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Even if you don't use one, it's the closest thing I've written to a news post in 4 years and contains a lot of interesting statistics about the site.


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What about Math Blaster, Reader Rabbit, Hot Dog Stand, and Oregon Trail?
Since there are no games, this does not belong on /v/.
I had a floppy with a gameboy emulator and pokemon games in it. Suck it queers.
>implying every kid back then had a gameboy advance emulators on their flash drives
How about QWOP?
How are PS3's educational?
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>implying I can't still play flash games
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>Games get removed from all computers
>They just deleted the fucking basic games like space pinball and solitaire
>Student drive still filled with Warcraft 3, Half-life, counter-strike, pocket tanks, soldier of fortune, etc.
What thoughtful faculty
Maybe you'll learn to use Microsoft Word correctly young man
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>no space pinball
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>Mfw my history teacher had us learn history by playing age of empires and civilization.
>implying you can stop me from trying.
>implying I won't just bring a flash drive with "schoolwork" on it.
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>o games
let me just bring this bad boy over here and see what I can do
>implying you didn't just delete the desktop shortcuts
>implying i dont just insert a flash drive and play on quality-gaming 1.12
retaining the core
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tfw had a bro IT administrator at my school and he installed hl1 and cs 1,5 or something on all the computers.
Got removed a few months later by complaints from parents.
The library was never that active again, every lunch break 90% of the boys were down there.
Good times were had.
>implying you can remove the internet
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I was about to say that.
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>installing Q3A on the school computers
>teacher caught us playing one day
>mfw we got his permission to play all we wanted after school hours
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I guess it's ok to bring the ps3
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>mfw I teach my college students Ancient History via Rome Total War's Europa Barbarorum. We play as the Makedonii
bro teacher
>not playing UT 99 on a LAN

Are you niggas serious?
history channel did that as well so it's entirely relevant
>make shortcut to C:\
>find Mozilla
>browse all the porn/game websites all day erry day
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>implying games can't be educational

Nigger I grew up on this shit
All of the day bro.
>Hyper jumping next to the helicopter while going in slow mo to fire a nuke at point blank range
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You're a good teacher.
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>See this
>Check most of the computers
>Quake 2 still there
It's like you didn't even try.
Reminds me of a guy in a class in some shitty community college I went to years ago.

>he brings in Serious Sam on a USB
>by the end of the day there was a tournament going between about eight different classes
>a day or two later there's a notice that all games have been deleted from the computers
>we were all running it from our USB sticks
Yeah enjoy your Celebrity Assassin and StickDeath QTE games. I know I would.
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>"what are you playing anon?"
>"Mountain of Faith."

Did they? Source please. I thought we were being original. We don't get to play it much because of timing constraints but it helps the kids learn their ancient geography and the decline of the Greek world.
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>Install N64 emulator and Mario Kart on a memory stick
>Run it off the memory stick at the library
>Give a copy to one person
>Three hours later EVERYONE in the library is playing Mario Kart
>Next day the entire college network crashes
Good times
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>They just deleted the desktop icons
>Tfw when you'd install small games to your flash drive and play them straight off that instead

>Tfw sharing all your games with your bros.
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>2 hour computer class
>10 minutes of work stretched over the entire class for computer retarded kids
>Finish my shit in 10 minutes because i already know how to sue powerpoint god damn it.
>Spend the next hour and 50 minutes playing through the have life campaign on the S:/ drive.

Teacher not here and theres a substitute?

>not hiding games in folders created by teachers.
nigger do you even slack off in class
>activate cheats
>stop time
>spam as many projectiles in one small area
>watch the result
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>computer class teacher let us play Starcraft and warcraft2 if we finished our projects earlier

>6 player LAN matches
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>at this point half the class has a USB stick with cs1.6
>our weekly lan party only starts 10 minutes later than usual
>teachers face when
>have programming class (VB lol)
>get bored and drop SNES emulator and roms on shared folder that is accessible from all machines in lab
>it was never deleted
>get thanked by random people when they found out it was me that put them there
I was apparently the hero of summer school
>bring snes emulator with a fuck ton of games on it
>give it to one friend and tell him not to give it to anyone under any circumstance
>next day everyone is playing it

what an asshole


>bring halo 1 pc portable on a usb drive and start playing it
>put it on the shared network drive on the computer so everyone has access to it
>always like 20 people on it at lunch times in the library
>few weeks later games in their entirety get banned from use because the administrative staff thought that "online internet hackers" could hack the schools database through the halo 1 servers

sorry guise
>Make a screenshot of website with some shitty game
>Set as background
nope, we had typing exercises to retype the same line multiple times.

Thats when I learned Shift+Arrows, ctrl+c, ctrl+v
I used to play Dune 2, that ski game and Wolfenstein on classroom computers in elementary school. And no one minded.

In middle/high school we held Delta Force and Starcraft tournaments at school.
>Halo CE LAN erryday for two years in high school
>8 person battle creek, no shields, 50% health, infinite grenades, rocket launchers only


>Prior to its release, a preliminary but completely workable version of the game engine was used in two series of TV programs: Decisive Battles by the History Channel where it was used to recreate famous historical battles,[9] and Time Commanders by BBC Two, where teams of novice non-gamers commanded ancient armies to replay key battles of antiquity. The game engine was fine-tuned specifically for these television shows by military historians for maximum historical accuracy. In addition, the former had the same music track as the battles in Rome: Total War.

I was seeing commercials for Decisive Battles done in it's engine back then too
Dude, you should check out Brytenwalda, a mod for Warband. Fantastic attention to detail there.
>classmate gets up and goes to the toilet
>change his screensaver to "I'm a faggot" in big pink letters
>Media class
>3-4 hours a day
>Download Quake 3 Arena demo using Teamviewer
>Nearly the whole class plays at least two matches a day
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>Try going on 4chan

Like i didnt expect that....
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I bet that your student love you.
I had a teacher who saw us (nearly all males in class) playing q3a before programming class and said something about wanting to organize a teachers vs students game some day.
I quit uni like 2 weeks after that so I dont know if it happened or not
this was last year

>sue powerpoint
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>used to play Minecraft with a bro before it came mainstream
>had computer class 4/5 hours everyday
>minecraft all day long
>mfw the teacher had software so he could watch we us
>mfw he closed the game without letting us save it
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>Leave meatspin on someone's computer while they're away
Good times, good times.
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>I was a script kiddie in highschool
>never did any hacking at school, just at home
>read my email at school one day
>warning from my ISP about hacking
>school had some shit installed so the admin could see what was on screen on every computer
>faggot admin read my email
>saw shit about hacking
>banned from school computers forever

What the fuck? Not only did they invade my privacy by readin my mail, they also punished me for something that had absolutely nothing to do with school. I was so fucking mad about that shit.
>playing that typing game where you're racing in a 100m sprint
>find out that I can copy and paste the entire paragraph into the thing before the race actually starts
>typing at 300 WPM with no mistakes
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>change wallpaper all the time
>people changing it
>one day, change all the wallpapers
with ponies
>lock the wallpaper in different ways
>people going apeshit
>Computer class
All day erry day
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>classmate gets up and goes to the toilet
>reach behind his computer to disconnect his keyboard
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Hakan Kutluturk
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>net send "You're a faggot."
>what is college?
>take screen shot of desktop
>set as back ground
>drag everything on desktop into trash
oh man that was so fucking good
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>playing Dwarf Fortress at school
>English teacher sneaks up on me
>asks me if I've finished my book report yet
>looks at the screen
>"oh, you're working on computer science. i'll come back later."
>my face
>5th grade
>bring in my half-lif disc for a friend to borrow
>he puts it on school computers and plays it during class
>nobody gives a fuck, even when half the class is around his computer watching him

>seinor year in high school
>taking networking class
>Get some smart kid to do my work for me while the rest of the class played some linux Quake 3 knockoff and Armagetron
>Teacher puts up some network shit to stop it
>fucks ungiven, he gives up
>Later on he gave us a pizza party and brought in some xboxes for Halo 2
>that thing where you make the screen upside down
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Get on my level.
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>That feel when some faggot had stuffed a cookie into the fucking CD drive of the computer you were using

I don't even.
>had pirated games on all the computers in high school computer class
>end up playing warcraft 3 or cod2 with the teacher during class
>have LAN parties during friday nights or daytime saturday at the school
Oh man this reminds me
>playing Halo in high school on library computers
>some little shit freshman hosting the match
>killing his shit hard
>he mad as fuck
>continue to fuck with him
>he bans the IP
>the IP which we were all on

Funniest shit, man
>start playing toribash with bros in school computer lab
>ultimate bro-tier computer teacher uses school funds to buy registration keys so we can play online together
>mfw the clan we formed is still active even though we've all moved on
>Since there are no games, this definitely belongs on /v/.
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>make a batch file to do this automatically every 10 seconds
>"I'm not doing it, look I'm not even touching my keyboard!"
You essentially don't have most of the rights that adults take for granted in schools unless your parents exercise them. It's a lot like being in prison.

I remember watching Time Commanders about a decade or so ago, but i'm British so the History Channel sort of eludes me. Not to mention its not that great a source for anything so it overdramatises the shit out of everything.


I'll google it. I hope Rome Total War II has a bit more attention to historical detail... or it allows modders to work properly. Speaking of, i've been playing the Wrath of the Norsemen mod for Medieval II. It came out like two days ago and it's excellent.
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>computing class
>didn't have my external hd with me
>teacher disabled internet on all the PCs halfway through the class because nobody was working
>stockpile a bunch of flash games on firefox beforehand
>he closes all the fucking tabs
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>Classmate gets up to use the bathroom
>Remove the ball from his mouse

Remember how fucking bad ball mice were? Especially the public computer ones that are worn to all hell.
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At my last long term subbing thing I taught desktop publishing and the little fuckers wouldn't cut it out, but it was cool. I got a NetSupport Assist on the network and fucked with them all day, every day. It was glorious.
couldn't you do that with wildcards?
I remember something like this except it hit the whole school
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I always used to make stickfigures in Notepad.
Wait, he thought you were programming?
>take screenshot of desktop, rotate 180°, set as background
>right click on desktop, hide icons
>video card drivers, set screen upside down
>auto hide taskbar

>lul at your victim
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>In college class about a year ago.
>Dicking around on Laptop.
>Professor notices and is coming to investigate
>close out game but not enough time to bring up anything class specific
>pic related as desktop
>"quit playing your robot games"
my wut m8?
We used to have an end of year doom tournament organised by our IT teacher
You could send them domain wide yeah, happened a few times at my school too.
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>no one in the classroom
>unplug the keyboards
>plug them into other computers
>next class starts
>everyone confused
>not saving them in excel
For me it was more like "Wow anon you are definitely not human, this game is impossible!"
And then they proceed to watch me play it until the end, with a mix of respect and fear in their eyes as usual.
Fucking casuals.
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>install games onto USB stick
>plug it in and start playing
She was a 40-something woman, she probably just saw what she assumed was a DOS prompt and figured it must be school related somehow.
oh, i remember getting a "friend" of mine banned from using internet for a month or 2
sometimes the teacher looked on our screen with some kind of programm and could leave messages but it was pretty obvious when they looked on your screen.
so the guy opened word and typed "are you watching me? " to wich he got a message "yes shame you can't play your games anymore isn't it?"
me and a friend got a hold of his keyboard and told the computer guy that he was a faggot wich got him banned
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>mfw cleaning a ball mouse

At least a keyboard doesn't stop working when there's disgusting shit inside.
>someone steals a ball from a ball mouse
>teacher goes absolutely apeshit even thought to mouse was broken
>pulls the old "nobody is leaving until whoever stole it owns up"
>nobody does
>walk out at 4 since thats the longest you can hold kids after school without parents permission
>sneak into the computer room during class break and swap monitor cables
Oh God the chaos
>in computer class
>there was this one kid named Troy
>Troy was kind of a whiny loserish type though he was okay sometimes
>he also complained a lot so everyone was kind of easily exasperated by him
>saying his name in frustration became a fad
>one day the IT teacher was moving a trolley
>he stubs his toe and says "agh, christ"
>everybody turns to look at him
>entire classroom of 20 guys goes TROYYYYY
>literally ten minutes of harmonious TROYYYYYY
>teacher from next door came in to yell at us
>IT teacher was laughing

Man, Troy, I'm sorry we were so mean to you.
Gool ol anti-VG bigotry.

>books = educational (nvm that it's Twilight)
>film = educational (nvm that it's Michael Bay)
>sports = "physical" education (nuff said)
>games = not education
>post office's definition of "media" = CDs, DVDs, Blu-rays, containing documents, music, movies, software, but NOT games

Old ignorant people hurry up and die, you're in the way of progress.
I was an ass and took the only PC in the room with a CD drive and installed whatever I wanted. The system admin screwed up and gave me 22GB of space instead of the 2 we were supposed to be alloted per student as well.
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>oh, you're working on computer science.
>not using the shortcut to turn the person next to you's display sideways
I wanna fuck your teacher they sound so awesome!
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>I.T Class for year 12
>No restrictions on Internet
>Tech admins face when more than 500GB downloaded
>Blocks certain sites
>Tech admins face when 7 proxies and another hundreds of GB downloaded.
bentham brofist
I feel bad for you if your teachers wouldn't let you play games, even during lunch class

>playing wow on one of the computers (my usual spot in the corner where no one can watch over my shoulder)
>popular kid sees me and walks over
>asks what i'm playing
>couldn't alt tab in time (he came from behind me)
>uh err it's a multiplayer game
>multiplayer? it's just you playing it
>try to explain but the idiot doesn't understand
>goes and tells a teacher I'm playing games and he wants to use the computer to do work (they had some moronic priority system in place)
>teacher tells me to get off while i'm in the middle of a raid
>ignore them for a bit
>they just press the off button
>people laugh and he hit me later for what happened
>still played wow again the next day
...this is what got me into computers.
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>Rearranging the keys of the keyboard into something rude and childish
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>be in ICT (the brit equivalent of computer class)
>friend goes to the toilet
>PC's used USB keyboards
>plug mine into his computer aswell
>he comes back
>i start typing shit on his computer
>he's freaking out thinking he's being hacked, calls the teacher over
>he's still not noticed it was me
>teacher looking at the screen
> subtlety type mrs. golding is a massive faggot

another time
>changing the autocorrect options on microsoft word
>make a correction where it corrects 'a' to 'penis'
>some girl is typing her english coursework with the word penis dotted all around
Oh God, that kid. Ours was called Tony.

>Be in library studying physics
>He's skipping class so he can go on the computer
>Walk up beside him, say "hey Tonybro"
>He says in the whiniest voice "WHEN DID YOU START CALLING ME BRO?"
>From then until the end of days everyone called him Tonybro
>Even the teachers marking the role

He got so mad.
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>Our class printed off so many gay porn sites that the school had to overhaul their network and update Windows to manage who could do what
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>remove all the basic desktop icons (google chrome, photoshop and other programs we use)
>create a shortcut to minesweeper, solitaire and stuff like that
>change name, change icon
>everyone think that computer is broken or something like that
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>not bringing in quake arena on a flash drive and playing with all your class in 16 player lan
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>bored as fuck
>try to guess the administrator password
>type "admin"
>it works
>open command prompt to do something
>instantly a superhacker
Our IT teacher never let us play videogames, but they let us use Game Maker once we were done. So I downloaded some Game Maker editable files of games and played those. It was fun, too, because if I got bored of the game I would make my own stages or give the gravity a negative value, shit like that.
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>spend half the class looking for working proxies
>Plugging your keyboard into the secondary usb slot of the computer next to you
>typing random shit into their documents
Oh man Mr. George's Web design class.
Noitu Love 2
Cave story
Loads of other games off my flash drive.

Every once in a while he'd look up from his computer and say "Why do I hear music?"
or "get outta da games"

And then me and my friends would keep playing and he wouldn't do shit about it cause we were the only three in the class that actually did shit.

>tfw playing falling sand game and 80% of the class copies us within the next three days

Same shit happened with Happy Wheels
fuck yes, chaining computers with each other through keyboards, mice and monitors was the fucking best.
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>in graphics
>Teacher is called Mr. Bamber
>one of the keyboards is rearranged to say Bamber is gay
>the keyboard next to it is a mess because whoever did it had to steal keys from that one
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>Back in gradeschool
>Fat guy put a bun into a CD drive
>He pressed the button and we all watched the drive slowly come out
>No bun
>Our faces
hate to tell you guys, but throwing stuff on a USB won't work most of the time anymore. permissions are set against you nerds.
>school work has priority over WoW
>at school

You're the only moron in this situation, anon.
At my school, they blocked .exe files except for a few like word and iexplore, so we just changed the game launchers to iexplore.exe
but ever since we upgraded to windows 7 they've been blocked completely, anyone know a way around this?
i'm sick of playing shitty flash games.
>two A keys
>two B keys
>years ago when I still went to school
>computer class teacher is bro tier
>actually allows us to play a pinball game when we finished the task
>even tells the cheats for the games

>have him as stand-in
>other teacher comes in, teacher no where in sight
>asks us what we are doing
>everyone quickly open word/excel
>tell teacher that we are doing some tasks on the computer
>teacher leaves and everyone continue playing

Shit was awesome. The idiots in class nevery really learned something but the game was fun.
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> subtlety type mrs. golding is a massive faggot
>some girl is typing her english coursework with the word penis dotted all around
It should have been "I love dick" or something.
disregard this
I can't read
We would just bring games with flash drives, put them on the hard drive and play. There was a sub one day and the entire class was playing Call of Duty 2. 30 people lan party, fuck yeah.
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>play dorf fort without a tileset
>teachers mistake it for work for another subject
>network admin periodically takes control of the input and does something; usually digging at a wall that's connected to a lake or pulling random levers and then levels me to deal with the consequences
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>116 posts
>no mention of Nanosaur

Did you even have a childhood?
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>School removed Gizmo's & Gadgets, The Incredible Machine 3 and Zoombinis one day in 4th grade.

Those mother fuckers.
>still in school
>have it lessons
>incompotent teacher
>SoF 2 LAN party all day every day
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>network admin periodically takes control of the input and does something; usually digging at a wall that's connected to a lake or pulling random levers and then levels me to deal with the consequences
>not opening the windows shell through the console
>not playing Dorf Fortress at school
It always astounds me how retarded most IT admins are at schools

We had windows NT in all the classrooms and they NEVER put on any policy restrictions/reghacks/traffic monitoring (outside of some netnanny-style software at the gateway)

it's like they WANT us to break everything
>taking mouseballs out
>sticky keys
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The PS3 has no games either but what can we do about that
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>mfw the back row in computer class all downloaded the Halo Demo and played LAN together during class and came in during lunch to play with more people

Shit was fun man
This is possibly one of the best stories I have heard in years.
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>mfw our teacher would let us use the computers to play CS when we were done with our assignments
You went to a shitty school OP.
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>Bring boxes of my gameboy games to art class because I was going to draw the awesome covers
>empty boxes confiscated
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>nicholas cage
>implying I didn't see what you did there
Mfw my schools game club uploaded counter strike, star craft and quake onto the student directory.

>open notepad
>net send /domain "random bullshit"
>copy&paste thousands of times
>save as .bat
>fun times
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>play Spelunky on my USB drive
>one day: "spelunky.exe has been blocked"
>change filename to kittens.exe
>works fine now
My computer class teacher was a cool cat, he had fucking everything on his computer. anime, vidya , manga,porn it was like a magic box.

He always spend half the class explaining useful stuff and tricks, and the rest he lets us play videogames and even playing with him too.
>school has shitty computers
>hold down stickykeys combination for 30 seconds
>stickykeys sound plays for the next 5 minutes

Dude, they had this shit on the filthy Macs we had at my school when I was in like 2nd grade. I fucking loved playing this game, I thought it was better than fucking anything. They also had this ridiculous game where you are a lady bug or some shit, man it was like crack.
>Unreal Tournament and Halo on all the computers
>They didn't care if we had huge school wide lan parties if we were done with our work
>Battle royales, battle royales everywhere
>4-5 people playing Halo over LAN since we finished our work early
>Teacher logs in to play and kicks our asses

We had no idea what to expect.
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>smug hippy kid who thinks he's hot shit
>his last name is sterexc (pronounced Stericks, yeah, fuck if I know)
>senile manual arts teacher reads it out loud as Sterky
>IT teacher reads it out loud as Sticks
>everyone calls him those names

He was so fucking mad.
>had quake installed
>it had a password that they changed frequently
>could only use it twice a year
>when we did it was a school-wide deathmatch
We had a cracked, ready to go copy of WC3 we used in our schools CAD computer room, with gigantic screens and dualcore comps waaay before people started talking about them. Someone would just rip that shit to the desktop and everyone would run it through the network. Good times were had by all.

We had a kid at school we called "video games"

I'm not even trolling, that was really his nickname. I wonder how video games is doing now.
>used to turn off explorer.exe
>would piss off students & techers
>never caught because they would restart the computer
>next year they disabled taskmanager for students

>students were idiots
>I would take out the ethernet cord from the computers
>kids would think the computer is broken
>some retard did that to the computer I went to
>"anon don't use that computer, it is broken"
>stared at the teacher, then ignored her
>pulled out the computer and re-hooked the ethernet cord
>"this is what you do when it doesn't log on"
>teacher looked embarrassed

one time they called the schools tech guy
to figure out what happened to the computer.
Sterky Sticks is now my Steam username, thank you.
>bring memory stick with simple flash games

that's how we did it when I was a kid. In high-school we all just brought memory sticks with warcraft 3 and plants vs zombies, we'd play kodo tag and footmen wars all the time.
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>mfw my christian school let us plug it our ps2 on their church's home theater so we could play DDR extreme 2 on full blast.
I remember when I was like eight I played a game called Granny's Garden. Anyone remember it?
How did he get that name?
>reversing mouse buttons when someone got up to print their work

Someone made a website that just constantly makes new popups so we'd go on that 'by mistake' and lock the computers up
I'm in Year 12, I finish in around 2 months.
>anthropology course
>massive lecture hall
>guest speaker
>guy is some underground indigenous peoples rights advocate that used to bomb government buildings
>old as fuck now
>he starts his presentation
>half the class opens up their laptops
>guy starts ranting that his presentation isn't on our fucking screens
>professor steps in and tries to calm him down
>informs him that students take notes on their laptops
>guy yells back at the professor that he knows all about computers and we're all just playing games or watching tv and disrespecting him
>I was going to take notes
>play vidya instead, this guy's an asshole
>turn sound on I don't give a fuck
>Years ago

Probably yesterday.
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>Fill map with water
>Drop plant in
He really liked video games, and would always talk about his Halo skills. Then some guy started calling him "Mr. Video Games" and eventually just "video games". I dunno, it just caught on.
Why contain it?
>then put fire at the bottom
Pfff if it was my school the games would be back on the schools very server within a day or two
There was even porn in the D and T folders
The fact that our IT staff were incompetent helped
There were three viruses constantly on all the computers
>mfw now in my class we have 100mb/s internet according to speedtest.net, shared on all computers, but entire class doesn't even use 1/30 of this
>we play UT3 tournaments through OnLive with superior quality
>we use free 30 minute trial, and if it ends, we exit the game and launch again
>mfw OnLive servers aren't aware of this
Nigga u go/went to danforth tech?
You got trolled nigger,
>Playing Q3A in school back in the day
>Faggots trying to move using the arrow keys

Needless to say, there was little challenge involved.
I made a .exe that asked you if you was gay and if you clicked no it asked you again. I can't even remember how I did that, I made it notepad
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So this school has computers capable of emulating the PS3?
>last year in school
>bored as fuck
>bring ds to school
>hide ds strategelly behing my pencil case so that I could quickly close my ds
>play something like DQ9 that didn't require to hold the ds
>hide the battery light from sight
>teacher never noticed anything
>playing pokemon on gameboy colours
>some kid gets the shit beat out of him by the new kid, Nathaniel
>everyone says it like that when saying his name
>he changed schools because he was sick of "bullying"

he was pretty cool though. gave me mew and shit
>>146655229 here

i remember a class of 30 of us all positioned mice on the keyboard so it held down more than 3 keys

>supply teacher standing at the front
>boop beep boop
>whats that noise
>what noise mrs golding?
>nothing children

she waled out at the end like she was going crazy
Have fun studying your ass off for your ATAR.

I know I am.
>forgot my password for my account
>use someone else's for ages
>decide it would be funny to add a folder called child porn to their user space thing (think I drew a picture in paint too that took 5 seconds)
>it got flagged up
>get caught
>lectured on how it can ruin their chances of doing medicine at university
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>mfw everyone got into Megaman Battle Network because I was playing it on an emulator
>Get credit for being assistant to the tech supervisor
>Find out just how many mouse balls are stolen on a weekly basis

How horrifying. That year we eventually gave up and just switched to all laser mice. Then people started stealing those.
>school computers have no games
>bring flash drive with emulators and super mario war to play
>Norton antivirus programmed to automatically delete any exe file it doesn't recognize
>all my games on my flash drive were renamed to notepad.exe
>changed default website on machines in the comp lab to some transformer thing with flashy lights and the word epilepsy
>later find out some girl had a seizure because of it
Can someone explain this logic?
>iPod Touches, iPads, Gameboys, perfectly fine
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>someone makes a powerpoint presentation about why not to vote for hillary clinton
>it's a black guy
>okay whatever, this is gonna be good
>their ending line is "Let's be honest man. Life's a bitch, so why vote for one?"

the professor was note amused
Aw shit, I remember playing this in IT class.
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1,2 or 3?

If so, BROFIST mah niggah.

REcaptcha: first-class adjovig
>In college
>Finish Work
>Halo Portable on the network drive
>All play multiplayer

Come on,. don't feel bad, it builds character.
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You can't expect to have fun without stepping on peoples toes.
They think you can't talk to each other on an iPod. You could be texting your friend the answers to a test on a phone.

At least, that's how my Vice Principal rationalized it.
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>mfw my friends and I tried to play a raw rip of Pokemon Black when it first came out in Japan, I don't think any of us got past the second gym, we had no idea what the fuck was going on fucking moonrunes, shit was hilarious though.
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>state run propaganda centers
my sides
>in English
>creative writing
>"who would like to read out their story?"
>"nobody? anon, you read"
>5 minutes later... "So Frank swung the sack of doorknobs over his head and brought it down onto the back of the Queen's head"
>"Okay, that's enough"
In highschool they tried that shit multiple times.
we had games hidden all over those damn computers.

one computer room though they actually managed to keep the shit off of em. So instead we all carried flashdrives around with various games and shared em between all of us
When I was at school Gameboys, Pokemon cards, Yugioh cards, DBZ cards, DBZ Tazos Beyblades, Beyblade Tazos, Tazos, Toy guns/weapons and phones were all banned.

My little sister got a laptop and iPad from her school as part of the curriculum tools.

Shits dangerous yo.
Psh, my computer science teacher in high school didn't give a FUAACK. He would walk out of the room for 2 hours and we would have a CS 1.6 LAN party erryday. I miss those days man.
I was playing 3 at that time
they can destroy your bathtubs! :O
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>that feel when taking your gameboy on a class trip

I didn't have to talk to anyone, shit was great
I was raised in a small town. Me and my brother were major gamers and we had tribes 1. We installed it on all the computers in the lab (like 50 computers) and we could play it whenever we wanted. Teachers let us play it after we finished our work. It was real fun playing Tribes with 30 classmates and most of them didn't know how to do more than walk around. Hell, my chemistry teacher let me bring in Counter Strike CONDITION ZERO and install that so he could challenge me.
>Some faggot goes to the bathroom
>Screenshot whatever he has up on his screen
>Fullscreen the picture
>Unplug the Mouse and Keyboard just enough so they don't work, but still look in
>PC looks frozen
>mfw he gets upset about the PC not working and has to move to another room by himself
>Fix everything so a bro can move over and take his place
>Laugh at him after

Also, our teachers were pretty creative with that software that let them watch and control you.
>Some girls gossiping
>Teacher puts their screen up on the projector so everyone can see
>They don't notice for 5 minutes
>Some other guy trying to look up porn on youtube
>Teacher puts on some barbie thing and locks his PC

Good times
I don't think it covers that period, but check out the paradox games like Europa Universalis, Victoria and Hearts of Iron.
my niiiiggggaaaaaaaa
> lunch class

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>use to be able to open PC towers on college
>2 sticks of RAM in each
>steal 1, leave 1 in so it still works.
>do this several times a week.
>sell on ebay
>made over £200
>few months later all the PCs had little padlocks on them.

good times.
In my Primary School they got banned because a dumbshit put his face into the middle of a Beyblade match.

I didn't even like Beyblades but who the fuck is stupid enough to do that?

I mean look at it from a 6 year old's logic.
>Beyblade sharp
>Beyblade spin fast
>Sharpy spinny fast
>Will hurt
>No put face in
> Sign posted in my highschool
> All computers still had WC3, CS and AoE2 on them and everyone knew
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>have to present a multimodal
>head of religion suddenly comes and sits in for ours
>mate and I did a documentary video
>keep it rolling, at the end, forgetting about the bloopers
>suddenly a loud "BITCH" echoes through the library
What did you do with the money?
> put his face into the middle of a Beyblade match.

Did this man have a deathwish?

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