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File: 1343777647703.gif-(1.98 MB, 316x235, 1313182444340.gif)
1.98 MB
Here's /v/'s reaction to TOR going F2P.

Fresh out of my copy of Adobe Premiere and right into your grubby, Cheeto laden hands.

File: 1343777792868.jpg-(76 KB, 900x392, 1343289419868.jpg)
76 KB
OP is a pretty cool guy
File: 1343777958586.jpg-(25 KB, 463x360, 1338601191495.jpg)
25 KB
File: 1343777990351.gif-(185 KB, 358x384, 1332281845411.gif)
185 KB
>the other thread hit image limit
Ding dong the witch is dead!
File: 1343778019558.jpg-(59 KB, 224x257, 1342693635043.jpg)
59 KB
Fucking perfect
Bump for justice
File: 1343778060131.jpg-(27 KB, 277x264, dude1.jpg)
27 KB
>mfw I posted on that thread
File: 1343778081688.gif-(2.95 MB, 300x300, 1339563497751.gif)
2.95 MB

Good job OP

That was awesome.
File: 1343778126417.gif-(79 KB, 312x312, Skel.gif)
79 KB
Godspeed you magnificent bastard OP.
for once OP isn't a faggot.

good stuff.
File: 1343778158516.gif-(963 KB, 300x250, let's dance.gif)
963 KB
Couldn't get to post this due to image limit.
Cool vid, bro.
File: 1343778295796.gif-(986 KB, 450x254, 1342162824406.gif)
986 KB
>tfw I was too lazy and didn't posted
I regret nothing, keep dancing niggers!
i love you /v/
Fuck yeah brOP, I was in the other thread just didn't have any dancing .gifs. Godspeed.
The other day I almost said TORtanic out loud to friends when I wanted to talk about EA's failing as a company.

And for the life of me I just couldn't remember the name of the game except for TORtanic. Good job men.
I like it
File: 1343778364873.png-(190 KB, 333x351, Thane, I....png)
190 KB
The Old Republic is amazing, haters have no real arguments against it
File: 1343778378260.png-(184 KB, 286x334, 1333397796105.png)
184 KB
Damn good OP.
File: 1343778396636.gif-(425 KB, 350x261, StupidTVBemorefunny.gif)
425 KB
>Not using the Ewok victory music.
this is a good day
File: 1343778408857.jpg-(50 KB, 408x470, 498.jpg)
50 KB
So THAT'S why it's going F2P.

>Anal devastation
File: 1343778422461.jpg-(325 KB, 506x631, 1343247090328.jpg)
325 KB
File: 1343778426328.jpg-(14 KB, 176x278, oh baby.jpg)
14 KB
>mfw my .gif took almost 20 seconds of the video
I wish I could celebrate, but I feel like /v/ lost the war considering now we are stuck with the reddit-tier shit posters that pretend the coined the word drone and feel like they NEED to hate every and anything released now.
>go to local game retail shop
>browse through a row of PC-DVD games
>heh not interested
>let out a short laugh
what have you done to me /v/
File: 1343778484448.gif-(358 KB, 200x115, hardcore metal headbanging.gif)
358 KB

>mfw my gif ended the video
File: 1343778527661.jpg-(42 KB, 288x288, 1332710216746.jpg)
42 KB
File: 1343778538830.gif-(1.66 MB, 200x160, Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga.gif)
1.66 MB
I like you.
File: 1343778543730.png-(335 KB, 612x513, 1343526088207.png)
335 KB
It's going F2P to attract more people. Bioware can make more money with F2P.
The game has a solid fanbase who will play till the end and now the 2 million subscribers will become 5 or 6 millions thanks to F2P

checkmate, your move
File: 1343778575841.gif-(1.07 MB, 320x164, biglewbowski.gif)
1.07 MB
>6 million free players

and no, it won't.
File: 1343778602710.gif-(1.03 MB, 320x240, 1327818806771.gif)
1.03 MB
File: 1343778605451.jpg-(82 KB, 500x566, 1330686156050.jpg)
82 KB
>white people
File: 1343778639403.gif-(2.62 MB, 496x368, 1333411697161.gif)
2.62 MB
>The shit these people actually believe
>6 million free players
File: 1343778647126.jpg-(1 KB, 125x125, 1341765917519s.jpg)
1 KB
I wish the gif version of this was in there

Regardless, that video was awesome bro tier
File: 1343778650502.jpg-(48 KB, 474x460, 1340379444196.jpg)
48 KB
I was on that thread, posted some.
Good job op.
ITT: Samefags hoping they get put into a youtube video that 5 people will watch
File: 1343778665556.gif-(2 MB, 313x236, 1326258642085.gif)
2 MB
Fuck, this is a classic
File: 1343778695492.jpg-(75 KB, 378x363, likey makes me smiley.jpg)
75 KB
You aren't going to make another vid are you, op? :3
There's plenty more gifs if you have the time.
File: 1343778702405.gif-(168 KB, 375x375, God emperor of mankind ch(...).gif)
168 KB
You also have godly taste in music, OP.
File: 1343778719497.jpg-(116 KB, 364x450, 1297445385435.jpg)
116 KB
>will play till the end

What end? there is no endgame

i second this notion

plz reupload op
File: 1343778734816.gif-(351 KB, 312x176, doctor.gif)
351 KB
File: 1343778758511.gif-(1.51 MB, 480x270, 1342625710177.gif)
1.51 MB
I'm considering doing a second one later because there are so many more hilarious .gifs that didn't get used.
File: 1343778779699.png-(113 KB, 364x336, nigga i'm high a fuq.png)
113 KB
Well done OP.
File: 1343778789791.gif-(2.24 MB, 500x415, 1343766135613.gif)
2.24 MB
My fucking face when
File: 1343778793701.gif-(1.4 MB, 193x135, 1326164098269.gif)
1.4 MB
It was a ponyfaggot that told someone to make it with that music.

Enjoy your music taste homo.
File: 1343778830294.gif-(466 KB, 250x141, 1342550340977.gif)
466 KB

see >>149273289
File: 1343778873802.png-(36 KB, 242x241, FF050.png)
36 KB
I am amused yet saddened. Saddened that its over.

Until the next shitty mmo comes out
File: 1343778882546.gif-(562 KB, 280x280, peterdance.gif)
562 KB
File: 1343778892506.jpg-(55 KB, 850x600, the only way to play.jpg)
55 KB
Awww yeaaa
File: 1343778895724.gif-(950 KB, 476x319, 1330872593147.gif)
950 KB
A glorious day it is
I feel like that should be saved for when EA itself goes under.
File: 1343778908823.gif-(1.98 MB, 384x216, 1333564205854.gif)
1.98 MB
Let the gifs commence again.
I don't know why everyone keeps trying to troll with stuff like this anymore. We all listened to the press conference and Rigatoni specifically said TOR was a huge dissapointment and only battlefield managed to keep them afloat.
Ponyfags drink water and breathe air too, does that make drinking water and breathing air gay?
File: 1343778924727.jpg-(8 KB, 180x161, Blue Halo in retirement.jpg)
8 KB
>Hating music because of someone who likes a cartoon likes it

Why do you do this to yourself?
File: 1343778927163.jpg-(143 KB, 1280x720, Holy shit I fucking love (...).jpg)
143 KB
How long before EA start cranking prices up for mundane shit in their SP games now so that they can cover their losses from this?
File: 1343778935256.gif-(351 KB, 192x256, 1336725698134.gif)
351 KB
It's a good time to see demise
File: 1343778936120.png-(551 KB, 874x533, 998aba5c7698ae271a8651021(...).png)
551 KB

File: 1343778939293.gif-(1.01 MB, 351x227, 1341958539984.gif)
1.01 MB
File: 1343778943643.jpg-(21 KB, 432x480, 1332824875131.jpg)
21 KB
>checkmate, your move
sauce on girl with blue striped panties/red striped stockings?
File: 1343779000148.gif-(1.59 MB, 258x320, 1326308203878.gif)
1.59 MB
EAt it Electronic Arts.
episode VI? aren't there just 3?
and who is the old guy next to yoda, palpatine and vader? I thought the movies ended...
File: 1343779009781.gif-(119 KB, 295x210, 1286350792505.gif)
119 KB
This should be mandatory in all dance videos

File: 1343779028189.gif-(492 KB, 400x300, 1343091289127.gif)
492 KB
I remain indifferent.
File: 1343779030913.gif-(1.04 MB, 356x140, destination.gif)
1.04 MB
File: 1343779031745.gif-(361 KB, 340x191, davidtennantplaysanoboe.gif)
361 KB

Wonderful. Please use >>149273446 if you'd be so kind.

This one as well, I suppose.
File: 1343779034437.gif-(98 KB, 384x313, party-hard-82.gif)
98 KB
Oh no, don't mix us regular faggots with horsefuckers.
File: 1343779048276.gif-(553 KB, 525x300, leanin.gif)
553 KB
File: 1343779079580.gif-(162 KB, 200x200, 1312403519427.gif)
162 KB
File: 1343779089477.jpg-(68 KB, 381x380, 1336914748288.jpg)
68 KB
Why is /v/ acting slow today?
why are there /b/ level dance threads about TOR going F2P when everyone knew what was going to happen?

You guys acting like this is life changing and that you pulled off an epic raid.
File: 1343779090229.gif-(1.93 MB, 235x240, jJL1x.gif)
1.93 MB
File: 1343779104534.gif-(385 KB, 300x200, 1343248003108.gif)
385 KB
File: 1343779117885.gif-(36 KB, 128x231, 1228294918004.gif)
36 KB
needs more lolis
File: 1343779129035.gif-(928 KB, 500x212, swag.gif)
928 KB
Pretty good. Sad there was no gangnam style in there.
File: 1343779150695.gif-(673 KB, 58x130, 1343520530446.gif)
673 KB
Next video will obviously need this, how did no one post it?
File: 1343779160075.jpg-(66 KB, 540x726, 1342346260490.jpg)
66 KB
>mfw I bought a fucking subscription a few days ago
File: 1343779174048.gif-(689 KB, 180x180, 1342529169847.gif)
689 KB
It..it happened /v/. It fucking happened. Hold me I can't stand anymore
File: 1343779187908.gif-(451 KB, 300x169, doctor why.gif)
451 KB

I agree.
File: 1343779194386.gif-(433 KB, 240x180, fusioncore.gif)
433 KB
File: 1343779199559.gif-(1.9 MB, 400x300, why wrestling isn't popul(...).gif)
1.9 MB
The ending of this gif is a good picture of how I felt.
File: 1343779207707.gif-(496 KB, 500x359, xSVp9.gif)
496 KB
File: 1343779222253.gif-(479 KB, 282x257, MrRogersSaysHello.gif)
479 KB
My message to EA and its supporters
File: 1343779235900.gif-(1.97 MB, 336x199, 1328671602137.gif)
1.97 MB
File: 1343779252668.gif-(1.98 MB, 640x360, fett_loop3_1.gif)
1.98 MB
Today is a good day.
File: 1343779258699.gif-(1.03 MB, 300x170, see you space cowboy.gif)
1.03 MB
File: 1343779272020.gif-(5 KB, 354x284, 12673468346.gif)
5 KB
File: 1343779286975.gif-(1002 KB, 500x281, Artist makes a life updat(...).gif)
1002 KB
The fuck is wrong with you?

>My face
File: 1343779288972.gif-(1.2 MB, 320x213, 305741_o.gif)
1.2 MB
File: 1343779298680.gif-(141 KB, 228x229, Scorpion_Dancing.gif)
141 KB
How did that doing the opposite of what /v/ says work out for ya?
File: 1343779326800.gif-(2.94 MB, 200x150, Chris Rock celebrating.gif)
2.94 MB
File: 1343779332902.gif-(335 KB, 300x199, menintokyo.gif)
335 KB
God damn it Lemonfont, I want to see how part two ends!
File: 1343779348755.gif-(555 KB, 215x194, 1325921393751.gif)
555 KB
We still dancing?
File: 1343779369466.gif-(2.23 MB, 387x251, 1192153704797.gif)
2.23 MB
And think, we could have just been fools and played videogames instead of this.
File: 1343779386635.gif-(22 KB, 192x177, 5.gif)
22 KB
File: 1343779386773.gif-(384 KB, 350x263, nooters gonna noot.gif)
384 KB

We ain't gonna stop dancing.
Next one will be set to the Safety Dance.
File: 1343779408077.png-(6 KB, 783x137, rere.png)
6 KB
Well /v/ is /b/ 2.0

so shitposting is okay here

its not like the mods going to stop us all from posting off topic stuff.

No body wants to keep talking about boring video game stuff all day.
File: 1343779412788.gif-(Spoiler Image, 1.92 MB, 400x252, 1328307348216.gif)
Spoiler Image, 1.92 MB
File: 1343779414241.gif-(472 KB, 500x276, riddler.gif)
472 KB
File: 1343779425475.gif-(989 KB, 250x188, 1343035360004.gif)
989 KB
File: 1343779434246.gif-(2.88 MB, 224x126, adam slapped.gif)
2.88 MB
I don't believe you.
Biodrone general feel.gif
File: 1343779446396.gif-(689 KB, 210x179, 1340387467524.gif)
689 KB
>mfw i just finished saving the old thread to my hdd before it 404'd
File: 1343779446490.gif-(484 KB, 360x288, 1340133343675.gif)
484 KB
File: 1343779449566.gif-(529 KB, 251x226, stormtrooper.gif)
529 KB
File: 1343779455998.gif-(1024 KB, 400x296, Obama.gif)
1024 KB
File: 1343779470395.gif-(1.97 MB, 250x200, lizardflail.gif)
1.97 MB
File: 1343779472280.gif-(1.16 MB, 400x225, 1199828559514.gif)
1.16 MB
>youtube video of gifs taken from a thread

It's like we're back in 2006.
File: 1343779483591.gif-(1017 KB, 126x168, 1343769649313.gif)
1017 KB
File: 1343779483636.gif-(1.01 MB, 350x262, 1341953167051.gif)
1.01 MB
File: 1343779484495.gif-(1.99 MB, 288x291, 1266559857150.gif)
1.99 MB
I can't even tell you how many dance gifs I have.

But this one seems appropriate. Also, that's fucking amazing OP.
File: 1343779507499.gif-(474 KB, 450x313, Oh Mario Kun~.gif)
474 KB
And its vidya related!
File: 1343779509843.gif-(1.79 MB, 200x200, mfw.gif)
1.79 MB

Allow me to contraboot
File: 1343779516896.jpg-(88 KB, 1600x900, swtor 2012-07-24 22-43-51-11.jpg)
88 KB
Because I had a lot of fun playing the trial, despite it's numerous issues.

It's not like that- I looked at the free trial, so I'm like, "Why the fuck not?" I actually made a thread about it last week. And then, the strangest thing happened- I started enjoying myself! The rest, as they say, is history.

But seriously, what the fuck BioWare?

Picture related, still during my trial phase- remade my character.
File: 1343779523261.gif-(2.68 MB, 255x191, 1338331938162.gif)
2.68 MB
7/31. TOR surrenders unconditionally.
File: 1343779541147.jpg-(15 KB, 200x245, 9879.jpg)
15 KB
all we need now is for something to happen to battlefield, any ideas?
File: 1343779557580.gif-(1.5 MB, 320x240, posting traps on v.gif)
1.5 MB
Aw yeah boy
>2:43 ish
>2 million
File: 1343779598547.gif-(489 KB, 500x375, 7fef5e2e-248e-4089-be3e-4(...).gif)
489 KB
File: 1343779598934.gif-(870 KB, 400x224, baloonicorn on a drunken (...).gif)
870 KB
File: 1343779599820.gif-(8 KB, 500x180, No fucks to give.gif)
8 KB
File: 1343779617910.gif-(1.15 MB, 217x163, 11232839X9IZMS7e.gif)
1.15 MB
Not dancing, but this makes me GOTTAGOFAST
File: 1343779620310.gif-(564 KB, 150x190, yoda.gif)
564 KB

I know, they should spoiler that shit
File: 1343779623207.jpg-(10 KB, 450x370, he-man.jpg)
10 KB
I pity the dead who con no longer know such joys.jpg

That thread was fun.
File: 1343779624795.gif-(2.06 MB, 320x180, 1327353618795.gif)
2.06 MB
File: 1343779630909.gif-(1.55 MB, 176x132, 1343753666147.gif)
1.55 MB
File: 1343779677617.gif-(207 KB, 142x160, 1339202757146.gif)
207 KB
File: 1343779687400.gif-(269 KB, 300x225, batthumbsup.gif)
269 KB
feels good
File: 1343779703908.gif-(376 KB, 476x281, 062.gif)
376 KB
File: 1343779704732.gif-(696 KB, 144x216, Colin.gif)
696 KB

>Not posting superior colin
File: 1343779713099.gif-(2.23 MB, 309x172, 1299443305296.gif)
2.23 MB
File: 1343779728840.jpg-(87 KB, 400x266, 1319543407278.jpg)
87 KB
Battlefield is already dead bro.
EA is rushing THE FUCK out of that game.
They need to increase their money fast.
File: 1343779750268.gif-(2.24 MB, 312x176, Vinny-tears-of-joy.gif)
2.24 MB
File: 1343779759682.gif-(1.77 MB, 173x166, dracudance.gif)
1.77 MB
File: 1343779765766.gif-(126 KB, 266x200, 1335095250671.gif)
126 KB
B-but... I like Battlefield...

BF2143 announced
No Titan mode
Premium players get retarded bonuses
Final Destination
File: 1343779790865.gif-(239 KB, 320x240, 1322885270045.gif)
239 KB
File: 1343779794870.gif-(1.18 MB, 320x180, 3fTjt.gif)
1.18 MB
EA in charge of gaming
File: 1343779799441.gif-(1013 KB, 450x338, 1308353200332012.gif)
1013 KB
File: 1343779815341.gif-(1014 KB, 198x299, Van Damme Dance.gif)
1014 KB
File: 1343779817347.gif-(499 KB, 500x281, tumblr_lqgumkvfac1qbj6cco1_500.gif)
499 KB
File: 1343779822058.gif-(485 KB, 375x218, BrBa swag.gif)
485 KB
What music for the new video?
File: 1343779829072.gif-(1.57 MB, 267x150, 1339205162921.gif)
1.57 MB
File: 1343779838849.gif-(1.55 MB, 360x203, point.gif)
1.55 MB
File: 1343779860017.gif-(979 KB, 320x240, 1343720779554.gif)
979 KB
Don't must studies show that MMOs actually tend to make MORE money once they go f2p, as long as they have some kind of cash shop?
File: 1343779863979.gif-(2.31 MB, 331x236, water tribes.gif)
2.31 MB
File: 1343779870284.gif-(1.95 MB, 256x143, 1342319015795.gif)
1.95 MB
File: 1343779884709.gif-(507 KB, 500x423, 1288311419193.gif)
507 KB
File: 1343779885005.gif-(1.87 MB, 314x240, 1326305050332.gif)
1.87 MB
File: 1343779896110.gif-(174 KB, 135x135, 1333070071769.gif)
174 KB


That shit makes me want to dance



File: 1343779917495.gif-(699 KB, 240x288, 125476313160.gif)
699 KB
This is just glorious.
I have a bet with my friend, a HUEG Star Wars fanboy, that TOR would go free-to-play within nine months of release.

I win.
File: 1343779917670.gif-(500 KB, 500x250, smithfucks.gif)
500 KB

Ewok victory.
"Titan mode is impossible to do in Frostbite"

Calling it now
So when it is available to play for free are we gonna go shit the place up?
File: 1343779928947.jpg-(42 KB, 500x375, 1339856517691.jpg)
42 KB
>That feel when your friend gave you his account (while he was still subbed)
>That feel when you played through the game twice
>That feel when you think what could have been if they just made it Kotor 3 instead of an MMO

Goddamn it. The game had branching story paths for different classes and sides. If they spent the money they spent on audio/marketing/making it an MMO on writers it could have been one of the greatest RPGs of all time.

Everything it needed was there. Companions with back stories, difference choices (though limited because it was an MMO), dungeons, and a lot of other shit.

But EA decided to make a shitty WoW clone, with terrible combat, mediocre writing, and focus on stealing any popular ideas they could.
File: 1343779929782.gif-(2.72 MB, 320x213, 81293792931.gif)
2.72 MB
>tfw I see 3 of my .gifs

File: 1343779939271.gif-(442 KB, 500x380, 1311360627751.gif)
442 KB
File: 1343779940419.gif-(113 KB, 112x176, FINALLY.gif)
113 KB
File: 1343779942263.gif-(1.19 MB, 474x268, you_mad_dancing_gif.gif)
1.19 MB

'Nearer to thee my God would' be obvious, but would probably clash too much with the .gifs.
File: 1343779950230.gif-(463 KB, 450x185, _lqq9t5T83S1qadba2.gif)
463 KB
Thanks OP
File: 1343779964251.gif-(403 KB, 390x219, 2b59b283fc06a4d003ab8f4e6(...).gif)
403 KB
You wut mate

That video clip at 1:20.

Give it to me
File: 1343779973662.gif-(2 MB, 313x240, 1341948244398.gif)
2 MB
>didn't last ONE FUCKING YEAR
File: 1343779991857.gif-(1.23 MB, 240x185, 1304868168832.gif)
1.23 MB
>not having this amazing .gif in it
File: 1343779994547.gif-(499 KB, 500x252, nigga shake.gif)
499 KB
Look around for DCUO articles about their profit increasing like 400% when they went F2P
File: 1343780002342.gif-(1.86 MB, 538x282, 1336786948856.gif)
1.86 MB
Seconding this.
File: 1343780005148.gif-(352 KB, 480x360, TOOBADITSMEVICTORY.gif)
352 KB
let it all burn
File: 1343780014608.gif-(1.61 MB, 320x240, 1311250933970.gif)
1.61 MB

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