but it is a great entry level VN.
Don't know why. I still fuck like a normalfag though. Just a fetish i guess.
I guess you're right. Besides it's not like I'm coming here with a trip to look for people to fool around with.
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Freya Crescent from FFIX.
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no but I will
>Develop Lucy Liu bot
>Grow babies through surrogate mothers

Anything wrong with this universe? Now everyone can have their custom built waifus
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oh god otters

Otters are vicious beasts and you should fucking hate them.

Not even joking, they often kills females when mating, either by drowning them while the males get their kicks off or from the unchecked bleeding / infection from where the males repeatedly bite their snout / face with full force.

Young otter males often purposefully use Baby seals as stand ins for female otters when they can't attract a mate.

Why is nature so filled with horrible rape?
>alien bara
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>I love you. With all my heart

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well that's good
ah even better, tired of all this vagi-
then whats the point of it being an insect in the first place
Some insects actually do have hair, it should be a question of why is the penis so human? GOD WHO CARES ANYWAY?
Fuck, man. I thought I had problems.
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>implying arthropods don't have hairlike tissues

That's not a face of regret.

That's the face of wondering what the fuck happened.
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My first wife

>Neon blue cum

AHahahaa, who fucking thinks like that?
Well, I get it. When he made that his mind was still a little wrecked.
get it because his bf died in a car crash
And then he remembered him by dedicating a new Bad Dragon drawing to him.

No, really.
>car crash

you sly devil you
>>157502416 (OP)
Tali, but sexually. Just because of DAT ASS. Damn, I would fuck the shit out of her in every elevator on the Citadel. Btw, is there a way to do it in the first ME? Not literally in elevator, of course.
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Theres something about this I just hate.
It's something about that neck. Seems too damn thick and too damn long compared to that tiny flat head.
I kinda don't like it,reminds me too much of ME3.
I always thought waifu fags were dumb. Then I "played" KS.

Rin will forever be my waifu...
Toothpaste cum.
I still think they are dumb.

And I've not played it.

I don't really want to, I'm afraid I'll become one.
OoT Zelda
I still can't love anyone who hasn't blonde hairs and blue eyes. Fucking Zelda.
Where'd the bugs go?
Waifu threads aren't allowed, and neither is gay ass porn
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both actually op
yeah but they don't, so....

I want MEG to leave.
I always thought the prawn were cute.

The Vortigaunts...not so much.
He is the one man that I would go gay for.
Protip: none of you have been deeply in love
>no Samus r34
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Why, yes, OP.
That movie was pretty sad really. Lots of social issues were hinted at in that.
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>Her first game was released on my birthday, I got it for a present
>I felt a strange connection to her, never happened before
>Two years later on the sequel, my feelings never subsided
>Finally realized that I was in love
>My heart wretched with what happened with her in Sonic 2006, even after acknowledging its bad, non-canon writing.
>Refuse to even bother with girls because I was devoted to her
>Constant, fierce depression knowing the fact that she doesn't actually exist here. Even suicidal thoughts.
>Justfied continuing life because she would never do something that stupid
>Feel repulsed by any porn of her; have never really felt sexually towards her
>Find happiness just seeing her happy in-game
>Have an incredibly realistic dream of being with her, one day, just embracing loving each other near a tree, watching the sunset. I cried for an hour after waking up.
>Cut to today, I'm almost 20, and my feelings are unchanged
>Have tried telling therapists I've seen, always chicken out in fear
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yep, well done also. making the aliens more human than most humans in the movie.

more vidya aliens for those seeking

running low though i dont keep much porn
no shit captain

kid, you got a lot to learn about the world
I know the thread's probably dead now, but I felt like I needed to say it. Thank you, anonymous posting.

You have PROBLEMS if you're being serious.
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How could you not love this girl?

Who else in all of the history of videogames bakes you a pie?
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I think it was a nice take on the interaction with aliens genre, which has been dominated by films that display aliens as these hyper intelligent, powerful beings who will fuck us up, kill and enslave us.

Lo and behold, the movie showed how abusive humans would probably be likewise. The prawns were advanced, but they were for the most part just the general work-force/space hobos.

That fucking end sequence, god damn.
I got my own but I'm sick of posting the same thing over and over when it's relevant. I seriously need more stuff.

That's gross as fuck.

That whole movie didn't make any sense to begin with. That kind of major shit going down in Africa and other countries pay no attention? What the fuck?
Why does she have eyebrows?
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Keep hatin'.
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Sure have
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>dem teeth

what the fuck
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I'm such a disgusting piece of shit.
Her teeth aren't really like that
But I still find it cute
Berri from Conker's Bad Fur Day.. It.. I hate furfags but just.. you don't understand. I damn nearly cried at my heartbreak with the disappointment of Conker: Live and Reloaded and learning that the voice of Conker quit. You don't UNDERSTAND. ;_;

Lilly from The Walking Dead... My heart sank when she shot Carly. I was so disappointed in her.
It drives me nuts that people think the ring around the Tourian's neck is part of their body, and not realizing it's part of the armor they wear...
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I'd let her use me as her toilet
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Wouldn't that like, kill you?

She's like, heuge.
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The prawns were other aliens turned prawns, used as slaves. CJ who had preserved his intelligence somehow (different species) helped them to escape.

There is the dominating psycho alien master race in that film, it just isn't shown. I have the art book and it has few pages of concepts for these "slave masters"
Well I mean
I probably wouldn't be able to ingest it all if that's what you're hinting at
;_; Janitor is awake.
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>what was MNU?
I really liked Pascal from Tales of Graces. Something about her being so happy all the time man.. It made me feel good.
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>D9 official art
fuck yes! got any scans? I saw some of the earlier variants for the prawns, I find the hobo cthulhu ones most amusing
I honestly wouldnt like that arc even if it makes sense. Why does bio-fuel turn you into a bug/shrimp and you're offspring also turn into bug/shrimp?
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>>157502416 (OP)
God damnit Tali.
>Nevertheless, I'd be honored to link suits with you, Shepard.
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>MFW I realize Priscilla will never use me as a full body dildo.
Cthulu looks pretty damn awesome. I wished more people did cthulu aliens
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yeah that makes me absolutely crazy
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>>157502416 (OP)

>(Not sexually)

I don't understand.
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If it's to any consolation, there's a /vg/ drawfag drawing a small comic about Priscilla using Jeremiahs' hat as an anal dildo. he scrapped the first revision and is re-doing it.
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