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I've had the privilege of chatting with and meeting a lot of great people from 4chan over the past 8.5 years, and lost touch with many.
If we used to chat/hang, drop me a line at moot@4chan.org or on AIM at MOOTCHAT. And if we haven't, feel free to say hi.

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SHIT /v/



That feel when no gf
out with it. what were you in for?
pretty much required.
>filename actually relates to 3 years ago
Well shit, if you're not telling the truth, at least you put some effort in.

Also still no HL3
Gaming has died. Better pick up a new hobby.
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Videogames are dead, head back to prison for another 3 years. Maybe the gaming crash will have happened by then.
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Stop stealing people's PS3's you nigger.
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Videogames are awesome again.
4chan memes are now mainstream and all over the place.
are on their way.
GABEN STILL BASED (based might be new for ya idunno how old that is)
/v/ is in mourning after last E3. MS had everything but video games, Sony barely had anything, Nintendo didn't do any better.
vidya [spoilers]gay[/spoilers]mes
go watch E3 2010 and 2011, they were hilarious

2012 sucked
Imagine going to the mall and overhear kids saying "That feel when Mr. Johnson gave me a C- in maths, epic fail!"
Steam has all these crazy (like 90% off) sales, loads of vidya. It's awesome. Should be one soon.

Duke Nukem Forever got released. No, really.

Half Life 2 Episode 3 does not yet exist.

Also, online DRM. Online DRM everywhere.
thanks doc
>3 years
>doesnt know about ponies yet
Oh god, no, please... anything but that!
What the balls were you in for.

Considering this is /v/ I'm going to go ahead and assume it was either manslaughter or sex-crime related.
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"My face when I slapped Tiffany's ass at school today"
Makes pic related face.
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Anonymous 06/07/12(Thu)18:52 No.142425804

, Age: 3 years)

its not a joke
>get out of jail after 3 years
>first thing you do is come to /v/, presumably expecting 2009 /v/

I'm sorry for your loss.

Also E3 was shit.
DayZ is all the rage right now, it's a persistant zombie survival mod for the milsim ArmaII

Battlefield 3 was underwhelming

Ps3 has nogames
My Little Pony got a cartoon reboot which has now thousands upon thousands of fans, many middle-aged men.
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Video games are dead.
My little pony got mainstream, pervading TF2 which has became f2p
fucking scripts
Half Life 3 came out it was IGN's GOTY for 2011
Duke Nukem finally came out.
New DS called the 3DS you can see 3D with out glasses
New PSP (PS Vita) has no games
Capcom gave up on Megaman
TF2 is Free to play now
also we have a board dedicated to the show now, head there if you want to see the state this community is in.
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Things are a little bleak, OP.

But not quite as horrible as /v/ makes them out to be.

PS3 turned out to have games over the years, also Sony fucked up the security and PSN got hacked and went down for a month.

360 ran out of games and has been turned into casual kinect gaming center with a side-order of brown and bloom FPS games.

This year's E3 was horrible.

Masterrace has been reduced to begging for scraps of console gamers such as Dark Souls.
Monster Girl Quest.

Go play it.
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Shut up you two you'll end up sucking him in
"That feel when Jenny didn't give me her number, forever alone!" The clique begins to chuckle, when suddenly John comes along and greets his friends: "In before Kevin tells us another forever alone story!" They can't hold their laughter and burst out into tears as Jim responds: "Implying he didn't do that already LOL"
I actually overheard some kids talking about bronies and skyrim the other day. They couldn't have been over 12. Better go back to prison, I heard that Norwegian guy had it pretty good.
So what were you in prison for, OP? Just curious
New MGS game where you play as Cyborg Raiden mainly action has a little bit of stealth
Nintendo releases new wii u console,claims to be HARDCORE but e2012 was terrible
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Murdered the guy that raped my sister, was 17 so I was lucky enough not to get life.


That's a shame, I liked HL2 a lot.


What about ponies?



Duke Nukem actually fucking came out? No shit? Wow. How was it?

Also, who won E3 this year? Shame I missed it, would have seen i t if I had gotten out a few weeks earlier.


Really? Like, those girls' toys that I saw in preschool?
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Duke Nukem Forever finally did come out.

It was shit.
The horror.
no lie
Also Duke was mediocre and a huge disappointment
Duke Nukem Forever was the most awful game to come out for a LONG time. It basically just raped the franchise for an easy buck on the hype.
Shit son, and you only got three years? assuming you're telling the truth
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Get out Haze
I liked it ;__;
Oh for fuck's sake. Someone post that picture about why it's not about sekrit clubism and is about the other things that it's about that I can't remember.
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Sonic the Hedgehog is good again.
dude, WHAT??

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Capcom fired Inafune and is now ran by assholes who only know how to make crossover fighting games and charge you for extra DLC that on the disc. They're also currently making every effort to bury MegaMan from history, like removing Dr. Wily from Wreck-It Ralf, an upcoming movie featuring various video game characters ala Who Framed Roger Rabbit.
Are you perhaps implying it was worse than call of juarez,dead island and DA2?

Because if so fuck you and your mother
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Is it this one?
Shit, OP, I feel for you. It must feel like waking up in this strange ruined world, which you can't even tell used to be your old world.
oh, we hate this website called reddit now.

2hard2explain why
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oh yeah, Nintendo made a new console called the Wii-u it
pic related
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You aren't allowed internet or tv in prison? This is the only reason I can see you not knowing whats up.
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Reddit became big. Much larger than 4chan. It's not "the" online community and mentioned everywhere (Games, TV, Media). They produce terrible content out of old memes and shit on everything we once liked.

/v/ hates Reddit and everyone that mentions any of the (older) memes and/or uses MsPaint reaction images (they are called "ragefaces" now) gets shat on and is instantly associated with Reddit.

Also they produce shit like this and think it is original and funny.
Turns out the new MLP is the cartoon equivalent of crack.

/v/ is one of the last corners of the Internet where it isn't approved. Nearly every other site and online community has fallen by now. Expect having to see people with rainbow horse avatars whenever you go outside of 4chan.
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>mfw after all these years of just got out of prison threads this one may actually be legitimate

/v/ is even less videogames, neckbeards love My Little Pony, reddit is the cool thing now, memes are mainstream, Jackie Chan is retiring from action movies, and we all still mad. Was Costanza two or three years ago?
>/v/ is my special secret club
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The Devil May Cry series getting a horrible reboot with Dante turned into a rebellious edgy teen. Luckily, there's Bayonetta, the best hack-n-slash of this generation.
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This one?
Video games are shit and now DLC everywhere, Everythings gone to shit MMOs are all shit Cawadooty is taking over. North korea is going to nuke something, Zombies in miami.
everything is terrible.
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Did you get raped?
How was it?
Did you fit in?
Firing Inafune was the best thing Capcom could have ever done. He's the one who outsourced all of their games to shitty western developers and spent all of the money on Megaman games no one wanted.
Gaben has cancer
Good night sweet prince ;_;7
Riots in the middle east for the past year. A few dictators kicked off their thrones and publicly lynched
3 years for murder is pretty damn lenient. Wow. You must have been a very good inmate.

How was your prison library? What did you end up reading a lot of? Fiction?
This thread made me realize how much things have gone to shit in the past three years.

I-I'm scared of what the world is becoming, /v/... B-but I will always have you guys, right?
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Oh yeah. That happened as well.

Tell him more about Vidya and internet shit.
>It's not "the" online community
should be >now "the" online community
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Oh yeah, and economy is down the drain.
Enjoy finding a job OP
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Peter molyneux is completely fucking crazy.

Steam has blown up through absurd sale prices, making Valve one of the most loved companies in gaming.

Gaben watches the My Little Pony reboot with his kids and /v/ hates him.

David Jaffe has gone indie from sony.

Indie games are big, and now being a hipster art-loving faggot is in. It's awful, but the few that aren't hipsters have made some nice shit.

Go play Batman Arkham Asylum.

Go play Deadly Premonition.

Speed Runners are more autistic than ever, and now they broadcast their runs in marathons that shatter people's dicks.

The Big bang theory is a shitty TV show that's mocks and reaffirms all the dumb stereotypes that people apply to us.

Mobile gaming's also full of worthless housewives throwing money at shit.

And don't forget Adachi's the killer.
How many times did you get raped OP
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Yeah all them.

This is the one I was thinking of though.
3 years? Lets see...

My Little Pony became the next step in Furry Culture.

Battlefield 3 came out and was cool for about a week.

They're still making 1 CoD game a year.

Duke Nukem Forever was casualised garbage

Nintendo released... Whatever the fuck the WiiU is.

The PS3 released some shitty handheld that no one likes.

Half Life 3 still doesn't exist

Consoles are still holding gaming back with outdated hardware

Cover-based shooters are the new FPS

Mass Effect's ending was utter shite, and started a boycott

The Old Republic was released and was such a catastrophic failure that /v/ bursts into fits of laughter whenever it's mentioned.

WoW is getting ANOTHER expansion pack and only continues to grow and get more casual

Diablo 3 came out - It's mediocre at best.

And perhaps worst of all-

/v/ merged with Reddit. (though they don't like to admit it.)
Why is there a baby Sonic?
Lots of places get tax credits for hiring convicted felons. Ironically, if it were you versus OP for a job position, and you were both equally qualified, OP just might win the job precisely because of his prison history.
Dwarf Fortress has been updated from version 0.28 to 0.32.
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>What about ponies?

Look at the different boards at the top. Look for /mlp/.

Do you remember My Little Pony? They made a new show about it.

People LOVED it. You could say it is the new Sonic.


I recommend watching it before you say it sucks, but before you do STAY CLEAR of the darkest parts of the fan-base.
Time travel. It's retro sonic. His levels are 2d, modern sonic's are 3d. It's fucking great
It's classic sonic
the sonic on the left you go fast as fuck and classic sonic is well classic sonic he plays like he does in the classic games It's pretty damn good
>Anon posts obviously made-up prison story

>/v/ believes every word without question

Trolling has never been easier.
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>going to prison

Awesome new place.
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pretty much just this
Syria has gone to shit as well.

Either that or some one is actually creating the Philosophers Stone
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1) /a/ Released Katawa Shoujo at the begining of the year www.katawashouo.com

2) For good or for worse, Nintendomination years are back; new console'll be harcore-oriented; with awesome controllers (both harcore-gamer like and gimmicky): New Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Fire Emblem games.

3) Vidya consoles now are less about being a videogame platform and more about a multimedia centre (mainly X360).

4) Masterrape is now getting shittier, yet, most of the best games we are getting lately are from PC, mainly Indie games.

5) Ico Team (From Ico and Shadow of the colossus) is finally releasing The Last Guardian.

Download KS, play indie games, Swich back to Nintendo; borrow a PS3 and play TLG.

>acting on emotion
hopefully you learned your lesson OP. You didn't prove anything
Maaaaan.... you should've stayed there a bit more.

You'll find more games in prison than in the vidya.
Is it still trolling of the whole threads is enjoying themselves?
Because this is such worthy trolling material, right?
They broadcast he news of Osama's death in prisons, OP is lying or slept a lot.
Diablo III came out. Always-online DRM, no LAN. About 5 iterations of Call of Duty came out.
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So 2009 and ahead?
Diablo III is out, it is by all means an unplayable piece of shit, and this isn't /v/ speak, it is by all means shit, you can ask around.

Duke Nukem Forever is also out, it sucks dick, so many dicks in fact. The game was at the end developed by Gearbox during a lunch break so it was a 12 year wait for a game that was made in six months.

Action Real Time Strategy games, they are all shit played by Brazilians.

Tribes Ascend is /v/ favorite modern game.

Visual novels are now considered games.

New developers are now refereed as Indie, and all of them steal content from older games and slap stories about dead children in them because that is what is now considered deep.

New Vegas was actually the only game worth a shit released in the last 3 years.

Team Fortress 2, oh God, Team fortress 2 is now unrecognizable. Speaking of which; Valve has done fuck all since then. The only game worth a shit they have released ever since is Portal 2, and it is pretty disappointing.

Activision, EA, and Capcom spend their days releasing movies, and charging people for the ending. The cost of new games is now mind-bogglingly stupid if you seek for the full experience.

Reddit raped /v/ six ways to Sunday, and now no one dare to uses the same content again, or have inside jokes in case the evil reddit comes and steals it. In reality we are all sick of Reddit ruining jokes, and there haven't been much content around ever since the Borderlands incident, /vp/ segregation, and /vg/ creation.

Oh, and motion gaming has gone no where, neither have the new portables like the PS Vita or 3DS. I think that covers all of it.
We're having fun
Besides, this is a good excuse anyway for nostalgia and just recapitulating over the last three years. Something otherwise hard to get going.
>trolling has never been easier

But no-one is mad, we're all chatting politely with the guy.

If your post was meant to be 'twolling', you won I guess.
Ray Bradbury died.

>Murdered the guy that raped my sister, was 17 so I was lucky enough not to get life.
Is your name Haze?
>Tribes Ascend WAS /v/ favorite modern game.
ftfy. Now it's ruined
You got out in three years for murder/manslaughter? Must have had a relatively light sentence. Can't say I blame you though for what you did. >mfw
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Do you regret it OP?

Did he scream when you took his life?

Did you enjoy killing for the first time?

Did you enjoy it? Do you feel righteous, or regretful?
It's called playing along

because it's, you know fun
Yeah okay im not watching this pony shit thanks op
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This post gave me feel
>that bit about speed runners
They always broadcasted marathons, and only autists on /v/ complain because they don't like it (they even sage those threads, VIDYA threads).
we dont care about CWC anymore

Like Minecraft and Ace of Spades
Toonami came back, it's okay.
Nintendo's still doing its thing, Skyward Sword was pretty cool. Made another handheld, the 3DS (it sucks) and working on a new console, the Wii U (looks like it might be cool after a year or two of actual games coming out
New smash bros announced but nothing known yet
Sony made another handheld, the playstation vita but it doesn't have any games. Well, Gravity Rush comes out pretty soon.
Microsoft is the worst of the three by far, they seriously showed off nothing good at E3 this year besides south park's game which only got like three minutes.
Sega's making good sonic games again but lost most of their money
If you liked persona 3 a fourth one came out (though you may know that, don't remember if it was 08 or 09) with an anime last year, a fighting game this summer and a port/remake for the vita this fall/winter.
Batman got two games, Arkham Asylum and City, both great titles.
Megaman Legends 3 was announced and promptly cancelled because capcom has become horrible lately. Don't buy their games.
Half Life 3/Episode 3 isn't out still, but Left 4 Dead 2 and Portal 2 have, they're pretty damn fun. TF2 went free to play but the community has been shit ever since trading came around.

If I come up with any other shit I'll post it
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That nigger president that got elected is turning the country into a gigantic money vortex.

We got Osama bin Laden

DNF came out, it was shit

No new fucking consoles besides Nintendo, PC's are many generations ahead

Nintendo is losing money on everything, has nothing to show, and may be the next Sega

Every Sony department besides Computer Entertainment has been hemorrhaging money; Kaz Hirai is CEO now and Playstation/Planetside 2 may be the only things keeping them from going under.

Windows 7 came out, was awesome

Windows 8 is in beta, everyone thinks it's shit but it's really not

Third person cover-based shooters are anything and everything, even survival/stealth/horror games all have third-person cover-based firefights

John Carmack is still the greatest person ever, closely followed by Gaben

/b/ is still shit, nothing of import happens there

Reddit is the only internet community any company publicly acknowledges, even though it's just as shitty as 4chan without the anonymity and with a giant circle-jerk of ultra-liberal faggotry and casualism

My Little Pony is the new furry, grown-ass men watch the show and are hardcore dedicated fans; they're the new furries because they shit up EVERYTHING with ponies and then ask why people hate them and want them gone

More, too
Speaking of which, CWC himself will be going to jail soon. Hopefully.
I'm sorry mate..

But truth is truth, all the dreams bout vidyas you've dreamed in that prison is shattered now.
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I see your image and bring you this.

I am the one in the middle.
Didn't CWC lose his virginity?
and then we all realized the man who accused another was really the troll all along
Actually he bailed.
I believe it not
Let me add some more my good man.
Bioware degraded into a peice of fucking shit.
There was a shitstorm about governing the internet a while back SOPA.
I love this thread
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Diablo 3 went to hell

Bioware has been fully corrupted

Duke Nukem Forever came out i liked it

COD is dragging all of gaming down to the shitbowl

Valve has done fuck all

Consoless still

Vita has no games

Nintedomination is out of the picture

Reddit is cancer

And dubs are dead baby
Dubs are 5

quality proof reading
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That, and I was underaged, plus I had a great lawyer. I ended up reading a whole bunch of classics like Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, Dickens, etc.


What's the punchline? I don't think I get it.



Wii-U? How is it? Any news of a new Smash yet?


Damn, really? What new Sonic games have come out?


I did not get raped, it was an unpleasant experience but actually not horrible, and I kept out of the way of all the inmates. I did not want to get involved with prison culture.


Oh Jesus Christ, that's horrible.


I didn't prove shit, but one less rapist out there so no regrets.


Oh damn, that sounds horrible. What happened to TF2?


No regrets. I didn't enjoy it, but I was righteous and justified.


Toonami's back? Cool. Probably won't watch it since I can just download everything, but it's nice that it's going more mainstream.
That was made up by one of the guys that troll him regularly. He logged in using CWC's account and posted it.
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Microsoft released Kinect, a Wii equivalent for Xbox. See attached pic for /v/'s reaction.
Oh yeah, EA has gotten in their heads to really pander off to the gay crowd. Figures.
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Jesus here, OP confirmed for liar.
Goin' to hell and all that shit.
>Being a ponyfag
>Not a grorious weeaboo like myself
There is no punchline.

reddit in a nutshell.
Max payne 3 is out and it's fucking amazing
Deus Ex got a new entry, Human Revolution. Easy contender for last years game of the year.
>last gaurdian
I thought there's been like no actual news on that for like 2 years now
ur a faget
There really haven't been that many worthwhile releases during these three years.
New Smash bros is for Wii-u and 3DS no trailer yet but it was announced last year.
The Wii-u is coming out this holiday season I think. Some of the games look good
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How's that backlog OP
No its not

Its a linear uninteractive shooter
A good non interactive shooter but amazing?

Fuck off
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>/v/ is one of the last corners of the Internet where it isn't approved.

StarCraft 2 came out, it's not as good as brood war but it's still fun.
Episode 3 got released. It was shitty.
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New Deus Ex came out, pretty good
Portal 2
New smash is coming.

And that "punchline" comment is making me thinking you weren't in jail simply because lots of people say that as well.

Also go play Tribes Ascend, Heavy Rain, Xenoblade, and Demon's Souls.
we got new banners.
Every E3 that passed while you were canned was terrible. Absolutely fucking appalling. Nintendo had it right in 2010, but fucked it up every year after.
>New Vegas was actually the only game worth a shit released in the last 3 years.
Skyrim, Blops, left4dead 2, limbo, rage, dragon age 2, final fantasy 13, halo wars, demigod, ridge racer unbounded, tekken 6. Come on man.

Wait what borderlands incident?
STALKER 2 is dead.
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Expect to see a lot of multicolor horses all over the internet.

>Blops (Most of /v/ will hate this I actually thought it was good)


Btw OP the reddit faggots come here every summer just like the poster here I am replying to
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He doesnt know....
Were you here for the rise of Minecraft OP? If so, I hope you did not enjoy it because you are going to be one disappointed guy.
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>MLP is the cartoon equivalent of crack
It actually is.

I've watched all episodes.
>Nintendo's 2011 E3
it could have been better, but it was definitely at least good
>tfw the first thing you do when you come out of prison is get on 4chan
Uh... If that were true, how would it be "trolling"? That would be a very, very, weak joke. You don't know what trolling is. Go back to reddit.
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I really like the new banners. Couldn't find the Saya one, though
>implying there isn't at least someone complaining whenever people post them
At least the threads are deleted pretty fast if there is a mod on.
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>I'll just download everything
I got some bad news for you. ISP's are now tracking their customers, megaupload got seized by the FBI, and assuming you are in the USA, most filesharing sites are blocked.
That isn't Battle for Bikini Bottom
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>seen this video tossed around
>never watched it
> finally watch it
>my face when
>implying you wouldn't
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Remember THIS?!
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Reggie's body was ready.
>Toonami's back? Cool. Probably won't watch it since I can just download everything, but it's nice that it's going more mainstream.

It was an april fools joke on adult swim with a lot of nostalgia and greatness.

Came back for real two weeks ago but outside of Casshern Sins and Deadman Wonderland it's the same shit they've been airing for years. They say it's because they're on a shoestring budget and if they can make dosh off of it they'll be able to bring in more shows (most likely panty stocking and garterbelt since they've shown interest) but I wouldn't hold any hope.

Oh, and it's from midnight to 3 (with a repeat showing from 3 to 6) on saturday nights.
/v/ has two derivative boards, /vg/ and /vp/.

/vp/ is for Pokemon, /vg/ is for video games.

/v/ is now for le feels, le memes, le Reddit, le ironic shitposting and for complaining about EA/Bioware/Todd Howard/Capcom/whatever is the most popular thing to shit on. Oh but not dubs, not anymore. Though I guess you missed that entirely.
That's because you're retarded.
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>Windows 7 came out, was awesome
>John Carmack is still the greatest person ever, closely followed by Gaben

You don't have to lie to him. John Carmack is the new Peter Molyneux, Carmack promise us that RAGE would take the PC master race to paradise, at the end it was a bland game, running on a very buggy engine that looked nowhere as good as Crysis. Carmack is now promising us he will bring us non-shitty Virtual reality.

Crysis is still the best looking game by the way, the sequels only manage to look worse thanks to consoles.

W7 is just a working version Vista, and it still takes more resources than it should. Macfags have games, like 5 of them and all the shitty steam indie games their casual stomachs can digest. I feel deeply sorry for them, so of these faggots end up paying the same price of a fucking Alienware, which is even sadder if you think of it.

W8 is very gay looking but very stable so far, so yeah that is true.
Please don't go there, I want OP to think we're still cool.
It's a shame you missed /v/ in the middle of E3. It was a shitstorm, with dozens of consolefags declaring the end of video gaming.

Also, the newest thing to hate on is Facebook games and iPhone/iPad games. If you don't know, the ipad is basically a giant ipod touch. Facebook games are all over the place and are even worse than mobile games because they're solely designed to make money and spread their shitty cancerous gaming to as many casuals as possible. Also, Facebook is being shoved down the throats of everyone in the world and is being integrated into gaming all over the place.
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There seems to be a really loud minority on /v/ that really likes traps and is in denial that the objects of their affection are male, and that they are gay.

There is a specific trap /v/ is annoyingly obsessed with, some British dude who dyed his hair blonde and attention whores at PC tournaments and LANs, and livestreams himself being slutty.
that was in '08.
/v/ liked traps 3 years ago faget
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also, op, watch this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6OCnvvkSLM
And we have /vg/ now, it's where you go for vidya
He acknowledged the jokes at E3 2012.
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You actually sat through the whole thing?
Even the 'hardcore bronies' try to say they can't watch 5 seconds and go "NO NO they don't represent us."
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There is a new Smash coming.

They confirmed Kratos and a Big Daddy.
Also because of the constant pony bitching furries are lifting their ugly hindquarters again since people don't have the energy to rage at both groups.
All right I'll be the guy,
Source on this please?
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/v/ looked into the mirror the vidya awards

What looked back was reddit
Toonami is back.

Halo reach came out, balenced the new BR to not be overpowered as shit, and pissed off 70% of the playerbase so it was made overpowered again. There was a level built just for forge, it's about the size of a large SP map in area, probably around 100+ sandbox's in volume

Halo 4 is taking a lot from metroid prime, some of the devs from it, MGS, and other great teams are working on it.

Halo is now entirely kid free; a remake of CE came out.

Also, novels on the forerunners were released, and it's batshit insane, but in a good way.

Duke nukem forever came out, it was meh.

/v/ is still a shithole filled with people who hate videogames.

/vg/ now exists, and is filled with ACTUAL good vidya dissucion.
Rose, you mean?
The more I think about it.

A lot of shit happened in the last 3 years.

Fucking ponies.
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You haven't seen any of the E3 interviews have you? Where he is single-handedly turning the 80's idealized VR into a reality?

/v/ went normalfag, op
0/10 maed me ripley
He Is My Master

Yes and it was glorious. Its how /v/ should have been

Some funny jokes with true industry criticism.
>Good vidya discussion
>Esports, Fightan and VNs
Pick one
So why hasn't anyone told him that we killed Osama Bin Laden?
I don't know why this is special. IR tracking has been done for years along with 3D image goggles.
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Nintendo is the first out with the next gen console, its more powerful than ps3/360 by a wide margine, no ps4/720 were announced at E3. Buttinfuriated sonyggers and xwiggers are implying day after day out of asspain that its simply a current gen console when experts have said otherwise, /v/ loves traps more now, therefor most of /v/ is gay now, furries are accepted now, reddit (faggot site for hipsters) now festers in our bowels, ps3 still has no gaems, /v/ is full of 90% more angry casuals and wiggers now. Oh and sony is dying and 360 might get banned in the US.
Where's that persona edit of /v/ Vs. Reddit from the anime?
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>that feel when no one replies to your trolling
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>What happened to TF2?
This image sums it up pretty well.
SMT, Monster Hunter, SHMUPS, Musou, Souls, ec.
>nobody mentions Other M
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I'll reply. What did you post?
this pretty much sums everything up
Mentions what?

Capcom basically flicked off their fanbase, has sex with their mother, killed her, had sex with the corpse, lit it on fire, then made them swim in the melted remains.

Sonic games are getting better.


That's 3 threads out of like 50.

That's still miles better than /v/'s 70% shit and 30% decent.
PS3 now has more games than Xbox 360. Nintendo has a new console coming out with absolutely no cool games on it save for Pikmin 3.

Also, video games are dead.
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Except all of it is way shitter than Carmack's. By several degrees of magnitude.

Also, Adam Sessler and Kevin Pereira quit G4.
cuz its not /v/
Other M?
What's that?
Didn't I tell you to shut up earlier?
There's some other stuff...
Like Planetside 2, Grand Strategy, Not-so-grand Strategy, Roguelikes, MMOs
Ok, first thing you'll need to do is find a torrent of the show my little pony.

it's great and fuck and you'll love the shit out of it.

next? buy diablo 3 and mass effect 3. You won't be disappointed.

finally? read 50 shades of gray.
Did you post in /r9k/ telling everyone your story?
I swear Me and my friends are the only people that liked duke nukem, wtf why does everyone hate it again?
/v/ has terrible taste and confuses facts with opnions, but that isn't a new thing by any means.
Diablo 3 is far from unplayable. It does have a few issues but they only really have to do with gear and endgame shit. /v/ is just mad that they couldn't get into the servers at launch because there were literally millions of people playing at once.
If you have any self respect, don't bother with that shitty monster girl dating sim. It's exactly what it looks like: a fetish game for creepy nerds who have given up on social lives.
Also if you like metroid, it might be dead now after the most recent game. In a way it's kinda hilarious how badly it fucked everything up.
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Reported for trolling.

Other M is like Pressure: It will never happen.

I have no idea what you could be referring to.

Anyways OP there haven't been any Metroid games since Prime 3, which is pretty disappointing.
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>Wii-U? How is it? Any news of a new Smash yet?
It was teased last year, but as an static floating logo. No information has been released since, possibly because Sakuraii! just released the Kid Icarus game for 3DS, Kid Icarus is pretty bad, so I've heard.

>Damn, really? What new Sonic games have come out?
Colors, that one was very good, Generations is on all platforms, including PC, and the PC version was very well optimized. It is on Steam right now, $30 worth every penny if you ask me. Probably the only part of the future that isn't fucked up, Sega has been releasing good games lately.

>Oh damn, that sounds horrible. What happened to TF2?
Too horrible to speak of, Imagine a violent train crash, bodies, hats, and keys flying off everywhere. It is now free to play, full with kids and Reddit fags, no one knows how to play anymore, and everyone who do know is dedicated to buy and sell rare hats. I got several video games trading rare hats I got for free. You played the glory days, then again you missed some good Meet the Team videos.
Nope, dont recall anything like that.
Youre still trying to spare him the pain?
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OP missed running sanic gifs.
Alright alright, I'll do it for real.

Mount and blade warband, ghost trick, dwarf fort, rune factory 3, Dark souls, castlevania order of ecclesia, fallout new vegas (like the guy said), metro 2033, mirrors edge, recettear.
And that's off the top of my head (though it probably wouldn't be much larger if I checked, I'll admit.)
3 years weren't THAT bad.
This. Those things have absolutely defined the past 3 years and set a new bar in entertainment.
Oh yeah, what's this then?

You probably liked it because you're a teenager and haven't been alive long enough to have been waiting.
This guy is perfectly trustworthy and clearly knows what he is talking about.
Save this for future reference http://www.integriti.net/banners3.php
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Just googled the Ipad, this is hilarious. Who would buy this? You can't even fit it in your pocket.


Looks pretty cool. I guess it was easier to get a first-party Sony character since they already got Snake in Brawl.


Nah, I never go to /r9k/.


OH SHIT, just googled 3DS. 3D without glasses sounds damn neat.


Damn. Did they really fuck up Metroid that badly?

Is it like Prime at all?
OP what are your favorite games?
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This man is trying to trick you into believing in a completely fictional game, please ignore him. Anyways Prime Trilogy was a great deal.
how is the job situation now that you have a record? What do you do for money now after all that? I feel like you are better off than me. I have massive fucking debts from going to college.

You realize you will not be able to leave America for other 1st world countries very easily?
Because you're 14.
we're all 21, we've played the other duke nukems

only problem we had with the game is that we couldn't hold more than two weapons. besides that we had fun playing it
You're retarded, end game grind of just playing through inferno is awful and completely unfun, and normal is far too easy and we haven't hammered out how to rush people through it.
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This WoWfag killed 82 people on an island in Norway.
>He actually believed that Sony All-Stars was SSB4

Fuck you poster, look what you've done to him.

This. Godspeed and welcome back to society bro.
>3D without glasses sounds damn neat.
Its not

>Is it like Prime at all?
I dont have the heart to tell you
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Sony ripped off brawl / melee.
It was already revealed in E3
I really have to go back to playing and 100%ing the shit out of it.
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I apologize
I meant to say
No one playing tf2 right now, is doing it properly. The people who do know how to play spend their days trading hats for games, and real cash. Hats are worth sometimes $100 to $1,000

No, this image does.
Prime was immersive as fuck and told a story without any words. Other M is cutscenes and corridors, samus is a whiny bitch that monologues about shit that just happened in a monotone voice. It's like the CDI zeldas of the metroid series.
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Okay, cat's out of the bag. Other M was the worst game I've ever played, and it absolutely shits on all canon and Samus' character. People have been saying it killed the entire franchise, and this seems to be supported by the fact that there was no Metroid at E3.
I liked it too.

2 weapon limit was annoying but the PC got the additional 2 weapon slots so that was nice
>but they only really have to do with gear and endgame shit
how do I reading comprehension



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I haven't given /v/ authorization to discuss Other M.
OP, how did you kill the guy?
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Every fucking time.
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It's a horsefucker tripfag, what else would you expect?
>talking about THAT GAME

We discussed this and said there will never be any mention of it again. You summer fags need to gtfo
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>needing authorization from Adam
Go back to shlicking over THE BABY, Samus.
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MGQ and Rance were the best things that happened to /v/.
Also, this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=obIDvKIcFHQ&feature=related
Don't forget Corruption of Champions
Katawa Shoujo
Indie games have been ruined by hipsters and jews
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>Using a succubus drawing as your thread's image
I've got good news for you, OP.
Monster Girl Quest. Part I and II.
You have NO idea.

I don't care if the guy actually was in prison or not, it's nice to reflect on what has happened in the past 3 years.

Though I must say some other guy just got out not too long ago as well...
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This video only covers the abysmal plot, btw. The gameplay is fucking horrific too, with auto-aim, no sequence-breaking, no health pick-ups, REGENERATING HEALTH, completely linear level design like Fusion, and literally NO ITEMS ANYWHERE IN THE GAME. The only way you get abilities is by having Adam tell you it's okay to use them, and he only does this after you've been needing them for hours or more. There are still missile expansions, energy tanks, and a new item that increases the speed of your charge beam, but all of them are useless because you can even regenerate your fucking missiles by holding the A button.
What kind of vidya do you like OP? We could give you more specific news.

Oh and no more dubs.

aren´t you glad he is interested in videogames and not doomsday devices?
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Brother, you are simply the spirit of /v/ from those previous years. You are untainted by the darkness of this new crap-sack world, your thoughts reflect everything we believed then, and the same believes were violently trampled into the ground.

>Just googled the Ipad, this is hilarious. Who would buy this? You can't even fit it in your pocket.
Idiots, this thing was so popular it spawned a new generation called tablet PC's. Extremely popular, mostly owned by douche bags, and they have no software or useful applications to this day. People who felt into the Apple hype carry them everywhere, and all they have to offer are stupid, lame ass, browser games. The sad part? They sell millions of these, they have been called the PC killers, and mostly owned by kids because they think they are cool. Kids are no longer interested in handhelds. The xbox 360 is trying to imitate Table Pc functions, and big corporations are treating them as the future of technology.

>Looks pretty cool. I guess it was easier to get a first-party Sony character since they already got Snake in Brawl.
It is made by a small, and untalented developing team. The graphics are washed out, and it is all everyone disliked about the smash series, the only way to win is to use specials. Look up the gameplay videos, and prepare to be disappointed.

>OH SHIT, just googled 3DS. 3D without glasses sounds damn neat.
The effect is pretty shallow, and causes headaches, and sometimes eye damage over extended periods from 30 to 60 minutes.

>Damn. Did they really fuck up Metroid that badly?
>Is it like Prime at all?
>Is it like Prime at all?
>Is it like Prime at all?
>like Prime at all?

I think, i-i think I'm going to cry. No, to answer that, it is not.
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OP you did the right thing

And in turns out the justice system agrees with you getting out in only 3 years.

You are a hero in my heart. I would of done the same thing. I pray something like that doesn't make me snap however.

Sad part is that I will enjoy the killing and I won't stop after him.

A question. Did you come clean or did the cops get to you first?

Also, was the raper someone you knew?

>Kid Icarus

Not at all. The controls take a fair bit of getting used to, but the game itself was rather well done.
>Op killed a guy

Well, he's pretty much a worse guy than the rapist.
Can you adopt a temporary trip or something OP? Quite interested in this thread if you're legit.
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This, OP is a hero.
OP's gone
The ipad really isn't for you. You don't see the utility in it? It's not for games.
I can't believe no one have asked...
Pics of your sister being raped OP.... or at least a Facebook pic with blurred face, whatever
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The world doesn't need filth in it, OP did a cleansing
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>rapist killer
>worse than a rapist
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Were you on /v/ during smash time?
I always wonder what kind of shit old /v/ users got themselves into and what they're doing now.
If they're dead, or if they've moved on and changed their lives for the better.

Also, there's this new thing called twitter that celebrities and attention whores use. It's basically a block that limits the text to 140(I think) characters.
It's basically nigga technology at its finest.

Also Japan got fucked by a tsunami and radioactive explosion.
And Ron Paul, the guy who was a complete joke in 2008, has a huge following.
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More expensive than a netbook
less versatile than a netbook
less useful than a netbook
larger than a netbook

No I do not see the appeal

search "lolita"

cum buckets
>not raping the rapist instead
Well he is a bit casual.
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Also, G4 has been shit since forever, but OP probably knows that.

It got so shitty that DirecTV stopped carrying the channel permanently, but it's OK because they didn't play anything except reruns of COPS, Cheaters, and The Jamie Kennedy Experiment. Also, G4 has the rights to all the anime that TechTV had, but they never play any of it and there's a 30% price premium on the DVDs compared to stuff that G4 doesn't have.

Also, Adult Swim has completely gone to hell, a big chunk of the former TechTV staff have a webcast channel called TwitTV, Ron Paul lost the Republican primaries to a retard, states are pushing for open primary elections which should push centrist politics forward, smartphones are worth owning, 4chan is mainstream, Intel is flat-out owning AMD in all price segments except in the laptop market, AMD bought ATI and is producing processors with actually decent integrated graphics, (that's their advantage in the mobile market) and there's finally gonna be a new MechWarrior game but it's apparently gonna be strictly online and might suck ass.

Oh and they've been remaking Neon Genesis Evangelion as a movie series. They're pretty good and the third one should be out sometime in the next aeon.
>would of
You should compare it to other tablets, if anything. It's the touchscreen that sells it.
Same shit as a smartphone but more expensive and less portable.

Hahaha you fucking ass hole
Who's Haze everyone keeps talking about?
It's not "appeal" it's utility. People use it to watch movies, read books/comics/pdf's, browse the internet portably. It's not for you, and it's not about you. Some people don't need cars, some people don't need desktops, some people don't need a dog, they just don't see the "appeal"

When you learn the difference you might find yourself using a tablet.
/v/ became even shittier.

The world is basically the same but shittier.

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>Ponyfags don't know op
If you're a big black man and you're into the gaming scene I suggest you go for the fruity style these days.

Get into clop and wear my little pony clothing everywhere.
What kind of fucktarded logic is that?
Dubstep is some of the most popular music now.
Steve Jobs is dead.
Japanese tsunami.
Haiti earthquake.
Massive BP oil spill.
Don't ask, don't tell repealed.

And you cannot even fathom how series the pony problem is.
Sorry, I forgot to address the touchscreen:

>shitty interface that's worse than a netbook

There you go

Chrono Trigger, Melee, and Donkey Kong Country 2. I'm a huge nintendofag.


Job situation? No clue, haven't gotten one yet.


Oh wow, it looks just like Smash. That's shameless.


Ah. So the 3DS isn't very good then?





Awwwww damn. I love me some SS, and monster girls make it even better. Is it translated?


...So these oversized handhelds are replacing PCs in the mainstream?

I'm thinking I should have stayed in prison.


I'd rather not go into details but I did come clean, my whole life was on the internet so if I had to spent it hiding away in the mountains or something I'd rather have a chance of coming back to society. Fate smiled upon me and I'm back now.


Sure, nobody's tried to impersonate me but I don't mind it for a bit.


Sadly I wasn't, I'm actually rather new. Older now I guess, but I came on just as Brawl was released so I missed Japan Time.

And shit, I'll research that Japan thing later, is the country okay? Like, was it widespread destruction or just a small bit?
>People use it to watch movies, read books/comics/pdf's, browse the internet portably.
All of which could be done on a netbook
>When you learn the difference you might find yourself using a tablet.
I won't because they're shit

>the pony problem

How about you just ignore it. You're only encouraging the ponytrolls by making a problem out of it.
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still sounds too casual....maybe normal mode? You want hard mode?

>OP knocks out rapist
>OP knocks out rapist loved ones
>OP rapes his loved ones while the rapist watches
>kills the loved ones painfully slow in front of him
>OP gets a horse and lets it rape his asshole
>making him bleed to death from his asshole for 4 days

MGQ part one and two (We'll get part three eventually, once it's released) are translated. Pikmin 3's not out yet, since it's for the Wii U which is also not out yet.

Pikmin 3 was only just announced at E3 for the Wii U, it isn't out yet.


Nintendo died. Sorry to say it OP. Be glad you weren't here for their latest E3 conference
All of those things are a bit better in the form of a tablet. Sorry a netbook isn't the same thing. And "shit" isn't an argument for why no one should use them. I really don't care you aren't ever going to buy one, but you're using the logic of playing videogames on a tablet, which is plain silly.
For some reason 4chan has become obsessed with traps and sissification. I think what's happening is that some anons are becoming so removed from reality that they have come to fear the vagina and obsess over crossdressers to make up for it.
Japan's awright. We got a lot of scares because we thought people died.

WHICH REMINDS ME, I think Ken-Sama (The guy from the copypasta, I think that was his name) might have died.
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Not out yet, bro. It was mentioned at E3 2012 though.

3DS it's self is good, but it has like 4 worth while games.

Pikmin basically got the option to go RTS mode. It isn't released yet.

Monster Girl is a trilogy, the first 2 parts are translated, the 3rd part isn't out yet.

Also, Japan's fine. After some time people stopped talking about them all together.
You can count on an abacus too. Pulling out a tablet and tapping an icon is easier that booting a netbook up and more comfortable in bed than laying a laptop on your knees. Plus the average laptop lacks the battery life to be good for books and studies or the weight to be carried around in your hands all day.
Wouldn't you hear that in prison?
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MGQ Parts 1 and 2 are translated, Part 3 isn't out yet. The translator is ridculous so he gets the translation out within months of release so you can expect part 3 some time in early-mid 2013. The games have a surprisingly good plot, especially part 2
ok, im downloading TOR from now on. You scared me shitless
>he understands
Thank you sir. These kids just want to play call of duty on everything. They think everything is hipster, without even realizing they're already stuck in a circle of pretentious trends.
Tablets have their place, but that place is to be a toy to get after you already have everything else

I recognise your post because I see it in every fucking just got out of prison thread on /v/
>All of those things are a bit better in the form of a tablet.
Not really.
>Sorry a netbook isn't the same thing
A portable computer isn't the same thing as a portable computer? Really?
>I really don't care you aren't ever going to buy one, but you're using the logic of playing videogames on a tablet, which is plain silly.
Even disregarding videogames, everything is worse on a tablet than on a netbook because of the price and the dumbed-down OS, ESPECIALLY on an iPad.
Hey OP you didn't answer my fucking questions!
Samus is dead
Megaman is dead
Link is sexually harassed by a gay demon in the latest Zelda
All JRPGs are now moe moe
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Getting that abacus reference made me realize how far my life has derailed itself. Time for bed.
Did you get raped in the shower dude?
Syndicate got a reboot, it was AAA and terrible.

Deus ex got a reboot, it was AAA and alright/good (fucking boss fights.)

Also Wasteland
Tex murphy
leisure suit larrry
and Tim schafer's asshole all got Kickstarter funded.

Kickstarter is 'crowdfunding'. A studio or person says "I have an idea, give me money and I'll make it happen", and people do just that. Sounds great, with all those names, right?
It has proven once again that people are completely ass-on-head retarded, and give money to the dumbest shit in droves. We haven't actually seen any product from any of them in this wave of video game kickstarters.

I want to fucking murder you that I understood that.
> Pulling out a tablet and tapping an icon is easier that booting a netbook up
By about 30 seconds
>and more comfortable in bed than laying a laptop on your knees.
That's subjective. I find it more comfortable to be able to type properly, others who can't type would obviously find a tablet more comfortable.
And that utility is?
Fact: Smartphones can do about the same and receive calls.
Fact: Laptops can do the same and better

Tablets are for idiots and judging from the following posts, you are a pretentious retard who wastes his money on one, congratulations.
The only good thing that has happened is that Steve jobs finally died and he is sucking cock in hell.
My sister, an OTA, told me that there's a tablet for people who need assistance to communicate. It's called a WeGo or something like that, it's just a shitty tablet with a shitty keyboard, and it costs $8000.

That's not an extra zero, either. That's eight thousand dollars for what amounts to a shitty Transformer knockoff.
does your sister think you a hero or a monster? or your family in general I guess
Oh shit I forgot. Sony made a new portable console called the vita. It's tanking right now though.


Get all these games for 8 bucks

1 dollar is good also for the basic

Don't over pay
OP, if you have a nice computer you should check out this game called Star Wars: The Old Republic. If you ever played KOTOR, you'll love this one. It's an MMO made by Bioware and it's a lot of fun. There's loads of things to do in it, from space combat to pvp to massive raids on epic bosses. It has millions of subscribers and is still growing. There's a free to play option up until level 15 coming soon, which allows you to decide whether you like it or not before buying it. /v/ doesn't have a huge number of people talking about it, but that's mainly because most /v/irgins playing it spend so much time playing it. If you ever liked WoW, you'll love ToR.
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What were the last games you played before you went in OP?
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Here's a whole frontline episode that will bring you up to speed about Japan, it's very sad, but only a couple cities were affected, I believe. http://video.pbs.org/video/2202847024
A ton of people died, though.

You've said you're a nintendude, and a lot of /v/ is claiming nintendo sucks ball now, but I disagree. /v/ still hates everything, but even more so today. I mean they REALLY hate. We've garnered a lot of attention and that's brought on angsty teens and much more angry neckbeards.
Try out Zelda: Skyward Sword, and Super Mario Galaxy 2, and I know you said you liked Donkey kong country. Retro Studios made Donkey Kong Country Returns and I've heard great things about it. Don't know much about 3DS, but this E3 made me want one really badly. Luigi's Masion 2, Paper Mario 3D, and another Metroidvania.
The E3 wasn't bad, it's just that their first day ended on a really anti climactic note with Wii U's launch title, Nintendo Park or some shit.

Nicholas Tesla couldn't invent a working doomsday device
>Not really.
You're right, better is 'subjective'
>A portable computer isn't the same thing as a portable computer? Really?
I don't see why you would use a clunky netbook with shit scaled down OS and shit battery life. Over a tablet or laptop or even over a smartphone
>Even disregarding videogames, everything is worse on a tablet than on a netbook because of the price and the dumbed-down OS, ESPECIALLY on an iPad.
You know that's capitalism at work friend. People can set the prices they like and you can choose to window shop and tell people to avoid a product you have never used in your life. At this point tablets are going to beat netbooks. I suppose you really haven't been paying attention to specs on various tablets.
Final Fantasy Versus XIII is still not out and the only info we have on it is one gameplay trailer from a year ago.
He'd already know about Evangelion if he cares about it. 2.0 came out in 2009.
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OP your going to love Monster Girl Quest, also check out Rance if you get a chance.
Word of warning, MGQ does have some shitty vore scenes.
If you have trouble finding links, either look for the generals on /vg/ and download mirrors or links on the /a/ wiki
fuck off EA shill and don't even try and trick this bro into padding the numbers for the most shit MMO ever put on the market.

Stay away from SWTOR.
>sweeping generalizations, namecalling, subjectiveness

When are you going to make a relevant point, teenager?
>You're right, better is 'subjective'
Not really, it's just that those things on a tablet have both advantages and disadvantages over a netbook. Of course against a laptop they're objectively worse, but laptops aren't quite as portable.
>I don't see why you would use a clunky netbook with shit scaled down OS and shit battery life
Only shitty brands have shitty batter life
>scaled down OS


See, now youre getting there!
>by about 30 seconds
So you admit it's better?
Hasn't the Rance translation been out for a while, or am I remembering things wrong?
And some of the other shit we're talking about happened in 2008
Better? Yes. $500 better? Only if you're a moron who can't manage his money.
>"Hi /v/ I just got out of prison after 3 years"
>this thread, during summer /v/

Yeaaah nah
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>When you learn the difference you might find yourself using a tablet.

I knew people using tablets were brain washed, but I never knew the extend. In all fairness I got one, useless as fuck. I'm a gadget fag, and the best you can do with a tablet Pc is treating it as a Laptop by changing the ever loving crap out of its factory state per say, and at the end you do as the expense of its buttery life, and you could have saved the trouble by getting a Laptop which is both cheaper and a little more powerful.

The problem with tablet Pc's isn't on the concept itself as much as the fact that they have no applications what so ever, they share the same apps as smartphones, and the consumer market is niche. Again, it is not the fact it is a big ass iPod touch, as much as it is useless thanks to its lack of application. All I've seen people doing on it, is play angry birds or browse youtube. I got an android xperia for that, and at least fits in my pocket. It seems they only got suckers into buying one.
there was some pretty big destruction in one area as well as some nuclear fallout.

Feel free to use it to look for the general threads of the games you have been recommended which are probably on /vg/
Bad timing OP. A Zombie virus is spreading rapidly.
I hope you enjoy your lack of flash, a gimped OS and absolutely no customization. Not to mention no usb ports.

Because you're an idiot if you buy a tablet over a netbook. Especially if you're doing so because of portability.
>vore scenes
Anywhere I could see just these scenes without having to play thorough it?
I repeat the word utility. The tablet is definitely a luxary, but there are some things I just prefer to do on my tablet, than on my laptop and my PC. I use my laptop 40% of the time and my PC 35% my tablet about 25% I watch movies and read books/pdf's on it, it's very important for my job.
Sad Panda, the site.

Find the Japanese name for Monster Girl Quest and look for image sets.
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>shitty vore scenes
Not all of them. He killed a guy, won't bother him.
Was it all that well known around here, though?
> Over a tablet or laptop or even over a smartphone
Yeah, over a smartphone, which is better than a tablet because it's the same shit but more portable.

Smartphone+laptop > tablet. You get all the versatility of a real PC and better portability than a tablet.

Tablets are for shills who favor style over substance.
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OP, install 4chan X

Can't get into the site?
Your quest begins here, newfriend.
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bro if you used to be a regular on /a/ like I was in the past

Don't return...don't return...it will hurt so much

/a/ is 100% moe loving garbage. But the anime industry is to blame, not them entirely.

You missed not one anime in the past years that will forever be remembered. Kaiba maybe...
>sweeping generalizations, namecalling, subjectiveness

Generalizations, nah, laptops and smartphones are both better than a tablet. Smartphones for portability, and functions. Laptops for actual work.

Criticizing name calling?
>Where do you think we are.avi

I'll give you subjectiveness, given that I cannot probe Steve jobs is sucking cock in hell, but I don't want to go into theology debate. So that's that.
Why not just play it?
more like 200 at MOST if you want a similar laptop. Even then, it comes from production costs (except apple who just upped the price for the fuck of it). Factories that produce tablets in china are mostly owned by Apple and other companies have to pay a lot.
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Another new thing, OP:

Arguments on 4chan now start and end with plenty of retardation, but with the added wrinkle that someone will nearly always post this image and some smarmy comment about it.
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The Witcher 2 came out. Eastern European gaming has grown greatly, they are emerging as a new style on their own. Look up Metro 2033 then go from there.

Bioware devolved into an EA puppet, trying to get at the CoD audience and yaoi fangirls. If you played Dragon Age, don't play Dragon Age 2, if you haven't, ignore the franchise. Mass Effect 2 and 3 ruined and retconned the story of the first as well as the whole setting, they were winging the whole Reaper story without ever working out what they would want to make of it. Turns out, making shit as you go along results in shitstorms and fan anger, to which BW replied with spite, feminism and gay rights. Look up Stanely Woo, Jennifer (Hamburger) Hepler, "gamer entitlement" and EA's stocks.

As for Obsidian, they made Fallout New Vegas, one of the few better games to come out recently, but they barely got any money out of it and no royalties, they had to fire some people a while back. Apropos of Bethesda being faggots, TES V: Skyrim came out, it removed classes, skills and was pretty much GTA with swords and INFINITE QUESTS (that is, automatically generated fetch-quests).

Tim Shafer is making another adventure game, based on a crowd-funding website called Kickstarter, it seems to be a big new thing, several other attempts were made such as Wasteland 2 and Carmageddon 2, successfully funded, we are waiting for them to deliver. Obsidian and Avellone is handling the writing for Wasteland 2 (Fallout was the spiritual successor of Wasteland 1).

Look up Dark Souls, a sequel for Demons' Souls (that came out in 2009, right?) PS3/360 title, but it is coming out for PC sometime August due to fan demand.
Fate/Zero is pretty good
Too much effort for something I'll only ever use once. 99% of jap porn is shit.
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In case you were still here during the Demo release 3 years ago or at least heard about it before you were arrested, THIS was released in January.

In case you weren't, it's an eroge/vn project that began on /a/ 5 years ago. It's one of the few projects that began here and was actually finished.

It's a bit cliché but it's nice. It lead to a completely fucking retarded shitstorm and people still can't agree if it's a game or not, it has a particularly retarded fanbase circlejerking on /vg/, and we tend to avoid the subject around here (/a/ outright hates it at this point), but you should know.

It's annoying, one of the biggest 4chan-born projects ever finished, and we were left fucking mad about it, and it was our own fault.

Also, /a/ fucking hates /v/ now, with a reason.
i'll try to recount things that haven't been said:
>TES V Skyrim came out, was mediocre , TES MMO on the way
>Max Payne 3 came out, good but lacking
>Ubisoft won E3 with Watch_Dogs: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FcMRkyoHKeA
>Call of duty has overtaken the market, massive quality drop everywhere but there's still occasional gems
>Deus ex Human Revolution came out, was amazing and loved by /v/
>Xbox is now the most casual console
>PS3 is recommended for console exclusives
>Sony was hacked, credit card details were found
>Minecraft is popular as fuck now: http://www.minecraft.net/ was good but recent updates were lacking, picking up speed again
>Valve has released Portal 2, a good game but not worth the $60 price tag
>Valve has released betas for Counter Strike: Global Offensive and Dota 2
>/v/ was split once more, now into /vg/ after general threads had overtaken occasional vidya threads
You're still posting opinions and generalizations about the 'idea' you have of people using it. There's something caveman-y about you. And for me to say this about you, I retract my statement about netbooks. Someone will find utility in netbooks. Everybody wins.
The PS3 still has no gaems
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Watch_Dogs a shit
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Welcome back, op.

They're coming out with Halo 4 (bungie isn't working on it.
They're coming out with GoW 4
They're coming out with the WiiU
They're coming out with Assassin's Creed 3
They're coming out with Darksiders 2 (A game you missed that was really good. plays like LoZ + platformers)
Valve's working on hyper-intuitive mobile gaming devices, like virtual reality (and they're actually closing in on something worth purchasing in the near future).

Past that every game to release since you've been imprisoned has sucked.

BioWare's dead.
Anything related to EA is an abomination

THQ, Paradox, Tripwire interactive are a handful of good publishers now. Almost anyone else who isn't indie is an abomination.

I do know about the Eva movies, I need to see 2.0 still though.


Abacus? I think I'm missing something.


So it's pretty much DS and PSP again?


Judging by these >>142436241 >>142436301 replies I think I can assume it's not great.


Looks nice, easy way to play some games I missed.


Last game I played before I went in was Crash Bandicoot Purple for the GBA.


Ooh, Galaxy 2. Gotta get that too.


I'll try it out.


I dunno man, I like pretty much everything. I might be surprised though.


Cripple Girls?

...Well, why not, I'm downloading a monster girl eroge too.
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Uhh, you should probably mention that they released Halo: Reach, God of War 3, and two other AC games.
Someone had his rectum assaulted.
>GTAV announced
>Halo 4 announced
>Steam is now main platform for pc
>Portable market in general is dying fast, Sony and nintendo have both suffered huge losses to smart phone apps
>New site, Kickstarter is picking up speed, allows devs to be given a certain amount of money if they make a game, Tim Schafer is making a new point and click adventure and Wasteland 2 is now being made as a result
>Dark Souls, the sequel to Demons Souls has come out, very good
>Stalker got a sequel and recently the devs have been disbanded, working on a spiritual successor Survarium
>/b/ has managed to get even shittier despite all odds, recommend never going there
I've probably missed a lot, if you want to see what recent graphics look like : >>142415582
>Assassins creed 3 coming out, seems AMURRIKA, FUCK YEAH from the trailers but ubi claims youll kill colonists as well
>still literally no sign of HL3 at all except a few very vague and cryptic emails from gabe that keep getting debunked
>many old franchises have been raped by EA which has gotten shitty beyond belief
This actually needs a list:
Splinter cell is now longer stealthy, now action
Bioware, the guys behind Baldur's gate neverwinter nights and mass effect have been completely fucked by EA, recently releasing the absolutely horrid abomination that was ME3 and the TOR, a failed WoW cloen with a $200+ million dollar budget, Dragon Age 2 which was mediocre across the board as well. Many staff are getting laid-off,won't be long before they go the way of Maxis and the others
Surely you watched some television/listened to radio/read newspapers in prison?
How much do you know about non-vidya related things?
Just thought I'd mention, If you were around to see homestuck start, don't go back. Its the new yaoi fangirl bullshit
Where would attacking grammar and spelling fall in this pyramid?

Grammar derailments anyone?
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Spike dies.
Homosuck is shit and was always shit.
>dyke spies
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Here's a tidbit of info that may come as a surprise, OP.
Youtube partners(meaning people who get popular on youtube and youtube makes them sign a contract to make money) rake in a ton of cash. People can literally live off of the money they make from youtube. And the worst part is this guy is probably the richest one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Hzq8hlcY90&feature=plcp
OP doesn't know about moonbase alpha. dear god
By the way OP, we're in the beginning of a zombie apocolypse. I shit you not
Anime really has been shit lately barring Nichijou which was absolutely fucking hilarious and the second season of Kaiji.
I suggest watching Kamen Rider shows instead.
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Watch Redline.
OP, skyrim is actually pretty good. It's not $60 worth of good, but it's still pretty damn good. Frankly, I'm pretty happy with the class and point system getting thrown out the fucking window. In skyrim, if you want to level up, say, one-handed weapons, you go fucking kill some shit with one-handed weapons. You wanna get better at picking locks? You practice on some fucking locks. It's a lot more fluid than something like fallout's murder 200 critters to get a level so you can put points into lockpicking deal. The only tradeoff is that it's gameable. '300 iron daggers' and all that shit.
They finally localized and released Mother 3...

Awww who am I kidding.

OP if it is still live, go get the Humble Bundle for like ten bucks, has some good games you might have missed in there. You can pay it in the money you got from "bubba".
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Someone link OP the JOHN MADDEN video.

Also, if it hasn't been asked before, how did you murder him?
OP, go watch a show called My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Trust me, you won't regret it.
If you're telling the truth, OP, I can't say I condone what you did. But I can understand why you did it. At any rate, it's nice to see someone on /v/ who's essentially from simpler, happier times.

Anyway, welcome to the end times of videogames. They're not pretty. All three console companies just turned in weak E3s, very little is coming out for the rest of this year, and otherwise good games are weighed down by DRM, DLC, and various other publisher-related bullshit.

Still, the Civilization studio is coming out with a new X-Com game after all these years. So there's at least that.
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Not that guy, but...

He demonstrated why your point was wrong, and you haven't done anything to back up your argument, just criticizing the tone in which his was written. You are trying to take credibility away from his post, which he adequately backed up, by calling it an opinion, and that itself, and your posts so far, have been nothing but poorly structured opinions, lacking on evidence as of why anyone would use a Tablet PC.

Your message has no substance. In colloquial /v/ speak:

You sound like an analpained faggot who wasted money on an expensive, oversized iPod touch, and you cannot disprove this. Cry more bitch retard, learn to make wise decision before jumping on the macfag bandwagon, next time. You are upset.
>/v/ is hated by /a/ now
Lo and behold....

Nobody cares!
Speaking of /v/ shit over the past few years, what happened with Broquest?

/v/ could not shut up about that for all summer last year.
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Red dead redemption came out.

Western cowboy GTA (by rockstar).
It wasn't 'buggy', but it had some of the more stellar glitches. Youtube away.
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Dwarf fortress got a good update.
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"dosh" is british for currency. There's a game based on this.
The artists and team became faggots/fought against community input/in-fighting.
That's nice but doesn't address my point. Smartphones can do everything that tablets do better than a laptop, and are more portable. Laptops do everything a tablet can do, besides the apps and such that are better suited for a smartphone anyway. I'm sorry you wasted $600 on a worthless piece of technology, but no amount of pretending they have any practical use will change the fact that you did. Maybe you should just sell it.
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/a/ is fine, but you'll have some catching up to do.
Don't as for any recommendations since they aren't as friendly as /v/
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Play Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective (DS)
As much as i Think luna is a alright pony

Go back to >>>/mlp/
Dragon Age Origins was a good game made by Bioware. The sequel was so terrible that no one should ever play it.
The Assassins Creed series basically gets a new release every year.
Demon's Souls and the spiritual successor, Dark Souls are considered to be extremely difficult and /v/ raves about them.
Batman Arkham Asylum and Batman Arkham City are actually good super hero games.
The Mass Effect series got shittier as it went, eventually signalling the death of Bioware in ME3
GoldenEye got rereleased
Microsoft went casual and copied the Wiis motion controls.
Elder Scrolls Skyrim came out, it was ok but people who have never player Morrowind seem to think it is the best game ever.
Portal 2 came out, it's good but not as good as the first one, even though it is much longer.
Minecraft turned into a bunch of broken promises.
Zelda got a new release which was popular.
Nintendo released the 3DS
Sony released the Playstation Vita
Diablo III was shit
The Wii U is set to come out soon
>It wasn't "buggy"
>Horse buggy glitch

oh yeah, there was a pokemon black and white and thats getting a squeal
>Friendly as /v/
Wat? Since when is /v/ friendly?

I mean i know we aren't chasing him out, but...

Watch these videos for a quick catchup in the last few years of vidya.
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The fate of this board was preordained in an instant, by a solitary man. Unwilling to martyr himself to restore /v/’s balance, reddit condemned the board to the decay you see. In that moment, the unraveling began... now it is nearly played out. /v/ teeters on the brink of collapse - its fragile balance cannot hold.
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OP you haven't missed on anything good, in fact, most of us like to remember the /v/ from old. That is the hope that keep us here, the hope one day things will return to normal. IT won't happen, it won't ever happen. If you had any love for this board, you will leave. If you stay you will only find your heart broken from all the shit posting.

OP, you are a hero, and you must leave.
I cant stand watching movies/ reading books/ browsing internet on a phone's tiny screen. I want to get a tablet specifically to avoid the screen size problem.
I cant stand using my laptop in bed because I want the screen at a comfortable angle at all times. I want a tablet so that I dont have to ruin my neck every time.
Tablets fill a very common niche between phones and laptops. The world couldnt care less if you dont need that niche filled when many others do.
He probably doesn't know what Minecraft is.
Did you get raped in there?
oh yeah, by the way, TV is shit and full of reality shows and fucking kareokee
>Zelda got a new release which was popular

I lol'd
OP have we mentioned Megaupload was taken down?
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Fedor lost
It's an indie game, it has sort of retro, charming graphics.
You mine shit and build things. Autism.
It was though
Op, isn't it possible for people in prison to have TV and internet?
Also, did you do anything else besides reading, like hone your math skills and become a super genius? I always figured if I were end up in prison I would be the best guitarist in the world.

Also, what did all that reading do for you? Were you enlightened in any way, did you become religious?
of all the faggots on 4chan, why are you arguing with this brony tripfag,

go back to >>>/mlp/
They don't "fill a niche between phones and laptops", they are all the disadvantages of both without any of the advantages. You can angle a laptop screen and honestly if you're using a computer of sorts in bed you don't care about your neck in the first place. Are you going to start whining about books because you have to crane your neck to read them in bed?
if you can't stand a tiny screen then why not watch them on your laptop.
You remember Mass Effect?

And how Bioware was?

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>/a/ is fine
>post spice and wolf an anime having a fox girl being naked at random times just to keep the audience
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Play Red Dead Redemption. Arguably the best console game of this generation. If it had come out on PC, it would probably be widely regarded as so by /v/, but that will always be a negative against it.

It looks better on the 360, as do most multi-plats
Battlefield 3 came out, clearly rushed and in beta but still good thanks to DICE being bro-tier. Its dying fast though, especially with the announcement of a shitton more dlc and a $50 premium service which allows you to get it all for free
EA's stock has also fallen an incredible amount, their collapse is nearing
fuck this guy, don't do it
>Torchlight's getting a sequel, looks good
>Batman Arkham Asylum also got a good sequel, Arkham City
>Diablo 3, came out, good but short
>TV is getting full of shit, there are still some good shows though
>Apple is becoming a major competitor in the technology market now
Theres probably a ton of world news you've missed out on which i can't recall at the moment, gotta go to bed now. Have a good time bro

>...Well, why not, I'm downloading a monster girl eroge too.

Cripple Girls is more of a romance than a porn game, porn scenes are realistic and awkward, so you'll likely not fap much to it. Still, it's pretty nice, if you don't mind the clichés, you should play it just to see what a team from /a/ managed to do. And remember: Shizune route is the worst route, but damn it has the best porn.

Also, boy you will fucking love Monster Girl Quest. You will love it so much.

And Star Wars: The Old Republic is a terrible game. It's story is hilarious. EA spend 200 million dollars to make it, and it is a fucking terrible WoW-clone. It's called "TORtanic" around here.
not op, but prison is not summer camp, you have to do chores, youre on a schedule and you have almost no personal possesions
Your typical f/a/ggot, ladies and gentlemen.
>It was though

Not really. Or at least not for very long, since it's a terrible Zelda game.
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>Best game featuring black operations
>NBA Jam
2010 is still the best one.

Compared to /a/, /v/ is a place for friends.

/a/ is one of the most hostile board on 4chan now.
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Last thing I watched before I went in.


Oh yeah, that reminds me! I'll try this out, but has anything else been released for the DS that's any good?


After googling I think it looks pretty cool. Is it not any good?




Oh wow, karaoke is all over now? That's actually pretty cool.


I don't know what prisons you can get internet time in, it's pretty much what >>142439121 said.

Not religious, I got quite strong though.


I'll definitely try it out, my backlog is bigger than ever now.
but one of the best country guitarists in the world honed his skills in prison.

pretty sure it sounded like he doesn't go to /a you sound like the f/a/ggot

I even read that in the Elder's voice. Goddamn he had the best voice in any PS1 game.
As someone who used to frequent /a/, I agree
On here you get 50/50 when you make a recommendation thread.
On /a/ they will tell you to fuck off 99% of the time
I don't know if OP is lying or not.

3 years seems reasonable to me. I'd consider it more that he's being punished as a vigilante than the murder itself.
>implying country needs a lot of skills
dont get me wrong, i like country, but its not the most technical genre of music with guitar involved

Gaming is all casual wagglan wii ripoff shit now.
Minecraft is a decent game. Its praised by hipsters from all over the world and now has an xbox version. Its developer, Notch, used to come to /v/ for constructive criticism on his game. Now, he's a money grubbing jew.
I can easily move a book in my hands. books are small and light. Even with a netbook, trying to not crush the screen and control the keyboard is uncomfortable in the air.
Yes I do care about my back, hence the tablet.
Holding a laptop in the air is uncomfortabe and a screen doesnt move 360 degrees in every direction.
I'm not gonna bend over backwards just so you could feel special and validated.
People buy things for the added convenience. This is the foundation of capitalism. As I said before, tablets arent much more expensive than laptops and it's understandable if someone might pick them over one.
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The man was on the moon
The berlin wall was taken down
There was a terrorist attack on 9/11 that took down the wtc towers
Soviet union turned into russia
And Reggies body was ready
Minecraft it good for a while but the mods are where it truly shines.

The creator is one of the worst developers ever though, and it certainly isn't worth the price it is set to now, so I suggest you pirate it
Minecraft can be quite fun, but you won't be playing it for hours on end for months at a time.
And I think that when people were expecting frequent updates continually improving the game, they had higher hopes for it
EA recently won "Worst Company in America" from some website.
Everyone hates EA almost as much as we do now.
Look up Star Wars: The Old Republic. It's an MMO they released last December that's super, super shittily made, has the most retarded fanbase ever and is nosediving faster than any game ever despite being THE MOST EXPENSIVE GAME EVER MADE.
3DS, WiiU, PS Vita. Other consoles are expected to be announced next year.

Gaming is dying, being replaced by quick 'apps' you can play on your phone. Why pay $60 for a game when you can spend $1 and play it for hours?
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This is the best thread ever
Karaoke isn't a common thing. I don't know why that person would say that.
You should have stayed in prison.

The world has gotten much worse.

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