Arre games getting worse, or am I just getting old?
i dont know about your age, but games are definitely getting worse
It's a little bit of column A, and a little bit of column B. There are good games still being released, and there was lots of shit being released in the past.Good luck finding anything good from sequels and/or revived franchises, though. That's rare.
there are people that play videogames because they love themand there are people that play videogames to hide from realityit depends, which one are you?
>>140898093I'm 30.
>>140898001skrillex was in fallout 3?
>>140898201It used to be a bit of both - but now it's simply about 'fun'.
>>140898223You must have nostalgia googles that reach to your knees.
>>140898346What is fun?
>>140898530A buzzword.
>>140898530A light-hearted pleasure or amusement.
Gaming is mainstream and games nowadays are made for the lowest common denominator for the best profit. Rarely do we get developers making games for gamers anymore.
>>140898781more like
There have always been lots of shit games. The difference now is that even 'good' games are shit.
>>140898001You're getting pretentiousWhen you play your old games you realize they're even more shit
I think we're just getting old, I wish games were good again.Got to the part in System Shock 2 were turns out the person helping you was shodan and she gives you that big spooky speech with all the computer monitors, I Was high as poop and wanted to cry
>>140899121You still playing System Shock 2?How long does it take you to complete that game?
>>140898781The figure stares back but no emotionsA grin hides monotonous tormentThey scream but only smile listless
>>140899068I don't think so. Pacman, Tetris and Doom are still fun to play; more so than mouth-breathing contemporary wank.
Fallout 3 and NV sucked because of level capsI barely got to the Casino missions and was already at level 29, with some other missions I didn't even finishBullshit DRM forcing you to buy DLC for higher levelsGlad I pirated that shit
I'm 23 and loved SNES + era games but was lacking in PC gaming. Then I played Age of Empires 2 and the Golden Way opened itself up to me. I have been going back and discovering classics and it blows my mind every time I learn about a classic PC game I missed and now get to enjoy. I love you /v/ and I love vidya
>>140899289agreed but there are some new games that are better than the old ones Like Dota2 .. I cant go back to dota1 and I played it till like a month ago.RPG games are all better old save for some good ones like Witcher and Deus Ex but still old ones have more content
>>140899223ya i keep getting lost. Like I didn't know you had to actually do the thing to research the toxin-a vial so I just found the vials and droppde them thinking they were useless. I ended up spending the entire night last night running around trying to find all of them, took foreverrrr.I only get to play it like, once a week too
>>140899421>every time I learn about a classic PC game I missed and now get to enjoyTHREAD HIJACKEDWE NOW POST ELEGANT VIDYA OF A MORE CIVILIZED AGE
>>140899453Bud, you better dump any bitch that doesn't let you play System Shock 2 at least 2 nights a week.
>>140898001>unfunny Skrillex jokeWhat next, a Justin Bieber rip? Go back to youtube.
>>140899421Sounds like you're dangerously close to having fun there mate.
I have been a PC gamer since I played quake 2 when I was a kid.Never owned a console. I don't own a console now. Would I enjoy games if I picked old console like Gamecub and PS2 and play console exclusive games?
>>140899543Drawing and doing my stupid school homework is destroying all my time. I have to take my last semester through the summer.
To be fair, Fallout 3 was exceptionally bad. At least New Vegas was really good.
>>140898001One does not exclude the other, as much as various protractors on both sides may try to convince you otherwise.
>>140899638No. Even the brightest gems of console vidya pale in comparison to what the master race has to offer.
>>140899691>mirrored buildings>rotated gold mineWhat is this sorcery?
>>140899638You would definitely be able to enjoy PsDouble. It has a library that is enormous and full of fun gaems. Play Metal Gear Solid 1-3. You won't regret it.
Games are getting worse. I'm 26 and I still play pretty much only older games(anything before 2004 or so). Pic related.
>>140899692NV was one of the best games i've ever played.Not summer here, I've been here for years
>>140899424You couldn't have picked a worse example. Dota 2 is a 1:1 remake, not a real sequel. The reason you can't get back to Dota 1 is becaue it's a clunky, ugly mod.
>>140898001>Are games getting worse, or am I just getting old?It's technically both, you are getting old but new games are fucking terrible.It's not a bad thing though, there's still plenty of good games to play its just that you'll be hard pressed to find them.It's no different than hating Adam Sandler movies. Sure some idiots will defend Adam Sandler, they'll call you a wannabe film critic, but in the end Adam Sandler movies are fucking terrible.The sooner you realize that gaming and the mass media are solely made to convince plebeians to buy awful media the sooner you can start finding movies/games/tv shows that are actually good, instead of just being advertised as such.
People who claim "nostalgia goggles" haven't played older games. I don't mean fuckold like early 90s but late 90s and even 2000-> there were some really good games. Nowadays something like Skyrim is considered GOTY, it's goddamn hilarious. That piece of shit wasn't even an RPG, just an action game with some dialogue here and there. There are still good games coming out though, not as often as they did "back in the day".
>>140899453>Not spending 20 hours a day on video gamesI always knew you were a casual Tomoko. This statement further proves my presumption.
>>140899687Aww, shitty but good excuses. Also I'm jelly if you have art skills not sarcasm
>>140899791>Play Metal Gear Solid 1-3. You won't regret it.Oh yes he will. Especially 2.
>>140899818UT3 was shit. Facing worlds was worse - that map is awful.
>>140899841>Dota 2 is a 1:1 remakein theory in reality it's a completely different game it's more responsive better UI better EVERYTHING sure everything is 1:1 in terms of spells and shit but the FEEL man. The fucking feel is better.
>>140899912>Implying you didn't watch ice cubes melt in the bar of the tanker.Get on my level
>>140898001no if you start doing some critical analysis of the game industry they are getting worse. I wish it was just nostialgia goggles but many PS2 game were put together much more masterfully then a lot of the games put out today. Having to get it right on the first try used to be a big deal since you could not put out a buggy game and just patch it. the hollywood mindset of game making that took over. People thinking they were making ART, instead of making a good solid game. They uses ART to justify shitty game dev decisons.Games used to be better when they were made by people INTO games. Now we have writers and suits that never played games making them. There are so many factors into why gaming has gone downhill.
>>140899068>You're getting pretentious>When you play your old games you realize they're even more shitThat's a good one!Team fortress classic is still better than most FPSs today and it came out in 1999 and still has a lots of people playing it.
>>140899982In practice. It's the same god damn game. The only improvement that doesn't have to do with the UI, graphics and the like is adding more personality to the heroes. That's all. It's a remake, not a full-fledged game.
>>140900187>lot's of people playing it.I fucking wish
Don't know. I just many new games. Feels good going back to old games and playing new games. I wish I was as jaded as some of you guys so I can save money on video games because I spend at least $350/year on video games
>>140900187>TFC>Not CustomTF>Not MegaTF>Not ProzacTFconfirmed for gabe
>>140899873I just don't have the time anymore, I wish our days and lives were longer so I had more time to learn other things but learning artz takes precedence over everything at the moment>>140899879Nahh I still suck horribly maybe one day
>>140899856Don't bother, "nostalgia goggles" is a term like "privilege" - designed to reflect all arguments just by its mere usage.
>>140900369>Nahh I still suck horribly maybe one dayYou are still better than me and I'm sure you are up par with most drawfags here.
I'm playing Diablo 1 for the first time and I'm really enjoying it.
>>140900493Mah nigga.
There are some people who think video games are getting worse because of nostalgia, and there are some people who think video games are all still good. Look at each generation: They all have their goods and bads. The bad games of previous generations are mostly bad because of being bad in of themselves (technically, gameplay-wise), but most games your consider "bad" today are just bad because of subjectivity. Fallout 3 for an example is considered to be a bad game by most old school Fallout fans, but a lot of people find it more buzzword than the previous installments in the series. It is not too true to the gameplay of its predecessors, but it complies with what most people consider to be "fun." Look at all arcade games of yesteryear -- they aren't especially deep, they have little to no story, and they sure as hell aren't complex at all, but they are mostly all still considered to be good games.
>>140900517Group hug.
>>140900541>they have little to no storyVideo games have no more need for 'story' than darts or snooker. Kill yourself.
>>140900718Great reading comprehension there.
>>140900597>posting a Hellfire screenshotNot cool.
>>140900718Story is perfectly fine, but it is ancillary to challenge and interactivity, which are the core parts of a game experience.
>>140900597>>140900517I'm rolling a sorcerer and I already finished it and now I'm playing Hellfire then I'll try D2.
>>140898001I don't get that image and I've played all the Fallout games (besides tactics)
>>140900541Games like fallout 1 and 2 as well as Baldurs gate 1 and 2 should never use any other engine than infinity engine.I dont know if Fallout has this engine but just doesnt work.
>>140900863That's why I'm the lord of terror, bitch.
>>140900952It implies the game was so shit he went back to an older one
>>140900751>Not adding "Fire in the hole"
>>140898001>>140898426>>140898792>>140899818>>140900751Those are terrible and you should feel ashamed for making and/or posting them.
>>140900889Nope.Video GAME. You don't need or want to sit through hours of cliched, poorly written exposition when you play chess, poker, backgammon or pool.
>>140900597i really want to play through d1 again, but keep getting the colour error every time i load it up, shit is annoying
>>140901018>be lord of terror>get assraped more than enough times>i-it was merely a setback g-guysPic unrelated but GODDAMN this game was glorious.
>>140900963Is Baulder's Gate 1 and 2 worth playing through?? After finishing Planescape Torment I got curious into other games made on the engine and came across it.Would playing it multiplayer "cheapen" the experience at all? I know everyone told me to play through System Shock 2 single player first so I was kinda curious.
>>140901057Why isn't mine on the list?
>>140901108VIDEO game. I can do that too nigger.
>>140900751The original CoDfags.
>>140900493>Diablo on ps1>8 slots on memory cardI raged hard.
>>140901109Ctrl + Shift + EscDisable explorer.exePlay game in true colourWhen done gameCtrl + Shift + Esc. Start New taskexplorer.exeNow go destroy the Lord of TerrorPost screenshots
>>140901264>Diablo>consoleOh shit nigger what were you thinking
>>140901018why is Hellfire considered shit? I'm playing Diablo 1 too, and someone told me that Hellfire isn't that great
>>140901264Wasn't it ten slots? At least my D1 on the PS1 took around 10 slots for itself.
>>140901182Of course it is what the actual fuck
>>140901182I personally find BG1 to be a little rough in the early stages but stick it through and play them both. Game experiences like no other.
>>140901208The original tro-No wait, that was a pretty poor attempt.
>>140901315>isn't that greatThis is correct>Hellfire is shitIs not.There was much potential with Hellfire. It was wasted.
Yes to the first one and yes to the second, but only to a lesser extent. Games that respect players' intelligence are a dying or dead breed.All we're getting is this casual vidya cancer that only brings in shit smeared, mongoloid mini Biebs that wouldn't know a good game if it bit them in the face.
>>140901315It was a Third Party Studio add-on. I wouldn't say it's absolute garbage but I prefer Vanilla Diablo.
I'm playing Diablo 1 right now. I'm a level 20 Warrior, and I just entered Hell (level 13 of DUngeon). I'm getting assraped by those Steellords. What to do?
>>140901325You tell me, I was curious about Diablo, but for some reason I didn't want to download it.>>140901303Fuck, I don't even remember. It was shittons anyway.I need to repair my good old gray ps1...
Anyone have the one with Breivik, WoW and MW2?
>>140901109I manged to fix it.You have to kill the explorer.exe process every time you play.
>>140901516Diablo 1 on PSX, Starcraft on N64. Allofmywhy.jpg
>>140900718Go fuck yourself. Video games are a great storytelling medium and have many advantages over books. The first one is quite obvious, personal involvement. The second, far more important, is exploration. The rich lore is presented by interacting with the environment: talking with the NPCs, investigating old ruins, observing the surrounding; instead of being force fed knowledge at certain intervals. Games bring you the story and setting at a much more personal and involved level.There are games that are centered around the story - PS:T, MotB, Betrayal at Krondor. Then there are those that don't need it all, focusing purely on the gameplay aspects. Both are perfectly fine. The irrational hatred towards story stems from lazy studios filling their shitty games representing traditionally gameplay-centric genres (eg. FPS) with DEEP and oh so emotional cutscenes nobody really cares about, hoping to cover the horrid mechanics.
>>140901362Agree.I finished Baldurs Gate 1 few weeks ago for the first time and some fights are so incredible hard which made me rage.
>>140901584Don't be feeding that shitstain.
>>140901474Roll Sorcerer, get Wizardspike and Stone Curse, win.
>>140901109There is an actual fix for this. I found it but I can't find the website again so I'll just post it in here.REGISTRY FIX - This at least works on Windows 7. Works on my 64-bit version.x64 based Windows.-Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\DirectDraw\Compatibility\Diablo109]"Name"="Diablo.exe""ID"=hex:7c,89,fc,3a"Flags"=hex:00,08,00,00x86 based Windows-Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DirectDraw\Compatibility\Diablo109]"Name"="Diablo.exe""ID"=hex:7c,89,fc,3a"Flags"=hex:00,08,00,00
>>140901335Well I don't know ;w; It's one of those games that my dad would always shove in my face to play but I would always get bored right at the beginning and stop playing. >>140901362Is Baulder's Gate 1 multiplayer? I might give it a shot after I finish System Shock 2.
They're getting worse in a general sense. What's good isn't less good, it's just a matter of frequency. More bad games, fewer good games. It's just like with music, movies, oh so many tools and clothes and wares in general. Games make more money and thus people who care more about money than games get involved. They don't care about "keeping it real" or anything like that. They just want a safe income to rub their limp dicks to. They have the money, so they can buy out or outcompete most enthusiasts, especially those who started their companies before the industry came to be what it is, whereas the indie developers of this new gaming era have been better at adapting, as they knew what they had to adapt themselves to before they even started. Old devs weren't prepared. Whereas in the olden days, enthusiasts would put out things that they WANTED to do, things they did with their own feelings and intentions. This is similar to what in music is called "feeling". You mean what you sing and you sing the way you feel at the time. See blues, jazz, rock etc.. This is "feeling". See how he's crying towards the end? That's what he put into his music.Now tell me Bungie gives a crap about games or gamers.
>>140901575You know, I still have a cd with Dune II from ps1, you know.
>>140900751And that is when video games started to go shit.
>>140901584Troll or extremely stupid and uncultured.
>>140901769I had Dune II for the Genesis/Mega Drive
>>140901680Also, note that this is also for the latest Diablo 1 patch which you should already be using. v 1.09b.
>>140901584>video games>story-telling mediumpick one
>>140901929>>140901769Considering how Dune II was on the glorious PC(no selection boxes, no order queues)I cannot imagine how unbearable it must've been on consoles.
>>140900187q1 2fort4, nnnniiiiiiiiiiiiice
>>140902075It wasn't that badFuck that, it was god awful.I had it for the PC too.
>>140902075YOU. HAVE. NO. IDEA.
>>140900493d1 is best diablo.only diablo game, where you can actually get loot for own class.
>>140902059I'm fine if they are telling a story second after making a fun experience of gameplay first. Why is that a problem?
>>140901474For a Warrior you have to take it slowly. Tip toe into hell so you don't get surrounded. Try and lure them out of a cluster so you can take on one or two at a time.Make sure you have enough Hit% or else it'll take forever to kill anything. Also, more AC so you don't get hit as much. You also better be using a shield at this point otherwise it really hurts.
>>140902350Because the 'stories' they tell are total shit.
>>140901182to get best off bg1/2 you need patch to remove level cap limit.
Games are not getting worse, take off the rose glasses and unchain yourself from nostalgia.
>>140901680I found the official link. Fixes the color issue. I can alt+tab fine but each computer is different.;jsessionid=547DC937042E3DC6F515565D564E5FFB.blade36_08_bnet-support
>>140902664>nostalgiaYou keep using that word like you know what it implies.
>>140902350Because "HURR DURR I MASTER TROL"There's been a recent influx of retards who get a rise out of blatant shitposting. God I miss the times when trolling was a art. Nobody takes pride in their work now, it's just repeating the same, four word, retarded, argumentless shitpost in a billion threads till somebody responds.
>>140902572Yeah I'll keep that in mind whenever I get around to playing it.
nos·tal·giaa wistful desire to return in thought or in fact to a former time in one's life, to one's home or homeland, or to one's family and friends; a sentimental yearning for the happiness of a former place or timeWaaah I wish games were good like when I was younger.
>>140901713>I waz born in da wrong generation xdDDD thumbs up if you agree!Maybe branch out and stop listening to top 40 you sack of shit. Music has only gotten better, but mainstream music has gotten worse.
>>140903240modern players think fallout 3+ rpg, say fo1/2 boring and call it "nostalgia goggles". not even funny. it not nostalgia when i replay old games and can compare.
>>140898001>>140898426>>140898792>>140899289>>140900751>>140902564I miss these threads. Any more, anon?
>>140903970I have a few
Yes it is, nostalgia is railing you in the ass right now.
>>140904082Preferably video game retaled, if you don't mind.
>not grilling Diablo
>>140904319No, he's right. Big-name titles are getting worse. The fact that every big name company has major review sites in their pocket means that there's less motivation to make actually good games.Just look at Diablo 3. It's a completely downgrade of Diablo 2 in every way.
>>140899818I know that feel. I'm playing the first Deus Ex right now. These kind of games really change one's expectations on vidya
Industry corruption is at an all-time high. We live in a time where the worst games tend to get the best reviews simply because of the companies that make them. See: Skyrim
>>140903905Music hasn't gotten better, what has happened is that we now have access to all the good music that's ever been recorded. Same with games. You're still intellectually inferior, laughable insults nonwithstanding. Sorry.
Can I have that "what's that" - template, please?
Quit stealing shit from reddit
>>140904639holy fuck I haven't played descent in ages
>>140904874You really should give it a go sometime.It beats all this Modurr warhurr shit fair and square.
>>140904430I always thought if I missed out about not playing that game when I was younger.
>Arre games getting worse, or am I just getting old?Yes.
>>140898001Games are getting worseI switched back to UT99 and 2004, feelsgoodmanAlso,people still playing it
>Fate/Extra? Isn't this based on F/SN? F/SN isn't so bad, but this is probably just a cash-grab or something...>Well, whatever, doesn't hurt to try...>mfw 2 hours laterAlternatively>I hate the storyline and anime, but the Naruto games I've played were fun as fuck (ignoring the story and annoying leads).>The latest PSP game is Ultimate Ninja Impact, why not give it a shot...>mfw Gaara and Rock Lee beating the shit out of hundreds of retarded looking "ninja"
>>140905073You missed out a lot of rage, tears and hatred.
The problem with modern gaming is not that it's getting worse at all in my opinion. I found Skyrim to be more enjoyable than Oblivion save for the quests for instance, and Bioshock and Alan Wake to be excellent games.The problem is that developers keep on making sequel after sequel after sequel. While say COD has had something like 8 games this generation, there is the market there. And should remain there. There has been very few new IP's this generation, and save for Alan Wake and Dead Island and maybe a couple others, developers keep on releasing sequels for those new IP's. Games such as Crisis, Dragon Age, and the Force Unleashed should have ended with the first game. But developers feel the need to rehash the fucking game every two years because they are afraid of taking risks. That is the problem with gaming currently.Why the fuck does every game need a goddamn sequel? Why can't companies just make new IP's?
>>140905153not him but I tried it out, thought it was shit and stopped playing after a hour or so
>>140904562he simply too dumb to finish some old games, because it required to use logic, tactic and memory.there no way he gonna confirm such a thing.he actually need boss direction indicator at minimap just to finish level 1. he need bold uppercase over screen "use right-click for spell X" to kill trash mob.don't waste time.he modern gamer.relaxation level is over 9000.
I don't think video games are getting worse, just that variety is dying off.
>>140901680dude, that is a bit extreme, just make a bat with the lineskill /f /IM explorer.exe"yourgamepathere.exe" (including quotes and the exe)start explorer.exeand run the Bat
>>140904537Destruction was my favorite game for ages when i first got into the PS1
>>140905285It's a very hit&miss game.You either like it or you hate it, there's no middle ground in that game.
>>140905269But Skyrim didn't improve on Oblivion in any important way.
games are getting 'worse' because its harder to get creative, that and it doesn't pay as much to be creative since people are fine with buying the same old game every month.
>>140905269Oblivion is not "old gaming" and a shitty game anyway. Morrowind can be considered old gaming, by a lax definition. Heroes 5 is still new gaming, Heroes 3 is old gaming.
>>140905416allrighty then
>>140905443No. Games are getting worse because publishers are obsessed with appealing to wider audiences and dumbing down their projects.
>>140900751One of the dudes is hanging from the ceiling.
>>140905365Oh and make sure you don't put it on your desktop, for some reason it tends to get altered a lot when it's there. Have no idea why
>>140905153A shame, realy. Well, I had my share of tears a couple years later.
>>140905528I see what you did there
stop samefagging across all of /v/ to say F3 is bad.Other than that, games are staying the same, IMO, it's just that more companies are making them so they fail.Good thing 38 studios is closing, it shows other companies not to make fetch-quest games.- Skyrim was shit- RAGE was shit- Biocock Infinite will be utter shit- Diablo 3 was shit- Portal 2 was badThe goods -- Deus Ex: Human Revolution- The Witcher: 2- Dark Souls- Red Dead Redemption
>>140904776Are you seriously saying that the 60's, with it's pop rock, simplistic folk, the decline of classic Jazz, and de-africanised "rock" music better than the 00's with it's fucking plethora of genres and thousands of artists and bands?If so, grow the fuck up and stop listening to what your dad and mom did as a teenager.
>>140905443Fuck you for how deep that image is.
>>140905529because appealing to a wider audience means more money. videogames are just another product now, theres less and less heart put into them since they're all about making the most money they can.
>>140903905yesyesyesyeahyeahyeahI agree
Skyrim, despite being terrible in almost every category, will be regarded in the future as one of the greatest games of this generation.How does this make you feel?
>>140905656>Skyrim shit>Deus Ex good>The witcher good>Dark souls existing on relevant platform3/10 try harder.
>>140905656i didn't said fo3 bad. it solid 3d action / shooter.
>>140905659Yes.Again with the ad hominem. It doesn't help you. You probabably don't care, but I feel obliged to inform you anyway.
>>140905878You're so fucking mad because he's right. Keep living in denial.
>>140905656>Bioshock Infinite will be utter shit>Portal 2 bad>Deus Ex good0/10Shitty troll I aint even mad.
>>140905878> lol> not realizing Dark Souls is one of the top five games of this generation> Insulting Deus Ex> Saying Shitrim is good> not realizing shitrim is a sloppy cliched interactive fantasy book with graphics> Saying CDProjekt, one of the only good companies now, made a bad game0/10 was a fail troll
>>140905780People already forgot about it, like they did with oblivion.In all honesty there aren't many remarkable games this gen.
>>140906178>He's rightDon't you mean I'm right? Since you're him.
>>140905780Thought it was decent. Maybe stop focusing on just the bad aspects. It does exploration well, is completely open world as what you want to do and when to do it, has a well crafted world, (wish I could say the same for the dungeons), did character interaction and VA much better than Oblivion, and had some better armor and character models. I'd give it a 7/10.>inb4 comparisons to Morrowind.Morrowind's quests were fucking shit and the character interactions were just copy pasted garbage, worse than Skyrim. Take off your fucking nostalgia goggles. At least focus on the good parts about Morrowind such as the freedom, culture, amount of items and armor/weapons, and no level scaling instead of telling lies.
I've just started playing Diablo 2 today and I've gotta say, I much prefer the interface and the claustrophobia you get in Diablo 1. The wide open spaces make it seem like you can run away easily but in D1 I always had that feeling that if I got mobbed I was never going to get away. That feeling certainly kept me playing it for a long time, but I'm honestly not sure how I feel about D2.
>>140905878>>140905878Except Skyrim is shit.Straight linear copy pasted dungeons that are short.The environment is boring3 dungeon types to explore, Tombs, Caves, Dwemer ruins(comparison to Morrowind: Caves, Tombs, Dwemer Ruins, Daedric Ruins, Forts, Strongholds, Velothi ruins.No character customization. LOL MAX EVERYTHING AND HAVE FUN.Easy as shit.All quests fucking suck. Main quest was utter shitEnjoy your baby casual game you fucking retard.
>>140906213But Bioshock Infinite will be garbage there is no way around it.
>>140905656F3 is bad because:a) It fails as a fallout gameb) It fails as an cRPGI wouldn't have a problem with the game if bethesderp made their own post-apoc franchise.
>>140906005I think F3 is good, but it shouldn't have been called a Fallout game. It seems people are only mad that it messed with some canon.
>>140906370It will have better writing than nearly every other game this gen just as Bioshock did.
>>140906319It's more like a 4/10. The fact that the combat is horrible despite being required for almost every objective in the game means that the majority of the game is already boring and poorly designed.
>>140905878Stay mad, redditor. Why aren't you discussing skyrim on your favorite site? they have a big skyrim circlejerk going 24/7If you had a brain, you'd realize how shitty that game is. The problem is, you can't even think for yourself.
>>1409065383D glasses required.
>>140906362Forts and strongholds are in Skyrim. >>140906527So Morrowind is terrible then to? Or do you just want to deliver letters so you don't have to fight in Morrowind? Because you can do the same in Skyrim. Most Morrowind quests require you to kill something unless you're delivering shit or stealing something for the thieves guild.
>>140906269>implying Invisible War 2 was good
>>140906426>>140906373Okay, so mainly it should be classified differently so people expecting Fallout 1/2 don't get buyer's remorse.>>140906294>>140906319Skyrim is shit. You're just in denial and still believing Todd Howard's lies.>>140906460I can assure you that was another anon and not me. Do you seriously want tripcodes here?
>>140906787>trying to save face on anonymous imageboard
Games are getting worse. Half-Life started the trend of linearity, ingame cinematic experiences, story prioritized over level design, relatively slow player movement, more restrained combat, etc.Gaming has seemed to follow it's trajectory; it's not about level design anymore.
>>140906538 I agree
>>140905093lololol cuz its short amirite?
>>140906717>So Morrowind is terrible then to?You really need to ask?
>>140906619>redditorIt's like summer in here. oh wait...There is something in between good and bad. And you can't comprehend this. It wasn't GOAT by any means but to call it shit? You're a retard.Also Deus ex was unplayable. Mouse smoothing and some other laggy shit. I don't even care about the story. But you wouldn't know this since you're a console babby.I'm sure dark souls might be cool and stuff, i didn't call it bad. Just called it irrelevant since consolegame.
That feel when you cant play Planescape Torment because there is to much text and it's to tiny for modern screens and I only have that
>>140906891>Half-Life started the trend of linearityConfirmed for underage.
>>140906426Mostly true, though I do find it very tiring how completely fucking retarded F3 is. Nothing in the game makes sense at all. It's like a bunch of preschool kids came up with their own location and quest ideas and the dev team put them all together in the same game.
>>140906891Except for story over level design, you've pretty much summed up Doom, Duke3D, Unreal Gold, Quake 4, etc. etc.
I remember when a game could surprise me by its originality. Can you ?
>>140906983Yes, it's shit.There's nothing that it does well.Nothing.
>>140907000>to tiny for modern screens >not using the hi-res patch and UI font adjusterYou have no excuse now.
> Also Deus ex was unplayable. Mouse smoothing and some other laggy shit. I don't even care about the story. But you wouldn't know this since you're a console babby.Dif guy, I have a PC and can confirm Deus Ex is good. It just sounds like your PC is shit.
Hey /v/ remember when NV came out?>Lol linear>Blunder of the century>Full of bugs>Shitty cawa dooty gameplay
>>140907197Yeah, I can.
>>140906460Nah. At best the plot will be generic but enjoyable like the first Bioshock. However the gameplay of BS was always bad and unimaginative.For Bioshock Infinite to be good they need to have more innovative gameplay and a good plot. The later I can imagine happening if the stars align (though that would also require bit more room for player choice) but the gameplay will be stale as fuck.
>>140906619>they have a big skyrim circlejerk going 24/7You just admitted that you are visiting reddit, how about you just fuck off and stay there?
>>14090726558702500kNow what?It's not a performance problem. More games get this kind of smoothing lately.
>>140907216>not using the hi-res patch and UI font adjusterlink porfavor
>>140907523 me later.
>>140907378>Nah. At best the plot will be genericNonsense.Ken Levine is on charge and he has proven to be a very good writer. And the trailers show a very original setting.In the other hand the gameplay of Bioshock was never bad, easy and uninspired yes, but not bad.
>>140907378>Generic but enjoyable>Like the first Bioshock>First BioshockI remember when Bioshock was called System Shock 3.
>>140907265Saying you play a video game but don't care about the story is like saying you are playing DnD for the dice rolls, you might as well just go back to your shitty yahtzee, you casual.
>>140906090All you're doing is just attacking how I word my argument.How about actually refuting what I said?The 60's raped black music and spoon fed white teens with baby pop music like the beatles, casualized Jazz, and just had nothing noteworthy save for some progressive rock bands.You're saying that that generation's music is better than the 00's which has hundreds of albums of every sort of genre imaginable every year released?
>mfw the exact same thing in OP's pic happened to meFallout 3 fucking sucked, playing it only made me miss FO2
There's always been bad games. There always will be bad games. To judge any time period off of only good or bad is retarded.
>>140907792That's true but I am sure we can safely say that games have been much less innovative and thought-provoking since the current gen started.
>>140907421Sounds like you got some shitty drivers, update them idiot.>>140907380It is a circlejerk. Pic related.
>>140907652That's a bit of a stretch.
>>140907652It might have been a better game if it was SS3They would have had invented a new plot instead of recycling the one from System Shock 2. Then again they gameplay would still have been exactly as stale so maybe not.
>>140907654lolwut? I said it was good.And pic related, awesome code testing thread I started on /g/ yesterday.
>>140908043You have to be a huge underage casual to not notice simple shit like mouse smoothing.
>>140908043's the idiot.And why do you even visit that site.
>>140898781anyone who has this problem should play killingfloor on hard right away for starters.pic relatedbecause this will change how you see shooters for ever
>>140908261> Huge casual> Me> Not you, who likes> Skyrim> Hates Deus ExIt doesn't work that way, you're the casual here.
>>140908439But why are you on Reddit?
Some genres have turned to shit or completely disappeared while other genres have gotten better. To me I'd say it is about the same, I'm still enjoying plenty of games.Also, you could just be a cynical, jaded, nostalgia-ridden asshole.
>>140908439I never said I hated Deus Ex or that I liked Skyrim.Though you have to be an underage faggot to think that HR was anything but shit.
>>140908585> Not going to good subs like r/circlejerk