It's time for Sparky /v/ingo 2! Yesterday we had a blackout, which you can view the archive here: we go 2 for 2?
>>151934871triple monitor master race
can anyone post the /v/ingo picture where some anon snapped 10 game cube games in half?i've looking for that picture for a while
>>151935382Damn, we are kicking it off on a good note.Will update every 2 - 3+ additions
>>151935687It's included in the archive if you want to d/l it and grab it. Somewhere towards the bottom.Actually, I'll pull it out for you.
>>151935947Sorry, try this
>>151935947>1345421092713s.jpg (3 KB, 101x125)Seriously?
>>151936284>cant look at the post directly above hisseriously?
>>151936229Thank you kind anon
>>151936440Back to /v/ingo time.
row v, 3 down
>>151936431He JUST posted it as I did. There is no need to be mad.
>>151937107theres a minute difference in the two posts
i can do a few of these brb
>>151937179Then I guess he did it at a second before the minute changed.
I can post both pokemon ones and the rockband one but I don't have a camera.well shit.
therefifa and pes with a soccer cleat and shinguard ez