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Don't have Chie
I wish they would release Catherine on the Vita. I would certainly buy one for that game.
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so kawaii lol
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thank you!
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I like it more than the older intro. catchier and more feel goods
that's cruel! she's not as slutty as yukiko secretly is
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required watching

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here's chie
Jesus christ this is horrible.
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It's that time.

300 for ports ok
That is the worst animated dancing I have ever seen.

song sucks too
not enough bald men with guns?
You Persona 4 fags make me sick.
Use the HQ one

That's some QUALITY animation.
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>tubedubber in charge of loading
And your shitposting makes me sick.
Nice strawman you got there. It could feature a bajillion spess mahreens and it would still be terrible. The song is bad, the animation is horrid.

Persona 4 is shit.

Innocent Sin and eternal Punishment walk all over this garbage.

Way to cater to the lowest of the low Atlus.
full on homo
We throwing around QUALITY now without knowing what it means?

Please explain how the animation is bad objectively. I watch a shit ton of cartoons both western and Jap and know shitty animation when I see it. There's is nothing wrong that I can see with the animation.
Yeah, I sure loved running into random battles every three steps
ITT fags are jelly they can't play the best jrpg of this generation
>Persona 2 of any kind

You fags make me laugh. You insult Persona 3 and 4 and act like 2 is good in any way when it's just as shit.

Play a real SMT game like Raidou or Strange Journey.
Why are weaboos so obsessed with this crap? It gets spammed on /jp/, /a/ and even here.
The regular P4 intro is better than this
>Why do people who like video games happen to like this video game?
>Why do people who like X like Y?
Why is this vita only?

why is a P3 but not P4 or other SMT games on the PS3?

Because the dancing looks horrible. I look at them and think "What the hell is that?". Yukiko doing the fucking shoulder shuffle or something and Chie having some kind of erratic muscle spasm attack.
Learn the difference between what is being represented and animation quality. You have a problem with the dances, not how it is drawn.

>Persona 4
>This generation

I said it's the "worst animated dancing" I've seen. Which it is. It is animated. It is dancing. And it is the worst. Nowhere did I comment on the objective quality of the animation itself. I'm sorry I seem to have upset you though.

Because waifus and high school kids.

Weeaboos eat that shit up. Other much better SMT games will always be overshadowed by Persona 3 and 4.
It's awfuly jumpy - to the point it no longer looks like an artistic choice but pure laziness. The way they dance also makes no sense and seems to shit on anatomy.
And I said
>Please explain how the animation is bad objectively.

You replied to the question.
any reason why the fandom makes you sick? or are you not part of that fandom and them having fun just rubs you the wrong way? no comprende.

I liked persona 3 fes on ps2 so I'll probably get the digital distribution of this game. also yeah catherine on psvita would be fucking awesome.
I love this intro, and I have no idea why. Kanji's dance is baller though.
SMT had high school kids and "waifus" far before P3/4 existed.
Meh, 'released' in this generation then.
>It's awfuly jumpy

We watching the same thing? It's smooth as silk for me.
And you replied to my post asking me to objectively describe the animation for some reason when I stated I didn't like the dancing. What are you talking about dude?
Might want to check your eyes then.
20/20 vision.

Perhaps your PC sucks shit and can barely run a Youtube video?
Why are they so goofy when they dance?

I mean, shit.

You could have just said "those are the worst dances I have ever seen" but instead you said "animated dancing."

Whatever, just Saiyan.
Its 2nd famous and 1st hipster RPG series ever.
He might be referring to the gif in the OP, it's a lot jumpier than the actual video.
Because I've seen worse irl.

(won't load for me but might for someone else)
>2nd most famous RPG series
4th at best
oh god why do anime production teams even bother trying to do dancing animations; i have never seen good dancing in anime. it always looks like standing seizures
>SMT fans hate on anybody who likes Persona 3 and 4 because of some retarded weeaboo stereotypes who glomp people in real life and cosplay at shitty conventions

I don't get this. Every fanbase has fucktards.

The biggest fucktards of the SMT fanbase being the ones you're complaining about. People who only play P3/P4 and act like retards about it aren't amazing either, but I find them to be a lot more tolerable than the former.
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>1st hipster RPG series ever.
What does that even mean?
>anime bullshit

Shit, we just got told.
Since people are already arguing about it. The only SMT games I have played are persona 1/3/4 and I started DDS but never finished it. I don't have nocturne or DDS 2. Where would be a good starting point? Devil Summoner seems neat but not really related to the others, and Devil Survivor reminds me of TWEWY and I have been meaning to play overclocked but haven't gotten around to it.
i don't know but somehow it really does sound fitting

It's the waifu fucktrads and people that have only played P3/P4 that we don't like. People that act like it's the end-all best JRPG ever made.
youre pretty mad about people liking women

you asshole
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Pic related, although it might be an outdated version. Persoanlly, I'd recommend trying Nocturne next or Persona 2 if you've already played the other Persona.
Those dances don't even loop properly, for fuck's sake.
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>Played tons of JRPGs including most of the SMT series
>Think Persona 3 and 4 are some of the best games ever
thank god persona thread finally get shit on these days. i couldn't believe how many people here seriously loved persona 3/4 back in the day and how many endless threads there were about those games. good fucking lord it's about time
Alright I will try to get nocturne then. Thanks anon.
This. Rather, I acknowledge that there are better games but P3 is my favorite and also my waifu is from there
yeah i hate it when people like games too
I`m a huge fan of the original p4 and anime and gotta say, this was so over the top and out of place I dunno how to react...
where`s rise gif?
>How dare people like games I don't!
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I've played many JRPGs and my all time favorite is P4
Right here >>140894085
Those people don't exist. You just want to feel special.
Nocturne is a real booty ravager.
Be careful.
>People are finally hating on a game I dislike!
the constant threads led me to buy persona 3. i tried playing it for something like 10 hours before giving up after finding nothing good about the game. yes, i am still mad. that game fucking sucks

I feel so bad for you.
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i got you covered, fuck the haters

she has the cutest dance too
Holy shit, that's awesome.
I bet you spent every day grinding in Tartarus when you only need to do that once a week at most.
ah yes, the Squiggles. a classic dance move
>Expecting /v/ to exclusively discuss games you like
Eat shit.
Yeah, no. Try bending your legs like she does in the gif. She's a freak of nature.
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Wow, that looks like shit.

I don't know what you weeaboos are getting psyched about.
I played Persona 4 for the Mara
Has MC been confirmed for the fighting game yet?
Everyone's favorite feet fetish waifu!
Which MC? P4? Yes.
Do I care if you're a fat neckbeard that can't into gymnastics? No, I don't.
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they're persona fans, what do you expect
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holy god chie dances like a white guy
Somewhat related
Probably no, and you shouldn't. You should care though that your waifu badly needs a visit to an orthopedic surgeon.
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Yosuke has the best dance animation by far
Wow thats really cute. Love the use of color and how each of the patterns had a bit of thought behind it. Seems like they really love the sunny 70sish feel the art style had.
>Yosuke has the best dance animation
>Not Yu and Naoto
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nah b, naoto with the swagger-cap wins

i hope theres gonna be a longer version of this song floating around
>not yu's swagger
Ah I remember when we made these after we picked up our copies of Persona 3.
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Wait up guys, are we gonna play Persona? What are you, stupid?
Animu girls have always had a huge gap in between legs and walked with their feet curved inwards.
I find it funny when people don't realize those were made by Fatlus, for Fatlus.
>/v/ humour
No, that's just Persona.
No, that's everything Japanese with cute girls.
>Expecting Persona to have good animation
What? I mean, I love the games, but they stopped having good animation after P2:EP.

no p3 mc
>No Western release date
I don't think a human with a deformed skeleton can be called cute.
I seriously can't understand this sudden hate for Persona 4. I haven't even played it, but it's a game I've long wanted to try, and /v/ tends to be pretty fond of it usually.

It's /v/ after all, I guess.
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Hey guys can we be in the fighter too?
It's "Eternal Punishment", and people who aren't faggot get excited for both although I don't expect EPP to be any less mediocre than the original version

I'd actually buy the game if they were in
Tell that to Japan buddy.
C'mon, every anime cute chick has giant eyes and stuff and they're pretty cute. Yeah, weeaboo and whatever, you know I'm right.
It's Persona 4: Arena with shoehorned in Persona 3 characters so no.

Plus wouldn't they be in their thirties by this point?
/v/ is undergoing some serious change lately. I'm not sure what it is and why is it happening (I refuse to believe in this "summer" bullshit), but the fact is, /v/ doesn't like Persona anymore. Not as much, at least.
It's coming out on a Sony system, that's why.
The jaded fanboys woke up. Now you can't have a thread with any form of criticism without them jumping at your throat.
Not as much as... a month ago?

Nonetheless, I've noticed the sudden hate for everything remotely Japanese except Dark Souls. And the hate levels are over the top in the wrong directions. Welp, whatever.
/v/ never widely liked the persona series. for a month or so after the games came out people would talk about them a lot, but their threads would quickly get trolled to death soon afterwards. it isn't anything new. /v/ has never widely accepted the games
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>Rise social link max.gif
I don't understand it either. P4 really isn't the best game in SMT, or even the Persona subseries, but I found it quite enjoyable.
Depends. SMT generals moved to /vg/ I think.
Yeah, no. A while ago, it was possible to have Persona threads without them turning into complete shitfests.
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how about me?
There's a difference between criticism, and 'this is fucking weeboo garbage, get this fucking shit of my /v/, and check my numbers'.
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>Plus wouldn't they be in their thirties by this point?
I don't really see problem with that
no it wasn't. there has been persona hate for as long as the games have been discussed. the hate is not anything new. most of the people who supported the game probably went to /vg/


We realise the average user on 4chan is now too young to remember the golden age of +JRPGs, instead they are the american kids that grew up with halo, socom, gears etc

I'm being serious, it's the truth.
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Can't believe no one's did this yet.

But haven't you heard? Shitposting is now "le /v/ culture xD"
They have, but I don't think it's related. I doubt many of them have stopped browsing /v/ altogether. Plus, it's not the only thing that's different about /v/ lately (furfags and normalfags are running rampart).
Seeing as we're on /v/, there's always hate for everything, but only recently have Persona threads become so infested with hatred that they stop actually being enjoyable.
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>thread about persona 4
>the "olden age" or JRPGS
>chorus starts with kanji

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>STAYING ALLLLIIIVE part coincides with the dead bodies hanging upside down

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It's a hate snowball.
"This animation is shit" -> "omfg fukken normalfag it's perfect you only like spess mahreens" -> "gtfo with ur weaboo kawaii emoshit"
>his is fucking weeboo garbage, get this fucking shit of my /v/,

that attitude has been around for YEARS. it is nothing new. persona threads have been trolled since the down of time

take off your rose tinted glasses jesus christ
that was a reply about the whole 'japanese hate' we see on /v/, and the lack of appreciation for jrpgs as a whole

nice try though
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If Raidou comes Demi fiend has to come as well
>Persona_4 Ponysona_4.png
Nope, not gonna open it.
implying disliking modern JRPGs has anything to do with having having played JRPGs from the "golden age" or not is completely stupid. have you ever considered that people who played classic JRPGs don't like modern JRPGs?
I can't see how you'd think that, shit's getting worse with every Persona general nowadays.
Why can't I hold all this swag
*ever considered that some people who played classic JRPGs don't like modern JRPGs
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Fine, but then we also have to bring Louis Cypher, who is totally not Lucifer.
it doesn't seem any worse to me than it was back when the games were popular. actually, i remember the trolling against persona threads being a bit worse when such threads were posted a lot
again, i said the reply was in regards to the general hate of japanese culture and jrpgs, not P4 specifically

Persona 2 Eternal Punishment PSP opening is much better
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By far, yeah. I wish I could say the same thing about the game itself.
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Can Metatron come too?
What that be?
it probably has to do with the fact that japanese culture is honestly getting seemingly worse and worse as time progresses. i used to be into japanese culture years ago but honestly a lot of it seems to be getting weirder and more moe-ified every year. at some point you have to ask: what the fuck? japanese culture has been changing over the years; it's perfectly reasonable to asume that people who may have been into it before are getting sick of it
fits perfectly.
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Only of Cu Chulainn does.
Yeah, the moe is pretty much over the top. But P4 is still good, man.

Nonetheless, we are seriously undergiong some radical changes in pop culture worldwide, and shit getting serious may affect it on the long run.

For fucks sake, I can't even turn on the radio without cringing.
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Only if Helel frost comes
I made the mistake the other day of just typing in 'music' into youtube to check if the video player worked on a certain device.

It came up with the most watched tracks of the past few months or something.

I...sort of died inside.
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Only if Oberon is there.
this meant for >>140900458
That's why I stick to internet. TV hurts my eyes this days.
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If there's Oberon there needs to be Titania and she'll outclass him in everything
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Obligatory sudden bitchfight and sudden sidequest to make a potion, then?
From the trailer I get the idea persona 4's a trippy ddr game with racing elements.
Am I right?
In yo face fags who though narukami was the canon name
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>Those pelvic thrusts
Chie confirmed for a slut
shes just practicing

for something
So who's more powerful, a optimized demi-fiend or Philemon?
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I would fucking kill for a female main in the golden
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So how long until I can preorder that shit at gamestop
>Romance Brosuke
>Romance Kanji
>Male Margeret
If only /v/...
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well its on amazon
>Romancing Kanji is now possible for both genders

Only correct choice. Because it IS the only correct choice. If only Persona developers weren't such pussies to actually do what they hint blatantly.
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>male margeret
>not theodore
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They would probably reuse Theo or add another Velvet sibling

i support this
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How about yuri?
right now actually
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Why would it be Theodore?
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>A completely genderbent Persona 4
OH GOD. That would be pretty damn cool actually.
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They would probably have to genderflip Izanami as well to make that work
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Here's some fanart of Kanji's rank X Carsona.
Can't wait to play The Golden Cup
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my thoughts also
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i liked the original intro more...
my dick
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>yfw you realize a genderbent P4 wouldn't work because adachi would just kill MC i the first month
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But Adachi would be genderbent too
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They already said P4 was created with a clearly male lead in mind. This wasn't really the case with P3 so we won't be getting one for the golden
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Do the Japanese not know how to dance.
And they say white people have not rhythm.

Also that OP song is terrible. What in hell made them think that this is a danceable song?

That wouldn't work since the legend it's based off of has Izanami and the evil one and Izanagi as the good one
Maybe they could do a bizarro world thing.
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It's not very dancable, but it's sure as hell catchy for me
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Well I'm out of SFW stuff now, unless people want me to post Arisato
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>mfw weeaboos try to imitate the dances at anime conventions

Not really, in the legend they are both stupid rather than good or bad. Izanagi is a bitch and leaves her to rot in the underworld then runs away once she becomes ugly/tainted, and Izanami is just blindly in rage mode for being ditched.
As a new yorker its a well known fact that the tiers for dancing are


This is based on apollo successes but then again anyone would go ooo and ah over people doing flips and ninja techniques
>not evil
>Freak out because your dead wife is ugly now and seal her in a cave for eternity
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They've gone too far.
nsfw is good
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thankyou anon
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also have one of Shinji
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New opening is slightly gay. Why did they do this?

It doesn't even feel like it's Persona 4.
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>slightly gay
You sayin they like dudes?
it's simply made to look like the OP of a tv show, what's the big deal?
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Well I've got places to go and people to meet so I'll end my dump here.
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>Persona 4
>not gay
I guess they are not even hiding that Persona 4 is not even a Persona game but Scooby Doo for ronrey waifufags.

Don't even mention that steaming pile of shit
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That song is not even horrible, it's just fucking atrocious.
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I liked it, you don't have to get your panties in a bunch over this though
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Probably the first time that I see something that doesn't fit pretty well with Shiny Teeth.

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