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>mfw three months after launch and still no text chat

>mfw I bought the game at launch because I'm a stupid nigger
>console games
>text chat

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>playing on consoles
>buying spyware

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I already had the fucking spyware from BF3...
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Yeah, no text chat in a game where 99% of users dont use the mic, and when you finally get a 1% crowd of people using mic, they speak fucking NON-inglesh...

Text chat has to be some of the easiest shit to add... WHY NOT ADD IT?!

And where is the Singel player dlc?
Nothing new, almost 6 months without any SP stuff.
And none of the MP dlc maps, enables Shepard do go to the location in singel player.... why not?!
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>playing console ports
>playing video games
>6 months
It was released in March how is that 6 months?!
Im looking for the "i can count to potato pic" right now...
Most non indie games are shitty console ports now-a-days...

Fuck I hate my hobby. no, I don't
>installing origin
>so you can buy mass effect 3
>on release day

what the fuck are you doing

Oh you sad bastard. Cleanse your computer with fire.

Sad though, would've preordered ME3 like I did previous oens if not for origin. Now I wouldn't buy it even if they'd sell it without.
Did the new endings release? Or did we get any info? I sold my copy back cause the game sucked and it still had good value
>Yeah, no text chat in a game where 99% of users dont use the mic, and when you finally get a 1% crowd of people using mic, they speak fucking NON-inglesh...

Fucking tell me about...

>Text chat has to be some of the easiest shit to add... WHY NOT ADD IT?!

Because it would be bothersome to create something that's only for PC.

Is there any word on the new ending that they promised?
You guys seriously BOUGHT this shit? I have only every pirated 3 games in my life and I'm PROUD to say this is one of them. Pirating is bad, whatever, but these kind of shit games are worse.
>buying bioware games
you literally deserve to die, scum
if i were mod you'd be instantly banned from this shithole
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You know what's bullshit about this fucking game? This cheap ass money sucking game?

Bioware issues an "online pass" in all copies of the game. You probably already know all of this, but quite obviously this pass can only be used once. So if you buy the game re-sale, or borrow it from a friend , then fuck you. You don't get to access online play.

That shit pisses me right the fuck off.
Also, i just started this game today. (purchased it used from a friend)
>2 minutes in
>ASHLEYS BACK. Surprise!

Why the hell did they make that so sudden? She was hardcore mad at us last time.
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But Battlefield 3...

Picture related. I sold my soul to the devil to get the item I desired, for faggots who haven't seen the movie.
Oh yeah and you can PURCHASE a new online pass. You have to fucking pay more money to use multiplayer.
>he PAID for ME3
>Picking that bitch over kaiden the Bro

I killed that bitch ASAP in 1. Pissed me off how fucking xenophobic she was.

Ironically I killed the council....
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But Kaidan turns faget all of a sudden in ME3.
..... I know....
fucking bioware....

> Pissed me off how fucking xenophobic she was.

And yet she becomes the most developed character in the series and overcomes her old ways.
She definitely grew a lot as fertilizer.
>Bioware in charge of consistancy
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Fucking stop with the "lol, he bought ME3" I fucking know and regret it, but I loved ME1 and liked ME2. So I thought what the hell, this might be BioWares redemption for being such niggers. It wasn't
NO! You don't understand! The gayness is a FEATURE!
Is that a real scene in the game?
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>might be BioWares redemption for being such niggers. It wasn't

>Didn't see it coming before release
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they were both shit in the end. People seemed to indicate via
that the characters they built on were shitty cameos or worse gone for 3/4 of the game. Instead we get James Vega, no Krogan, and only 3 flashback choices. Also Tali goes back to being shitty backseat halfway through character.

I don't understand how people get fooled by this. She was a fuckign romance option which you could've fucked in the 1st game.
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Then explain the joke. I don't get it.
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And it was so fucking awkward too! This is literally the conversation(from my memory):

>(walking into the hospital room) Hi Kaidan, how are you feeling?

>Shepard... are you hitting on me?
Someone started a rumor with a fake forum post that Ashley was revealed to be a transexual in ME3 around the time it was released. A bunch of gullible retards on /v/ believed it.
the fucking script was leaked to us! what more did you need!?
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>+9000 Renegade points for not going for a drink in the gaybar.
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> mfw I actually like the multiplayer but it's shit when you can't play with bros on voicechat
My worst moment in ME3 was when Cortez suddenly walked into my cabin and starting hitting on me (as a male Shepard). I had only talked to the guy twice and had never given him any signals (that I was aware of, certainly was wrong from the Hepler point of view). The game just THROWS gay sex IN YOUR FACE and at the very least it felt awkward to me.

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