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Even if you don't use one, it's the closest thing I've written to a news post in 4 years and contains a lot of interesting statistics about the site.


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You HAVE to see this.

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>13 minutes

Nigger I am going to take a shower. Someone tldw this.

It's worth it
let me save you the time:

its a nostalgia fag saying how 'naxx and aq were the best dungeons evar' and that engame raiding doesnt exist anymore.

TROOFAX: the game is 8 years old. it is a different beast than vanilla, in some ways worse in others better. The guy is just complaining, not entirely without merit that the lack of epic quest chains makes 'the journey seem less' and hes not wrong.

However when he starts crying that blizzards "we made raiding easier because only 1% of the player base saw the content we spend the most dev time on" policy got more people raiding i saw him for what he is. just another vanilla nostalgiafag.

He doesnt think raidings dead, he thinks HIS type of raiding from 2004 is dead. and it is. for good reason.

i mean fuck onyxia had to be jury rigged to attack a line of invisible rabbits for her deep breath to work for fucks sake. nostalgiafags need to learn that sure there was some truly epic moments in vanilla, but on the whole it was a buggy as fuck piece of unrefined shit.
Anyone who plays WoW after 2011 is literally a braindead retard as is not worth talking to. This is not up for discussion.
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>naxx 40 is 6 years old

Where did the time go?
>open the tab
>some dumbshit britfag with terrible accent starts yelling
>pause it
>log in on youtube account
>downvote video
>close the tab
>stand up and clap while humming the american anthem

I play Vanilla on a private server right now.

Do you have any idea what you're talking about?

More than 1% of the population saw Raids in vanilla/TBC

subscribers peaked in TBC

If you make the content so easy its beaten in one week why do people want to return, every patch is alive for a month or two and then 6-8 months of dead servers as people wait for the next expac/patch because they've done everything the last one offered.
>dem xbox hueg numbers and attack values

Fuck, this game has gone to shit. I remember Vanilla weapons used to have small numbers, and a +10 to something used to be godly.
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Thanks for ruining my night
>About a shitty recent expansion
I don't see how this is important to someone who quit soon after TBC was released.
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"It's the journey! The journey is what's missing from WoW today"

Quit in Cata, couldn't quite put my finger why, he explained it so simply. There is no sense of true adventure at all left.
I played Cata for about 2 months and cleared everything Heroic up to Spine of Deathwing. In a casual guild. It's all gotten way too easy.

Also, characters have too much skill overlap, raids are too small, the normal/heroic raid system sucks and last but not least i hate how fucking huge the numbers have gotten. It should be very possible to divide all number in the game by 100 or something.
I stopped playing WoW shortly after Cata.

I understand the opinion expressed in the video, and while I agree with it, complaining about it now won't get anything done. I don't like to throw the term casuals around because it's written off (and most of the time rightfully so), but the "streamlining" i.e. casualization of WoW will never stop. Pandering to the community is what's going to keep the community active and involved regardless of content.

Personally I would remove the LFR/LFG option or at the very least force a player to actually GO to the instance in order to run it. It's sad to see the state of the game at the moment. But I'm just one voice, one opinion, and I will drown in a sea of voices, mine unheard.
Since when was hard content considered bad? Don't got time to dedicate to clearing a certain instance or raid? Fine there are other faster ones you can do.

But why should you expect to have access to something others put in more time to complete when you won't commit the same amount yourself.
Also this. Going to dungeons isn't anymore travelling to a dungeon, waiting for the party to get there and then clearing the fuck out of that dungeon, feeling a sense of accomplishment when you're done. It's clicking a LFG button, getting in a team, clearing it as fast as possible, raging you didn't get the item you wanted and repeat ad infinitum.
Don't forget skipping all the optional bosses because that delays from getting the badges by 5 minutes
Fucking this aswell. Was lvling some character, in BRD, wanted to kill everything there was and everyone was whining that they wanted to go to the boss that gave the badge.

Me, being the tank, said fuck you and they left. There's also no sense of community on a server anymore, when in a dungeon there's no sense of responsibility. This is because the crossserver thingie has gone too far.
I agree 100% with this guy but we will never have an mmo like this again. They will all be mediocre shit like tera and gw2 and "titan" will be shittier than d3.
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>activision acquires blizzard
>suddenly the difficulty of the game goes babby
>an mmo
I have a bit of a different story. I made my first tank character in Wrath, a draenei prot warrior (main was a warlock, had a resto shaman alt) and since I was a veteran of the game playing since vanilla, I learned all the bosses and all the ways to trigger them in BRD, including the alternative arena encounter. I guided one group trough ALL of BRD, they never saw the instance before, one guy ragequit soon because I didn't instantly go to the "badge" boss, but the other 3 people stayed until the end, one person commented that the BRD run with me was the best time they ever had with WoW, made me feel warm inside. Even got them MC attuned.
One last thing, these dungeons nowadays have barely any trash. It's basically boss ->1 minute of trash -> boss -> 1 minute of trash. Sure, i was complaining about the trash in Black Temple like everyone else, but it also added to the fucking feel of the game, the feel of a raid.
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Well, you can always play vanilla if you want, like I do.

Do I like it?

To the point that I ganked some Allies exactly or over my level until they created Hordes to track me down.

They never found me.

>it's a good thing that only 1% of the playerbase got to see Naxx
stopped watching there.
Is just not the same.
He's really into it.
Never played wow but im so sad now.

>make it easier so everyone and their dog can see it within the first week
>suddenly the entire game becomes a breeze for anyone with a functioning brain

If you pander to plebs, you make a trash game.

That's why there's nobody but addicts, nostalgiafags and kiddies still subbed.
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>mfw keyboarding rogues with legendary daggers

Ehhhhhh. Casualisation of end game PvE content is ONE of the problems of World of Warcraft. It's not THE problem.
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The video in OP's post had valid points, but he backpedals instead of getting it right; he's too nostalgia-driven and glazes over the classic bullshit.

Paying hundreds or thousands of gold depending on your Argent Dawn rep to just zone INTO Naxx was bullshit.
Onyxia not dropping 10+ scales for cloaks was bullshit.
Resist gear and resistances were bullshit.
Only 1 vial dropping per Vashj/Kael kill was bullshit.

The attunement quests of Burning Crusade were a good thing.
The difficulty of the actual fights were a good thing.
The addition of badge gear to get up to speed was a good thing.
The key rings were a good thing.
The babby mode Raid Finder is a good thing.
>Only 1 vial dropping per Vashj/Kael kill was bullshit.
They change this pretty quick iirc.
Keyboarding rogues were people who didn't use the mouse at all right?
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Oh so that's why I was able to get my rogue to ilvl 403 in within a month of a scroll of res.
WoW is in an unfortunate position. It's the most well-known MMO out there. Thus, not only does it have to try to be the most impressive and well polished MMO currently available, it also has to be the most open and accessible to new players, players who have never played MMOs or, hell, players who have never played _video games_ before. There's just no chance that it can also be a challenging yet rewarding experience at the same time, because their target audience isn't playing for challenge or reward. They're playing because it's FUN. WoW sells fun now, not challenge or reward.

WoW will never be what it was again. It's fallen under the weight of its own success. We don't need a WoW-killer. We just need an MMO that can remain true to the idea of a player's journey.
>The babby mode Raid Finder is a good thing.
How is this a good thing? I found Raid Finder by far to be the most boring thing in the game.
The problem with Vanilla Naxxramas was one of time. The raid was only out for ~ a year before TBC dropped. And considering that 2.0 dropped almost a month before TBC officially released it cut that time down by that much--mods didn't function, servers were laggy and glitchy, players got new tools that weren't balanced, etc etc.

Had there been more time for guilds to catch up then you would have seen a far greater number than 1% finishing some Naxx content. Because at the end of the day, 1/2 the difficulty of Naxx was having 40 people at the appropriate gear level to finish something. Almost all of the fights in that instance were gear checks to a certain degree. Loatheb and Patchwerk were straight up gear checks while others masked the gear check under other mechanics--such as 4 horsemen needing 4+ warriors with 5 piece set bonus.

That's the problem I see with WoW. There's no need to apply yourself anymore. It took guilds MONTHS to clear Naxx. You don't see that anymore.
This is my version of tl;dr of WoWs dawnfall.

>Have a already huge franchise to set the universe of your next MMO in

>At start it's a game made by nerds for other nerds.

>It becomes super popular, the true nerds are now a minority of players, they don't give them the most money, so the attitude of the whole game changes accordingly.

I think the same would have happened to a lesser degree if the Activision merge never happened.
>too many people got to see endgame content.
>I think only people who poopsock like me should deserve to get it or see it
>the only people who should be able to even experience this part of the game are elitists who raid for more than 8 hours at a time.

And people defend this attitude.
i agree with everything this guy said in this video 100%.

couldn't have worded it any better myself.

it makes me happy to see that this is getting a little bit of attention, even though in the end we all know blizzard wont change...
Babby mode raid finder lets the people who actually enjoy raiding get a raid that's moderately difficult, rather than cuddle mode Normal and ouchies mode Heroic like in Firelands.

Say what you will about the quality of Dragon Soul, but the mode difficulty tuning was very good.
with all our nerd vigor.
Fun Fact: XT-002 from Ulduar is the most nerfed fight in the entire game
I simply believe that players should be expected to step up to the content provided.

A game should NEVER be brought down to the players level.

This is coming from a guy who hardly raided.

I remember running classic Onyxia with a PUG group.

>pug groups

Your face when they actually worked out. I never got why people would do a PUG for the Jenkins title, that meme is like 5 years old.
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How ironic, most of Warcraft villains are corrupted heroes once so noble and heroic.

Now, such fate has befallen upon the game itself, and it has dethroned itself, only to be a mere husk of its former glory and to feed its dying body with fools and casuals.

Indeed, the only thing that will kill WoW is WoW itself, it was prophecied long ago, and apparently, the prophecy has finally come into fruitition.

These new MMOs, they want to be WoW, but little do they realize that they are copying a dead game, they can not see what made WoW popular, but they try to make a game already popular.

In this, they are stupid and fail. This is proven by every single major MMORPG released after World of Warcraft.

How many of them are still alive and flourishing?

Not one.
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Sup guys, what's going on here?
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It lets you see the content if you're a godawful casual piece of shit, and marks your gear publicly as a filthy casual. You can do stuff, but you can't brag about being a smart raider.

I'm all for 100% of the population being able to zone in and see fights and play the mechanics. If you want to not be labelled a baby though, you need to do it on normal, physically go there, and be able to die if you stand in fire for more than a second.

40 Naxx was bad, you HAD to be grandfathered in with all the most cutting edge gear of the previous tiers to get in, plus the awful money attunement(or have had the rep already by luck). It don't mind if the fights were hard as fuck or having the full row of froggers slimes after patchwerk, but at least let me get in on an alt and prove I can safety-dance before you block me from raiding.
The point isn't that certain people shouldn't be allowed to view the content. The point is that, once upon a time, people felt like they needed to push their characters through to become better at the game. There was a true sense of progression.

I leveled to 85 on a Warlock the last time I played the game. 1 to 85, not long after I stopped raiding Dragon Soul heroic. Within two weeks of creation, my Warlock had full epics and was killing LFR DS in the top 5 on the dps meters. I even managed to find a Normal DS 10 run and did second DPS on the first few bosses before our tank ditched.

There was no sense of accomplishment or journey for my character. There was nothing for me to push for. Within days I had pretty much everything I wanted, and could only inch myself forward a week at a time.
>The babby mode Raid Finder is a good thing.
No, it really is not.
I resubed when Dragonsoul came out, for one month, first thing i did was do a few of the new heroics, then jumped in the raidfinder when i had the iLvL required. Cleared all the new content in 3 days.
Two days after that, I also "helped" my old guild with their first madness normal, in my BWD/heroic 5man gear, in a 10 man. I had no idea what i was doing during that whole time.
I haven't loged in to the game seince.

Yeah that sure is quality right there.

There is no fucking way i will be going back to that game, ever.
Keyboarding is turning your charakter with a and d instead of using your mouse.
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"On December 2, 2007, Vivendi (Blizzard Entertainment's previous parent company) announced that their subsidiary Vivendi Games (of which Blizzard Entertainment was one of the divisions) would be merging with Activision to form Activision Blizzard. This merger will not affect Blizzard Entertainment's operations. This deal was finalized on July 8, 2008."

>This merger will not affect Blizzard Entertainment's operations.

>will not affect
How? That boss was not hard. In the slightest.
Blizzard is doing a great job at killing its franchises lately.
starcraft 2
diablo 3
cataclysm and mist of pandoria

Poopsocking really is as low as it gets.

I understand that on 4chan we hate normalfags. We all do.

But there's a point when you need to take a step back and say, "I just shit in a sock" for a chance to roll on virtual pants.

No, I don't care, even on /v/, that was never cool. Even on /v/, we made fun of that. Because god damn. that's digusting.
>mode difficulty tuning
I thought that was another very bad part of Cata. There were essentially 5 difficulties for every instance, with 3 different versions of each item. This meant i had to clear every dungeon 3 times, once in raidfinder, once in 10man/normal and once in 10man/heroic (small guild). At times i could upgrade an item to the same item, only a better version. That felt really fucking lame.

This raidfinder also completely removes the sense of accomplishment when killing raidbosses on the highest difficulty. When i killed Warmaster Blackhorn on heroic i thought "woopdifucking-doo i killed this guy for the third time" instead of going fucking nuts, like when i first killed Lucifron, Magmadar, Illidan or any boss from vanilla/tbc. There's absolutely nothing left in the game where i felt like i had to try my hardest to get there.
I totally agree with what the guy is saying

casuals ruined WoW, SC and diablo. Congrats ActiBlizz
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i played since vanilla but what the fuck is that? in ssc or something? old strat or scholomance?
You're exactly the kind of person LFR was made for, and you don't even know it. It worked perfectly on you.
There is not enough content, Blizzard are lazy, they cut so much content in Cata and half the content in the game was allready rehashed.


>implying anyone actually poopsocks

Summer, pls leave.

people shit in their socks?

That's a fucking brilliant idea
This guy has a point
>Not poop windowing
>You call yourself a gamer
The underwater prison near Karazahn i think? Could be wrong.
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>thinking poopsockers were a myth

No anon, you are the summer
and then anon was a summer
>implying anyone actually poopsocks
I'm not implying it.
I'm stating that's how shit got cleared in vanilla.
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No shit i've been saying this since TBC but people always brushed my comments away.

Having hard content gives casuals a goal, even if they never get to see that harder content for themselves. Naxx mayb have only been accessed by 1% of all players, but 100% of players wanted to be in there.

When you take the goal away, you also take away the incentive to play.

But nope according to that logic im just an entitled nerd virgin posting from my moms basement hurr derpy do
>I have the mental capacity to talk to you right now.

I don't think you know what that word means.
guys this is a crazy idea but what if they made it so people would play through content because it's actually fun and not just to be rewarded with loot and epeen? what if difficulty meant actually being good at the game and not just gear checks and being able to make 39 friends and getting them logged in at the same time?
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You need to stop talking.
>You can do stuff, but you can't brag about being a smart raider.
>you can't brag about being a smart raider.
Nobody exept the autists that still are subed to play HC care.

The RF is garbage. In both player and business perspective.
You can clear the content so incredebly fast, and there is no point in doing it again so you barely get your moneys worth.
When there is noting left to do, people leave, which decrease profits for blizzard.
I see what you did there. I works on different levels, all of them shit-stained. I like it
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>Google image search poopsocking
>Get WoW screenshots.

I'd remove LFR, personally.
LFG was a nice addition during Wotlk. Had a number of shitty / mediocre groups (with myself carrying the shit dps, usually doing more threat than the tank could muster up).

Only reason I'd group with people from my own server would be from guild or friends list to do dungeon achievements.

Shit, I still remember doing some heroic runs back in TBC for part of the "Champion of the Naaru" quest line. And if any of you fuckers played on Shu'halo, horde, you'd know how shitty it was on that server.

>not pooping in your sock

Get a load of this casual.
I spent the entirety of BC not even seeing Kara and Gruul's until the end and I had a blast. I quit 3 years ago when the Argent Tournament stuff came out because it was the same daily crap that Quel'Danas was. If it was all attunements and stuff from earlier BC and Vanilla I would probably not have quit, but obviously it has sunk even farther since then. Blizzard killed their own game.
Man speaks the truth. There used to be a mystique to high-level end game content that there just isn't anymore.

There are many problems with WoW though, and the end game content isn't just one of them. Everything's become easier and casualized. People think that dungeons and heroics are loot vending machines rather than genuine content that's meant to be challenging and enjoyable.

Fun IS "being rewarded"


The problem is, when that reward comes without effort and without prestige, it's no longer a reward.
You casual shitbags who think it's over unsub and then you're done shitting up general chat. THANK YOU. Classic WoW was 2 million tops, I'd like to see it come back down to those numbers because it means all the wrath and cata kiddies will be gone. 90% of the population bitches about the shit community, well only 2 out of 10 people will have been one of those useful players. The majority don't realize they're the shit ruining the game in the first place.
LFR would be great if it works for every single raid in the game, ill love to do all the raids each week (for transmog & achievements)
but no, it only works on the worst raid ever made
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>Write long shit
>No replies

I hate this feel

I wouldn't go as far as to remove it but only make it accessible after X months of content being on farm for most servers. That way people who don't like organized raiding can still see the content and not shit everything up at the beginning.
Anymore season 12 weps?
>He thinks being hardcore in WoW is cool.
watch it retroactively work on all raids 2 expansions down the road
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>mfw there isn't attack power/spell power/armor penetration anymore because it promoted theory crafting
I'm so sorry, did somebody wipe on Lucifron one too many times in Vanilla? If you want to play an MMO where everything is spoon fed to you go play...oh wait. Every other MMO to follow WoW was TOO hard and everyone abandoned them after they realized this.
>it only works on the worst raid ever made
Trial of the Crusader is not available in the LFR.
that shit was confusing, yo. Math an' shit, iz hard son.

But in all seriousness, I never played the game with a calculator. I waited for others to do the math for me, so I can just copy it.
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>mfw the ruin battlegroup has a community of people who only arena in white or grey gear and regularly queue against one another

Even now there is hope for man
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I wasn't aware of this (I haven't played in years) but if that's true I'm really glad I quit when I did.
Speaking of Warcraft, who was your favorite villain?

Kael'thas here.
>think it's over
I don't think, it IS over once you have cleared LFR.

You wouldent call the MW3 campain new content just because the enemies have different guns on the hardest dificulty.

You just need to stop being a fucking autist.
Dreadlord Kotic.

But honestly, despite them not being in all that present in previous games, except for Frozen Throne, the Old Gods. Any of them really.
I'm not sure if you realize this, but, you made it really hard to tell if you were criticizing or defending vanilla's raid style.
I'm saying the reward should be playing itself, not getting magic pants that make you 2% stronger than you were before. just listen to the retards in this thread. they only care about "clearing" content like it's a job instead of something you do to be entertained.
>your favorite villain

James Brown
Good, then cancel your account and stop going into Warcraft threads. The sooner you stop fouling up the game and community the better it'll be. I hope you NEVER go back to playing.
The era of EQ1-esque MMO's are dying.
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Add it to the list of dead stats over the years.

I'll never forget weapon skill. When they initially nerfed it and my Maladath became useless I was pissed. The sword was so damn sexy.
>that SSC elevator

No fuck you.
I don't see why you babbies care so much about comparing the quality of WoW between vanilla and all of its expansions. Guild Wars 2 is better than all of them anyway.
you clearly never felt the joy of being in vent when you finally down that one boss youve been working on for weeks. that eruption of cries of joy and cheering... times like that was the reward.
yeah fuck off. go back to your LFR
I've never played WoW but does this raid finder thing make a group for you then teleport you to the place you need to be or something?
>People actually defending current WoW

I refuse to believe that such people browse /v/ and call themselves our brothers.

Then again, there is a LoL thread 24/7 on /vg/.

Maybe I should stop coming here, for obviously I belong in the minority now.
This focus on loot gets on my nerves aswell. It's almost impossible not to have full epic gear two days after you hit lvl 85. Same for mounts, too many of them, too easily obtainable.

I remember in vanilla wow when the first paladin hit lvl 40 and was standing in front of ironforge bank with his mount. Me, and dozens of people with me, came fucking buckets. Same for items, it used to be special to have epics. It used to be a sign someone had achieved something, as a rogue i was shitscared of warriors with Sulfuras, while low-geared horde would probably have been shitscared of me since i had Bloodfang helm/shoulders, maladath and viskag. All of this is completely gone.

>mfw nostalgiarush
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Apply yourself anon.
What's your excuse for not being an engineer with a parachute cape? Or exalted with the Skyguard for their version of the parachute cape?
I already stated that i would never re-sub again.

Have fun eating shit. You autistic fuck.
>there will never be another MMO thats actually about the world and the players

Fuck this shit.
Anub'Arak & the PVP fight were better than anything in DS
If you think the biggest problem with WoW is difficulty, you are blind.

Grand Apothecary Putress.

"Did you think we had forgotten?"

Motherfucker is the embodiment of everything Forsaken. He's a bad motherfucker.
Well I tend to think the community is WoW's biggest problem but Blizzard can't control that and at the end of the day it's merely a symptom of WoW's underlying flaws--difficulty being one of them.
would you go back and redo that raid just for fun, even if the drop tables were turned off? hell no you wouldn't because you're a retard who only does things for the status of having bigger numbers than everyone else.
No game makes me as sad as World of Warcraft does.
While we're on the topic of WoW nostalgia:

Of all the games with sad endings, WoW's ending sure is the saddest.
Raid finder eases down easy bosses, teleports you together with a group of random people assembled from random servers to the dungeon. Once in the dungeon it's your job to clear it as fast as possible, since it's no challenge.
very few people would bother with any boss, raid or instance, if it didn't drop loot. Even those that use sentences like "I play for fun, not to win" seirously
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>mfw i clapped at the end of the video
No, he wouldn't go back and redo it again because it's fucking easy now.
It's the challange that is the fun part, that sense of accomplishment when you kill a hard boss.
The problem is, he isn't looking at this from a business perspective. You can't just make a game for yourself. It has to be for your players. If 1% of players get to see a dungeon, its bad design from a business perspective. You can't blame Blizzard as a company for wanting to change how raiding works. Its about maximizing profit.

There are options, however. They need to make hard modes much harder. That or add a mode after it that would make each raid as difficult as original Naxx 40. That way they can keep the casual crowd, and the dwindling hardcore crowd.
Wait wait wait wait

People actually LIKED vanilla raiding?

I thought it was the most godawful gaming experience I'd ever suffered to sit through.
I do not understand now or ever the appeal or interest of raiding in vanilla. I tried in wow.

It was unpleasant, grindy, boring, uninteractive.
Thank god I'm not alone.
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>mfw you're american
Fuck the Dungeons and Raids, what we need a is a huge number of new questlines that are long, involve a lot of zones and levels. Have a 50 quest chain going across new zones, old zones and shit like that. Maybe add new ones weekly, I don't know. Get people into the world properly.
Hell, you could bring back the attunement quests like this. Do this long quest chain to gain access to this dungeon normally and in LFG
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Jesus where did you find that relic? I remember watching the years ago when the guy that made it came on the WoW forums telling people to check it out; at least I think it was the guy that made it, might have been some random dude.
Sadly, I have it in my youtube favorites, in case I ever need to nostalgia at a later date.
So video games should be about repetitively working for months on end instead of actually having fun.

Yeah, naw, this ignorant britcunt and TBC-days can fuck right off.
just got back into wow

>log into wow
>5 million fucking random guilds
guilds used to be hard to maintain and require dedication and gold. Now anyone can do it.

>used to raid in BC in kara/ssc/ barely touched TK. Was one of best guilds in lich king. Only raided Ony/ZG/ some mc in vanilla

Everyone now raids. No sense of any accomplishment. I don't even want to raid, I don't feel special for doing it.

I honestly feel like I am the only person from vanilla on the server. I did not even beat Dragon Soul in regular that I am so disgusted. I feel no reason to raid if everyone can fucking do it.
This is what I really miss. Now that everything is x-server there's no longer a sense of community on servers outside of your guild. Shit like this simply doesn't exist anymore.
I think there needs to me more to do that encourages community.

I was excited when they announced that farm thing, but then it turned out to be a GOD DAMN FUCKING DAILY QUEST HUB.

Didn't you know?

Don't like raid and grinding your finger to the bone?
Never raided during vanilla as I joined too late but I loved it in TBC. I actually liked how you had to progress from dungeons to heroics into 10 mans and then 25 mans. When WOTLK came out I just couldn't take it anymore and stopped raiding and even tried Cata and actually tried the LFR and felt empty inside when I killed Deathwing.
all Blizzard have to do is steal Arenanet's idea of levelscaling and apply it to the old raids/dungeons

its funny how they havent yet, Blizz are top tier when it comes to stealing ideas and getting away with it
You're a fucking retard.
>an em em o
It goes by sound, not letters you dumb fuck.
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This game sucked since WOTLK.

Wtf did this guy just realize wows going down hill?

>He's reliving the nostalgia days i agree how it felt amazing to be one of the few people to experience 40 man raids but times have changed and blizzards not going to listen.

Ready yourselves.
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>Hell hath no fury like an enraged Griffon Master.
Fucking lost it there.

Also, pic related. PvP tournament organized by two biggest guilds on my server before the Arena was actually utulized by Blizzard. I still remember the sweat dripping from my hands when it was my turn to fight.
why would it be easy now? because you already "solved" it? then the raid was shit with difficulty entirely based around figuring out gimmicks.

imagine blizzard released two new raids in the same patch. one of them has no drops. the other is your typical raid with epics and exclusive drops. even if playtesters were saying that the first raid was fun as shit, how many guilds do you think would actually be running it before the second one?
>So video games should be about repetitively working for months on end instead of actually having fun.
No, but paying for a game that you can finish in one day without ever using your brain for anything else exept breathing is not fun.
I agree wholeheartedly. But making the game harder won't bring back the sense of exploration and danger that was there when players actually populated the world instead of sitting in fucking queues or flying over everything on flying mounts. The world is empty and dead. To me, that, combined with the shit community, is what makes WoW unplayable for me. It really saddens me to think of what WoW has become and realize that no private server can ever recapture the magic of WoW. Even if they replicated vanilla or BC 100% with a comparable server population to official Blizzard servers, it wouldn't be the same. A lot of the game mechanics from vanilla/BC really do belong in 2004, and I'm glad they changed some of them, but at the end of the day WoW changed for the worse. You may or may not have any idea how much this upset me for the past year or so, but in a month and a half it will all be over.

>No, but paying for a game that you can finish in one day without ever using your brain for anything else exept breathing is not fun.

And that is why I disliked vanilla wow.
>implying WoW required you to use your brain
WoW died because of shit like MMO Champion. Rotations were dissected and mathed out, content was known and strats formed, entire plot points were leaked, and then everyone expected you to know these things before hand. That's why WoW died for me.

Raiding is the best it has ever been, a semi serious commitment to see real content on a difficulty that matters, but there is now traveling to get there. People are way too retarded to know not stand in fire and when to bunch up, so boss vids are made before it even hits live servers. There is no experimenting in builds because everything is mapped out now. You either spec this way with one or two variable points or your build is shit, end of story. The wealth of knowledge the players demand and crave and is leaked before content even hits the PTR, let alone live servers and then the expectation you should know that and ruin any surprise. That is what killed WoW. None of this 'oh it's too casual now.' The fights in WoW are harder then anything we had seen in Vanilla and most of BC.
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>that feel when in vanilla and surrounded by 2 raid groups from horde and alliance
>only 1 person attacking the other side would start a huge ass fight

10/10 you made me mad as hell, fucking elitist.

Oh, I forgot to add flying mounts. That shit is gay and killed any and all world PvP

Hah, that reminds me of the level 1 gnome race from dun morogh to tanaris. I think it was on Perenolde.

>You will never have huge player organized events like this ever again.

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