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Fourth time the thread was deleted. At least it shows we have some mods. But it shows that their priorities are completely misplaced.

What the hell has been up with /v/ these last two days? You guys have gone into full /b/ and /rk9/ mode. We need to SAVE /v/. Every time I see a thread that's off topic I'm emailing moot. His inbox will be filled with these complaints. Who's with me? /v/ needs a new Sheriff in town to clean things up. Either moot will give in and hire more mods, or we will max out his inbox.


Video games. That's all I want to talk about when I go to /v/. I don't want to talk about how I have no girlfriend, I don't want to complain about women. I don't want to complain about Reddit or memes. I first started posting in mid-2006. /v/ talked about video game t then. The video games threads then and now are basically the same. What's changed is the rise of off topic shit-posting. It's gotten completely out of hand. It's grown more and more over the years. The split with /vg/ just intensified it.

Old /v/ - I go and the front page is filled with video game threads

New /v/ - Front page is 50% video game threads, 50% off topic /b/ and /r9k/ style threads.

This needs to end. There are tons of loser shut ins like me who spend all day online. We would love to volunteer our time to clean up this place. Off topic posts or defending /v/ culture get bans. Simple as that. There will be bitching. Fuck them. They can go to any other board and post that shit. Just not /v/.

Another solution might be to make a concentration camp like /mlp/ or /pol/ for those who just want to complain about women all day. I'm so sick of seeing those threads. I don't care what your stance on feminism is. That shit does not belong on /v/.
Keep going OP

This will be the last time I'm posting this today. I don't want to become hypocritical and obnoxious myself. But I want to get the message out: Flood moot's email whenever you see off topic nonsense. moot listens to those who are the loudest.
How about we just report are threads properly and discourage shitposting as much as possible?
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Well, mods will delete any thread that has even the slightest notion that girls play video games too in order to further their gay agenda.

refer to Global rule #7 and /v/ rules 3 and 4
Thats what i do (not the OP) but they are way too many. And people just keep posting them because there was no moderation till today, yeah im scared at how quickly mods were deleting this guy threads
He doesn't care though. Why else would we get jimmies stickied, right after he said we would have better moderation on /v/? He may listen to who ever is loudest, but the non vidya faggots are louder than us.
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Look at the date.
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>Old /v/ - I go and the front page is filled with video game threads
that's a cgl thread
/v/ should be strictly about video games themselves
lol OP how about you stop shitposting youreself first

Vidya clothes can go in /fa/ knowing /v/'s Fedora wearing audience. Yeah, that's just one, but the board should be about video games, not people who play video games
As much as I enjoy them, meta threads are against the rules
It's true.
"old /v/" referring to about 6-7 years ago though

I think that was a janitor at work. Janitors can delete threads, but not ban anyone.


Then we make sure that we're even louder than they are. We pool our resources. We coordinate. They will not organize. I can tell you that. They have no driving mantra. We do: Video games.
>/v/ isn't what i want it to be
>there are too many off topic threads
>ill make an off topic thread with a pic that shows im an attention whore
I spent more time reporting than I do posting nowadays.
Well the ratio video games/ /v/ culture and retarded memes or gamur gurls, was at least more equal now its like /b/ full of shit and you got to submerge to find whatever you really want to see
Well I wasn't around 6-7 years ago but I know a guy who says he's been around since the start almost. He says /v/ hasn't changed one bit.

>100 threads about that feel, complaining about women, and other nonense
>Nothing but positive replies

>1 thread pointing out that the above threads are shit
>Quit shitting up /v/! Saged. Reported. Called the cops.
Give it up OP /v/ is beyond saving
Im leaving after E3
mods = cancer
Fuck you greentexting fag, he didnt even used a trip or anything he just want what the board its about video games not some fucking blog for everyone, i dont want to know how sad your life is keep it to yourself man and talk about games
You remember how a few days ago a mod for once discussed the board's etiquette with us?

There's only one solution:
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Two days OP?
Try at least five years.

>implying the mods and moot will do anything to fix it and not just make things worse if they intervene at all due to their hamfisted too little too late policies
i'm sorry but i don't mind it.
You guys are a joke when it comes to discussing video games.
You are all fanboys and i'm glad your favorite board is getting destroyed.
you claim to want to discuss vidya when you can't do so without bringing in your own personal bias.
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Yep. They're out of touch. They don't care or enforce the rules. They don't like video games.
Oh god I hope this is the kind of shit they get trid of
We demand more Moderators!
We demand no more anonymous posting!
We demand post counts!
We demand no more free speech!
Sorry but that is pure bullshit. More like 90% is Vidya.
ilu op
>You remember how a few days ago a mod for once discussed the board's etiquette with us?

That was my thread. I started both this and that thread. It was interesting. That's why I'm going to bombard moot with emails about this until he listens.
this is why 4chan is shit

its filled with retards that think they are on omegle

the shitposting levels are unbearable lately
>Either moot will give in and hire more mods, or we will max out his inbox.
I guess you will max out his inbox then. moot has already stated several times that he's running 4chan at a loss; hiring new mods will probably not happen until he isn't anymore. And the amount of time volunteer mods and janitors are willing to put in is limited when you don't get paid.

You're part of the cancer, btw. This thread is not video games. Sage.

I'm being relative. The shitposting has gotten worse. But the last 2 days was some of the worst I've ever seen.
>wants to discuss video games
>doesnt want to listen to other people opinions
What do you want?! That everyone should think the same as you? Thats why its a personal opinion (not bias) they arent getting paid for talking about a game they like
That's funny OP because the last few times I refreshed the front page your thread was the only non-vidya thread.
>And the amount of time volunteer mods and janitors are willing to put in is limited when you don't get paid.
I'm here most of my day, it can't be hard to just flick to the administration tab and delete an off-topic thread when I see one.
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I came here to laugh at you.
>banning shitposters = no more free speech

Stay classy.
I would but I am way to hungover to care about /v/ at the moment
then what is thread about? video games?
Not everyone is a complete shut-in like you. Most people have 8 hour jobs or school and don't want a second, unpaid job when they get home.
>save /v/
>there is no difference from today's /v/ than last month's /v/, or the month before that

Summer never left, children

False dichotomy. It implies that there are only two options:

- Anarchy filled modless board
- Fascist police state

How about a middle ground where we actually discuss video games and the blatant off topic nonsense is weeded out? And I'm going to force the debate to you. Defend off topic posts on /v/. Defend it. I want to see you do it. Why can you post threads about your feelings about having no girlfriend on a board devoted to video games?

It's being moderated right now. Come back in a few hours.

>American level
>hamburger music

>Americans clap
Did you link the wrong post? Tht's not really relevant to what I said. People like that won't apply to be moderators. People like me will.
personally i like the 50% bullshit 50% vidya. a pure vidya board would be boring. just use filters if you don't like the bullshit
>/v/ is terrible
>but only during these months

that's so fucking wrong, /v/ has been /b/ 2.0 for months now
>I guess you will max out his inbox then. moot has already stated several times that he's running 4chan at a loss; hiring new mods will probably not happen until he isn't anymore.

None of the mods are paid as far as I know. moot and maybe a part time programmer are the only employees of 4chan.

And I'm saying that there are more than enough shut ins like myself who are perfectly willing to chean up /v/. They're not hard to find. They're here anyways.
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More like Fail Machine.
Har har.
Why not just go to /b/ when you want off-topic stuff?

This thread, a junji ito thread, and 2 clockwork threads are the only not-vidya threads on the board.

U r a fagget
Fucking mods
That American shitposting is annoying too. That's all anyone talks about anymore. Americans this, Americans that. You guys are obsessed.
Just go to /b/, /v/ is for VIDYA.
>/v/ has been /b/ 2.0 for years now
Then do so and stop making off-topic threads about it. Christ.
How do you blame summerfags when summerfags never left from last year
I'm getting REAL FUCKING SICK of that "Hurr we like our little shit hole because it's nothing like a forum!!!" At least they're on topic, have discussion and all that jazz.
Oh so you cant even think for yourself? its a thread to try to solve how retarded people like you are shitting on the board, and try to at least raise the content of /v/. Now you can be your usual self and just act like some faggot or you can post games instead of how long and cavernous is your rectum like this was your fucking blog
>Even with proper moderation I don't think /v/ can be saved at this point. I think that's why the mods gave up on this place.

I suspect that too. You can't fight a demographic trend. If there's too many people, then there's going to be too many idiots. You can't fight them all. That's why I am thinking about maybe some creative solutions. Some new Concentration Camps for shit-posters so they waste their time there and not here.
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>Summer rolls around
>Per status quo in /v/
>Just a ton more shit posts and threads claiming summer

Every year, like clockwork
You guys just don't realize that /v/ isn't a 4chan vidya games board, it is a separate imageboard hosted on 4chan
it is.
I lost faith when i had an argument over which GTA game was best and the only reason given to me in a serious manner was nostalgia.

This place is useless to discuss vidya in a serious manner.
Just look at any Nintendo thread, people go out of their way to shit up a Nintendo thread simply out of pure fanboyims.
it is fucking disgusting and repulsive, and i say this having a wii, ps3 and pc
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When people shit /v/ up with non-video game threads, it prevents ME from having FUN enjoying a VIDEO GAME board.
Close down 4chan for a few months.
Nuke everything from orbit.
It's the only way to be sure.
no OP, you are the cancer.
and then my post was a sage.

it is worth nothing that not even sages can cure cancer.
>Concentration Camps for shit-posters so they waste their time there and not here.

I'm intrigued, how exactly would this work, like splitting /v/ up more or something like that?
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I can't believe this story you're telling me, it's macabre!

Summer has come, and you're part of it summerfag.
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>oh wait only this thread is non-vidya
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It's simple anon. We simply purge all the profligates, make XD an illegal term(throw le in there to) it's not that it isn't beyond saving, just the fact that no one isn't trying.
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There are only 4 not-vidya threads on /v/ at the moment, of which 3 are dead, guess which one is still alive.

Go fuck yourself OP.
But you can't claim game x is better because of your own opinions.
as an anonymous board this place has potential to become a good place to discuss video games instead you have people who refuse to accept that a game while fun does not inherently make it a good game.

First remove your trip. It's bad manners.

I don't know. They clearly want a place to complain about women and have memes. Maybe some kind of safe for work /b/ style board. Maybe a Men's Rights board to cordon off all the feminism complaining.
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Mods have said that banning is ineffective, because shitposters just reset their routers and return, pic related.

What if: Hide Thread Globally?

A function for moderators that makes a thread hidden for all users. Anyone who was already in the thread can still post until it 404s, but it won't show up on any of the pages, for any user. That way shitposters are kept within their shit threads but are largely unable to actually shit up /v/. Plus, their shit threads keep them busy (but hidden) for a lot longer than if they were just banned and got reset.

Make /vg/ be about online games generals, not video game generals.

Are you blind? Right now a janitor is hard at work. He deleted this thread like 4 times and I had to keep remaking it.

The amount of non-vidya comes and goes. Partly modding. Partly time of day.
you can ignore the trip.
His comment was on topic.
you simply called attention to it because?
But i agree with you on that, its how people work. If everyone agreed with everyone we would be exploring the universe right now (and marrying lolis and other sick stuff hah)
>complaining about no vidya related threads
>create a non vidya related thread
good job

>are you blind? the janitors are deleting off-topic posts, so i had to remake this off-topic post 4 times

Yeah, again, go fuck yourself. YOU are the cancer.
the solution is simple, remove /v/ then only /vg/ and video game discussion will remain.
If we criticise the use of tripcodes regularly, people will be discouraged from using them.
>you simply called attention to it because?

Because tripfriends have a bad, bad habit of being attention whores. Prone to drama.

Dear Video Game Gods, I was in a /tv/ thread yesterday. It was about the film club. It was over-run by Trip-Friends and their stupid drama. It was awful.

No, then /vg/ would be /v/ with a different name.
Help by bumping it
Yeah you can complain but at least this thread is not about feelings and while its not video games is about the current state of the board
Isn't that what /r9k/ kinda is? I personally don't think misogyny is that huge a problem compared to some things, its been part of 4chan culture for awhile.
and i understand your point but instead of arguing on what merits a game to be good
>game mechanics
/v/ tends to focus on things that are a matter of personal opinion.
i mean it's impossible to have a GTA thread without it devolving into a VC vs SA thread.

Explain to me how else we can rally the /v/ troops for a revolution then? We need to call attention to the problem. Moot never replies to emails.

Which is off-topic meta bullshit.
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you sound like one of those faggots on /b/ who...well...I'm not going to waste time explaining it

your a faggot, lurk more, summer, etc
But /vg/ is a shit hole full of circlejerking tripfaggots
>only video game discussion
But /vg/ is mostly circlejerking.

Also their taste in video games is horrible.

/v/ and /tg/ have good taste in video games; /v/ and /tg/ like quality games like Homeworld, Planescape: Torment, Thief, Supreme Commander, Dawn of War, etc.

/vg/ likes garbage like Starcrap, Katawa Shoujo, fighting games, etc.

I've only seen a rise in real misogyny on 4chan in the last few years. It coincides with the rise of >that feel, and the rise of Men's Right's groups elsewhere on the internet.
Report, hide and move on.
ITT: My vision of /v/ is best /v/

Nobody is right, you're all retarded and you're all wrong.

You can't, you think you're the first dumbass who makes this threads?
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Do you guys remember how terrible this place was when the Nazi Vidya Moderation was in full force?

Well, I'd rather have what we have now than that, so OP you can go fuck yourself, and leave moot alone, no one wants to read your whiny emails.

That at least talk about fucking videogames all day, the whole point of these forums you retard
We flood /v/ with threads complaining about it.

No harm done because /v/ is going to be shat on by /b/tards anyways.
>Do you guys remember how terrible this place was when the Nazi Vidya Moderation was in full force?

You mean right after the split? It was glorious. I had the old /v/ back for a short period.
4chan is not a forum.
Terrible? It was great. Too bad the /b/tards bitched and moaned and moot caved in.

No it wasn't, because half the threads were sage spam, until they all got banned.
Well then report it and move on, Op is just talking about how to fix it and already said he wont re-make the thread so cool your head and just wait for it, this thread is going to die but you will still keep the other feelings and gamur girls and whatever other bullshit came with the summer and reddit, enjoy it
>Do you guys remember how terrible this place was when the Nazi Vidya Moderation was in full force?
Yes, /v/ was incredibly good with nazi mods.
OP, this thread itself is offtopic as it's not about vidya.
Fuck you.

Then some niggers complained about shit threads like 4am getting deleted.

To be fair I couldn't give two fucks about those threads, and the forum was clean
>rulefags don't want fun or freedom
>/v/ is a shit place for talking about videogames

1. We can have lots of fun, especially in an OC thread. You know what's not fun? Hearing shitty unimportant excuses for you not having a girlfriend is.
2. I don't want to know your height and dick size either. Take it to where it belongs.

But oh no, one thread concerning the state of the board, sage and report to hell!
It's not your toilet either.
Does anyone else remember the huge, offtopic Jimmies thread? Where it got the approval of a mod, got stickied, and finally had moot coming in to join in the shitposting (or at least post that he was fine with it)?


I remember right after the introduction of /vg/. Someone posted a Psychonauts thread; however, because they started it with a picture of a stop sign and the related quote from the game, after a few posts of discussion it was deleted; presumably because whatever mod came across it didn't recognise the game and just assumed it was shitposting.
there is so much shitposting on /v/ because the video games audience is a fucking joke, as simple as that. Even on /v/ there are many who sincerely believes the most ridiculous arguments and completely dismiss reason. /v/ is the place where you can say "fuck it" and act just as dumb as everyone else. it's the only way I can stay sane when I read all this bullshit.
Only the older part of /v/ likes those games, a lot of the new guys on /v/ have kinda bad taste.
The summer in this thread is... Substantial.

I'm convinced that "summer" is just a bunch of retards acting like retards on purpose.
You seem to have me confused with the /b/tards, faggot. I just want to talk about video games, on this ANONYMOUS IMAGEBOARD. If I wanted to fellate a moderator I would go to a forum.
Now ,and bear with me.
is it not possible for a few people to have different ideas about something.
Just because you have a problem with their opinion does not mean that it is being done on purpose.
for instance about 80% of the time i see toady posting he is talking about vidya.
granted he is talking about how CoD is a good game and how consoles are better, so he is making uneducated statements.
So we can ignore him OR get angry over a silly little person half a world away who wants to make someone who he has never met annoyed.
If you ignore it he will leave.
Yes it is. A forum is just a word for a discussion board, which what this imageboard is. Just because it doesn't look like an archetypal forum with post counts and all that shit doesn't mean it's not one.

And the multiple threads that discussed things about games that were sagebombed, for not being about specific games but 'meta threads' and thus apparently shitposting.

And that every thread eventually had someone sage for 'not vidya', thus devolving into an argument about what threads were allowed.
Are the people complaining about this thread being off topic the same ones who make off topic threads?
Dear OP
I can see you are clearly pissed off (as am I) about what our board has been like recently, but don't be as stupid as to act as a vigilante. I used to try and make a stand about problems in things but usually they sort themselves out and all I done was for naf. Just wait till the end of summer and it will fix itself one way or another.
From Anon.
Why is he a dumbass for wanting to help make /v/ better?

Also, wouldn't the best place for these threads be /v/ itself?
Forums have mandatory account registration, avatars, signatures, post counts, and so on.

4chan does not.
>Also their taste in video games is horrible.

that's it i'm done
i was on board but fuck you guys.

Who the fuck are you to decide what makes games good or not?

Thankfully there are still vidya threads to retreat to.
I don't get it.
If you make an off-topic post on /a/ you'll be banned in 30 seconds and get told to go to /b/.

Here, it's all about "fun".
Thats because again people is not the same everywhere, while i think those are valid points to analyze a game, others wont think the same, because they base their opinion on "this was my first game" "i remember good things when i used to play this" you know, its still a good thing because they are defending something they like but doesnt have anything to do with if the game was truly good or not (for everyone else)
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In principle I don't mind in-jokes. But a joke can get pounded into the ground. It's time to move on.

But also notice how the old /v/ injokes were all video game based? And the new ones aren't?
>people saying nazi /v/ after the split was good

No it fucking wasn't, you had the nazi party sage bombing the /b/tards and the /b/tards sage bombing vidya threads in retaliation, everyone discussing which threads were allowed in here, everyone discussing what was vidya and not vidya, it was /v/s worst moment and you're fucking retarded if you think it was good.

Go fuck yourself, /v/ as it is NOW is the best it has been in years, with more vidya than off topic shit, and moderators and janitors deleting the worst of the off-topic bullshit, it's the perfect balance.
>I remember right after the introduction of /vg/. Someone posted a Psychonauts thread; however, because they started it with a picture of a stop sign and the related quote from the game, after a few posts of discussion it was deleted; presumably because whatever mod came across it didn't recognise the game and just assumed it was shitposting.

That just means we need better mods. Mods who understand what video games are.
That's because the new /v/ "in-jokes" aren't actually in-jokes, they're just shit that /b/tard spew here.
That's the kind of shit that makes my head spin too, man. So many people here post crazy shit that just doesn't make sense, and it blows my mind.

Yesterday someone called me a Valvedrone for saying that Portal was an original, good game. Honestly.

Are you for serious?
As if the rev up those fryers joke is any better than ISHYGDDT just because it was vidya related.

Because /v/ wont get better, it has never been better, and acting like a dumbass and going "hur dur sagebomb all off topic thruds" will leave us back to when everyone was in nazi mode, which was horrible for everyone since all vidya threads were also sage bombed and devolved into discussion about the state of the board.

In other words, all the threads became like this one, full of retards arguing about stupid shit.

But Toady is still a troll. He's spouting contrarian positions just to stand out and get attention. That's why he has an avatar and a trip. He's a video game based troll, but he's still a troll.
But while i do think that is fine and should be encouraged that it should be pointed out.
in order to discuss video games as a form of art though i think that there has to be a set of standards.
But then people will argue that video games should not discuss as a form of the arts.
But then we'd get KS threads here again, and you know how much rage that causes to some of our more autistic members.
>He says he's been around from the start
>He says /v/ hasn't changed

That's a sure fucking sign that he's been here for about 3-4 months.
>Because /v/ wont get better, it has never been better,
It was better for the first few days after the /vg/ split, retard.
Who gives a fuck?

Yeah, now try to provide a valid point for either Nintendo, Microsoft or Sony, and see how it goes, from nintenyearold to console peasant, I think it was fun at first, but now it isn't, it is not fun to shit post people!
>Who the fuck are you to decide what makes games good or not?

>Thankfully there are still vidya threads to retreat to.

If you're discussing video games, then I'm happy. If I think it's a bad game I'll just ignore your thread.

No it wasn't. That was when everyone went full retard and all threads were sage bombed, including the vidya threads.
and how do we decide on the definition of the troll?

Oh, yeah, Jimmies is pretty much dead now. This was around the point when it peaked. Nobody else remembers?


But we have to work with what we have. Mods are just as fallible as the rest of the people here on /v/. And it doesn't help that you couldn't tell between the people who were pretending to be rule-fanatics saying that, say, discussion of vidya weapons wasn't /v/, and people who actually thought that kind of thing.

I think the problem is the people who visit /v/ aren't really going to change.
>spouting contrarian positions just to stand out and get attention

That sounds pretty solid to me.
why doesn't everyone taking this thread seriously get a trip? because you huys are acting like tripcode users
This thread is the only non-vidya thread on the front page

Just saiyan
How about you retards stop replying to off topic threads and shitposters?

>It's just one post it won't hurt
And then everyone thinks the same way and the thread hits 400 posts.
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>Spongebob Squarepants clip and quote
>Vidya related
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I always get a kick out of these threads, has happened a bunch of times(nazi /v/ after the split wasn't the first you summerfags), sometimes a bunch of retards actually get together and go on a dumb shit crusade sage bombing everything they deem to be off-topic.

And then the moment everyone gets fed up with their shit, they just get mass reported, the janitors swoop down and delete their sage bombing, if it continues then they get banned and we go back to square 1, rinse and repeat.
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This is why i get dissapointed by /v/
you can't have an opinion without getting called a drone or fanboy.

i mean just try starting a vita thread, i just don't understand people who dislike different platforms for no reason.
it seems very immature
The joke started by saying rev up those *insert console/PC here* because I sure am ready to play some games
Raging autists channel their rage into shitposting. Bringing KS here would ultimately lower the quality of the board.
>oh shit, my /v/ culture is in danger, I'd better call everyone a tripfaggot
Remember how shit this board was when they actually moderated it for a few days a couple months ago?

I honestly don't understand why you would come to 4chan for stricly serious discussion. Even the on-topic threads are filled with trolling and tangential discussion. The fact that the people wanting strictly on-topic are clearly the minority ought to be a sign that maybe this isn't the place for you. But really, keep thinking the environment should change to meet your needs, that usually works out great.
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The only solution is to ignore all shitposts, obvious trolls, bronies, furries and tripfags. /v/ would be cured overnight. It'll never happen though since even I can't resist posting in shit threads like this one
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>casually enjoying /v/ per usual
>nothing seems out of place
>suddenly, this thread
Brand loyalty and post purchase rationalization.

Because the Vita is a pile of shit you retard.

See? I didn't even need to call you a drone. If you want to circlejerk about how something is super mega awesome, go to /vg/, that's why that shit board was made.
4AM threads need to stop
its like a daily get
>Because the Vita is a pile of shit you retard.

I swear, reading this is actually ten times better than having to read that same sentence with some "drone" label added in. I fucking hate when people say shit like that, bandwagoners.
OP you should just browse /vg/ if you want to actually discuss video games as there is no such thing on /v/ anymore.

Off-topic shitposting is just /v/ being /b/ 2.0 and has been this way for a long time. Ultimately /v/ is about discussion of videogame culture in general. Not specifically videogames, thats what /vg/ is for now.

Uh, to be fair Portal was based on Narbacular Drop (the guys who made that were hired by Valve to make Portal) but in the wider game world it is fairly original.
no it'snot
He didn't post any facts to the contrary
>Flood moot's email whenever you see off topic nonsense. moot listens to those who are the loudest.
>Flood moot's email

Are you seriously that dumb? Also moot isn't going to respond to some shrill idiot mass-emailing him.

That would set a terrible precedent and he's not that dumb

>inb4 'durr hurr yes he is' with no actual rebuttal

/vg/ is for circlejerking.

If you want to have a serious discussion about videogames, you're not going to get it on 4chan.

Even if you multiplied the moderation by 10, it would still be shit because of the community.
Oh yeah, I know the ND guys are the same ones who made Portal. Saying that makes Portal unoriginal is like saying a band under another alias is unoriginal compared to their original name, though.
I'd have more respect for people like OP if you didn't go in vidya threads and claim that they aren't vidya. I'm talking about threads about vidya music, developers, stupid shit that happens in online vidya, things your parents said about vidya, and plenty more I didn't mention.

Plus, I don't understand why threads talking about /v/, the board itself, are apparently considered off topic. Where the fuck are we gonna post about it, then? Should there be a board for discussing boards?
> If you want to circlejerk about how something is super mega awesome
so pray tell then since you seem to be the major of /v/
what do should /v/ threads discuss?
and why are you mad at it being on /v/ if you can just ignore it?

>Definition of a troll

Trolls are like porn. I can't define them, but I know them when I see them.

>implying there are facts that say the vita isn't a pile of shit

Fucking scrubs these days.
The problem with that is that SOMEONE will ALWAYS respond. What we need to do is what /a/ does and make any shitposter completely and utterly unwelcome. Shame them out of the board.
I'm just waiting to see that /v/ culture fag with is strawmen comics and says /v/ needs to be 50% video and 50% shitposting
God I hate that faggot.
Sending someone to /vg/ for video games is the same as sending someone to /g/ for tech support. Both are fucking awful at some stuff and the only thing /vg/ has is tripfags en masse (not like you can discuss video games here anymore but thats what we should fix)
Everyone stop being a little bitch
>Complain about no vidya by making another non-vidya related thread

>Plus, I don't understand why threads talking about /v/, the board itself, are apparently considered off topic. Where the fuck are we gonna post about it, then? Should there be a board for discussing boards?

You shouldn't talk about it at all, you should talk ABOUT FUCKING VIDEOGAMES YOU GOD DAMN DRIBBLING RETARD PIECE OF SHIT
>If you try to please everybody, you end up pleasing nobody.

This will never be solved unless everybody wakes up tomorrow with the common sense to completely ignore shitposters, trolls, and stupid fanboy opinions. Or not because some people actually enjoy off-topic. If you hate the state of this place, just leave. There are places with intelligent video game discussion all around. You're lying to yourself if you think this is "the" place to be and will get better. Anonymity is the cost of order.
And you should lead the example
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I can live with the Hamburger Music, the Clapping, the Gamur Gurl and Rage threads, all that shit is fine and stuff like that has been on /v/ since 2005.

What I can NOT stand is fucking "see this wat do XD" threads. Fucking seriously, the only answer is "Sage & Report". I know /v/ is /b/lite nowadays but SEE DIS WAT DO XD? FUCKING REALLY?

For the record, I made a vidya thread yesterday and the janitor deleted it, so cheers for that.
>/vg/ is for circlejerking.
Perhaps you should stop going to the LoL, KS, TES and SC2 threads whenever you visit.
not really
that someone is usually the tripfag without the trip.
at this point i'd be in more favor of doxing tripfags though
Wouldn't this be the best place for him to get people's attention about the issue, though? I don't mind if a thread like this gets posted here because it's not shitposting... nothing bad can come from someone raising awareness.
By that logic this thread shouldn't exist.
No, they don't. You can literally have a forum without any of those.

Most of the pony fuckers are well behaved here. You're more likely to see a thread started by someone who wants to complain about pony fandom than anything. Like that rage thread I saw that had a picture of bronies. Also Pinkus Pie is a pure troll who just uses Pinkie Pie avatars because it pisses /v/ off so much. Ignore them.

Requesting the pic of "How to deal with tripfags" and it says to just ignore them and they go away.

Videogames, and they do. You fuckers have the worst reading comprehension on the internet.

That nigger was complaining about how you can't have vita threads on /v/ without everyone saying their shit, well, you have vita threads on /v/ and /v/ discusses how the vita is shit.

You don't like that? You can fuck off to /vg/ where they only circlejerk about how things are good and awesome, you obviously don't like people discussing how their shit, so go discuss how they're good.

Even though it isn't good, it's shit
>oh shit i better make up words and pretend he said them
apply yourself
Just reported every off topic thread on the first page except this one.
Can't be bothered to mail moot, I'll just report and hide them when I see them.

Sage because not-vidya.
Why shouldn't people talk about the board here? I hate off-topic shit as much as you and even I don't get what you're saying. Really confused
>Who the fuck are you to decide what makes games good or not?
Only people with shitty taste make arguments like this one.

>Yeah go to that place but ignore the route, the background and dont smell the air
Thats like not visiting it at all, its the truth because that whole place is full of shit (and i mean shit as in tripfaggots)
i agree with you kind anon.
/v/ will be shit simply because of the community.
i've had good calm discussions on /vg/, /tg/ and /co/.
Yet on /v/ everyone instantly results to name calling and logical fallacies.
I hardly come here for the intelligent discussion.

now inb4 people tell me to leave.
>The problem with that is that SOMEONE will ALWAYS respond.

It's like asking people to not look at a car accident. It's pure human nature.
Guess what is called when it doesnt have those...

Because it's off-topic, this board is for talking about videogames and videogame related stuff, this thread is not that, it's meta shit.
But /a/ doesn't. They learned how to do it, why the fuck can't we?

Yeah. A great example of a joke that was cute once or twice. Then everyone else jumps on board and repeats it ad naseum.
Then where are we supposed to discuss the board if it is off-topic?

What about the other things that guy mentioned? I do remember threads about those subjects being sagebombed/deleted.

If we're going to say that things related to vidya are non-vidya, we AT LEAST need an official post or somesuch detailing what the threshold is between vidya and non-vidya.

Polite sage as non-vidya.
If you owned a restaurant and wanted to discuss employees stealing money from the register, would it be wrong to discuss it in the restaurant? Not the best example but yeah.
>OP you should just browse /vg/ if you want to actually discuss video games as there is no such thing on /v/ anymore.

I fear that if I do that, no one will want to talk about the games I like. /vg/ seems geared towards people who like the games talked about in Generals and that's it. For instance, if I make an "Action platformer General" would the thread stay alive?

>But /a/ doesn't.

Nigger wut? Go make a nurutu thread and see everyone on the board respond to it like dirbling retards.

Also, /a/ is HORRIBLE for discussing anime, you literally CAN'T discuss anime or mango there anymore because if someone tries to talk about something that the /a/ collective has deemed to be "unworthy" of discussion, he will just get sagebombed.

It's like someone trying to have a serious discussion about bioware games here, you just can't, except it's 10 times worse on /a/, you want /v/ to become like /a/? FUCK YOU.
No, I'm not talking about imageboards here. I'm talking about traditional style forums. A traditional style forum can still appear that way without having any of those.
Now you're just being a huge baby. In fact, just stay here and continue to shitpost. We don't need people like you on /vg/.

Nowhere. Stop crying and talk about videogames, this isn't a fucking forum, or a fucking democracy, either talk about videogames or get the fuck out.

I'm only going to email him once or twice. I want all of you guys to email him too.
I have wonderful anime discussions there. If you are talking about trying to discuss /v/ anime (Cowboy Bebop, Dragonball Z, Kenshin), its because they have been discussed to death.
I hereby request you to leave the premise of 4chan Just kidding but if you liked those places, guess what you should be there right now instead of here
so any circlejerk is bad? yes
and you are going to tell me that /v/ doesn't circlejerk at all?
also why resort to name calling , can't you argue without that? it doesn't help your point any more.

BUt how is that beneficial to /v/ as a whole if you can't even discuss the potential of anything?
don't you see how detrimental it can be to the community in and of itself?
I might if you post some more of Munn
So if the front page suddenly gets spammed constantly we can't make threads about it because it's not video games?
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You can't discuss anything but moeshit there, don't try to hide it. Even berserk which is widely loved here, is considered shit over there.
You're directing your anger at the wrong people. People discussing the problems of this board are not the guys to get mad at, it's the ones who post girlfriend threads and americans clapping bullshit etc.
>not leaving /v/ after E3

It's going to be shit with all the summerfags anywho.
Only ignorant people make this statement to summarize everyone.

No post actual arguments as to why those games are bad and why those other games are good.

Again, if you want to have a "serious" discussion about videogames, fuck of to a forum, stop trying to change fucking 4chan to suit your random needs.


Exactly, report, hide and move on.
And nothing of value was lost, i dont even visit that awful place. Guess who is out of place though
>Liking Munn
Please die.
I bet you play World of Warcraft.
>all that shit is fine and stuff like that has been on /v/ since 2005.

/v/ had rage threads. But they were always video game related. Now rage threads are just excuses to complain about women, stupid people, stupid facebook posts and bronies.

They are exactly like the /b/ rage and facebook threads. Same pictures, similar responses.
Her personality may be absolute shit but she's still pretty.
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>Even Berserk, which is widely loved here, is considered shit over there

Con-fucking-firmed for never going on /a/. Berserk threads always hit their limit, especially with that movie just coming out. /a/ fucking loves Berserk.
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I think you should stop taking every post so damn seriously.

Posts like those are begging for responses and you've gone even farther than that.
Cry some more you entitled fuck.
I understand your frustration OP but its summer /v/, this shit happens. its not even new users, its just the same ol faggots that shitpost during summer every year to troll people because they think they're being edgy by acting stupid. Ignore the stoned fuckheads.
>move on
Not if threads can barely be seen if a spammer is flooding the front page.

Shut the fuck up, you people are the fucking same, stop acting all condesending, you post as much off-topic bullshit as the idiots who post "that feel" threads and shit, this thread is a prime example.

And then you go into full retard mode, start sage-bombing all the off-topic threads, which then makes the /b/tards sage bomb /v/ threads, and then the whole board turns to shit for days or weeks until a fucking moderator steps in.

Same shit that happened after split, same shit that has happened multiple times before, you fags are WAY worse than the random off-topic posting retards, because your dumb ass retarded crusades or revolutions or whatever you want to call them end up shitting the entire god damn board even more.

Right now /v/ is pretty good, fucking shut the fuck up, talk about videogames, or get the fuck out.
I wouldn't be surprised if that faget added every email address that sends a message regarding 4chan to his filter.
and what?
i can't browse them all at the same time?
i have to only browse one?
i said /v/ is shit to discuss video games.
when i want to see screenshots or funny vidya threads i come here.
>but she's still pretty
Highly fucking objective.

I've had a few good Berserk threads on /a/. But I've also had a few Berserk threads dub spammed. It guess it depends. But there is a lot of Moe pandering there, and I just don't like their views on anime at all.
If a spammer is flooding the front page, you can't really make a thread to complain about that either.
Moot, or some other moderator will need to take care of that.
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But the movie was quite bad.
3D,3D everywhere.

Also Lupin threads are some of the classiest threads i've ever seen.
here is the solution: see a bad thread? dont reply to it. report it, then make a good thread.
There have been a larger mod presence this week than in a long time. Shitposters have actually been banned, but the bans are few and far between, and it's still only one ban every few hours.

This is what baffles me the most. Some mod goes to /v/ and sees an offtopic thread, bans the OP, then does what? Just leave? If he at least cleaned up all 15 pages once, people would acknowledge the fact that we actually have mods, instead of ninjabanning one shitposting faggot while six others are at the front page.

We have mods, or at least A mod, but he's not doing his job.

Yeah, they hit their limit, and the entire thread is bitching about how the last arc is shit, about how the mangaka takes forever to make a chapter, about how he's obsessed with idolmaster, and about how the movie cgi looks like shit.

They don't fucking discuss it at all.
i actually don't want to.
i like /v/ how it is
but i am only saying this place has lost all hope for discussing video games seriously, hence why the Op is going about what he wants incorrectly,.
>mistaking subjective and objective
typical virgin nerd autistic misogynist

you just hate her because she's a girl and a gamer and that upsets you
Whatever, OP.

Check my 9
It's not summer. This shit has been consitently going through the past months, it's not a summer issue. It's an issue with mods not doing what they're supposed to do. It's mods regulating boards not by the rules but by what they want.

They sucked up to moot, now they get to play with 4chan. Disgusting
1: its a spammer
2: mods are deleting vidya threads
Sure, I think she's hot though.
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Too bad the mods deleted the game discussion threads back when /v/ was split.

The "culture" is what brings the most hits.
That's all there is to it.
>Olivia Munn
>a gamer

>Yeah, they hit their limit, and the entire thread is bitching about how the last arc is shit, about how the mangaka takes forever to make a chapter, about how he's obsessed with idolmaster, and about how the movie cgi looks like shit.
>They don't fucking discuss it at all.

But... that's still discussing the series. And the last arc was shit. It could have been this cool Lovecraftian story, but it was kind of lame.
i bet you are trying to save face.

But he's right. That Naruto post was 100% troll post.
Stop whining. I'm going to go make a non-vidya thread just to fucking spite you.
So by that definition, /v/ never discusses video games ever.
Not even kidding, I started foaming at the mouth when I read that. I'd rather have no mods at all than incompetent, out of touch /b/tard mods.
It used to be closer to 70% off topic 30% vidya, the new mods aren't half-bad.

Wish they didn't delete vidya cheesecake threads and such but it can't be helped.
>The "culture" is what brings the most hits.
>That's all there is to it.
How come the increase in /b/ shit (what you call /v/ culture) is correlated directly with 4chan's decrease in user count, then?
correlation does not equal causation.
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Ever since this thread was made, several off-topic threads have been made in retaliation.

And this is why these threads are bad. And it's nowhere near as bad as when you retards decide to go on sage bombing crusades.
The problem is janitors/mods go overboard when they decide to start policing. Deleting 4am threads is unacceptable at this point. Just hide the threads you don't like or think are off-topic and move on.
If you want only games, go to /vg/ you nazi fuck. It is this board's culture to have off-topic shit. Or better of, go be a redditfag it really suits fucks like you.
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>Bullshit, this guy can't be-
>Looks on front page

/v/ right now it's at it's finest, it wont get better than this, deal with it and talk about vidya.

It's like you people have forgotten how /v/ was before the split or right after the split, it's perfect now, and the current popular off-topic posts aren't hurting anyone, the typical junji ito threads? They don't hurt the board, neither do the /co/ threads, although in my opinion it's getting too much to have them on a daily basis when /co/ is right there.

But tl;dr: Conform and stop being so entitled
4am threads are pure cancer :3
oh that reminds me, i was going to make a thread about black peoples penises and a thread about lunch food. thanks for reminding me, op.
i see one
mind linking to the other ones?
mostly to report them,
Just report and hide.
Provide evidence that the /b/ shit is drawing in users despite 4chan's user count decreasing, then.



Use the catalog.


That's what i'm doing with this one, because surprise surprise, it's off-topic.
>the only answer is "sage & report"
The hell it is.
Report and hide.
Don't fucking post in the thread.
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Some days ago I found out why this place is actually the best place to discuss vidya.
You see, I actually lurk Neogaf (inb4 >lurking Neogaf) and there is a thread called ''Wii-U speculation thread''. Normal thread, all the Nintendo fans there just speculate about the Wii-U.
One day one of the most active users was permabanned, nobody could understand why since his last posts were completely fine. After a while a mod came in and explained that they banned him to prevent console war since this guy only seemed to post in Nintendo related threads. No I'm not joking, THEY BANNED HIM BECAUSE HE ONLY SEEMED TO POST IN NINTENDO RELATED THREADS.
Fuck Neogaf and other gaming forums, I'm never leaving /v/.
i am
i now see 2
This one is the least annoying, and it tries to educate people to report and hide, sort of.
I won't bump it, but I won't report it either.
I am seriously okay with this. And it's so nice to hear something from a vet. Though, I would prefer to see r9k have a misogyny9k spinoff to keep the shitposting out of there too.
So, just to clarify: a flawed argument (IE: him) is worse than no argument at all (IE: you)?

I don't care too much, just an interested observer.
You are dumb as fuck.
Obviously, the board can have some off-topic. If it was only videogames 100% of the time, it would stagnate.
The thing is, off-topic is about QUALITY and QUANTITY.
A GOOD discussion every once in a while is good.
Constant /b/-level shitposts all day long are BAD.

How come mods have been deleting actual game discussions on /v/ since at least 2006? This goes back for years and years. They don't care about original content.
What this guy said.
The people who think that they would save the board would actually kill the board.
Its not
its the perpetual ambient of elitism and circle jerking.

>The video games threads then and now are basically the same. What's changed is the rise of off topic shit-posting. It's gotten completely out of hand. It's grown more and more over the years. The split with /vg/ just intensified it.
>The split with /vg/ just intensified it.

But that's wrong, the complete opposite happened. We had way more off topic threads before the split.
oh come on
>PC master race
i wish people only used this sarcastically
way more off topic threads AND the exact same handful of circlejerk general threads with the same obnoxious thread starter images perpetually on the front page. /v/ is great now.
>Also their taste in video games is horrible.
>>141614270or right after the split

People mostly talked about games for a week until that was suppressed. We're going to take /v/ back, some anon said. Now it's pretty much white noise.

What the mods think /v/ "stands for" is clearly not game related.
just because someone is feigning elitism doesn't make it true. whenever someone refers to themselves as being a part of the pc master race they are just labeling themselves as a turd to be ignored. dont let them hurt your feelings, you delicate little angel.
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I think like it was said a highly populated board can go two ways (maybe more) : either maximum elitism like /a/ or /tg/, or everybody can find his place like /v/, /tv/, /g/

Right after the split was awful, all threads were being sage bombed, both off-topic threads and vidya threads.

Why everyone forgets this is beyond me. Not to mention that all threads devolved into "hur is this off-topic or is it vidya?" until moot and the moderators stepped in
The first step to making /v/ better is getting rid of invisibro
Just look at this shit he does
That, and his defending of shitposting because "ITS FUN" and "AT LEAST WE'RE NOT A FORUM"
Fuck how can you be so awful as a mod, bring back A-san

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