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It's literally a Pixar film.

Absolutely awful.
Kung Fu Panda was Dreamworks
I know OP, it felt terrible.

But I've seen the raid content and played the Beta and it's a lot better than that 3 minute trailer.


WoW isn't a vidyagaem.

It's Facebook with grinding.
>looks no different from any of their other cinematic videos

Could you at least hate WoW for legitimate reasons?
Did you know:

The pre-made opinions you form about the game before you watched the cinematic directly result to your opinion on the cinematic.

For example: If your opinion upon hearing about MoP was "Man this games going to be shit, Kung fu panda in WoW? BULLSHIT." Then you're going to say "Ha just what I thought, just typical Kung Fu Panda pixar bullshit" when you see the cinematic

If your opinion was "Man this game is gonna be great! Focusing on exploring a new world and getting back to the Horde/Alliance conflict!" then when you saw the trailer you'd say" AWESOME! Just what I expected-horde/alliance conflict being shown at its best!"

I think it looks great and I'm excited about the game
Pretty bad cinematic. Was expecting better from the people who do the most detailed cgi.

Wrath of the loch king cinematic is superior and the best cinematic produced in the vidya industry
>Orc jumps on human
>Instead of pointing the edge of his stick spear into his fall he blocks with it horizontally

i stopped watching
I liked the cinematic. Still not going to resub though.
well that's it, WoW is now officially dead.

we're not implying the graphics are bad you stupid faggot.

My son, the day you were born the very forests of lordaeron whispered the name...


Yeah that one was pretty badass
Nobody dies in a cgi
i would fuck every single blizzard employee into the mouth untill they fucking remove this shit and bring back what was good. paladins alliance only... shamans horde only etc.
I didn't say that you fucking retard.
An orc dies in the TBC cinematic. A blood elf resurrects him.
>Wrath of the loch king cinematic is superior

It was shit, and worse than BC's imo. Vanilla's and Cata's are the best

>Trailer starts well
>Has good build up with the Orc and Human stalking each other through the jungle.
>Good battle, good CGI, this is pretty good.
>Suddenly panda
>starts bouncing around, smirking and generally being Jack Black.

But no it's entirely because I expected it to be Kung Fu Panda, not because it literally fucking was Kung Fu Panda.
Ugh, it's completely out of character. It does that Pixar goofy character thing. Why do you keep paying this company to shit all over Warcraft?
You don't know the meaning of the word grinding.

No western MMO to have released in recent years has true grinding.

There are a million other reasons why people think WoW or the MMO genre is bad but grinding isn't one of them.
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As if warcraft wasn't always filled with cartoony overtones. It's a children's game you faggots.
It looks so fucking out of place, what a joke.
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It's terrible.
Few goofy parts in the middle aside, it wasn't bad. OP made it out to be worse than it was.
As someone who hasn't played WoW since 3.1 I enjoyed it. It didn't take itself too seriously, didn't feel the need to be edgy and dark, but also wasn't overtly campy.
>People never played warcraft before WoW


>Suddenly panda
>starts bouncing around, smirking and generally being Jack Black.

This is what you don't understand, this is how the pandaren fucking are. Since their existence BEFORE kung-fu panda was even in development, the pandaren were a lighthearted, bouncy and happy people with a sense of honor. Yes it sucks for blizzard that a movie about kung-fu culture and animals used a a funny panda as their main protagonist, but how autistic do you have to be to think this is anything like kung-fu panda? God you people sound like 16 year olds complaining when any kind of humour happens because its not grimdark enough for you

This is not a legitimate response to panda criticism blizzdrone.
To be fair, vast majority of the people who played WC3 have long left, only post-WoW "fans" are left and they probably didn't know Pandarens were originally an April Fools joke
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>I'm still going to buy it because I'm addicted and it's the only thing that keeps my mind off how bad my real life is.
Doesn't change the fact that it looks out of place
the WC3 panda wasn't close to as kung fu-y
I would say it is, since they were always a joke race. Also if you want to play this game ad hominems like "blizzdrone" aren't legitimate responses either
A lot of shit started to look out of place in Warcraft starting with WC3.
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>Panda Asian Culture
>Out of place in a game that has tiny green steampunk new york, midget steampunk fallout, Shrek with Spikes, Stoner Blue Giant Bros, Talking Cows, and Britfag Werewolves who fight Zombies

Ya'll niggas gay
It is everything like Kung-Fu Panda. If you showed clips of that to people who didn't know better, they'd think it was for an actual Kung-Fu Panda game.
>If you don't agree with me you are a blizzdrone

It look out of place since warcraft 3

Why the fuck would people complain about it now?

People are literally trying their best just to find something to complain about
>Since their existence BEFORE kung-fu panda was even in development, the pandaren were a lighthearted, bouncy and happy people with a sense of honor
prove it
You're right, they were fucking goofy especially their dying animation and sound

as opposed to the vanilla trailer, when the mage sheeped a tauren and it flailed its legs as it hobbled in the air in a humorous way. that wasn't out of place in the dark setting?
I stopped playing 3 years ago but I still feel it pulling, pulling. I just want to resub but I can't, I don't have money, I'm barely getting through life as it is if I resub I'll fall apart. WoW ruined my life once before and it will do it again.

Fuck, if a video game is this bad I can't imagine how crack addicts feel.
BC leaks, Frozen Throne Orc "Campaign"
For one, Kung Fu Panda came out in 2008, years after the Frozen Throne
>People have never played warcraft before WoW
>Try to act like they have because they read that the Brewmaster was in WC3

Pro-tip: I know you never actually played Warcraft 3, or anything other than WoW post Cata but the Brewmaster you read about, that's an april fools joke gone horribly horribly wrong.
It's probably about the same since it's the same weakness of character behind it. You should try crack, it'd not be any worse so nothing can go wrong.


these are the pandaren's quotes from warcraft 3. Childish, funny, lighthearted. They translated this into WoW and now everyone is shitting their pants because HURR DURR KUNG FU PANDA. Despite the fact this guy was made BEFORE fucking kung fu panda
But it wasn't. Chen was in WC3.
ITT: autistic manchildren are reminded of something because one thing shares characteristics of that thing

>everything has to be original

The level of retardedness is strong in you kids. I really hope for the world that you won't procreate. I enjoyed the cinematic.
frozen throne came out in 2003

and some people still claim pandaren were never in warcraft before wow...
Are you dense?

The cinematic looks exactly the same as all other recent Blizzard cinematics. The only reason you faggots are mad is because you have nothing legitimate to be mad about.
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I loved the way the Orc and Human looked nothing like their ingame models
Good, their in game models look awful
Exactly, the pandas look stupid near the other in game models.
All the ingame models are getting updated eventually

In Blizzard time
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>He didn't use Brewmasters or Blademasters in WC3

You know those people in SC2 that get made fun of for being in Bronze?

You are worse. You are under War3's equivilant of Bronze.

You are under three year olds who spam Archers.

What does it feel like to be you? I seriously want to know.
Someone who plays WoW shouldn't be going around calling others 'autistic retarded manchildren kids'. You're one of them, you know.
and he was a minor character, a joke, something with about as much canon relevance as the hungry hungry kodo

>implying I play wow

I quit a long time ago but I'm no so delusional as to cling to an argument that something looks like something and call blizzard out on it.
>Blue spacesquids crashing their spaceship in azeroth is fine
>Humanoid pandas are too silly

Jesus christ you guys are massive faggots.

I liked this trailer,lightheartedness and adventurous is good change to your average blizzard cinematic with a bad guy with ultra bass voice drooling his boring and uninspired monologue.

Too bad the game has been shit since wotlk.
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>Minor character

You never finished the Orc campaign, but it's cute that you think you know shit about Warcraft's setting like that.
>Implying I didn't use them
>Implying that has anything to do with the fact that Brewmaster was a retarded april fools joke put in the game as fanservice for retards.

ok, you can say what you will but that's not the argument. The argument was that Blizzard just copied Mists of Pandaria, we were showing you how Blizzard had this concept before Kung-fu panda existed.

>"Uh oh I'm wrong! Better call this guy a blizzdrone!"
and the dreadlord went on a talkshow, didn't stop them from being serious ingame
Remember when Dreadlords were a serious force in-universe?

Me either.
Stop posting.

Go finish every warcraft 3 campaign then come back.
>implying I play WoW
>I played WoW
good music,speaker and artstyle, shitty storyboard and combat , looks like everyone got drugged before they started to trash the bar pardon temple
You kids need to get a sense of humor.
so should kodo mattereaters become playable to?
>didnt play the undead campaign at all
Looked cool. Actually kinda made me wanna play, and I don't like WoW very much.
Hell, I probably would if I didn't have to pay for every fucking expansion up to this one.
>Play the Undead Campaign
>Kill every Dreadlord you can with Arthas and 3 Ghouls

When do they become impressive again?

Death Knights were OP as shit, even back then, man

Or maybe our sense of humour is a little more refined. But hey, it's ok if childish things appeal to you. Nothing bad about that.

Unless you're over 20, that is.

nothing makes me madder than people who talk about warcraft and haven't played warcraft 3

no because that wouldn't make sense, however they could justify putting them into the game as NPCs
>minor character
he's a neutral HERO
>as much canon relevance as the hungry hungry kodo
i don't give a fuck about what is canon and non-canon. it's the same shit as what is in mop.
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>Refined sense of humor

You spend your day laughing at people being silly and pictures of comedic violence and silly cartoons. Take your monocle off, bro, you'll get your strained peas on it.
WC3 campaign had them as serious most of the time

just outplayed a few times but serious none the less

you could finish the orc campaign without interacting with chen and nothing in the entire story would change. If we go by the "it was in the campaign therefor it should be playable" then where are my fucking Naga
>turning samwise's fetish from a joke into a full-on playable race
>ripping off pokemon

neopets general?
The trailer was literally spoiled by the panda shit.
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it was great until the panda came

>dat human
>dat orc

Nothing makes me more mad than people who think they have played Warcraft, and still adamantly insist that pandas were ever a serious "canon" consideration in the universe. Face it, fatty: pandas were an easter egg that eventually got made into a custom hero for ladder games.
when they managed to get the crown prince so mad he disbanded the silver hand, went to northrend and fucked up everything forever

I mean, thats a pretty decent accomplishment, you can't blame them for being outplayed by the fucking lich king
>Out of place comedy shit everywhere, accompanied by generic orchestra music

And yet, why am I not surprised?
Making a whole expansion based on something that was a Easter Egg/April Fools joke doesn't sound quite right. Why won't this game just die already? I can't imagine the NEXT expansion they're gonna spew out.
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Naga actually have attatchment points for all armor and textures except certain helmets. Many private servers actually have them enabled straight up. They'll probably be in the next Xpac.

The fact that he was optional does not mean he gets to be ignored when discussing the game as a whole. You can TECHNICALLY win as Undead without using Frostwyrms, but that doesn't mean we pretend they don't exist when discussing them.
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>That stupid fucking panda
Way to ruin it.

>what is creating a new idea?
dota invented pandas before wow and kungfu panda


war3 brewmaster is irrelevant right
minor as in, nothing about the entire story would change if you didn't use him, he could have been cut out of the game and nobody would have cared 2 seconds

joke as in, he was added on fan request and because one of the creators liked pandas and all his lines were humorous. When you're less serious than the goblins, you're a joke
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>First half
>Badass naval battle
>Orc swine being in his proper place of being beaten the fuck up
>Human sharpening stick
>Confrontation ensues
>Panda out of fucking nowhere
>Alright, this might be alrigh-

Fuck it, I'm out.
frostwyrms aren't heroes and you know just as well as me the orc campaign was a completely different kind of gameplay than the other campaigns

compare him to other heroes and you'll see just how relevant he was
The main character was reduced to a quest giver, his comic relief sidekick stonerbro became the ruler of the nastry trorrs.

I fail to see what you're getting at here.
It's fitting that the cinematic took a drastic turn to banal stupidity as soon as a Panda showed up. It succinctly foretells the future of WoW.
>doesn't even know that Pandas were an April Fool's joke, and Blizzard was puzzled that people liked them.

How does it feel knowing you're a fucking retard?
I expected them to accidentally release some ancient evil with their fighting in a holy spot

the hammer being the key and the bell being the lock

then queue evil taking over parts of the land and the 2 warriors watching in horror to what they just did
are you always getting that butthurt every 2 years with a new wow expansion? because they're always adding some race that wasn't in warcrafts.

though this time they're adding something that actually was in warcraft 3.
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I am vomit
compare chen to sylvanas

which one of the 2 would have been harder to cut out
I, for one, loved it
The panda dude only needed to breathe fire after taking a drink so it would be 10/10
But still, loved how he dodged, just like the WC3 skill

I wanted Pandas to be on WoW since start so fuck you all
The human looked awesome, too bad you cant get that cool looking gear in the game.
>Too bad the game has been shit since BC

Fixed that for you
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I was expecting a cute lil pug to come running up barking while they fight to stand at the Alliance guys feet. Then a baby raptor comes to the side of the Orc snarling.

Then the Panda throws out a ball that explodes into smoke, revealing a snapping pet turtle.

Then they do glorious pokebattle while the camera pans out to a bunch of babies clapping and giggling
But Pixar copied the Warcraft 3 pandas.
>And yet, why am I not surprised?

Because you just described all WoW cinematics.
TBC was the best time I had in WoW

>Excellent and challenging raids
>PVP rewarded by skill instead of timespend in it (I know about unbalanced combos but you still had to know how to play to reach 2200+)

Only downside was the whole space theme, I didnt like it.
They are awakening an ancient evil with their fighting. That's why the panda was stopping them.
>that's an april fools joke gone horribly horribly wrong.

So that's why I played Chen in TFT. Good to know.
you mean like high elves who had been in warcraft for a long fucking time or goblins who've been in the games even longer

and yes I was pissed the draenei weren't the ugly version which was indeed a decent part of the lore and worgen, while added later, were also very serious and a major part for early game lore

and if you're going to complain about deathknights in wow, start reading up on their lore

note how none of them were one character jokes
I could have liked this if i was 14.
But Vanilla and WotlK had actually good cinematics.
yeh but I'd loved to see the ancient evil awake for once

since it'd have been less annoying than jackie chan's fursona
>Character=Good until fat panda fucker
Up to the panda, it was fantastic. Honestly they should just build more on the Alliance vs. Horde lore. Instead of
Well I thought the trailer looked pretty cool, dunno why people get a fuckin' stick up their ass about pandas in WoW, the game has always been 12A cartoon shit.
>Naga actually have attatchment points for all armor and textures except certain helmets. Many private servers actually have them enabled straight up. They'll probably be in the next Xpac.

But they had those so that naga NPC's could wear armor in TBC. It had nothing to do with them actually being playable at all.
should have opened with a bit more conflict imho

more ships, goblin zeppelins vs gnome biplanes fighting overhead, mage artillery, that sort of stuff
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I'm still that they decided to add Pandas instead of subraces. I would trade the entire xpac for the ability to make Gilnean humans, Dark Irons, Leper Gnomes, Highborne, Broken, Full on Beasty Worgen, Maghar, Ghouls/Geists, Jungle Trolls, Grimtotem, the crackfiend corrupted Belf things that actually used to be a memorable thing, or Gil/hobgoblins.

Most of those are already in-game and able to equip armor with full animations.

Why the fuck can we not make them?
They seem just fine doing pre-bakes of every other NPC group. With the update to Naga, they even have character customization options (more than Tauren), attatchments for boots, geosets for the new leg, boot, and glove models, and even work with most helmets.

There is 0 reason they would do that just so they they could have some fancy looking NPCs when they could just do that in-house.
Darkspear are jungle trolls
Did blizzard realase any new information about heart of the swarm?

to be more specific the single player?

^ Cut this shit out blizzdrones, this is not a response to panda criticism.
gnomes, draenei, vrykul, worgen

that's just from the "major" races.
Panda lore was shit in WC3. Panda lore is shit in general. I hated playing the brewmaster bitch. He was just a fat fucker who couldn't do anything.
Darkspear are Darkspear, they lived along the coasts.

Jungle trolls are green hulking motherfuckers.

> lists all the other stupid shit in WoW

But Pandas....... They are where you draw the line!!!!! The whole game is stupid and childish, dummy!

> an actual defense used by blizzdrones
no thats forest trolls you goddamn retard
There are 3 battle reports, everything about the new units is already out, there's no much more to it

I know it's late in the thread and nobody gives a fuck, but that is genuinely the worst shitpost I have ever seen. If you're still in the thread, I hope you feel like a retard.

confirmed for not playing WC2

vrykul were new yes, they were also npc's, not the major focus of the expansion and did not start as jokes with their in-lore explanation tying into the larger Titans story which had been unfolding since the earlier days

2 others I already explained
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At least the human is kind of badass until the panda shit starts.

It's been a while since the mage in the vanilla intro.

>anything goes because the game is fantasy anyways amirite guys

So you wouldn't mind ponies being in the game? I mean, there's space goats already right?
Why can't blizzard have a huge quest line where its a battle between Alliance and Horde, and you're in the fucking middle of it. Everytime they've attempted something like this it was done awfully. NPCs just sitting around in battle position when an enemy spawns a ways away and charges them, they fight, one dies, repeat. Seriously, they could have made some AWESOME quests, but instead...we get this:
I wish blizzard would just make an animated film
there's a lot of silly stuff

it is however not the focus of an entire expansion

>implying Garrosh is an ancient evil.

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just a few months left guys
Honest opinions from people who played the beta?

A) the engine can't take it

B) that would take effort, blizzard hates effort
What the fuck are you talking about, I never said anything about Garrosh. I'm talking about in every single god damn expansion, they awaken an ancient evil and then ally and horde gotta work together to stop him. Where the fuck did you get Garrosh from?

He's the Neltharion of MoP.
Blizz has plenty of money to build on the engine, and keep it simple. And true, fuck blizz. They ruined Diablo, they ruined WoW, and I bet you starcraft will die out soon too.
and then the ancient evil turns out to be a corrupted former hero/god
I think it'd have been great if not for.. pandas. Replace it with ethereals or whatever, the style is nice but pandas just don't fucking fit in there.
>I bet you starcraft will die out soon too

Did you play 2? It already has.
>these are the pandaren's quotes from warcraft 3. Childish, funny, lighthearted. They translated this into WoW and now everyone is shitting their pants because HURR DURR KUNG FU PANDA. Despite the fact this guy was made BEFORE fucking kung fu panda

That's because it was a lighthearted easteregg.
Honestly? I like Pandaren. I had a tabletop group running the old Warcraft game and I WAS a Pandaren. I thought they were a good mix of funny and interesting that let them fit with the universe.

That said, this xpac is shit BECAUSE of them.

If they had replaced the Pandaren with god damn near any other race, make one up for the all the fucks it matters, it would have been fine. It's impossible to take serious metaphysical life lessons from a big jolly motherfucker.

If anything kills WoW, it will be this xpac. Maybe they can save it in a patch or two, somehow, but at launch, this is some SWOTR-tier shit.

Starcraft is already dead. Not even in the "THIS GAME IS SO BAD THEY KILLED" it way, in a "Wow, there are ~100 people online" way.
You mean like the prime boss? Isn't Neltharion Deathwing's name?
this is gay crap
nuke post-BC Warcraft lore immediately and hang the book authors
>i only get mad at carefully selected races out of a huge pool of races that rape the established lore
you're cool
>Orc performs the obligatory cinematic roar before attacking

I know they are stupid, but still

Confirmed for not paying attention to Cataclysm.
Honestly its worse than the first one, but the campaign is god damn fantastic. I loved every second of it. If they'd just fucking release the full universe editor...
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>Private WoW RP servers are better at telling Warcraft's story than Blizzard

Why do I still pay for this game?
Not the guy you where quoting but Garrosh is the last boss of MoP. Blizzard had to change it up when they found out "you are saving the booze!" wasn't a good goal for an expansion.
> kung fu panda
> pixar
Nigger, I'm a grown man but I watch all pixar movies because they are that good.

Kung fu panda, along with all the other shitty animations, belong to Dreamworks
It was hard paying attention while I was doing the same quests every day and the same dungeon every week.
>Because thats what Cata was
I'll put this one on about the same par as Vanilla and BC's cinematics. Wrath and Cataclysm's are still the best, though.
to bad we didn't get the potentially awesome as fuck Emerald Dream expansion since that issue was solved in a FUCKING BOOK

seriously why axe the expansion where you could go all out with creativity since its supposed to not only be azeroth without the sentient races but also a sort of massive experimental zone for the Titans so it should be filled with all kinds of strange and failed experiments
i just wish they'd get ogres out for an xpac...

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