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Why didn't they take an extra 2 months to polish this game /v/?

It could have been so, so good....

The intro was boring, and the end was broken. But the middle was one of the best RPGs that I've ever played. This game is as good as Planescape: Torment, and better than anything George Lucas has ever written.

In this thread, games that you love, that should have been better than they are.

INB4 a wave of Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines posts
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Also, using this image as marketing material should qualify as false advertising...

there the whole game is fixed for you
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Jurasic Park: Tresspaser
>Why didn't they take an extra 2 months to polish this game /v/?

Devs don't decide release date
>Why didn't they take an extra 2 months to polish this game /v/

Because, like with just about every Obsidian title, they're typically forced out before they're ready.

The tale of Obsidian is a sad tale. They just can't get a break. The new South Park RPG has to get two million sales to break even.
Meh, tried it, didn't like it.

I get the feeling a lot of the 'cut' content was cut for reasons other than time restraint.
Wow, ok

>That feel when fighting darth sion as Jedi Atton
>That feel when winning

Sucks for you bro
Bro, they have side plots that end up just outright stopping, it has everything to do with time constraint. Lucas Arts cut their development time in half while they were working on everything, and then they weren't even allowed to patch the content in.

George Lucas is a faggot.
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So... Obsidian thread then?
Man.... That ending is such a cock block.

"What's that? You've spent the whole game fighting through time and space against dead gods in a quest to tear down this wall of injustice?"

"Well I'm the God of the dead and I say stop it, or I'll be very upset".

Character: "....Ok..."

Me: "...Wut?"
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This. Still the greatest story ever told in an RPG. The second disk needed completion, although I didn't take it as hard as many seem to.
Not in half, by 2 months because he wanted a Christmas release.
My money's on WotC prohibiting it. The Wall is a rather integral part of their setting, and you know how these fucks are.
>didn't play evil
>didn't devour Myrkul

Fuck Kelemvor. Fuck the whole pantheon.
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Soul Reaver is an unfinished game. Ironically, that was what made it better because it opened the way for subsequent sequels.
Sometimes when I play Neverwinter Nights 2, I think to myself: "Man, I wish they made a game out of this tech demo"
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>You never got the chance to tell Kreia you love her
My understanding is that WotC didn't prohibit it. Obsidian just assumed they would, so didn't bother.
>keep fighting the gods
>Lord Ao shows up
>calls you a faggot and to knock it off
>you wake up with a leaky butt in the middle of the sword coast
>Ao showing up
>for any reason

I think the only time he ever did anything was when other gods stole something from him. Now that was not cool.
MotB has the most delicious evil path ever made in RPGs. None of that "lol i kik ur puppy xD" bullshit, just pure, heartless manipulation and egoism. And you're actually rewarded for being evil, whereas the good path demands sacrificing in-game benefits.
>And you're actually rewarded for being evil, whereas the good path demands sacrificing in-game benefits.

Avellone gonna Avellone.
Avellone wasn't a major contributor to Mask, beyond his general role as an Obsidian head.

Ziets was the project lead and lead writer.
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So many flaws.

Dungeons are just hallways with enemies, no interactive elements there.

Game doesn't warn you about certain activities taking up your whole day.

No opportunities to save during long story sections.

Game progresses for about an hour or more before you are actually allowed to play it.

Combat becomes extremely tedious outside of boss battles.

Gameplay simpler than P3 and it's much harder to powergame in Persona 4 than it is in 3.

For a game world so open, so much of it is so bizzarely on rails. Also your social links/relationship with characters have no effect on the main story which is lazy.

Nothing says 'Evil' Like becoming a God Devouring monstrosity and killing all you companions on the way to Omnipotence.
>that Thay teacher who decided to punish his student

>by having you eat his soul

Oh... oh dear. I'm not sure I would attend that college.
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would've been perfect if it had gameplay similar to splinter cell. just perfect.
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Banjo Tooie has to be one of the many unfinished N64 games that had the most promise but after the hardware revision that killed stop n' swop it was fucked from the very beginning.
I mean you had a fucking counter co-op mode in a collectathon, I thought party games destroyed friendships but this is a whole other world of evil.
All I know is that he wrote Kaelyn. I'm not sure how far beyond this his influence reached.
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That fucking Crouch Run animation....
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The first time I seen it I imagined Mike saying "derp derp derp derp derp derp" every step.

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