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I legitimately thought they showed no gameplay footage.
Turns out most of the trailer was gameplay footage.

Holyfuck, they actually nailed the look of the show.
many people said this was the only good thing from the microsoft confrence, i think it looks great, and i hope it will come to the PC (maybe it will come to PC, i dont know).
The creators seemed pretty funny too.
It's just shaping to be an overall really good looking game, how -good- it will be gameplay wise, we still have to see.
Wait, what? I thought that shit was allanimated.
I'll keep an eye on it, but I was kind of hoping for a southpark game that wasn't an RPG, I was kind of hoping for one of those n64 games, but actually good.
This is the first ever game to actually look like a TV show.

We've finally made it.
Yeah the game looks amazing

You can see the combat bits because it's a side camera final fantasy type setup
Who are those other two kids? Is one of them supposed to be your character? Being that it looks like a targeting indicator under the kid on the right, it almost seems to imply you can play as Butters.
They really went for the crappy look in this one.

Matt and Try literally said the N64 was a disaster on stage.

They hated that game and had nothing to do with it.
Towards the end of the trailer I realised I was watching the gameplay. The combat looked like the old Final Fantasy turn based format.

Colour me intrigued...
It was pretty clear they were disasters, hence me saying 'but actually good'

You play as you.

The enemies will be taken from the show, like ginger kids, goth kids, crab people, shit like that.

I love how the first thing Trey said was mocking all of the other Microsoft presenters.

It went something like

>have you ever wanted to play a game whilst connected to your smart phone whilst connected to your tablet whilst sitting in your refrigerator?

Its apparently like Paper Mario.
Even though I was only like 9 or 10, I remember enjoying it. Pissing on snowballs and throwing them at others was fun.
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Oh please, this isn't even the first South Park game to look like the TV show.
It's Paper Mario, but with South Park. It's going to rule.

well if this game fails Obsidian will probably go under

>that feel
it was by far the best part of the Microsoft conference.
Well, it's not like the show had a good look.
But the screenshot seems to imply you're playing as Butters, unless that green thing on the ground means that's your character. Which seems strange, you should know which character you are.

And I Cartman mentioned Crab People and stuff like that, but I doubt any characters like that will show up. I have a feeling that it will just mostly be kids roleplaying as generic fantasy characters. Notice how Butters is not Professor Chaos.

>not when
>southpark game
A game only fails if it isn't advertised enough.
If you get enough celebrities or pay for enough advertising, it will be bought in mass.

Someone needs to hire him to do all the presentations.

watch >>142055734

You play as some new kid trying to become friends with them.
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>not playing videogames in your fridge
I borrowed it as a kid and I remember really enjoying the multiplayer, but the single player was pretty shit.
>Notice how Butters is not Professor Chaos.
Except there was part where you could see his Good Times With Weapons form of Prof. Chaos.
the show had so little detail back then. the quality was just shit. plus wasn't that game awful?


Genuinely funny guys. Not embarrassing. Fucking one of the only worthwhile things at E3. Game looks surprisingly good and interesting.

I love how they were like.. we seriously need to get back to the office we have a show to make.

Their South Park show schedule is crazy.

If anyone hasnt seen it yet, watch the making of South Park documentary.
It looks like it will play like Castle Crashers.
The trailer was confusing, everything they showed gameplay wise was pretty cool and you wouldn't notice that it is a video game, you'd think the show is running. Best game at MSPC
Release date? (Roughly)

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