Why do characters in Persona 3 use guns to summon their Persona? I get that they're trying to be cool and edgy (and suicide is supposedly popular in Japan) but is it REALLY necessary?To be honest, I admit that it affects me more than it might others. My sister killed herself 2 years ago, when she was 14. Now I'm 18 and I've been in two mental hospitals so far this summer (in-patient) because all I can think about is suicide, death, killing myself (or my sister) lying in a pool of blood.The word that run through my head constantly is "Gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun..." so you can imagine my shock when I sat down to play a PSN downloaded JRPG that I bought for $9.99 to settle myself down.So, someone explain. Is there an actual reason why they have to summon by shooting themselves, or is it all tryhard bullshit because demon summoning just isn't unique enough anymore.[Sorry if TMI. Pissed that I wasted $9.99, can't sit through the game because of this.]
It's not even a real gun, stop whining.
Never played it, but I think it's something about bringing yourself into a high emotional state that allows you to summon the demon?
>/v/ still obsessed about shitty JRPGs with the same shitty turn-based mechanics that have persisted for over two decades>Except this one has epic suicide allusions!!If you have to play a JRPG, play Dark cloud.
>tryhardStop using that word
>>149263982>dad died in iraq, he was a pilot>have no problem playing air combat gamesstop being such pussy anon
The act of putting a gun to ones head and pulling the trigger is supposed to break mental barriers, allowing the respective character to summon their persona. The act is a subconscious trigger.
Because of 2deep4u
>>149264308>implying all of /v/ hasn't already play Dark Cloud
Summoning the personas is a mortal reflex. They do it to save their lives.Dunno how it makes sense when they no it only fires blanks but go figure.
>cool and edgyCan we stop using this fucking description, please? It's gotten as bad as grimdark.
Because putting a gun to your head brings out your deepest fears, allowing your true emotions to come through in the form of your persona.Also it's shaped like a gun so Mitsuru could grab Akihiko's attention and recruit him into SEES
>>149264393Did you SEE his bleeding corpse? Fuck no faggot. Stop being a dick on the internet.
BETTER QUESTIONIn the glossary it hints that Personas can be summoned without using an evoker and this plot thread is NEVER FOLLOWED UP on.Why the fuck?And why don't Persona 1, 2 or 4 cast need to do this shit?
>>149264653What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
It's an evoker, not a gun.Play the game, faggot.
The explanation is that they have to kill their personality for their persona to take place.Unlike P1,P2,P4 this time Philemon DIDN'T contact the Persona users so they forced the Persona out themselves.
>>149264756In 4 it's because you summon your persona by forming a contract with your shadow instead of forcing it out by facing death.
The Evoker is a gun-like object that temporarily disrupts the users psyche. By using the Evoker and simulating the action taken to kill yourself, your psyche is traumatized enough to force a persona to the fore. Hence the sea-of-thy-soul stuff. In-game, the persona is a facet of yourself that resides within you. To get it out for combat use, you have to force it from deep within to the outside, and the Evoker gives anyone with potential a way to do that.Also, because it exists within you, the personas stats, strenghts, and weaknesses are shared with the user. And now you know something that will never help you in college, real life, or anywhere else.
Fuck those kids, I'm summoning my Persona through coin flipping!
>>149264930The MC didn't do shit with his shadow because he doesn't have a personality.
"I was raped in a phone booth so please don't talk about phone booths as the world should revolve around my feelings."Your story is sad, but if you are really that fragile then you might want to check out a website like Tumblr, which plasters "trigger warnings" everywhere so that no feelings are hurt. Lots of people are killed by guns, but you know, it's the person pulling the trigger that actually is responsible for what happens, not the gun itself.
>>149264858Why does it look like a gun then? Why couldn't it look like a prod? Or even just a squirt gun rather than a pistol?
Hell, i just use guns to kill things.Some demons even beg for their lives so i shoot them some more.Im the man to save this world.
>>149264884Philemon had as much involvement in 4 as 3.Also 3 opens with a blue butterfly during the intro cinematic PAY FUCKING ATTENTION
>>149265059MC had his powers given to him freely by Izanami.
ITT: Neckbeards trying to justify an extremely shitty plot device that sounds as if it was constructed by a thirteen year old boy writing fan fiction
>>149265081To draw attention to it when recruiting new members.
It's not a real gun. I've heard it was supposed to be, and that when successfully summoning a persona its presence would save you from the otherwise fatal act, but it was too hardcore for most people so it was rewritten.However the idea remains the same. To summon your persona you need to be brave enough to see death in its eyes.
>>149265081Because Japan, man.I loved P4 because they kinda break those tarot cards. Especially brotag just crushing it in his hand.
>>149265181Philemon grants the wild card. Fool arcana, whatever.Not Izanami.
>>149265268Except it requires no bravery at all because it isn't a gun.
>>149264653I saw my brother shoot himself in his face. I can still play games with guns.
>>149263982How about you just play a different rpg?I mean seriously.
>>149263982It's because you're a pussy ass faggot. Get over it, beta
OP, just play P4. They don't use guns.
>>149265352Except it does because Yukari almost pussies out in the opening cutscene.
>>149265352But the ritual wouldn't work if you didn't "evoke" the sensation of standing on death's doorstep. Simply squeezing the evoker does nothing.
>>149265495>almostshe did
>>149265495That's just because she's a candy ass period. Main guy just picks it up and fires.
Because P3 is fucking garbage compared to the others.
>Shin Megami series>they actually have a myth from where i live
>>149265596zero fucks given
>>149265624They have a shitload of myths yo
There's no reason for them NOT to use guns, is there?
>>149264308Dark Cloud is a shit game.Also, fuck you.
>>149265786Putting a bullet through your brain won't help you fight Shadows.
The fear of guns causes a fight or flight situation, releasing their Persona to protect them.
Just play P4, OP.Are you traumatized by card crushing?
>>149265429Naoto uses a gun.
>>149265624I'm a legend where I come from.
Tryhard bullshit, and it's pretty disturbing to me as well.Then again I'm old and "edgy" isn't really the perfect bait to get my cash.
I helped my father kill an eight year old girl a few years ago. I baited her in and took her out to a farmyard he was living at. He ended up torturing her, then vivisecting her and nailing her against the wall of the barn. He took complete responsibility though, as I just observed his art, rather than engaging it. I still laugh when I kill children or their families in games though. It's the best part.Who needs regret when you got swag, son? #yolo
It's to evoke fear in the character, hence why its called an evoker, not a gun.Even if it doesn't shoot bullet's your still staring death down the barrel. Which evokes some kind of response deep down.>>149265352Tell that to Yukari in the opening cutscene>>149265596Main guy's just too chill to give a fuck. >Lights go out>Blood ozing from clock>Coffins everywhere>"meh, whatever">keeps on walking
>>149265990Okay but not to shoot themselves in the head with.
>>149265835>Dark Cloud is a shit game
Because it's better than crushing a card like in P4. Boy was I disappointed at how weightless personas felt. I liked P4 but summoning a persona feels like a much more powerful course of action when you have to shoot yourself in the head to do it.
>>149265786They would die
Symbolism.To call out your facade is to destroy a part of the true self in the process.
>>149264785I said you're a dick. On the internet.
>>149264785And also a faggot. At least that's what I think I said about you.
Guys, you do realise that when MC first used the evoker he has no idea what it is.He's actually just trying to kill himself.
>>149265108Ahhh, why can't all SMT be free of moe high school social bullshit?
>>149266260I'm fairly sure he did it because Pharos told him to
>Pissed that I wasted $9.99, can't sit through the game because of this.
Persona 1 was designed by different people and is never acnoledged again so assume it isn't canon.Persona 2 had the characters be given their power by Philemon (god) so they don't need to force it out despite being in the human worldPersona 4 had them in the shadow world while using it. Rise made a remark about how she wished she could use hers in the human world but couldn't.
>killing myself (or my sister)Dude she's already dead you can't kill her even more.
How about you shut the fuck up with the whining and go ahead and an hero for our sakes."My s-sister was a pussy and when I touched her blood I c-caught the bitchmade."Fuck, what kind of retard comes to 4chan expecting help.
>>149266529Even ashes can be destroyed.
>>149266363>>149266448Pretty sure he did it because there was a fucking hand monster coming to eat him and he didn't want to live anymore.
>>149264785Are you for real?Why are you on 4chan then?
>>149265865It seems to do so in Persona 3.
>>149266529I laughed, now I feel bad.
I love the smell of adding someone to my filter list.Smells like most of /v/.
>>149264785This is overused, there is a point where this stops being funny and we have clearly passed it.
>>149265108>>149265108>I can't unsee the smiley face on that helmet
>>149266619>not recognizing an ages old copypastalurk moar
How does this picture make you feel?
>>149266592No.He saw Yukari trying to do it first, so he decided to copy herGet your facts right son.
real men summon their stands by pulling ~fabulous~ poses.
>>149266323It's only Persona. Who's gimmick is highschool bullshit. Fail to see how "moe" plays into it.I haven't played any other SMT game based around highschoolers. Well, maybe Devil Survivor.
>>149266619It's a copypasta.
>>149266663It was overused about 5 fucking years ago.
The simulation of shooting themselves in the head allows them to reach a state of clear minded-ness, allowing them to summon the persona. Those with simulated persona (Aigis, Strega) don't need to do that. Besides, death is pretty much the main theme of the game. Hell, the main arc words are "memento mori".2deep4u
>>149266323But I thought Persona wasn't SMT
>>149266635But the Evoker doesn't-Fuck it.
>>149265081It's almost as if you're ignoring the several answers you've been given, in favor of acting like an ignorant retard. If you're trying to troll, you're not very good at it.
>>149266805Where'd you pull that name from?
>>149266795He sees Yukari try to kill herself.That doesn't explain what an evoker is for.He tried to commit suicide.
OP why'd she do it?
>>149266515>Persona 1 was designed by different people and is never acnoledged again so assume it isn't canon.This is completely false. P1's characters appear again in P2, and the Nanjos are mentioned throughout the series.
>>149266805>Jotaro >fabulous posesNigga. Better change that name to Joseph.
>dark and edgy>i picked a dog over a bunch of people to go see a movie with>tried sneaking the dog in and convince people he was a really detailed doll>we got kicked out but I promised I'd get the DVDs for him
>>149266876that copypasta is not 5 years old.
>>149267020He was lead by Pharos somehow, or why else would he say "persona" while pulling the trigger?
>>149267015Why don't you google it?
>>149267035Bumping this question.
Yes, the whole shooting yourself in the face with a fake gun is supposed to be edgy and be symbolic or something silly and is grimdark. If you think otherwise, you're just blinded by your fanboyism.It's still a good game.
>>149267115I love that dog.
>>149267134Pharos didn't say shit about the evoker.And to answer your question: Shitty writers.
>>149267335How does the dog hold and evoker?
>>149266529I know. But in my dreams, I'm the one who kills her, night after night
Shooting yourself int he head requires a lot of balls and swag which creates an empty minded trance that allows your inner psyche to take over
>>149267338yeah but he did make the gun pointing motion though
>>149267182>"If you disagree with my opinion you're a fanboy"Go choke on a dick.
>>149266805>implying jotaro is his last name
>>149267338What do you mean "say"? Pharos doesn't work like that. He's always with him, not only when he's directly "talking" to the MC.>>149267404It has a special dog evoker which is like a collar, sillybuns.
Because it's far better than:>Shattering a crystal to summon shit>Singing a song to summon shit>Chanting some incantation to summon shit>Drawing circles on the ground to summon shit>Reading some parchment to summon shit>Breaking a card to summon shit>Holding glowing stone in hand to summon shit>Believing in the heart of the cardsHonestly, Persona 3 was a breath of fresh air from all these repetitive JRPG themes, it's gotta be one of the best and most memorable parts of P3, try naming 2 other games that has you shooting yourself in the head to fight soul sucking shadows. It's not cool and edgy, it's just different.
>>149267182Yeah, nah. I've seen some pretty decent explanations from this thread that I honestly wasn't expecting.
>>149266967I wouldnt know, never played the Persona games.I'm just here to post guns I know nothing about either.
The game's theme is death. Also the evoker is shaped like a gun to trigger the emotional trauma that forces a Persona out.Basically.
Persona 3 is a game about the gods of Greco/Roman myth watching their culture being destroyed by the rise of christianity. Each characters persona is a notable figure from greco/roman myth and their actions, personalities and storylines reflect and sometimes mirror these myths.You as the protagonist are Orpheus, the storyteller and martyr.Youske is Hermes, the prankster who has tragedy befall himI think you can get the rest, but the most important is the Jesus lookin motherfucker that serves as the villan. Guess what? He is supposed to represent Jesus.He refers to himself as the messiah, wishes to bring "the end of the world" (from greco/roman religious persepective). To add to this, the "dark hour" is a reference to the midnight services early Christians would hold to escape the eyes of the roman law. Those who are "trapped" in these services come out as "shells" incapable of functioning in society.
>>149267421That's fucking hot OP, how about some details?
>>149267578Fuck you, parchment and scrolls master race.
>>149267182It's a shitty game but nothing that makes it shitty is because of the grimdark tones or the evokers.The fucking pacing at the endgame and 360 floors of tartarus are what makes this game so bad. The plot isn't terrible but it's far less than worth putting up with all that shit.
Game developers wanted to do something unique and that is what they came up with.
grow the fuck up or just off yourself already.Your clearly worthless,probably like your retarted sister. seriously why the fuck are you gonna commit suicide at 14? what stress was bellowing over her and crushing to the point she couldnt take it? someone call her a slut or something?
I don't care if you think I'm a faggot.I think summoning P3 looks fucking cool.
>>149267182The idea that the characters have to be facing mortal danger for their personae to awaken is something that carries over from the very first Persona game, though. The difference here is that the Persona users in 3 are weaker, since they were not directly given their personae, which makes the use of the gun necessary.
>>149267578>Breaking a card to summon shitHey. Fuck you. I loved that
>>149267575How does a collar trigger a death response?
>>149267335>Shijiro watching the Cooking Channel>Fuuka and Aigis walk in>he shoves the magazine in his face and pretends to sleep>Koromaru rats him outRIP
>>149267618>Yosuke>P3I'm guessing you mean Junpei.
>tfw you buy a deck of tarot cards and "learn to read tarot" because of persona
>>149267489>shoot yourself in the head with something that clearly reseembles a handgun>oh but its art and it symbolizes the breaking of mental bonds and stuff, it's not trying too hard to convey a dark tone at all!
>"Hey Mitsuru! How does you bike work in the dark hour?">"It's special."And this was never spoken of again.
>>149267182the amount of buzzwords is astounding
>>149267750shock collar
>>149266094that's what you think
>>149267825What? It's definitely trying to be dark. The game's theme is, as repeated quite a few times itt, death.
>>149267618and then MC gets "Messiah"
>>149267697I wish I knew what Bangbros production that was. Looks like quality.
>>149267825So it's shit because it sets a dark tone? Is that all?
>>149267750It chokes him?And its not funny, my brother died that way
>>149267923>no trigger disciplineCan't fap to this.
>>149267335That dog is without a doubt my favorite nigga that isn't junpei
You're pissed that you "wasted" a measly fucking $10 on a game that you can't play because you're a little bitch?And now you come whining to us?A lot of us actually like this game, because we aren't fucking retards.
Persona 3 and 4 are all about fanservicing and kids trying to look cool and edgy, there is nothing else tbh.
>>149267971>>149267947 Its dark and edgy. When did I ever say it was shit?
>>149267849It was obviously developed by the Kirijo group (you know, the company her family runs, who created the dark hour to begin with.), just like Aigis and other machines that work in the dark hour like the command room consoles.
>>149268054"Dark and edgy" is usually meant in a derogatory way. Just don't say "edgy" and you're right on the money.
>>149268009>4>dark and edgyI didn't even like 4, but that's horseshit.
>>149268054It's dark. Not dark and edgy. Just dark. The game doesn't take itself very seriously at all. Trying to imply that it's edgy would require it to do so.
What a shitty fuckin series of games. JRPGs really went to shit when the PS2 came out.
>>149267404His evoker is a shock collar.
>>149266515>Philemon (god)
>>149267618So now that we know that the game is a retelling of greco/roman myth from the perspective of the gods, where do the Evokers come in?They can be one of two things.1. It represents the concept of martyrdom, with the characters sacrificing their own energy and going through a mentally grueling process to help those they care about2. It just represents emotional hardship and tragedy.Speaking of tragedy, the entire fucking game is a classical greek tragedy.GEE MAYBE THE GAME IS REALLY ROLLIN WITH THIS WHOLE MYTHOLOGY AND GRECO/ROMAN THING HUH.If you look a bit more into each character, how they act and what they do, the allusions and mirrors to greco/roman myth become really fucking obvious.Hope this answers your question OP, and you really should play P3. Its one of the few games people say is LOLDEEP that actually fucking is.
>>149268009Persona 4 was anything but dark and edgy
>>149268149P3 actually takes itself seriously most of the time. "Edgy" is such a buzzword devoid of any real meaning that it shouldn't be applied here.
>>149268072AND THEY WERE NEVER SPOKEN OF AGAINIt's never explainedI know you don't need to tie up every loose end, but fuck, this is a pretty serious inconsistency. No electronics work apart from magical Kirijo technology.And how the fuck does Aegis cry? And why doesn't anyone know how to pronounce the word Aegis?Goddamnit.
>>149267618>JesusWhy are the Japanese always stealing our mythology?
>>149268189The guy pretty obviously hasn't touched anything but P4.And I guess read a lot of incorrect info about the other games?
I'm glad to know that Persona 4 doesn't have the same kind of summoning, I'll get that instead.By the way, guns are not a trigger for me, just the act of pointing a gun at your head and firing battle after JRPG battle really got me sort of upsetI only made one post hereI'm not saying the game is bad I was more just wondering, wouldn't the game be just as good without that weird shit? and edgy is really the only word to describe what it's going for. it's taking desperation routes to be different
>>149268091>Stupei, Ace Defectiveevery time
>>149266664>dragging us all down with youYou motherfucker
>>149267992>not kicking junpei to the curb as fast as you canI hate that turd.
>>149268190You're quite right. The best part is that you don't even need to know all of this mythology stuff for the game to be great, just like DDS and Hinduism.
>>149268280Now you're just being anal.
>>149268281It's not magic. They created the Dark Hour 15 years ago, and they've been studying it ever since. It's not inconceivable that they'd be able to make technology that works during it.And Aigis can cry because she was created specifically to have a personality, because you need a personality to summon a persona. They gave her tear-ducts because it adds to the whole personality thing.And it's Ai-gis, not Aegis.
It's not about the reasons people are stating here. A persona is one of your many faces (a thing you persona 3+ kids never heard of in the game because they fucking suck storywise compared to persona 2-), every human is born with multiple faces and they are used accordingly depending on the situation one finds himself in. It's not an always conscious process however, it is mostly unconscious. The gun metaphor is to "destroy" one's current persona, one's current face, in order to let another take over. A direct shot at the image that represents you, thus allowing another to take its place.
>>149267797also yeah I did, fuck im sick right now hard to remember names.ALSO. LETS LOOK A BIT INTO EACH CHARACTER.AKIHIKO:PERSONA: POLLUXBEST FRIENDS/RIVALS WITH SHINJIRO WHO HAS THE PERSONA OF CASTOR.IF YOU KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT GREEK MYTH YOU KNOW WHAT FUCKING HAPPENS.ALSO, THE DOGITS JUST FUCKING CERBERUS MOVING ONAIGIS PROCLAIMS HERSELF TO BE YOUR "SHIELD" WHOWOULDHAVEGUESSEDBut yeah the entire game is a greek tragedy about Jesus Christ bringing the end of greco/roman culture and religion, told from the perspective of the gods.FuckingMasterpice
>>149268359It isn't trying desperately to be different and it isn't edgy. That's a terrible criticism and impossible to properly justify.It's fine that you don't like it, and I'm sorry it triggers those thoughts.
>>149268487>Shinji>PRETTY COOL GUY TIER:Uh-oh.
>>149268190I wonder what P5 will go with. 2 had Egyptian IIRC, 3 was Roman, 4 was Japanese. Can't remember what 1's theme was.Knowing the current trend though, we'll get Persona 4-2 instead of an actual 5.
>>149268281The word is Aegis, the word was clearly intended to be Aegis.What the fuck is an Aigis?
>>149268563Nice try, but that's not it at all because only the MC has multiple personas.
>>149265739>They have a shitload of myths yoi am impresed they will take a myth from one small part of north spain cuelebres arent suppose to have legs through
>>149268359No it wouldn't be just as good.The game's theme revolves around accepting death. It's symbolic.
>>149265624And yet Don Quixote or El Cid are not demons yet.Goddamn it, Atlus.
>>1492687132 was Greek just like 3.
>>149267552look I wasn't paying attention at the name screen okay it's really embarassing
>>149268734The localization team decided to spell it like how it was pronounced, that's all.Yeah it was dumb but what can you do
>>149268487>bro tier>stupeinigga fuck you>remove stupei from party>win boss battles
>>149268632Jesus Christ was annoying in P3But Cabbage was more annoying in P4
>>149267687>retartedNo anon. You ARE the retart.
>>149265014>Hend the sea-of-thy-soul stuff.Totally incorrect. This reference is to the vast majority of masks (personas, faces) a human is made of. And also a reference to the subconscious and its link to the collective unconsciousness.
>>149268563It's a nice idea, but it doesn't really fit P3, seeing as P3 was the first Persona game to drop the multiple facets thing in favor of having team members with set Personae.
>>149268760And Satan isn't supposed to have tits, what's your point?
>>149268734The word was probably intended to be Aegis in japanese, but that's not what it was translated into. It's Aigis, and it's pronounced "Ai - gis" with a hard G. Aegis is pronounced "ee- jis".
>>149268359It's explained numerous times throughout this thread. It's not just there for show, its a plot point with the story. It was actually ment to go farther but they scaled it back over controversy.>>149265268
>>149268091I have that shit on my phone, i watch it dailyNever fails to make laugh
>>149268867The spelling Aegis is spelt how it's pronounced.It isn't a Japanese word, it isn't a roman word. It's a Greek word.Ae-gis.The localisation team fucked up.
>>149268879>not powerleveling Junpei for the Sleeping Table fightnigga u dumb
>>149269031Addenum: Pronounced like how it was pronounced in japanese.I did say it was dumb.
>>149269037Levels don't mean much, it's all about composition.
>>149268985>what's your point?just pointing out is the only destacable thing cuelebre has over the generic westen dragons through
>>149265348Philemon isn't a thing anymore. He was sealed away by Igor at the end of EP, as was Nyarly. Somebody has to sort the wild card now.
So when I got to floor 200~ of Tartarus I got super bored of the game, so I started rushing everything.I stopped doing any S.Link shit or side quests and spent all of my time alone, in the mall, playing the arcade games.I had some shitty Persona, but since all I did was play video games his stats were 99/99/99/99/99 by the time December rolled around.It wrecked shit. I beat Nyx easily.The whole message about the power of friendship got lost a little bit I think.
>>149265348It all started with Izanami. Also, Philemon has no fucking influence in persona 3 and 4, they just totally forgot about him and now people are trying to justify some baddly-written plot, that is one of the reasons these two games should be abolished from the persona series, they lack core relations and should be moved somewhere else.
The game is about suicide you fucking pussy. Go cry about underlying themes somewhere else.
>>149269254Garrote is also somewhat Spanish. They were fun when Franco was around here.
>>149269343He's still around, he's the butterfly. But you're right, he doesn't actually do anything anymore. He's just watching.Also Nyarly recently returned in Persona 4 Arena.
>>149269397P2EPP explains that Philemon's too weak to do much anymore.
>>149269390Somebody post that comic, you know the one.
>>149267987trigger discipline doesn't apply when you're about to shoot something you fucking retard
I've been meaning to ask, does anyone have a high quality recording of the P3 evoker that one could use as a notification sound on one's phone?
>>149269343>He was sealed away by Igor at the end of EPThat isn't a thing that fucking happened you know
>>149269180I ignored him for the entire game.By the time I did manage to get to Sleeping Table he was Level 13.The rest of my party was early 40s.>mfw he and Koromaru are the only ones who resist fire, with Koro being immuneSURT, I NEEDED YOUWHY DID YOU MAKE ME WAIT UNTIL LEVEL 51
>>149264547A blank would still kill you. The force of the blast would put a hole in your head, and then the powder would burn your brain.
>>149269343Nyarly is back, though.
>>149269160So they were saying it wrong in Japan too, hardly makes it better.ええ exists in Japanses as well as あい so that's a shitty excuse too.
>>149268879>ever losing to a boss everThis is a good game but holy fuck are the boss battles easy as shit.
>>149269390except that Level is also a factor in damage calculation, not just stats.So you'd still have to level that persona up for him to do that much damage.
>>149269390Sounds like /v/ alright
>>149268359>just the act of pointing a gun at your head and firing battle after JRPG battle really got me sort of upsetquit bitching faggot i bet you started to point your finger at your temples like they do after a few hours of gameplay
>>149269747I don't think level is a factor in P3 though
>>149269625They don't use gunpowder at all. They do something else that's not explained but judging by the magical sparklies that come out of the gun, it's not just "a blank".
>>149269343Why does igor still refer to himself as a servant?Why does the mysterious entity have the exact same MO and goals as Nyarl?And why did that voice in labrys's story has the exact personality of philemon?
>>149269747He was level 36. Hit 9999s.
>>149269747I thought that was only a thing in Devil Survivor, hence why everyone bitched about it.
>>149269901using what abilities? I know just physically attacking wouldn't do that.
>>149269254>>149269434while spanish they arent myths as far as i knowthen again i only know asturian mythology
Atlus admitted that they they added it so it'd stand out among all the hordes of JRPGs already available for the PS2. Since it's lol so dark and edgy suicide xD
>>149270010nice source
>>149269982I forget the name but it was one of the high-phys all attacks.Also he had all three auto-party buffs.
>>149270010It already stood out without that.
>>149269990Garotte isn't a myth, but it's something widely feared.Anything widely feared, respected, or worshiped can be a demon.
>>149270146Well in that case I guess I can see that happening.
P2IS > P2EP > P4 > P4A > P3FES > P1 > P3
>>149270093thanks brahhigh five
>>149269509the fight is lot easier if you level yukari so that she learns mediarama but i managed to do it withouti think i had ken, junpei and yukari
>>149263982How much of a pussy can you be
>>149269990Well, they're not myths, but they're based on things from here.Believe it or not, this thing is also of Spanish origin.>The Aerophant is based on a fictional creature in the 1987 Spanish art book Fauna, featuring photographs of supposedly real, newly discovered creatures.It's a shame I don't know anything about Valencian myths, if they even exist.El Cid Campeador could very well be a demon, though. There's a Hero race in some SMTs with demons based on real-life historic figures.
It's used for thematic purposes, which can be interpreted in a number of ways.Personally I took it as letting go of yourself in order to grasp an alternate reality.
>>149263982It's a reference to that scene in Jojo's Bizarre Adventure where Jotaro shoots himself.All of Persona is a huge Jojo tribute.
>>149270342You forgot to put P3P as > all of those.
>>149268359>cries about his sister's suicide>Come home from work one night to find my family dead, and my mother and sister rapedI don't suddenly freak out when rape doujins are posted. Accept that it's a game and move on
You will die one day and it will be both painful and scaryEverything you ever achieved will be nothingAll is dust
>>149270342>P1 next to last
>>149266619>>149266619>>149266619Jesus Christ, how do you not recognize that copypasta?
>>149263982The official reason is that guns are so associated with death, even putting a fake one to your head is close enough to death to bring out your persona. Realistically, This wouldn't work past the first few times because the sense of danger would be lost, and wouldn't even be needed in actual combat, but that's why. Also it's SO DEEP and unsettling to watch teenagers put guns to their heads all the time.
>>149263982Was your sister trying to summon her persona?FYI they aren't real guns, you might want to let her know that.
fucking hell /v/ I read the first like 50 comments and nobody got it right?i thought /v/ liked games and actually thought about them or at least understood them on a level other than completely superficialThe Evoker is a Momento Mori, a deliberate reminder of entropy and mortality within a piece of art, popularised in The Barroque period. (like those little skulls in the corners of paintings) Most of persona 3 is a loveletter to the Barroque.
>>149270763the fighter not the anime
>>149271142>implying you've completed the fighter and can rank it
>>149266820>Fail to see how "moe" plays into it/v/ doesn't know what moe means.It's the definition of buzzword here.
>>149264756The casts of 1 and 2 were very strong Persona users and didn't need anything to help force their Personae out, probably because Philemon was directly involved with them.
I need motivation to play this gamePlease, give it to me. I was enjoying it so much and i had family over and couldn't touch vidya for few days, haven't touched it in three weeks and every time i feel like it i end up dropping it again
>>149271694Give it another week. I was the same way but after a long break from it I couldn't put it down.
>>149270461thats interestingwell, suppose to go with the legend hercules and his pilars are in spanish territory, plus the old joke about the king of aragon (rei d'aragón, dragon)also poor pelayo, nobody remembers him
>>149271694You're not too far away from when the game really gets good.
>>149271654It's implied that Philemon blessed them all and therefore they got the best abilities.In P3 Philemon blesses the MC with only a small amount of his power and only the MC because he literally has no power left at all to help everyone.
I'd shoot myself too if I had to play this shitty dating sim
>>149271934That anon should have done more
Reasons why P4 is better:>Better battle system>better social links>dungeons are slightly less mind numbingly boring>no stupei or fuuka, more likable cast of party members overall...well thats about all I can think of right now. But Im right.
>>149266619Le fucking kill yourself.
>>149272068why are you still alive then
>>149271694>I need motivation to play this gameWhy? It's not even in the top 3 Personas, let alone SMT games in general.
>>149264785I laughed hard. Just saying, some pastas are good.
>>149272256>not liking JunpeiJust off yourself like OP's sister.
>>149271934how is this even possible? im assuming action replay codes?
>>149272256>better social linksThere's four good s.links in each game and P3's are better.
>>149272372Junpei was a massive tool.
>>149272339Yes it is, in my opinion.
>>149272256Most of P4's s.links are incredibly melodramatic.It really made me miss P3's devil link.
>>149272383some dude was messing around with emulator settings
>>149271794>>149271934>>149272032Alright, well, i'm gonna pick it up again.*GASP* ... where have you been ?
>>149272516Then why do you hate him? People usually like character they can relate to.
>>149272256>Better battle systemp3p fixed that>better social linksThat's up to personal opinion. I preferred P3's since they didn't just suck up to you. They showed more emotion.>dungeons are slightly less mind numbingly boringI agree.>no stupei or fuuka, more likable cast of party members overallP4's are too likable. They are catered to be adored. Even though I don't like Stupei and his bitchfits.
>>149272256>Better battle systemWon't deny that>better social linksopinions>dungeons are slightly less mind numbingly boring>Instead of random mazes they're now straight lines with the occasional door! both are shit>no stupei or fuuka, more likable cast of party members overallopinions but I found P3 cast more likeable, only good ones in P4 are Kanji and Yosuke, the girls were shit tier.
Okay, since this is obviously about P3, I figured I'd ask a question:I'm about halfway-ish through the game, and i dun goofed my social links. Should I bother restarting and doing it by the s.link FAQ on gamefaqs to max out them all? or does it even matter? I'm at the part where right after that little kid joined the group and shit so I'm just wondering if it's worth going back and starting over just for the s.links
>>149272256>better battle systemP3P was almost the same thing.>better social linksI prefered the people in 3, the people in 4 were slightly annoying, although I did like the party member system.>dungeons are slightly less mind numbingly boringI didn't find either of them boring.>no stupei or fuuka, more likable cast of party members overallBoth casts were great, Junpei was a cool guy and fuuka would have been infinitely better if her voice actor was better.
>>149272687No. Just do the ones you like, strictly following a guide kills a lot of the fun for me.
>>149272624Sick burn
>>149272687Wait till NG+
>>149271927Yeah, for some reason Don Pelayo is almost never mentioned in obligatory education and so very few people know who he was.>>149272383Yup.
Don't bother. Just max as many as you can on your current run.Maxing all the Links is easily the hardest thing to do in the game.
>>149268740Again, as I said, the persona 3+ kiddies won't get it. Persona 3+ has close to no connection to the persona series true story. In persona 2- ANYONE can summon multiple persona. They just came up with this wild card bullshit to go along the the lines of the "chosen one" cliché. Google it up.
I dislike Junpei too, he gets mad at you more than any other character, blames you for everything multiple times but *redeems* himself with funny one liners. I think he can be funny, but bro tier? no. The Sun link, Ahikiko and Shinji are bro tier.
>>149272687>Is it worth restarting for S. links?NO. God, no. Why the hell would you put yourself through that?
>So, someone explain. Is there an actual reason why they have to summon by shooting themselves, or is it all tryhard bullshit because demon summoning just isn't unique enough anymore.Y-yes. They explained this before the second boss...you didn't even get that far? Welp spoilers.Those, "guns" are called Evokers. They shoot at a frequency as their potential as Persona users so they can access their Personas. If they wanted they could force it out of themselves, but as later plotpoints will reveal it really fucking hurts. And surpressing it with medication will make your persona try to kill you.So yeah. The Evokers are kinda necessary.and blah blah blah they don't even shoot bullets. Fuck they could be squirtguns, paintball guns or bb guns and still work on the same principal
>>149273080It's actually justified because Philemon is weakened and not directly involved. If you had played P2EP you'd know this.
>>149269481Nope, it never does. I dare you to find any sources of that, you won't.
>>149272624Oh man, between this and "Stupei, Ace Defective", I
>>149273129Hell, Junpei even secretly hates you.
>>149272882Did smtg got tired of you and now you come to post on /v/ until they want you back?
>>149269343GTFO. Jesus how I hate persona 3+ kiddies that think they know any shit about persona. Igor is the fucking Philemon's servant, you shit head.
Fun fact: Japan has the highest suicide rate of any other country
>>149268985Its symbolic, it has to be there.
>>149273346>At Tatsuya's renewed plea, Igor states that surprisingly many parts are needed - recognising the physical world, the perception, knowledge, memories needed to diferentiate others from oneself. The impulses and emotions, wisdom and perseverance needed to acknowledge one's inner world. Moreover, usually even integration into the self of a suppressed complex is something crucial. Heading towards Kadath, they can gather the remains of Shiori's heart in order to restore her to her true self or...Igor is interrupted by an impatient Tatsuya who wants to find out a way to reach the mandala. Igor will open the door, but he warns the boy that the mental energy of humans is now flowing in the form of shadows and Philemon's power is severely weakened.>and Philemon's power is severely weakened.
>>149270342>comparing a fighting game to an RPGThe fuck are you doing?
>>149273464>mfw I like all of the Persona games You get out.
>>149265108I have always been wondering why his helmet looks so fucking retarded?
>>149273610is this symbolic as well?
>>149272624>>149272624I can imagine that >>149272516Closed tab, closed browser, shut down, went to sleep.
What's the best way to play Persona 1 and 2? My psp is broken but I do have a Vita. So If I play both on Vita, I will have to buy them which comes to 50$ for both since the sale just ended. Would I get the same experience just emulating the ps1 versions?
>>149273129>The Sun link, Ahikiko and Shinji are bro tier.Are you me? I haven't actually finished the game yet but those three are easily my favourite characters so far
>>149272256>Better battle systemDebatable, the only people who had a problem with P3's were people who didn't use the tactics menu.>better social linksOpinions but i'd say P3's were better because most of the people in P4 whined about stupid things or they were copies of earlier social links. P4's were also just boring in general and the link just sucked up to SWAG most of the time.>dungeons are slightly less mind numbingly boringI agree but P4 just replaced the old problems with new ones and you have less control over your party in P4's dungeons.>no stupei or fuuka, more likable cast of party members overallI never had problem with either and rather liked Junpei. P3's cast also felt more like a squad of random people who came together over several months and by the end of it became great friends(lot more character development). P4's were basically BFFs from the beginning and there was no character development except in the social links so nobody really changed over the course of the game.
>>149273464Jesus Christ you're a whole new level of mad. I bet you haven't even played any SMT game apart from Persona.
>>149265624Same here, bro.
>>149273721>Talking about breasts and shit being symbolic>Not posting MaraYou aren't even trying to win this agruement
>>149273804Hell no. Revelations: Persona got an incredibly shitty localization which "westernized" half the game and cut the other half out entirely.Same with P2, but to a lesser degree.
>>149268487>Akihiko>broDude was beta as fuck until Shiji died. Then he just took Shinji's place by growing a pair of balls. That dude is not a bro.
>>149272624oh snap burn to the mega max
>>149273236Dude, that happens to be my favorite game of all time, I have played it more than you can imagine, to the point I can quote most of the characters, so stfu about that, asshole. It does not justify that Philemon was never even mentioned you fucktard, get your shit straight. Igor is his servant, he should have at least explained who was Philemon and why was he absent. They just wanted to create the game and tear it apart from the story, now they want to mend it all together, and there is nothing else to it.
>>149273984>>149273984Did you even pay attention to Akihiko? Nigga has girls ALL OVER HIM but he's all 'Don't give a fuck, gotta work on my training. That shit is alpha as fuck.I love Junpei, but he's the beta.
>>149272882>Don Pelayo is almost never mentioned in obligatory educationi have to study since, well, asturian and all that, then again from what i remember, the story of asturias was basically "rest of spain is fucked? time to work, also some trains during the industrial revolution"
>>149273804You can emulate P1P and P2P with JCPSP.
>>149273963I don't think I was really arguing anything though
>>149273967They fixed everything in the PSP versions
>the grotesquely fat kid gives you the Moon arcana
>>149274161>Beta>Guy who saved your ass in Operation B.H
>>149274141>P2EP>Favorite game of all timeIgnoring that, the new scenario in the PSP remake does explain it just fine. You're just furious and think Atlus has a vendetta against P2.
Hello friendsVita or 3DS?Which one is best?
>>149273804emulate it
>>149273853Nocturne, digital devil saga 1+2, shin megami tensei II, devil summoner 1+2, all the personas and now I'm getting started on devil survivor. Nice try. I bet YOU have never played anything other than persona 3 + 4.
>>149273984But he does nothing but give you advice on how to be a good leader when you take his place in SEES. He's very encouraging and has no doubts that you can do your job effectively, which isn't something you can say for everyone else.
>>149274185Alright thanks, but are the PSP versions the recommended ones to play?I really don't have a problem paying for them, I just want to make sure I'm getting the best experience. I've already played 3 & 4 and all of the DS SMT games, and felt like these would be the next ones to play.
I've wanted to get into the SMT / Persona series for a while but I don't know where to startI gather they're not all connected or something so it's just more confusing
>>149274352Yeah Junpei is bro as fuck, but Aki is bro too.
>>149274472>If you played the other games you'd hate P3 too!Not that guy. I've played several other SMT games including P1P and I disagree with you.
>Stupei is a bro!He doesn't even like you and undermines you as a leader. Also I like how whenever you equip him with a better sword than the one he has, he still cries like a bitch about it.>Seriously? It does more damage and is more accurate? Whatever fag, I should be leader, not you.
>>149274430What games do you want to play?Also this isn't a general recommendation thread
>>149274357Atlus holds no vendetta against it, they hold a vendetta towards the casual market and have sacrified a nice plot for the monetary means.
>>149274591Persona 3 is a good starting point for a person who has never played any SMT.
>>149274579Yes they are the best versions of the games.>>149274591Persona 3 FES on the PS2. They aren't very connected.
>>149274591here ya gohttp://i.imgur.com/NCt3P.gif
>>149274579Yes, the PSP versions are absolutely the way to go, especially with P1
>>149274591They're very loosely connected. He's the guide. I'll post the timeline after, though that image is a bit outdated as of Overclocked, DeSu2, and EPP.
>>149273984>Not a bro>Shows you were the weapon store is>Allows you to become the leader>Follows your every lead>Doesn't bitch and whine at you ever>Honors the MC's sacrifice in the Answer during the Arena stage
>>149274161>"Don't give a fuck, gotta work on my training"Absolutely not. Akihiko trained so much because he was was insecure. He felt that he was weak. He IS weak. He IS beta. Pay attention to the beach resort scene. His attempt at picking up those girls was absolutely pathetic. It took the death of his old friend to realize that he needed to get the fuck over himself and get out of his insecure bitch slump.
>>149274694Okay buddy, whatever you say.
>>149274641You're just not a persona die hard fan as I am, simple. That is why I get to check its story more closely and can actually see that persona 3+ is shit.
>>1492748263DS then
>>149274743>dat Maya color schemehnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngh
If you can name more than half of the characters here, you know your shit
>>149274645>>149274645>/v/ doesn't understand flawed characters.That's what makes Junpei so good. He's a bitchy bro at first, and DEVELOPS HIS CHARACTER HOLY SHIT CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT and becomes better.
>>149274837>No more arguments.
It's called an Evoker in the game, I don't know why it looks like one but my guess would be SYMBOLISMMMMM SUMMONING DEMONS BY SHOOTINGGGGGG MEEEEEIt's a good game though anon and I suggest you try and get through it anyway - after a while you dont even notice it anywaymy condolences
>>149274859>I know better than you and it's shit because Philemon isn't in it.Okay.
>>149269397>Also, Philemon has no fucking influence in persona 3 and 4Did you ever play 3? Persona 3's MC comes into contact with Phil in the opening cutscene and it given wild card.Phil also gave Aigis wild card and ressurected her. Phil does a fuckload in persona 3.
>>149274946I can name all of them, surprisingly.
>>149274591Not really, if you wish to start with Persona start with 3 and then go with 4.
P4A now connects 3 and 4 ...and 2
>>149274946>Eikichi fucking Yukiko
>>149274645Oh, I'm sorry, I thought we were talking about bros, not someone who'd suck your dick for existing every second. I bet you don't even have any real bros. I will admit, though, that it pissed me off mightily when Yukari said after a while that she didn't want to use the Toy Bow that I gave her. It did so much damage, too...
>>149274472Nice job. You just give away your troll.
>>149274946Let's step it up.
>>149275356thanks man
>>149274946dude I haven't even played P1 and P2 and I know them all
>>149275280I don't want 2 connected until I get a cameo of Katsuya or police officer Tatsuya.;_;
>>149275401>I know so much about SMT pay attention to em guysget the fuck out orden
>>149275401Out of every character here, the first I was able to see was of all people, Sid Fucking Davis....I bet most people dont even know who that is, I wish that game came out here...
>P3P>Team is Mitsuru, Aigis and Yukari.>Give them all maid costumes because they were the best armor I had for them.>They all make comments about the costumes.>Feel bad about giving them the best protection I had.
>Dying Young Man S.Link>Girl at the Shrine S.Link>Great Seal>Akihiko at the funeral>Yukari watching the original video>Mitsuru and her dadI can't handle all these feels
>>149275401is there a bigger version?
>>149274641That's nice. But you're wrong.
I had an idea for an art-themed Persona game where the characters use a pen or other mark-making implement to summon their Persona by drawing the Tarot number of their Persona's suit.What would /v/ think of this?
>>149275748Worst idea since shit. Get out.
>>149275748You could give it an urban spin and use graffiti.
>>149275748I liked the musical one better.
big pimpin
>>149275513Hey. It's just a little game and a nice picture.Your hostlity is pure nonsense and I've never bragged about how much I can know.>>149275684Unfortunately not. I saved that image from Pixiv and yes, I clicked it to get a bigger size, but it was still incredibly small.
>>149275889Music one? Inb4 P3+ kiddie
>>149275748deep as a puddle
>>149266515>Persona 1 was designed by different people and is never acnoledged again so assume it isn't canon.No, seriously. Fuck you
>>149275748YesNoMaybeMysognythread over
>>149275865Your protagonist
>>149275660It's not like forcing them to wear stuff like that, or forcing them to equip a weapon, actually hurts their social link. What's the big deal?
>>149275748>OH SHIT, I'M UNDER ATTACK>Hold on, Time Out. I need to find a pen.>shadow's face when
>>149276113make it the black version of him and I would buy 10 copies
So, this Persona game sounds kinda cool. How would I get it?
>>149276330In a massive twist, this was Shadow Mark
>>149275978This got me, too. Where the hell did that even come from?
>>149263982it is, in fact a tryhard bullshit because demon summoning just isn't unique enough anymore. you got it right.
>>149276347$9.99 off of PSN. You could also get Persona 3 Portable on a PSP, or get a copy for your PS2.
>>149268487Fuuka voice was far better in the japanese version
>>149276113>>149276330I would love an urban persona game.
>>149263982how fucking new are you that you weren't aware of this BEFORE you downloaded it? Not to mention people tend to do a little RESEARCH on games before dropping money on them. You mean to tell me you literally were just browsing through, saw some random game you know nothing about, and decided to just buy it sight unseen? I don't care how cheap a game is, I never buy it without first looking up trailers, gameplay footage, or just SOME sort of information on them to figure out if it even looks like something I'd enjoy. Sucks you have the life and family problems that you do but you have nobody to blame but yourself here for being so behind and not doing research. It's not the dev's job to make sure nothing in their game is going to offend anybody and when it comes to SMT games, being politically correct is a lost cause. I don't even think the Evoker thing is cool FYI, I'm just saying they have every right to include it as an element of their setting and lore and it's not their fault you are offended by it/didn't know about it when you bought the game
>>149275748If you tied different people to different art styles maybe. For example:>Average webcomic artist is MC>Graffiti artist is Magician Persona User>Watercolor artist is Priestess Persona User>Magical girl artist is Empress Persona User>Mecha artist is Emporer Persona User>Nude artist is Lovers>Animal painter is Chariotand so on.
>>149276469>you will never have Hidehko's boots
All of you guys, its not deep symbolism or anything. It was explained in The Answer. Evokers exist simply because Mitsuru wanted to convince Akihiko to join, so she made the evoker device look like a gun to make him go wtf that's cool and thus he joined....from there they just sort of rolled with it. So basically, the game itself wasn't LOL EDGY with it, the characters in the game itself were.
testing scriptignore mehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sjeph-M3idk&feature=g-all-u