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the two new toons suck
i've seen enough of cowbuy and ghost
i give no shits about alchemy and clorox
looks like toonami was a failed experiment

on the plus side, durara, fclc and kaikashu are gone for good
oh boy here we go

Actually it was fantastic can't wait till next week.

>They're a G
b-b-but they had a shitty budget, new shows will come in when we start giving it views!
whoops forgot to watch, oh well ;)
I hope this reboot fails, it's not meant for this generation of viewers. Let it die with dignity and stop desecrating it's corpse.
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Hey, that is a fine cleaning agent, thank you very much.
>looks like toonami was a failed experiment

They've already said that they need people to tune in and watch the show, so they can get funding and some of the old shows back.
Deadman wonderland looked promising[/spoiler
exactly. only nostalgia obsessed adults were begging for a return. i talked with my cousin in hs who's in the know and he says no one watches anime anymore so why would cn bother with this shit?
This bitch is nuts!!!
Something of an interesting premise, even if it's chock full of gratuitous violence and an unbearably-voiced protagonist.
C'mon OP it was pretty good.
People don't watch anime anymore because it has no mainstream presence in the west anymore.

This is pretty much to see if they should change that.
sorry, this belongs on /a/ or /vg/ not /v/
Talking about Toonami on /a/?

Good luck
It'll get good once they bring back some old shows and a proper gundam series
>How big are them titties?
Fucking shit, all of them.
They had a limited budget. Toonami is working to convince the Cartoon Network execs that enough people want to see that block back on the air. If it garners enough viewers, we may very well see better shows later on due to a better budget.
>implying it's possible to talk about Toonami on /a/
>implying becaues some faggot mod said to post Toonami on the Video Game Generals boards means you should
watched the whole season of Deadman wonderland online.
tfw there will never be a second season.

What do you not understand about how NO ONE WANTS TO SEE THIS COME BACK.

Anyone who wants to watch anime has THE FUCKING INTERNET, and anyone who doesn't want to watch anime DOESN'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT THIS.

Let it die!
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>on the plus side, durara, fclc ... are gone for good


I am fucking mad.
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Try harder OP. The new Toonami segment was great. Yes it's lame, they are still playing old shows, but it's a temporary set up until they get new licensing. The two new shows they did have were a great surprise, and though Deadman is debateable, if you think Casshern Sins is bad then you are undearaged faggot moronic slav. I for one welcome the new Toonami with open arms, and am excited for its future.

Do you have clinical retardation? If so, you have my condolences. These kinds of threads and hell, the fact that this little "experiment" was even carried out is proof of there being a viewerbase for this.
>Happy that FLCL is gone
Fuck you OP, FLCL is good.

You mean YOU don't want to see it come back. There are still plenty of people who would like to watch it on television. If there were no outcry for it, Toonami wouldn't have made another midnight airing last night, plain and simple.

> anyone who doesn't want to watch anime DOESN'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT THIS.

Yet here you are, crying and complaining about something we enjoy. Care to explain yourself, sweetie, You seem awfully rump ruptured by this. I mean, let's be honest: Toonami coming back on the air doesn't affect you in any negative way whatsoever and is infinitely better than anything Adult Swim's usual lineup shits out.
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>watch anime and buy videos/DVDs long before this fad suddenly appeared
>grew up with Devilman, Uroksukidoji, Orguss 02, Shadow Skill and various other 80's-90's anime
>still buying anime DVD's regularly

I honestly didn't even know there was a decline in kids/teens watching anime until /v/ starting harping on about it.

What exactly started the 10 or so year fad? I kinda stayed on the rim the whole time keeping to myself.
>six episodes of nothing

Get the fuck out. FLCL was everything wrong with old Toonami. I want them to get some real fucking shows in there.
Good as it may be, AS has had a hard-on for it and the four-to-five other shows they've been airing for literal years now.
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>last nights toonami
We resorted to calling it the Magical Box Show, because it took awhile to decipher the name. I don't miss it, it wanted to be Inu-Yasha for boys, but it was too jappy, even for weeaboos.
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Gonna post a few walls for you bros while we wait for the shitposters to grasp at more straws.

Do you REALLY think that the incredibly small fanbase of adults staying up past midnight will be enough for this reboot of Toonami? I don't think so, because guess what people have these days. Jobs!

Toonami flourished back in the day because kids liked anime back then. These days? Not even close. Those adults that watched Toonami back then have jobs (except for you neckbeards) and there won't be nearly enough for it to keep on the air.
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>want to find out?
>nah, another time
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What kind of faggot works on a Saturday night?
>small fanbase of adults
>people between the ages of 19 and 25
>not the primary target audience for anything

I really don't think you understand how much the average normalfags love Toonami.
>Saturday night.
>Working on Sunday or Saturday.
>Implying the target audience isn't college age people who have fuck all to do on Saturday or Sunday besides study.
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I have to admit it feels like a huge cliff hanger and made me rage...but that music man.

I can not express how i feel.
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> Do you REALLY think that the incredibly small fanbase of adults staying up past midnight will be enough for this reboot of Toonami?

Yes. It was enough to bring the show back on the air after a four-year cancellation, why wouldn't it be enough now?

> I don't think so

> guess what people have these days. Jobs!
As do I. My ass had to be up at 6:30 to go to work today, but I still stayed up until 2:30 watching and supporting Toonami. I'm also the dad of an 8 month old boy. Having a job and having kids does not take up every hour and every minute of your day like you seem to believe.

> Toonami flourished back in the day because kids liked anime back then. These days? Not even close
Because you've talked personally to every one of those people, right? So you'd be a total expert on that kind thing.

> there won't be nearly enough for it to keep on the air.
Then we'll ride this out just like we did last time, enjoying it the whole way. And you know something else? When/if it goes back off the air, we'll stay gold. Just like last time.
thank goodness for DVRs so not just adults but teens and children can watch!
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Fuck that episode.
Deadman looked promising.

Casshern had some good fight scenes, but eh...
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What's the lineup? I have to work so I couldn't catch it.
Toonami plays the most grim dark shit.
Bleach, Deadman Wonderland, Casshern Sins, FMA: Brotherhood, Ghost in The Shell, Cowboy Bebop




>Incredibly small fanbase
>All six shows were trending at number 1 in the world at the times they were on


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Bumping again so I can keep shooting down the one asspained shitposter. Come at me, bro.
Deadman Wonderland
Casshern Sins
Fullmetal Brotherhood
Cowboy Bebop
Apparently this is the only place to talk about it since /a/ wants nothing to do with Toonami

I don't even care about Toonami, but fuck you guys are mad about it. You're worse than /v/ usually is about this kind of stuff.

that's saying something
Okay, you know what
Fuck you /v/.

First you cry your eyes out begging based Cartoon Network to bring back Toonami, and then they FUCKING GIVE IT TO YOU. Not only do they give it to you, but they bring back the old Tom and they redo ALL the cutscenes in glorious HD.

(You asked for the old animu)

Oh but NO. It's not good enough for /v/! Nothing is ever good enough for /v/! DIDNT PLAY THE SHOW I WANTED 0/10 WOULD NOT WATCH. They actually LISTENED for once and you faggots are going to make them regret it.

I fucking hate you. I'm so fucking mad right now.
Toonami's biggest fanbase is on /v/. /vg/, /a/ and /tv/ all don't give a single fuck.
Tom does video game reviews, so it damn well is vidya you autistic twelve year old.
Two new shows and some old ones , G wonderlandbitchisnuts and Viewitul Quickman´s Cahshews of sins.
> /v/ is one person

Do you need some Preparation H for that anus of yours? There are only a handful of shitposters in every Toonami thread. MOST of /v/ loves it.
/v/ isn't one person please get it through your thick head
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>mfw /a/ is trying to pin this whole charade on /v/

Fuck off back to your weeaboo board and let us discuss good anime in peace, dipshit :3

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