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Every user should read this. And if you're looking for a blast from the past, check out the archived news posts.

File: 1345511119626.jpg-(100 KB, 768x1024, 128566.jpg)
100 KB
Big Bro!

Mom said I could heal you.
that's adorable
That's fucking adorable.
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21 KB
Heal up, sis.
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9 KB
Fuck off, shitty fucking pocket medics.
eat shit you brat
But she doesn't play the game. She doesn't understand the reference.

Someone has just dressed up the girl like this like a pet.
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Spoiler Image, 14 KB
Yo bitch pass the crystal
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1.11 MB
I'm getting diabetes here, it's so adorable
Only if it's sexual healing.
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114 KB
Hah, oh kiddo - you can try...
Maybe she likes the costume. Maybe she wants to be a doctor when she grows up. She looks happy as fuck.
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28 KB
I think anon blew a gasket.
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457 KB

I'm telling mom.


"Son, you're too heavy.
>big bro
>not onii-chan
>Little girl always picking the healer class.
And then they fucking suck at it.
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122 KB
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1.01 MB
This is a cool thread OP.

check my 1
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1.34 MB
10/10 post!
File: 1345511485338.jpg-(60 KB, 333x477, Because there isn't enoug(...).jpg)
60 KB
We're not in japanland you cocksucking weeaboo


Hold still, fraulein, this will only hurt for a moment.
Sure, I think I've got a sandman here.
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100 KB
Stop playing your games get dressed.

We've got work to do.
She looks older than my sisters and they already played monster hunter.

Fuck off westaboo

You niggas don't even know.

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370 KB
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45 KB
Your type are the fucking worst. I hope you take a jewish dick in your mouth and choke on it. Then as you're about to die, a black man forces his dick into your mouth too. Then to finish off your pathetic excuse of a life, a million fucking dolphin will take you into their rape caves. The dolphins will use their superior technology to keep you alive while every dolphin rapes you. At the end of this rape excursive your mouth, anus, and your dick will be large enough to fit an entire dolphin inside.

Fuck you.

Goddamn you.
Holy fucking shit.
that feel when no cute imouto medic to uber you

This is a nice thread OP.

Check my +3
Where's the babby heavy?
File: 1345511620240.jpg-(85 KB, 760x535, breaking-bad-dead-freight(...).jpg)
85 KB
Oh hey Mr.
Another kid.
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2.98 MB
Also a valid word
high five
>uber you
More like wander around the map and uber them-self.
No hat?

This shit is unacceptable.
The word weeaboo ORIGINATED here you newfag fuckwit.
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13 KB
Everybody wins.
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61 KB

Posting JRPGs are ok.
Posting Anime reaction images are ok.
But enough with "onii-chan" and similar shit.
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26 KB
>RED representing heat, fire, dominance

>BLU representing cold, beta and loneliness
>But enough with "onii-chan" and similar shit.
Deal with it anon-kun.
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13 KB
That's just too fucking adorable.
I like where this thread is going
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675 KB
Anyone has that video of a sniper cosplayer proposing marriage to a fat chick cosplaying as the heavy?
don't let the 4oor hit you on the way out
You're complaining that people appreciate anime on 4chan.

You're an idiot
>Trying to derail a vidya thread.
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129 KB
Shit nigga thats kawaii
>that messy as shit house
>two little kids
Is that where I'm headed?
No, you'll never procreate.
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12 KB
She looks so fucking cute
why does she look so adorable /v/?
I....I can't stop staring!
Make it stop!

>that whole description of the rape caves

This is my fetish
I never mentioned those kids would come from me
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58 KB
This season's finale is seriously going to top fucking everything.

It will cross every line there fucking is man, I can feel it
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Why is a little girl playing a class reserved for homosexual beta-males?
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But she can't be a medic...
She's too heavy.
I know you guys love lolis too, and Breaking Bad is cool and all, but this isn't /tv/.
Because she's a gril?
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>Healing class.
I'm not surprised.
Useless bitch.
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I don't buy it. She's gotta be heavier.
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17 KB
My little sister is my pocket medic
I am not kidding
She ain't heavy,
She's my sister.
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Are we still talking about adorable cosplay or has the conversation shifted too much?
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And she healed me with a heavy heart.
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195 KB
Awww, that's adorable.
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I need pictures of Spy with scouts mom!
>Letting your little sister play a game with unending porn sprays on any non-valve server
you should feel ashamed
Is this a Bioshock joke?
I don't get it.

captcha: CHEMICAL herselaugh
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36 KB
>you will never have a gf like that
Just put a blue glove on and speak real soft.

Mine has a bob on it.
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I don't have many adorable cosplay pictures
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97 KB
How do you think it feels to be overhealed, /v/?
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Pfft, I don't even care anymore.
Not like she doesn't already go on 4chan and look at shitty yaoi.
Dat delicous 2004 underage
lol queer
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Thread over.
I can't stand this.

Like your heart is about to explode any minute.
>Calls someone beta
>Enjoys anime

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278 KB
Post the picture of her giving her big brother a hug
We only go on Servers where porn sprays are not allowed.

She has seen worse anyways
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I don't have a whole lot either. Just trying to get the ball rolling.
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Why does she look so sickly and gross?
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126 KB

Goddamn it that's so cute
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30 KB
>that lightning

Look how much she hates her life.
4chan and children is not a good mix.
You do realize Yotsuba is in no way affiliated with 4chins, right?
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31 KB
/v/ in the back.
No way, that guy looks cool.
god damnit /v/ now I want to have kids so I can dress them up like my favorite characters
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he's talking to someone on his phone.
Because she's asian.
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76 KB
Looks white to me.
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215 KB
>top comment
>"I love how a hot chick dressed as heavy with a fine ass walks past right at the end of the video."
nigga what
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82 KB
Oh hey, look what I found.
Look at the little girls eyes...you can tell she's been fucked by daddy. She's seen some shit.
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20 KB

>All these pedos on /v/

please go
>TF2 player base.jpg
This thread is hilarious and adorable at the same time.
>Thinking that these images are cute is pedophillic
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19 KB
>Dat troll bait
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116 KB

Anyone want a cat dump?
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1.07 MB
but they're cute cats :3
Humans only.
no, thanks.
Yah, my mistake. All this cringy cosplay has fucked over my mind
No, corgis are fine though.
I'm here for children dressed as vidya characters, not cats or corgis.
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58 KB
After this image I'm out of adorable.
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68 KB
I only have this one because dogs are better
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19 KB
Have some touching stories, then.
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5 KB
How many people here have been fapping?
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111 KB
Fuck off, /tv/.
/tv/ pls go
If you don't have anything to contribute, then stop posting.
File: 1345513962723.jpg-(100 KB, 600x746, I love being a god.jpg)
100 KB
If you don't have anything to contribute, then stop posting.
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68 KB
I got more.

Not all are vidya, but kids are too cute to not be shared
I'm not clogging the thread with unrelated images, though.
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181 KB
why boner
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Funny guy.
aw shit nigga dats kawaii
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32 KB
Holy shit you guys aren't kidding, third thread I saw just to see if you guys where serious
I actually don't have any more touching stories, my sad folder was deleted somehow it seems. Just more corgis and cats but no one wants those apparently.

>unrelated images
There's multiple non-vidya cosplay in this thread, don't kid yourself.
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33 KB

Man I love samoyeds.
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27 KB
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51 KB
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201 KB
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Spoiler Image, 323 KB
Surprised no ones posted this.
Prepare yourself.
"My dad is such a faggot"
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114 KB
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2.87 MB

>not wanting to be a cool and calculated behind-the-curtains operator

Bad show.
Overheal this
*pulls out dick*
I thought she was breastfeeding.
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41 KB
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53 KB
Seems I have less cute and animal cosplay than I though


I think I'm getting a heart attack from how cute this is.
they make /a/ and even /b/ seem tame
>I hope she was breastfeeding
File: 1345514375025.jpg-(32 KB, 500x338, 1308162519415.jpg)
32 KB
The one Free Man?
GTFO weaboo
File: 1345514425146.jpg-(121 KB, 463x700, kkkkjkhkjhgj.jpg)
121 KB
/a/ only likes 2D and /b/ reports CP now

/tv/ is creepy
File: 1345514453841.jpg-(52 KB, 333x500, 1321034054030.jpg)
52 KB
Have'nt been here for a week, why are /tv/ suddenly pedos?
I can't be the only one who saw that, man.
...they have been for awhile
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261 KB

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